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Nisbet of Trochersyd

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Ayrshire Scotlandmap
Surname/tag: Nisbet
Profile manager: Jean Skar private message [send private message]
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Nisbet of Trochersyd Note can't find on modern maps PROPERTY TROKERSYDE


  • 19 November 1588 Ayr 1590 27 Dec 1590 charter by ALEXANDER of GRENEHOLME (in terms of contract dated 19th Nov 1588 between himself on one part and the late John Broun, fuller of Greneholme and John Brown younger, his son, on the other part) granting and confirming to John Broun, younger, that whole half-merk land in Greneholme, and that fulling mill built upon the east side of the grain mill of Greneholme, with the usual water and aqueduct of said fulling mill occupied and resigned) by the late John Broun, and now occupied by John Broun, younger, lying in the parish of Galstonn, bailiary of Kyle Stewart and shire of Ayr: To be held of the granter in feu-farm ; paying for the said half merk land 46s 8d yearly with six hens, and for the fulling mill 23s yearly feu duty , with the multures formerly paid to the grain mill of Greneholme, and giving attendance at courts held at Greneholme, as rendered by other tenants, with duplicated at entry of heirs; with a provision that if John Broun or his heirs decide to sell the said land or mill, they shall offer the same to the granter or his successors for twenty merks, and if this offer is refused, then they may sell to whom so ever they please. Dated at the burgh of Newmylns 27th Dec 1590 Witness George Lockhart of Temple. Glatoun, ROBERT Neisbet In TROCHIRSYD, David Broun in Newmylnes, James Broun there and John Broun smith there. Erasmus Baillie and John Lockhart, notaries sign for the granter[1]
  • 1601 ALEXANDER NISBET of GRENEHOLME for Thomas Pawton (Paton) in Castlehill, not to harm Johne Graham subscribed at the Newmylnis in Lowdoun, 19th August, before JAMES NISBIT in TROCHESEY, [2]
  • 4 December 1601 Ayr 1605 8 Jan ALEXANDER Nisbet of GREINHOLME Instrument of Sasine, presented by Peter Roger in Mauchline, at Irvine on the 8 January 1605 On the 4 December 1601, ALEXANDER Neisbet in GREENHOLME disponed his 20 shilling lands of MYLRIG in the parish of RICCARTON, under reversion, to MURDOCH Neisbet, brother german of JAMES Neisbet in TROKERSYD. The property was then tenanted by Andrew Jamie. MURDOCH Neisbet had lent ALEXANDER Neisbet 500 merks. Witnesses to the giving of sasine were MURDOCH Neisbet in FEOCH, Hugh Patoun in Mylsyd and Peter Robert in Mauchline 11 327 Ayr 1599 to 1609[3]
  • Ayr 1606 19 Apr JAMES Nisbet in TROKERSYDE Sasines Ayr date is registration date [4]


  1. (#1210 3253 Box 86) Calendar of the Laing charters
  2. Register of The Privy Council by David Masson 1st series vol VI
  3. Sasines Ayr date is registration date NRS RS/11/vol/3/page/27
  4. NRS RS/11/vol/3/page/311

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