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Nicholls or Nichols

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 1 Oct 2023 [unknown]
Location: Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdommap
Surnames/tags: Nicholls, Nichols, Nickols Sarah Nicholls, Sarah Nichols
This page has been accessed 79 times.



Conventions/Guides on LNAB:

  • WikiTree Help: Name Fields - Last Name at Birth field
    • It is generally a family name but it could be a patronymic or whatever other standard is conventional for the person's time and place.
    • It is usually the formal name as it appears in official documents at the time of birth. However, it may not be exactly what appears in a birth record if:
    • There was a spelling mistake or error in the document, or if the family name was more commonly spelt in a different way at the time of the birth...
  • WikiTree Help: Pre-1700 Profiles - Carefully Observe Style Rules
    • ...make sure you understand the style rules, most especially naming conventions for the Last Name at Birth.

Spelt Nicholls

  1. Source removed from merged profile: Sarah married Robert Ward on 1 April 1805 in Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, England.[1]
  2. Marriage Certificate Henry Nicholls (1754-19 Aug 1798) Marriage to Margaret Whittmee 02 Oct 1766; Henry married Margaret Whitmee on 2 October 1766 in St. Peter, Wisbeach, Cambridge, England.[2]
  3. Death of Henry Nicholls 19 Aug 1798  Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom; Henry died in about 1798 and was buried on 19 August 1798 at St. Peter's church, Wisbech, Cambridge, England.[3]
  4. Birth of daughter Ann Nicholls; Henry Nicholls and Margaret Whitmee's daughter Ann Nicholls was baptised on 14 Nov. [1766] in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England.[4]
  5. Birth of daughter Mary Nicholls(1786–) 15 Feb 1786 [5]
  6. Birth of daughter Ann Nicholls; Henry Nicholls and Margaret Whitmee's daughter Ann Nicholls was baptised on 14 Nov. [1766] in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England.[6]
  7. Birth of daughter Elisabeth Nichols Birth of daughter Elizabeth Nicholls(1767–1767) 29 Oct 1767 • Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. Elisabeth, daughter of Henry Nicholls and Margaret, was baptised on 29 October 1767 in Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, England.[7]
  8. Birth of son James Nichols; Birth of son James Nicholls(1774–1794) Apr 1774   Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. [8]
  9. Burial of Sarah died in Dec 1822 and was buried on 29 December 1822 in Bourn, Boxworth, Cambridge, England.[9]
  10. Nicholls-4581 Margaret Nicholls; Birth of daughter Margaret - Birth of daughter Margaret Nicholls(1777–1819) 15 Jul 1777 Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.Margaret, daughter of Henry Nicholls & Margaret, was baptized on 15 July 1777 in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England.[10]
  11. Birth of Son Benjamin: Benjamin Nichols Birth of son Benjamin Nicholls(1779–1818) 18 Jun 1779   Elm Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. [11]
  12. Birth of Daughter Mary NIcholls Birth of daughter Mary Nicholls(1786–) 15 Feb 1786   Wisbech, Cambridge.[12].
  13. Birth of daughter  Sarah Ann Nicholls(1776–1822) 09 Apr 1776  Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.[13].
  14. Birth of daughter Sarah, daughter of Henry Nicholls and Margaret, was baptised on 27 May 1772 in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England.[14]
  15. Baptism of Sarah Nicholls:[15]

Not Included in either Nicholls or Nicols

(In the birth record of her grandfather both Nicholls and Nichols are quoted, neither can be established as which is correct currently.)

  • This is not supported by the source on the profile of Sarah's Grandfather, Richard Nichols, and should not be considered as part of determing if one or two ll's should be used. Potter-10870 07:44, 30 September 2023 (UTC)

Spelt Nichols

  1. Sarah married Robert Ward on 1 April 1805 in Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, England.[16]
  2. Sarah married Robert Ward on 1 April 1805 in Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, England.[17]
  3. Residence in 1780 Cambridgeshire; Henry was registered to vote in 1780 in Cambridgeshire, England.[18]
  4. Sarah Ann Nicholls (1776–1822) 09 Apr 1776  Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.[19]
  5. Birth of son Benjamin Nicholls (1779–1818) 18 Jun 1779   Elm Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. [20]

Note regarding content of Nicholls v Nichols above:

  • The actual reference (inside < and > is used as determining inclusion in with Nicholls or with Nichols.
  • The sources/references in this page were those that were used in the original profile prior to merge but now recreated as some did not get moved over into the newly merged profile.

End of NIcholls V Nicholls.

Spelt Nicols

  1. Birth of Sarah Nichols (age 0) died in 1773 and was buried on 19 May 1773 in Wisbech, St Peter, Cambridgeshire, England.[21]


Research Notes

  • The actual reference (inside < and > is used as determining inclusion in with Nicholls or with Nichols.
  • The sources/references in this page were those that were used in the original profile prior to merge but now recreated. as some did not get moved over into the newly merged profile.


  1. Marriage: "England Marriages, 1538–1973"
    citing Digital film/folder number: 007567797; FHL microfilm: 1040589; Record number: 99; Packet letter: C
    FamilySearch Record: N673-M51 (accessed 2 October 2023)
    Sarah Nicholls marriage to Robert Ward on 1 Apr 1805 in Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  2. Marriage: "England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973"Original data: England, Marriages, 1538-1973. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013; FHL Film Number: 1040588Ancestry au Record 9852 #21428766 (accessed 2 August 2023)
    Henry Nicholls marriage to Margaret Whitmee on 2 Oct 1766 in St. Peter, Wisbeach, Cambridge, England.
  3. Burial: "England, Select Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991"
    Original data: England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013; FHL Film Number: 1040587
    Ancestry au Record 9840 #1633785 (accessed 2 August 2023)
    Henry Nicholls burial (died in about 1798) on 19 Aug 1798 in Wisbech, St. Peter, Cambridge, England.
  4. Baptism of daughter Ann Nicholls: "Staffordshire, England, Extracted Church of England Parish Records, 1538-1839"
    Extracted Church of England Parish Records; Title: Various publications of parish and probate recordsAncestry au Record 61517 #15246983 (accessed 2 August 2023)Henry Nicholls's daughter Ann Nicholls baptism on 14 Nov. in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England.
  5. "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"
    FamilySearch Record: JWMM-9MZ (accessed 12 July 2023)
    Mary Nicholls baptism on 15 Feb 1786, daughter of Henry Nicholls & Margaret, in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  6. Baptism of daughter Ann Nicholls: "Staffordshire, England, Extracted Church of England Parish Records, 1538-1839"
    Extracted Church of England Parish Records; Title: Various publications of parish and probate records; Ancestry au Record 61517 #15246983 (accessed 2 August 2023), Henry Nicholls's daughter Ann Nicholls baptism on 14 Nov. in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England.
  7. Baptism: "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"citing Digital film/folder number: 007567596; FHL microfilm: 1040587 FamilySearch Record: JSG6-C45 (accessed 2 August 2023) Elisabeth Nichols baptism on 29 Oct 1767, daughter of Henry Nicholls & Margaret, in Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom
  8. "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"FamilySearch Record: NBFD-CMT (accessed 12 July 2023)James Nicols baptism on 10 Apr 1774, son of Henry Nicols & Margaret, in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  9. Burial: "England, Select Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991" Original data: England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013; FHL Film Number: 1818370Ancestry Record 9840 #10778573 (accessed 12 July 2023)Sarah Ward burial (died in about 1822) on 29 Dec 1822 in Bourn, Boxworth, Cambridge, England.
  10. Baptism:"England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"FamilySearch Record: JSG6-ZML (accessed 12 July 2023)Margaret Nicholls baptism on 15 Jul 1777, daughter of Henry Nicholls & Margaret, in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  11. "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"FamilySearch Record: JQF9-3MK (accessed 12 July 2023)Benjamin Nichols baptism on 30 Jun 1779, son of Henry Nichols & Margaret, in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  12. "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"FamilySearch Record: JWMM-9MZ (accessed 12 July 2023)Mary Nicholls baptism on 15 Feb 1786, daughter of Henry Nicholls & Margaret, in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  13. Baptism:"England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"
    FamilySearch Record: NYWQ-3YX (accessed 11 July 2023)Sarah Nichols baptism on 9 Apr 1776, daughter of Henry Nichols & Margaret, in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  14. "England, Cambridge Parish Registers, 1538-1983," database with images, (FamilySearch Record: 7QVB-RH6Z : accessed 30 September 2023) FamilySearch Image: 3QS7-896K-XPH4, Christening Date 27 May 1772, Vis Status VISIBLE, Christening Place Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom, Name Sarah Nicholls, Record Nbr 62, System Of Record SLS; citing Digital film/folder number: 007567596; Image number: 172.
  15. Baptism: "FreeReg UK Parish Register database"
    Cambridgeshire; Wisbech; St Peter; Register of unspecified type; File line number: 973 FreeReg Transcription (accessed 6 July 2023)
  16. Marriage: "England Marriages, 1538–1973"citing Digital film/folder number: 007567596; FHL microfilm: 1040587; Record number: 2537; Packet letter: KFamilySearch Record: N679-3QR (accessed 2 October 2023)Sarah Nichols marriage to Robert Ward on 1 Apr 1805 in Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  17. Marriage:"England Marriages, 1538–1973"citing Digital film/folder number: 007567797; FHL microfilm: 1040589; Record number: 99; Packet letter: CFamilySearch Record: N673-M51 (accessed 2 October 2023)Sarah Nicholls marriage to Robert Ward on 1 Apr 1805 in Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  18. 1780 Electoral Register : "Cambridgeshire, England, Electoral Registers, Burgess Rolls and Poll Books, 1722-1966"Cambridgeshire Archives; Cambridge, England; Cabridgeshire Electoral Registers;Reference:Pb/C/1780Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry au Record 61429 #1632502 (accessed 2 August 2023)Name: Henry Nichols; Event Type: Poll Book; Residence Year: 1780; Street Address: Wisbech; Residence Place: Cambridgeshire, England
  19. Baptism: "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"
    FamilySearch Record: NYWQ-3YX (accessed 11 July 2023) Sarah Nichols baptism on 9 Apr 1776, daughter of Henry Nichols & Margaret, in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  20. "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"FamilySearch Record: JQF9-3MK (accessed 12 July 2023)
    Benjamin Nichols baptism on 30 Jun 1779, son of Henry Nichols & Margaret, in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.
  21. "Cambridgeshire Burials," database, (FindMyPast Transcription : subscription required, accessed 30 September 2023), Burial date 19 May 1773, County Cambridgeshire, Death year 1773, Parish Wisbech, St Peter, Last name Nicols, Birth year 1773, Age 0, First name(s) Sarah, Country England.
  22. Marriage: "England Marriages, 1538–1973"
    citing Digital film/folder number: 007567797; FHL microfilm: 1040589; Record number: 99; Packet letter: C
    FamilySearch Record: N673-M51 (accessed 2 October 2023)
    Sarah Nicholls marriage to Robert Ward on 1 Apr 1805 in Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.

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Comments: 3

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Hi Shirley,

I've added citation 23 back on Sarah (Nichols) Ward (bef.1776-bef.1822)'s profile.

I've also added a link to this page in the Research Notes on her profile. I think this page should be linked on her profile with the other commentry about L vs LL transferred onto here so it's all in one spot.

Also, citations 19-22 are not working. The ref name code hasn't been correctly entered. The original source doesn't have the <ref name=marriage1 > etc in them. I would have fixed, but I'm not sure which is meant to be which so you'll need to fix it sorry :)



posted by Susie (Potter) Officer
Thankyou for adding Citation 23 back to the profile page.

I have added the notes to the profile page. Thankyou for adding the link to the FSP on the profile page. Citations 19-22 have been deleted.

posted by [Living Blomfield]
Thanks Shirley.

So all the sources on the profile before it was merged, are now on the resulting profile for Sarah? No more sources we need added?



posted by Susie (Potter) Officer