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Nisbet of Knevocklaw

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Ayrshire, Scotlandmap
Surname/tag: Nisbet
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Nisbet of Knevocklaw

from Branch of Nisbet of Hag

PROPERTY Knevocklaw Ayrshire


  • Ayr 1618 14 Aug also mentiones HUGH Nisbet KEVOCKLAW Sasines Ayr date is registration date NAS RS/12/vol/1/page/214
  • 1622 28 Jun HUGO Nisbet in KNEVOKLAW heir tallie (grandson) of HUGO Nisbet de HAGE 5 libra (£) TEMPILLAND AUCHINLEK parish of Auchinlek of bailiary Kylestewart Ayr Ayr Retours of Heirs NAS C22/vol viii 72 #217 Inquisitions specials(just certain lands)
  • 1623 22 March Ayr Charter by ALEXANDER Nisbet of GREENHOLM, Witnesses HUGH Nisbet In NEWOCKLAW, and others (1623 1661 Box 43) Calendar of the Laing charters
  • 1624 Matthew Hamilton in Newtoun parish of Galstoun died June 1625 was given up by Hew Neisbet in Nevocklaw as curator to James Hamilton, minor, his son
  • 1627 Sasine-25 July 1627 Ayr HEW Nisbet in NEVOKLAW (NEWOKLAWIS) 1627 RS 12/4/8 f.84b (in Latin) – Sasine to James Alexander and HUGH Neisbit of 12 acres of land in BROOMHILL Registered by John Kennedy, writer on the 25 April 1627 at Irvine ----On the 10 June 1627, on the ground of the land being conveyed, James Alexander in Byre of Lowdoun and HUGH Neisbit in NEVOKLAW presented a charter which had been granted to them by John Earl of Lowdoun and Kylesmure of 12 acres of land lying in and around BROOMHILL which had formerly been annexed to the land of BOGHALL and pertained to the heirs of WILLIAM Neisbit. It lay within the liberty of the burgh of Newmylnes, bailliary of Cunninghame and Sheriffdom of Ayr. In his precept of sasine Sasines Ayr date is registration date NAS RS/12/vol/4/page/84 RS12/4 f. 150 – Renunciation Hew Nisbet to James Alexander of his half of the 12 acres in Broomhill (in Old Scots) -----Registered at Irvine, 3 January 1628 Hew Nisbet in Nevoklaw had sold his half of the 12 acres of land in Broomhill, annexed to the lands of Broomhall, lying within the liberty and territory of Newmylnes to James Alexander in Byre of Lowdoun
  • 1636 Sasine-20 January 1636 Ayr ISOBEL M'Meth of GREINHOLME relict of ALEXANDER Nisbet At Irvine, the 20 January 1636 John Reid, merchant burgess of IRVINE produced a Renunciation to be registered in the Ayr Sasine Register It was made by ISSOBELL MKMATH (sic),relict of ALEXANDER Neisbit of GRENEHOLME, with consent of JONET, AGNES and ISSOBELL Neisbits, her daughters and apparent heirs portioner and with the consent of GEORGE Neisbit, son to the deceased HEW Neisbit in NEVOKLAW, spouse to JONET for his interest.
  • 1637 Registered at IRVINE on the 2 January 1637 ISSOBELL MCMATH had later made JAMES Neisbit ‘now of GREINHOLME’, eldest son of the deceased ALEXANDER Neisbit of GREINHOLME her cessioner and assignee with the consent of JONET, AGNES and ISSOBELL, her daughters and GEORGE Neisbit, son of the deceased HEW Neisbit in NEWIKLAW, spouse to JONET for his interest. JAMES Neisbit had then repaid Jonet Walker ‘certane great sowmes of money and so had redeemed the property. NAS RS/12/vol/6/page/562
  • 1674 Testament-10-Dec-1674-NISBIT-Margarat--daughter of John-Nisbet----Loudoun-in-Knewocklaw-Loudoun died Aug 1674
  • 1679 Alexr Nisbet in Knenocklaw In a " List of the names of the Rebells who being brought in prisoners to Ed[inbu]r[gh] have subscribed the band not to ryse in armes agst his Majestie or his authoritie" [1679] NRS-JC39/1
  • Alexr Nisbet in Knavacklawe All within the Sheriffdom of Aire Balyries of Kyle Carrick and Cuningham [The top and bottom sections of the document are missing. No Date survives] NRS-JC39/38/2
  • 1682 Alexr Nisbet in Knevocklaw List of those who have taken the Bond of Peace within the Bailzierie of Cuningham William Paterson one of the clerks of Council signed an attestation dated 19 Dec 1682 NRS-JC26/60/4/A/3
  • 1682 Alexr Neisbit in Knewocklaw List of the persons names within the Parish of Lowdoune contained within two several extracts under Sir Alexr Gibsone hand for taking of the peace [1682] NRS-JC26/60/4/A/4
  • 1683 Alexr Nisbet in Knaveacklaw Air May 15 1683 The Porteous and Treast Roll for the Shirrefdom of Air for the Justice Air to be holden for the Shirrefdom of Air within the brugh of the same upon the 19th day of June next to come.Indyted and accused [in general terms] for the crimes of High Treason and Rebellion, recepting, harbouring, maintaining, aiding and assisting, supplying or otherwise comforting, conversing and intercomoning with rebels and traitors who were actually in the rebellion of 1679 or who were denounced or registrated to the horn for treason.. List of accused in Loudon Parish For recepting and corresponding with Jon Nisbet lately hanged for rebellion being taken in his house. Relaxed and deserted NRS-JC26/64/2
  • 1683 Alexander Nisbet Loudoun in Knaveuckland-Edinburgh 13/11/1683 Letters of Denunciation Cited to appear at a Justice Court held within the Burgh of Air on 19-23rd June 1683 to underlie the law for rising in open rebellion in 1679 and continuing with the rebels at Bothwell bridge until their defeat harbouring recepting supplying corresponding with aiding assisting and doing favours to rebels he failed to appear and was declared outlaw and fugitive. Lives within the Sheriffdom of Ayr and Bailleries of Kyle Carrict and Cuninghame NRS-JC18/5
  • 1684 Alexr Nisbet in Knavacklaw Parish of Newmilns Petition of 1684 Testificate in his favour by the Elders of the Parish of Newmins He is in the fugitive roll of Aireshyre for allegedly favouring and harbouring rebels and having accession to the rebellion. Relaxed to appear at a new diet under penalty of 500 meks NRS-JC39/55/18
  • 1684 Alexr Nisbet in Knavacklawe, in Knavacklaw Crime... Art and Part of the Late Rebellion harbouring conversing with and doing favours to rebels Role... Accused Tried at Edinburgh on 03/04/1684 Verdict Decision...Diet deserted NRS-JC6/11 f264r and JC2/16 f266v
  • Alexr Nisbet in Knaveacklaw A list of the fugitives for rebellion within Aire Shyre ND but document has references to 3rd August 1683 and Nov 1683 Subheaded Notes anent the Aire Roll Marked dead NRS-JC26/66
  • 1684 Thomas Donald fugitive Loudoun servant to ALEXANDER Nisbet in KNAVACKLAW The history of the sufferings of the church of Scotland Proclamation with list of Fugitives Loudoun 1684
  • 1731 Ayr 1731 4 June Registered at Ayr on the fourth day of June 1731 presented by Robert Patterson writer in Kilmarnock Instrument 16 April 1731 compeared JOHN Nisbet in KNAVOCKLAW as baillie with gentleman LIEUT WILLIAM Nisbet in the Royal navy son to ROBERT Nisbet of GREENHOLM
  • 1797 Newmilns Alexander Nisbet Nevocklaw 4 horse duty 8s Farm Horse Tax 1797-1798


20 January 1636 Ayr 1636 20 Jan ISOBEL M'Meth of GREINHOLME relict of ALEXANDER Nisbet-----At Irvine, the 20 January 1636---John Reid, merchant burgess of IRVINE produced a Renunciation to be registered in the Ayr Sasine Register

It was made by ISSOBELL MKMATH (sic),relict of ALEXANDER Neisbit of GRENEHOLME, with consent of JONET, AGNES and ISSOBELL Neisbits, her daughters and apparent heirs portioner and with the consent of GEORGE Neisbit, son to the deceased HEW Neisbit in NEVOKLAW, spouse to JONET for his interest.
Made at Newmylne and Loudoun on the 19 December 1635 and witnessed by ALEXANDER Neisbit in NEVOKLAW and others RS RS/12/vol/6/page/431


Nisbit is not the usual spelling in Scotland which is Nisbet but in Loudoun Parish from 1700-1729 the minister seems to think it should be Nisbit as that is what is used in that period. It is spelt Nisbet both before and after those dates.

  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 10 Jun 1705 Janet Nisbit daughter of John Nisbit in Knavoclaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1705-603/ 10 30
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 9 Mar 1707 Alexander Nisbit son of John Nisbit in Knavocklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1707-603/ 10 31
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 5 Jun 1709 Robert Nisbit son of John Nisbit in Knevocklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1709-603/ 10 32
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 11 Jul 1711 James Nisbit sons of__ Nisbit in Knevoklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1711-603/ 10 33
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 11 Jul 1711 John Nisbit son of ___ Nisbit in Knevoklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1711-603/ 10 33
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 24 Oct 1736 John Nisbet son of Hugh Nisbet in Knowklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1736-603/ 10 48


  • Banns/Marriages: Parish of Loudoun 18 Dec 1737 Alex Nisbet and Jean Morton being thrice orderly proclaimed and dues paid were married Old Parish Records Scotland 1737-603/ 10 278
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 25 Mar 1739 John Nisbet son of Alexander Nisbet in Knovocklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1739-603/ 10 49
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 8 Feb 1741 Robert Nisbet son of Alexander Nisbet in Knovocklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1741-603/ 10 50
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 25 Nov 1741 Jean Nisbet daughter of Alexander Nisbet in Knovocklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1741-603/ 10 50
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 20 May 1743 Alexander Nisbet son of Alexander Nisbet in Knovocklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1743-603/ 10 51
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 7 Jul 1745 John Nisbet son of Alexander Nisbet in Knovocklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1745-603/ 10 52
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 27 Mar 1748 Thomas Nisbit son of Alexander Nisbit and Jane Morton res Knevoklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1748-603/ 10 54
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 27 Mar 1748 Jean Nisbit daughter of Alexander Nisbit and Jane Morton res Knevoklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1748-603/ 10 54
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 27 Jun 1750 Janet Nisbet daughter of Alexander Nisbet in Knovocklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1750-603/ 10 57
  • Baptism: Parish of Galston 30 Sep 1750 Janet Nisbet daughter of Alexander Nisbet in Necklaw parish of Loudoun Old Parish Records Scotland 1750-593/ 10 219
  • Baptism: Parish of Loudoun 22 May 1757 Grisal Nisbet daughter of Alexander Nisbet in Knovocklaw Old Parish Records Scotland 1757 603/ 10 65
  • Banns/Marriages: Parish of Loudoun 8 Apr 1791 both of the parish James Ligate and Grizel Nisbet Old Parish Records Scotland 1791-603/ 10 338
  • Deaths/Burials 21 Nov 1836 Grizal Nesbet, formerly residing in Darvel, Buried 21-Nov-1836; Wife of James Liget formerly in Greenhill, near Darvel Old Parish Records Scotland 1836-603/ 40 307


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