
Nicholas Black Farm

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Wisconsin Road, Derby, Evans, Erie, New York, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Black Ostrom Weinheimer
This page has been accessed 356 times.

This is the farm Nicholas Black cleared and built in the 1860's. He was an immigrant, from Saar Louis in Germany according to family tradition. In 1865, he and his family were living on the farm, in a log house.[1] He lived out his life there with his second wife Hanna Olida (Ostrom) Black. It was the home of his son Arthur George Black for his whole life. In 1960, my grandfather and grandmother Edwin and Della Weinheimer, built a small Cape Cod kit house on the farm, and moved there upon his retirement as Superintendent of Delaware park in Buffalo. It was also the home of my aunt Ellen(Weinheimer) Stahl, after the death of her parents. After her death in 2005, the farm was sold and passed from the family. It was a beloved place for my family. A number of family reunions were held there. As children, both my grandfather and my father spent summer stretches staying on the farm, as children. My dad told me that Uncle Art used to send berries to the market, in Buffalo; by the train, from the farm. He also told me that his aunt and uncle would, daily, cook large pots of cornmeal mush, eat it for breakfast, feed it to the animals and pets, and fry up the leftovers, for later meals. If you haven't had fried mush, with butter and molasses, you haven't lived a fully realized life.

Some of Uncle Art's memories were recorded by the Evans Town Historian in 1953.[2]

The Ostrom Schoolbook was found in the farmhouse, there before it was torn down. High resolution scans are available at: .

This is the text of Nicholas Black's Farm account book as transcribed, translated, and interpreted by Dieter Lewerenz. Apparently Nicholas wrote in German script, sounding out English words, spelling them as they would sound in German. I regard it as a wonderful, unique, and amazing, family record, that helps personify my great great grandfather.

Transcription German English $ Cent Image
page 1 (image 1)
in dahm Jahre 1876 Im Jahr 1876 in the year 1876
October 25 25. Oktober October 25
hef dähs würk halbe Tagesarbeit half day work
an bahn eine Reihe one row (I think it's on road) 50
October 30 häft 30. Oktober fürs October 30 for
däs würk Plaüen Pflügen plowing work 1 50
Nowember 1 haf 1. November halben November 1 half
däs würk Plaüen Tag Pflügen day plowing work 1 50
Nowember 2 trei 2. November drei November 2 three 2 25
Vertel Dach Viertel Tag quarter of a day
3-1 Nowember 3 3-1 3. November 3-1 November 3 2 25
41 Nowember 4 41 4. November 41 November 4 3 00
3-1 Nowember 6 3-1 6. November 3-1 November 6 2 25
2-1 Nowember 7 2-1 7. November 2-1 November 7 2 25
1 Nowember 8 1 8. November 1 November 8 3 00
3-1 Nowember 9 3-1 9. November 3-1 November 9 2 25
page 2 (image 2)
Geben bäres in Bar übergeben given cash 18
" bäres in Bar übergeben given cash 1 09
Johanns Darl Johannes Darl Johannes Darl
1878 in dähm Jahr Im Jahr 1878 in the year 1878
16 Julei tu Klasch 16. Juli an Klasch July 16 to Klasch 48
klark Mun ?? ??
deto tu Cl Black am selben Datum an Cl Black on the same date to Cl Black 43
Käsch resiew of bar erhalten von cash received from
Saubzer Sobetzer Sobetzer (The daughter of Augustus Sobetzer married Edward Jacob Weinheimer) 8 00
1879 1879 1879
Januar den 15 tu den 15. Januar zu 15th January to
Pallt Korn Kretit bezahlt Kredit für das Korn pay credit for the grain
tu Johans Black an Johannes Black to Johannes Black 1 80
page 3 (image 2)
in dähm Jahr 1878 Im Jahr 1878 in the year 1878
4 Julei K Käsch 4. Juli bar July 4 cash
Päte Johanns bezahlt Johannes paid Johannes 1 20
Schirs Vor Katofel Schirs für Kartoffeln Schirs for potatoes 1 43
Käsch Päte Vor Huhs bar bezahlt fürs Haus cash paid for the house 4 00
page 4 (image 3)
empty page
page 5 (image 3)
in dähm Jahr 1878 Im Jahr 1878 in the year 1878
3 Juleit 3. Juli July 3
Krätit Cs Black Kredit für Schwarz- credit for black
Kirschen kirschen cherries 83
tu Johannes Black an Johannes Black to Johannes Black
1-2 hann 20 1-2 Hennen 20 1-2 hens 20 30
5 Paunds of hanne 5 Pfund Hennen 5 pounds of hens 1 00
Krätit tu Käsch Kredit für Bargeld credit for cash 5 00
1 41
1 50
Krätit Kredit credit 3 30
13 46
page 6 (image 4)
in dahm Julei Jahr 1878 Im Juli 1878 in July 1878
23 Julei Vor Viti 23. Juli für Weizen July 23 for wheat 1
än Blekschitbel Rechnung Schmied Blacksmith bill 6 20
5 Buschel of oäts 5 Scheffel Hafer 5 bushels oats 1 75
Mil Vor Vite Mühle für Weizen mill for wheat 1 70
Bläckschmitbel Rechnung Schmied Blacksmith bill 1 00
6 75
1 12
18 78
page 7 (image 4)
in dähm Jahr 1878 Im Jahr 1878 in the year 1878
Juli dehm 5 5. Juli 5th July
Brosres bel an Gebrüder Bel an Brothers Bel for
lebens Mittel Lebensmittel food 1
Alben Dinzer beb Albin Dinzer ?? Albin Dinzer ?? 17 43
Päte Johanns Schirs bezahlt Johannes Schirs paid Johannes Schirs (could be shares) 1 20
Pate debl Käsch bezahlt an Debel bar paid Debel cash 96
Pork tu Schirs Schwein an Schirs pig to Schirs 1 70
100 Schuker A tu Allard 100 Zucker an Allard 100 sugar to Allard 1 00
Sop Salreters (row deleted) 20
Sop Salreters Seife Salpeter soap saltpeter 20
2 Buschel of osts 2 Scheffel Hafer 2 bushel oats 70
2 Bärls of Starts 2 Fäßer Stärke 2 barrels starch X
Mil Mühle Mill 80
20 Boker 20 Bücher 20 books 50
Käsch Pate Schirs Bar bezahlt an Schirs paid cash to Schirs
vor Flauer für Mehl for flour 1 60
page 8 (image 5)
Pete Ves Vor bezahlte etwas für paid something for
Blekschmit bel Rechnung vom Schmied bill from the blacksmith 3 00
Schuker Wann Zucker ein sugar one
Dahler v Dollar dollar 1 00
Näls än Karnkom ein Karton Nägel one box of nails 34
Schuen hass Hufeisen horseshoes 1 00
Johannes Black Johannes Black Johannes Black
tu Käsch bar cash 10 00
Jäna Kretit Januarkredit January credit
tu Johannes Black an Johannes Black to Johannes Black
Sitzten Dahlers sechzehn Dollar sixteen dollar 16 45
Kretit Johans Black Kredit Johannes Black credit Johannes Black
................................... ................................... ................................... 3 65
page 9 (image 5)
in dahm Jahre 1878 Im Jahr 1878 in the year 1878
Schuker Zucker sugar 1 00
Pork Schwein pig 1 04
2 Schuker Paus 2 Pfund Zucker 2 pound sugar 20
August 16 16. August August 16
rosels Pork Rosels Schwein Rosel’s pig 2 75
Schirs Schuker en Pork Schirs Zucker und Schwein Schirs sugar and pig 2 04
2 50
1 65
Johans Black Johannes Black Johannes Black 5 50
Setelt ob dies abgerechnet für dies settled for this
23 däte August 23. August 23rd August
du Al Black an Al Black to Al Black
an Setel Ment an Abrechnung on settlement 36 85
Käsch bar cash 54
Käsch bar cash 15
Käsch bar cash 25
Käsch bar cash 10
37 91
page 10 (image 6)
Janua 22 1859 22. Januar 1859 January 22, 1859
Johannes Schwarz Johannes Schwarz Johannes Schwarz
Nicklaus Schwarz Nicklaus Schwarz Nicklaus Schwarz
Kretit tu Min Kredit an mich credit to me 304
10 Februar in dahm Jahr 10. Februar in dem Jahr Februar 10 in the year
1879 wan Brun 1879 ein ?? 1879 one ?? 25
Ol Öl oil 7
............................... ............................... ............................... 7
2 Paund Schucker 2 Pfund Zucker 2 pounds sugar 16
Näls 4 Paunst 4 Pfund Nägel 4 pounds nails 16
Schucker Zucker sugar 1
tie 5 Paunds 5 Pfund Tee 5 pouds tea 1
Krosred tu Käsch Krosred bar Krosred cash 25
tu Käsch bar zu bezahlen to pay cash 25
page 11 (image 6)
Schucker Zucker sugar 25
Ol Öl oil 7
2 bar of Sop 2 Stück Seife 2 bars of soap 80
Ol Öl oil 7
tu bars of soap zwei Stück Seife two bars of soap 14
page 12 (image 7)
empty page
page 13 (image 7)
Julei dähn 7 1878 7. Juli 1878 July 7, 1878
cre Sirt S Käsch drei Hemden bar three shirts cash
An ä Kand Käsch und ein ?? bar and a ?? cash 2 23
Käsch an Häh bar für Heu cash for hay 8 47
Krätit an Häh Kredit für Heu credit for hay 8 80
Krätit an Häh Kredit für Heu credit for hay 4 33
Krätit an Häh Kredit für Heu credit for hay 4 40
26 00
page 14 (image 8)
1877 1877 1877
Januar 9 trei Vertel 9. Januar drei Viertel January 9, three quarter of a 75
3-1 Dach 3-1 Tag 3-1 day
Januar 10 v Wann 10. Januar für eine January 10, for one
Dachs Würk Tagesarbeit day work 1 00
Vor Buschel of für Scheffel for bushel
4 osts 4 Hafer 4 oats 1 32
c Abrel 29-1878 29. April 1878 April 29, 1878
Wan hef Das eine halbe Tages- one half day
Würk arbeit work 50
14 Abrel - Dah würk 14. April - Tagesarbeit April 14 - day work 1 00
2+ Mai 1 - Wan 2+ 1. Mai - eine 2+ May 1 - one
hef Dähs Würk halbe Tagesarbeit half day work 50
1+ Mai 3 – 1+ 3. Mai – 1+ May 3 – 1 00
2+ Mai 4 – 2+ 4. Mai – 2+ May 4 – 50
3+ Mai 11 – 3+ 11 Mai – 3+ May 11 – 75
page 15 (image 8)
Johans Dolel Johannes Dolel Johannes Dolel (on the 1880 map, J. Doyle occupies the farm next to Nicholas)
Soh ?? ?? 1 65
1876 1876 1876
C Nowember 18 18. November November 18
tu Käsch in bar cash 3 50
halter vor Kolt Halter für Colt Halter for Colt 50
Vor bläkschits für Schmied for blacksmith
bel Rechnung bill 50
C Nowember 11 11. November November 11
tu Wanes Dähs für eine Tages- for one day
1+ Würk Plauen 1+ Arbeit Pflügen 1+ work plowing 3 00
18 Nowember trei 18. November drei November 18, three
3+ Vertel Dach Plauen 3+ Viertel Tag Pflügen quarter of a day plowing 2 25
Kretit tu Min Kredit an mich credit to me
Nicklaus Black Nicklaus Black Nicklaus Black
page 16 (image 9) (reversed page)
Johans Doel Johannes Doel Johannes Doel (on the 1880 map, J. Doyle occupies the farm next to Nicholas)
in dehm Jahr 1876 Im Jahr 1876 in the year 1876
Nicklaus Black Nicklaus Black (written edgewise behind the following lines)
Nowember 11 11. November November 11
2-1 Würk 2-1 Arbeit 2-1 work 1 00
die Sember tu 20 20. Dezember December, 20th 1 00
Soen Wud Holz sägen sawing wood
Soen Wud 22 Holz sägen 22 sawing wood 22 1 00
Soen Wud 23 Holz sägen 23 sawing wood 23 50
in dähm Jähr 1877 Im Jahr 1877 in the year 1877
Januar 5 5. Januar January 5
Soen Wud Wan Holz sägen ein sawing wood one
Däh Tag day 1 00
Januar 6 trei 6. Januar drei January 6, three
3 Vertel Dach 3 Viertel Tag 3 quarter of a day 75
page 17 (image 9)
in dähm Jähr 1876 Im Jahr 1876 in the year 1876
Nowember 25 25. November November 25
tu Wan Pär 1 für 1 Paar 1 for one pair 1
of leins Zügel of reins 1 75
in dähm Jähr 1877 Im Jahr 1877 in the year 1877
Ponkens 1 lod 1 Ladung Kürbisse 1 load Pumpkins 2 00
3 75
Krätit tu Kredit an credit to
Ana Doel Anna Doel Anna Doel
Nicklaus Black Nicklaus Black Nicklaus Black
18 Paken Bäres 18 Pakete Beeren 18 bundles berries 27
109 P. --- 109 P. --- 109 B. ---- 1 64
1 91
page 18 (image 10)
24-84 Jean 22/1889 24-84 22. Januar 1889 24-84 January 22, 1889
Krätit tu Nicklaus Kredit an Nicklaus credit to Nicklaus
Bläck Johanns Schwarz Black Johannes Schwarz Black Johannes Schwarz
t----------- = t----------- = t----------- = 6 39
Krätit an häh Kredit für Heu credit for hay 3 85
10 24
vitert a 1895 ?? 1895 ?? 1895
rosels Ä Bond Rosels Eber Rosels' boar 4 60
An Soleters ä Kaunt Als Ergebnis auf dem Konto as a result on the account 3 00
10 24
17 84
page 19 (image 10)
empty page
page 20 (image 11)
trese Schäns 30 17 link ?? ??
Kratit tu Johans Kredit an Johannes credit to Johannes
Black an Setelt Black abgerechnet Black settled
An Krosred an Krosred an Krosred 52
boser Solt ä Nein ?? ??
t----------- = t----------- = t----------- = 1 12
Kretit tu Johans Black Kredit an Johannes Black credit to Johannes Black
Du Cr Black an an Cr Black to Cr Black
Setel Ment Abrechnung settlement 97


  1. "New York State Census, 1865," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 2 April 2016), Erie > Evans, E.D. 01 > image 6 of 23; citing multiple county Clerks; Warren and Lewis County Board of Supervisors; multiple counties in New York; Utica and East Hampton Public Libraries, New York.
  2. Arthur Black and Mary Black Stuhl Interviews, .


Comments: 10

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Oh my goodness THIS is a marvelous treasure! The transcription is something wonderful. Amazing work. I love reading it out loud, some of it is really like reading English with a German accent, or spelling English words with German phonetic rules, mixed in with the German. It gives so much life and personality to this ledger.

I know very little of German dialects. Are there any particular clues in the phonetics or the vocabulary that lean toward Fränkisch?

Oh, and the chickens!

posted by Marta Johnson
I don't speak German. The transcription and translation and presentation are Dieter's work. I made a few suggestions based on my knowledge of the family, farm words, and my own guesses. It tickles me so, to feel him come alive, from this document.
posted by Mark Weinheimer
That's wonderful, Dieter! Great work.
posted by Mark Weinheimer
Thanks Mark,

also for the WW. A suggestion: I could try to add a thumbnail of the pages on the the right hand side of the table, so that everybody can click and enlarge it to compare what is written. Maybe somebody will find out the missing words.

posted by Dieter Lewerenz
Is that possible? It would be wonderful for future family members. I have shared the profile with my niece, and will share it with other family members. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for all you have done to help me, and my wife's families. It is a truly incredible gift.
posted by Mark Weinheimer

Is it the way you want it or do you have other ideas? Then please describe how it should look like. Maybe I can make it work.

Another small tip. Change the privacy setting of the page from open to public, otherwise everyone can change something on the page. With public everyone can look at it, but no changes can be made. People who are allowed to change something, you can add to the trusted list. This way you prevent that strangers change something without you noticing it. If someone wants to change something, he can write to you directly or leave a comment here.

posted by Dieter Lewerenz
That's perfect, Dieter. I added Augustus Sobetzer to the image for page 2. He was a neighbor and his daughter married a Weinheimer, as did Nicholas' daughter.
posted by Mark Weinheimer
I changed Holder to Halter for Colt, see
posted by Mark Weinheimer
Dieter, If you look at the 1880 map, Nickolas's next door neighbor is J. Doyle, I think the entries for Johannes and Anna Doel, pg 16 and 17, probably refer to his neighbors. Also Darl pg 2, and Dolel, pg 15. What do you think?
posted by Mark Weinheimer
Hi Mark,

I put the list into a WikiTree table. While doing this I found some typos as well and could identify two additional rows. Regards Dieter

posted by Dieter Lewerenz