Surnames/tags: Nobel_Physics connectors nobel_laureates
The goal of this project is to provide a reference for which physics Nobel prize winners have been connected to the world tree. For now it is just a table of names and states. It could become something more. This not so much a project as a home for the table.
There is also an ongoing G2G discusson.
I (Steve Ryan) am the creator of this page and also the manager of quite a few physicist profiles. If you have an interest in some subset of them, please let me know. I would be more than happy to share or hand over management of any of them. Apologies for slow response on email - I tend to check my "Nav Home Page" often, but email rarely.
Handy references: Wikitree's Nobel Laureates of the 20th Century and Wikipedia's list of physics laureates
Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done.
- See the table below, To Do column, for ideas.
- Create initial profiles of each Nobel prize winner.
- Categorize existing winners with
"Nobel Laureates of the 20th Century" (or 21st where appropriate) and Physicists.
Category: Nobel Laureates and Category:Physicists (in double square brackets) are now preferred.
* Also add the Notables Sticker (those two words in double curly brackets). Note that capitalization is important in those templates. "Notables sticker" won't work, for example.
- Add documented relatives until you connect to someone with a connection to the main tree.
- Update the table if you accomplish these things, or if you find errors.
- Create a page with the wikitree API which updates the table (or at least key fields) automatically. An easy way to edit the table would be nice too.
I'm not tracking this, but of course making really complete, accurate profiles of the laureates would be a great service. Those marked "Done" are connected, but many of those have plenty of room for improvement.
Note that the table has many blank entries in recent years. This is mainly because it is harder to connect people who are alive, or whose family is alive, since profiles are private. Don't let this stop you from working on more recent laureates who are of interest to you.
1916, 1931, 1934, and 1940-1942 have no entries due to wars or other interruptions.
Year | Laureate (wikipedia) | Wikitree | Profile? | Categories? | Connected? | To Do | Birth | Death |
1901 | Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen | Röntgen-18 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1845 | 1923 |
1902 | Hendrik Lorentz | Lorentz-398 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1853 | 1928 |
1902 | Pieter Zeeman | Zeeman-65 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1865 | 1943 |
1903 | Antoine Henri Becquerel | Becquerel-1 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1852 | 1908 |
1903 | Pierre Curie | Curie-28 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1859 | 1906 |
1903 | Maria Skłodowska-Curie | Skłodowska-2 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1867 | 1934 |
1904 | Lord Rayleigh | Strutt-86 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1842 | 1919 |
1905 | Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard | Von_Lenard-1 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1862 | 1947 |
1906 | Joseph John Thomson | Thomson-3638 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1856 | 1940 |
1907 | Albert Abraham Michelson | Michelson-94 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1852 | 1931 |
1908 | Gabriel Lippmann | Lippmann-9 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1845 | 1921 |
1909 | Karl Ferdinand Braun | Braun-1581 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1850 | 1918 |
1909 | Guglielmo Marconi | Marconi-13 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1874 | 1937 |
1910 | Johannes Diderik van der Waals | Van_der_Waals-1 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1837 | 1923 |
1911 | Wilhelm Wien | Wien-10 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1864 | 1928 |
1912 | Nils Gustaf Dalén | Dalén-56 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1869 | 1937 |
1913 | Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes | Kamerlingh_Onnes-2 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1853 | 1926 |
1914 | Max von Laue | Laue-19 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1879 | 1960 |
1915 | William Henry Bragg | Bragg-799 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1862 | 1942 |
1915 | William Lawrence Bragg | Bragg-800 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1890 | 1971 |
1917 | Charles Glover Barkla | Barkla-31 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1877 | 1944 |
1918 | Max Planck | Planck-41 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1858 | 1947 |
1919 | Johannes Stark | Stark-4173 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1874 | 1957 |
1920 | Charles Édouard Guillaume | Guillaume-167 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1861 | 1938 |
1921 | Albert Einstein | Einstein-1 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1879 | 1955 |
1922 | Niels Bohr | Bohr-191 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1885 | 1962 |
1923 | Robert Andrews Millikan | Millikan-145 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1868 | 1953 |
1924 | Manne Siegbahn | Manne Siegbahn | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1886 | 1978 |
1925 | James Franck | Franck-382 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1882 | 1964 |
1925 | Gustav Hertz | Hertz-185 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1887 | 1975 |
1926 | Jean Baptiste Perrin | Perrin-3563 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1870 | 1942 |
1927 | Charles Thomson Rees Wilson | Wilson-59647 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1869 | 1959 |
1927 | Arthur Holly Compton | Compton-1696 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1892 | 1962 |
1928 | Owen Willans Richardson | Richardson-20276 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1879 | 1959 |
1929 | Louis Victor Pierre Raymond, 7th Duc de Broglie | Broglie-6 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1892 | 1987 |
1930 | Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman | Raman-17 | Y | Y | N | Look for more Family | 1888 | 1970 |
1932 | Werner Heisenberg | Heisenberg-2 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1901 | 1976 |
1933 | Paul Dirac | Dirac-2 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1902 | 1984 |
1933 | Erwin Schrödinger | Schrödinger-1 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1887 | 1961 |
1935 | James Chadwick | Chadwick-1460 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1891 | 1974 |
1936 | Carl David Anderson | Anderson-42183 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1905 | 1991 |
1936 | Victor Francis Hess | Victor Franz Hess (1883-1964) | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1883 | 1964 |
1937 | Clinton Joseph Davisson | Davisson-230 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1881 | 1958 |
1937 | George Paget Thomson | Thomson-6506 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1892 | 1975 |
1938 | Enrico Fermi | Fermi-2 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1901 | 1954 |
1939 | Ernest Lawrence | Lawrence-12045 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1901 | 1958 |
1943 | Otto Stern | Stern-2130 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1888 | 1969 |
1944 | Isidor Isaac Rabi | Rabi-3 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1898 | 1988 |
1945 | Wolfgang Pauli | Pauli-289 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1900 | 1958 |
1946 | Percy Williams Bridgman | Bridgman-340 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1882 | 1961 |
1947 | Edward Victor Appleton | Appleton-1016 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1892 | 1965 |
1948 | Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett | Blackett-330 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1897 | 1974 |
1949 | 秀樹 (小川) 湯川 (Hideki Yukawa) | 小川-20 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1907 | 1981 |
1950 | Cecil Frank Powell | CP Powell | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1903 | 1969 |
1951 | John Douglas Cockcroft | Cockcroft-713 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1897 | 1967 |
1951 | Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton | Walton-2430 | Y | Y | N | Look for more Family | 1903 | 1995 |
1952 | Edward Mills Purcell | Purcell-2838 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1912 | 1997 |
1952 | Felix Bloch | Bloch-108 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1905 | 1983 |
1953 | Frits Zernike | Zernike-1 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1888 | 1966 |
1954 | Walther Bothe | Walther Bothe | Y | Y | N | Look for more Family | 1891 | 1957 |
1954 | Max Born | Born-311 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1882 | 1970 |
1955 | Polykarp Kusch | Kusch-71 | Y | Y | Y | Add first wife and more Family | 1911 | 1993 |
1955 | Willis Eugene Lamb | Lamb-6855 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1913 | 2008 |
1956 | John Bardeen | Bardeen-27 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1908 | 1991 |
1956 | Walter Houser Brattain | Brattain-92 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1902 | 1987 |
1956 | William Bradford Shockley | Shockley-442 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1910 | 1989 |
1957 | Tsung-Dao Lee | n/a | N | N | N | Create profile | 1926 | living |
1957 | Chen-Ning Yang | n/a | N | N | N | Create profile | 1922 | living |
1958 | Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov | Cherenkov-1 | Y | Y | N | Look for more Family | 1904 | 1990 |
1958 | Ilya Frank | n/a | N | N | N | Create profile | 1908 | 1990 |
1958 | Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm | n/a | N | N | N | Create profile | 1895 | 1971 |
1959 | Owen Chamberlain | Owen Chamberlain (1920-2006) | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1920 | 2006 |
1959 | Emilio Gino Segrè | Emilio Gino Segrè | Y | Y | N | Look for family | 1905 | 1989 |
1960 | Donald Arthur Glaser | Glaser-795 | Y | Y | N | Add family | 1926 | 2013 |
1961 | Robert Hofstadter | Robert Hofstadter (1915-1990) | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1915 | 1990 |
1961 | Rudolf Ludwig Mössbauer | Mößbauer-1 | Y | Y | N | Look for more family | 1929 | 2011 |
1962 | Lev Davidovich Landau | Landau-181 | Y | Y | N | Look for more family | 1908 | 1968 |
1963 | Eugene Paul Wigner | Wigner-14 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1902 | 1995 |
1963 | Maria Goeppert-Mayer | Goeppert-3 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1906 | 1972 |
1963 | J. Hans D. Jensen | J. Hans Jensen | Y | Y | N | Look for more Family | 1907 | 1973 |
1964 | Charles Hard Townes | Townes-87 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1915 | 2015 |
1964 | Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1922 | 2001 | |
1964 | Alexander Prokhorov | Aleksandr Prokhorov | Y | Y | N | Look for more Family | 1916 | 2002 |
1965 | Julian Schwinger | Schwinger-11 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1918 | 1994 |
1965 | Richard Phillips Feynman | Feynman-4 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1918 | 1988 |
1965 | Shin'ichirō Tomonaga | 振一郎 朝永, Shin'ichirō Tomonaga | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1906 | 1979 |
1966 | Alfred Kastler | Alfred Kastler | Y | Y | N | Check Status | 1902 | 1984 |
1967 | Hans Albrecht Bethe | Bethe-26 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1906 | 2005 |
1968 | Luis Walter Alvarez | Alvarez-1581 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1911 | 1988 |
1969 | Murray Gell-Mann | Murray Gell-Mann | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1929 | 2019 |
1970 | Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén | Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1908 | 1995 |
1970 | Louis Néel | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1904 | 2000 | |
1971 | Dennis Gabor | Dennis Gabor | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1900 | 1979 |
1972 | John Bardeen | Bardeen-27 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1908 | 1991 |
1972 | Leon Neil Cooper | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1930 | Living | |
1972 | John Robert Schrieffer | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1931 | 2019 | |
1973 | Leo Esaki | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1925 | living | |
1973 | Ivar Giaever | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1929 | Living | |
1973 | Brian David Josephson | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1940 | Living | |
1974 | Antony Hewish | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1924 | 2021 | |
1974 | Martin Ryle | Martin Ryle (1918-1984) | Y | Y | Y | needs biography | 1918 | 1984 |
1975 | Aage Bohr | Bohr-193 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1922 | 2009 |
1975 | Ben Roy Mottelson | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1926 | 2022 | |
1975 | Leo James Rainwater | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1917 | 1986 | |
1976 | Burton Richter | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1931 | 2018 | |
1976 | Samuel Chao Chung Ting | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1936 | Living | |
1977 | Philip Warren Anderson | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1923 | 2020 | |
1977 | Nevill Francis Mott | Nevill Francis Mott | Y | Y | Y | Check Status | 1905 | 1996 |
1977 | John Hasbrouck Van Vleck | John Hasbrouck Van Vleck (1899-1980) | Y | Y | Y | Check Status | 1899 | 1980 |
1978 | Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa | Pyotr Leonidovich (Капи́ца) Kapitsa (1894-1984) | Y | Y | N | Look for family | 1894 | 1984 |
1978 | Arno Allan Penzias | Arno Allan Penzias Ph.D. (1933-2024) | Y | Y | N | Look for more Family | 1933 | 2024 |
1978 | Robert Woodrow Wilson | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1936 | living | |
1979 | Sheldon Lee Glashow | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1932 | living | |
1979 | Abdus Salam | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1929 | 1996 | |
1979 | Steven Weinberg | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1933 | 2021 | |
1980 | James Watson Cronin | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1931 | 2016 | |
1980 | Val Logsdon Fitch | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1923 | 2015 | |
1981 | Nicolaas Bloembergen | Nicolaas Bloembergen | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1920 | 2017 |
1981 | Arthur Leonard Schawlow | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1921 | 1999 | |
1981 | Kai Manne Börje Siegbahn | Kai Siegbahn | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1918 | 2007 |
1982 | Kenneth G. Wilson | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1936 | 2013 | |
1983 | Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar | S. Chandrasekhar | Y | Y | N | Look for more Family | 1910 | 1995 |
1983 | William Alfred Fowler | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1911 | 1995 | |
1984 | Simon van der Meer | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1925 | 2011 | |
1984 | Carlo Rubbia | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1934 | Living | |
1985 | Klaus von Klitzing | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1943 | Living | |
1986 | Gerd Binnig | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1947 | Living | |
1986 | Heinrich Rohrer | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1933 | 2013 | |
1986 | Ernst Ruska | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1906 | 1988 | |
1987 | Johannes Georg Bednorz | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1950 | Living | |
1987 | Karl Alexander Müller | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1927 | 2023 | |
1988 | Leon Max Lederman | Leon Lederman | Y | Y | N | Look for more Family | 1922 | 2018 |
1988 | Melvin Schwartz | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1932 | 2016 | |
1988 | Jack Steinberger | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1921 | 2020 | |
1989 | Hans Georg Dehmelt | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1922 | 2017 | |
1989 | Wolfgang Paul | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1913 | 1993 | |
1989 | Norman Foster Ramsey | Norman F. Ramsey | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1915 | 2011 |
1990 | Jerome I. Friedman | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1930 | living | |
1990 | Henry Way Kendall | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1926 | 1999 | |
1990 | Richard E. Taylor | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1929 | 2018 | |
1991 | Pierre-Gilles de Gennes | de Gennes-4 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1932 | 2007 |
1992 | Georges Charpak | Charpak-1 | Y | Y | N | Check Status | 1924 | 2010 |
1993 | Russell Alan Hulse | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1950 | Living | |
1993 | Joseph Hooton Taylor Jr. | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1941 | Living | |
1994 | Bertram Brockhouse | Brockhouse-11 | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1918 | 2003 |
1994 | Clifford Glenwood Shull | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1915 | 2001 | |
1995 | Martin Lewis Perl | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1927 | 2014 | |
1995 | Frederick Reines | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1918 | 1998 | |
1996 | David Morris Lee | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1931 | Living | |
1996 | Douglas D. Osheroff | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1945 | Living | |
1996 | Robert Coleman Richardson | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1937 | 2013 | |
1997 | Steven Chu | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1948 | Living | |
1997 | Claude Cohen-Tannoudji | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1933 | living | |
1997 | William Daniel Phillips | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1948 | Living | |
1998 | Robert B. Laughlin | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1950 | Living | |
1998 | Horst Ludwig Störmer | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1949 | Living | |
1998 | Daniel Chee Tsui | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1939 | Living | |
1999 | Gerard 't Hooft | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1946 | Living | |
1999 | Martinus J. G. Veltman | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1931 | 2021 | |
2000 | Zhores Ivanovich Alferov | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1930 | 2019 | |
2000 | Jack St. Clair Kilby | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1923 | 2005 | |
2000 | Herbert Kroemer | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1928 | living | |
2001 | Eric Allin Cornell | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1961 | living | |
2001 | Wolfgang Ketterle | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1957 | living | |
2001 | Carl Edwin Wieman | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1951 | living | |
2002 | Raymond Davis Jr. | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1914 | 2006 | |
2002 | Riccardo Giacconi | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1931 | 2018 | |
2002 | Masatoshi Koshiba | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1926 | 2020 | |
2003 | Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1928 | 2017 | |
2003 | Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1916 | 2009 | |
2003 | Anthony James Leggett | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1938 | living | |
2004 | David J. Gross | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1941 | living | |
2004 | Hugh David Politzer | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1949 | living | |
2004 | Frank Wilczek | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1951 | living | |
2005 | Roy J. Glauber | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1925 | 2018 | |
2005 | John L. Hall | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1934 | living | |
2005 | Theodor W. Hänsch | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1941 | living | |
2006 | John C. Mather | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1946 | living | |
2006 | George F. Smoot | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1945 | living | |
2007 | Albert Fert | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1938 | living | |
2007 | Peter Grünberg | Peter Grünberg | Y | Y | Y | Done | 1939 | 2018 |
2008 | Makoto Kobayashi | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1944 | living | |
2008 | Toshihide Maskawa | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1940 | 2021 | |
2008 | Yoichiro Nambu | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1921 | 2015 | |
2009 | Willard S. Boyle | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1924 | 2011 | |
2009 | Charles K. Kao | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1933 | 2018 | |
2009 | George E. Smith | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1930 | living | |
2010 | Andre Geim | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1958 | living | |
2010 | Konstantin Novoselov | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1974 | living | |
2011 | Saul Perlmutter | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1959 | living | |
2011 | Adam G. Riess | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1969 | living | |
2011 | Brian P. Schmidt | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1967 | living | |
2012 | Serge Haroche | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1944 | living | |
2012 | David J. Wineland | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1944 | living | |
2013 | François Englert | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1932 | living | |
2013 | Peter Higgs | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1929 | living | |
2014 | Isamu Akasaki | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1929 | 2021 | |
2014 | Hiroshi Amano | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1960 | living | |
2014 | Shuji Nakamura | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1954 | living | |
2015 | Takaaki Kajita | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1959 | living | |
2015 | Arthur B. McDonald | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1943 | living | |
2016 | F. Duncan M. Haldane | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1951 | living | |
2016 | John M. Kosterlitz | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1943 | Living | |
2016 | David J. Thouless | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1934 | 2019 | |
2017 | Barry Barish | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1936 | Living | |
2017 | Kip Thorne | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1940 | Living | |
2017 | Rainer Weiss | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1932 | Living | |
2018 | Arthur Ashkin | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1922 | 2020 | |
2018 | Gérard Mourou | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1944 | living | |
2018 | Donna Strickland | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1959 | living | |
2019 | James Peebles | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1935 | Living | |
2019 | Michel Mayor | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1942 | Living | |
2019 | Didier Queloz | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1966 | Living | |
2020 | Roger Penrose | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1930 | Living | |
2020 | Reinhard Genzel | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1952 | Living | |
2020 | Andrea Ghez | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1965 | Living | |
2021 | Syukuro Manabe | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1931 | Living | |
2021 | Klaus Hasselmann | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1931 | Living | |
2021 | Giorgio Parisi | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1948 | Living | |
2022 | Alain Aspect | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1947 | Living | |
2022 | John Clauser | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1942 | Living | |
2022 | Anton Zeilinger | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1945 | Living | |
2023 | Pierre Agostini | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1944 | Living | |
2023 | Ferenc Krausz | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1962 | Living | |
2023 | Anne L’Huillier | n/a | N | N | Check Status | 1958 | Living |
Notes on attempts to make connections. Add, edit, and delete freely as status changes. This would also be a good place to mention laureates you particularly want to see connected, and why. Please give your reasons. Almost any reason is okay, but we'd like to know.
- Wilhelm Roentgen was connected in early 2019.
- Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar would be interesting to connect for several reasons. First, it would also connect close relative Raman. Second, this would connect a well-known family of Indian scientists and administrators. Third, India in general is poorly represented in WikiTree, so this would be a small step toward adding more connections there.
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
Aaaanddd - it turns out he is already there! I added categories and a note that he needs a biography. NEXT.
edited by Frances (Jones) McCarthy
Now I'm going to wish for someone from India to show up. Chandrasekhar and Raman did great work, but I have only been able to make the crudest of profiles for them.