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Nisbet of that Ilk does not seem to lose his house because of the Civil Wars or Wars of three Kingdoms but may have gotten even deeper in debt because of them. Preparations for war began in January 1639.
- The Wars of the Three Kingdoms (1639-1653). Alexander was in debt before the war so any claims he had to sell the property to pay debt, acquired during the Wars -does not seem be correct.'‘’
- 1638 Signature of the lands of West Nisbet granted to William Monteith (Menteath, Monteath, Montieth). 24 Dec 1638[1]
- 1639 Alexander and his son Philip are in debt and are charged to deliver their houses of West Nisbit and Rummiltounlaw upon pain of treason. On 11th July, 1639, Sir Alexander Nisbitt of that Ilk and Philip Nisbit, his son, were put to the horn at the complainer's Instance for non-payment of certain debts, and they remain thereat contemptuously, possessing their houses . Register of the Privy Council by P Hume Brown 2nd series Vol VII 1638-1643-219, 220 (decrets Nov 1641-Oct 1645 p 47 48)‘’
- 1642 These five years past they have beene defrauded of their moneyes, stock and brock, and ar likelie still to suffer in that kynd. Many of the poor creditors have nothing to live upon but what is in the hand of the said Laird ; Complaint by Mr Andrew Ramsay, minister at Edinburgh, Mr Robert McGill, advocate, and William Monteth of Carribber, for themselves and the other creditors of the Laird of West Nisbit, Register of the Privy Council by P Hume Brown 2nd series Vol VII 1638-1643-366, 367 ‘
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