Location: New Zealand
Surnames/tags: New_Zealand Dunelin
Above is a free link to a very large archive of digitally stored copy of most newspapers published in New Zealand from around 1820 up to recent times. I have found many articles concerning ship arrival and departures including passenger lists! Very useful for finding when an ancester arrived at a NZ port. Be warned this collection is very large and you need to limit your search to specific date/time period and to publications relevant to the port (or area) you believe a relative may have arrived. I Also found articles with relative's name when he started his singing career which then took him to other parts of the (at the time) empire.
Dunelin area in particular. Around 1860 there was a gold rush, and mid 1860's I believe there were 15000 men but only 500 women, so there was a drive in the poorer northern British towns (including Dublin) to recruit "single women" with free passage to Dunelin (area) to act as house maids and servants to families on board who were emigrating to NW on certain ships sailing from these northern ports.
Have fun researching!!
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