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Nobel Physicist Connections

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Surnames/tags: Nobel_Physics connectors nobel_laureates
Profile manager: Steve Ryan private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 1,367 times.

The goal of this project is to provide a reference for which physics Nobel prize winners have been connected to the world tree. For now it is just a table of names and states. It could become something more. This not so much a project as a home for the table.

There is also an ongoing G2G discusson.

I (Steve Ryan) am the creator of this page and also the manager of quite a few physicist profiles. If you have an interest in some subset of them, please let me know. I would be more than happy to share or hand over management of any of them. Apologies for slow response on email - I tend to check my "Nav Home Page" often, but email rarely.

Handy references: Wikitree's Nobel Laureates of the 20th Century and Wikipedia's list of physics laureates

Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done.

  • See the table below, To Do column, for ideas.
  • Create initial profiles of each Nobel prize winner.
  • Categorize existing winners with "Nobel Laureates of the 20th Century" (or 21st where appropriate) and Physicists.
    Category: Nobel Laureates and Category:Physicists (in double square brackets) are now preferred.

* Also add the Notables Sticker (those two words in double curly brackets). Note that capitalization is important in those templates. "Notables sticker" won't work, for example.

  • Add documented relatives until you connect to someone with a connection to the main tree.
  • Update the table if you accomplish these things, or if you find errors.
  • Create a page with the wikitree API which updates the table (or at least key fields) automatically. An easy way to edit the table would be nice too.

I'm not tracking this, but of course making really complete, accurate profiles of the laureates would be a great service. Those marked "Done" are connected, but many of those have plenty of room for improvement.

Note that the table has many blank entries in recent years. This is mainly because it is harder to connect people who are alive, or whose family is alive, since profiles are private. Don't let this stop you from working on more recent laureates who are of interest to you.

1916, 1931, 1934, and 1940-1942 have no entries due to wars or other interruptions.

YearLaureate (wikipedia)WikitreeProfile?Categories?Connected?To DoBirthDeath
1901Wilhelm Conrad RöntgenRöntgen-18YYYDone18451923
1902Hendrik LorentzLorentz-398YYYDone18531928
1902Pieter ZeemanZeeman-65YYYDone18651943
1903Antoine Henri BecquerelBecquerel-1YYYDone18521908
1903Pierre CurieCurie-28YYYDone18591906
1903Maria Skłodowska-CurieSkłodowska-2YYYDone18671934
1904Lord RayleighStrutt-86YYYDone18421919
1905Philipp Eduard Anton von LenardVon_Lenard-1YYYDone18621947
1906Joseph John ThomsonThomson-3638YYYDone18561940
1907Albert Abraham MichelsonMichelson-94YYYDone18521931
1908Gabriel LippmannLippmann-9YYYDone18451921
1909Karl Ferdinand BraunBraun-1581YYYDone18501918
1909Guglielmo MarconiMarconi-13YYYDone18741937
1910Johannes Diderik van der WaalsVan_der_Waals-1YYYDone18371923
1911Wilhelm WienWien-10YYYDone18641928
1912Nils Gustaf DalénDalén-56YYYDone18691937
1913Heike Kamerlingh-OnnesKamerlingh_Onnes-2YYYDone18531926
1914Max von LaueLaue-19YYYDone18791960
1915William Henry BraggBragg-799YYYDone18621942
1915William Lawrence BraggBragg-800YYYDone18901971
1917Charles Glover BarklaBarkla-31YYYDone18771944
1918Max PlanckPlanck-41YYY Done18581947
1919Johannes StarkStark-4173YYYDone18741957
1920Charles Édouard GuillaumeGuillaume-167YYYDone18611938
1921Albert EinsteinEinstein-1YYYDone18791955
1922Niels BohrBohr-191YYYDone18851962
1923Robert Andrews MillikanMillikan-145YYYDone18681953
1924Manne SiegbahnManne Siegbahn YYYDone18861978
1925James FranckFranck-382YYYDone18821964
1925Gustav HertzHertz-185YYYDone18871975
1926Jean Baptiste PerrinPerrin-3563YYYDone18701942
1927Charles Thomson Rees WilsonWilson-59647YYYDone18691959
1927Arthur Holly ComptonCompton-1696YYYDone18921962
1928Owen Willans RichardsonRichardson-20276YYYDone18791959
1929Louis Victor Pierre Raymond, 7th Duc de BroglieBroglie-6YYYDone18921987
1930Chandrasekhara Venkata RamanRaman-17YYNLook for more Family18881970
1932Werner HeisenbergHeisenberg-2YYYDone19011976
1933Paul DiracDirac-2YYYDone19021984
1933Erwin SchrödingerSchrödinger-1YYYDone18871961
1935James ChadwickChadwick-1460YYYDone18911974
1936Carl David AndersonAnderson-42183YYYDone19051991
1936Victor Francis HessVictor Franz Hess (1883-1964)YYYDone18831964
1937Clinton Joseph DavissonDavisson-230YYYDone18811958
1937George Paget ThomsonThomson-6506YYYDone18921975
1938Enrico FermiFermi-2YYY Done 19011954
1939Ernest LawrenceLawrence-12045YYYDone19011958
1943Otto Stern Stern-2130 YYYDone18881969
1944Isidor Isaac RabiRabi-3YYYDone18981988
1945Wolfgang PauliPauli-289YYYDone19001958
1946Percy Williams BridgmanBridgman-340YYYDone18821961
1947Edward Victor AppletonAppleton-1016YYYDone18921965
1948Patrick Maynard Stuart BlackettBlackett-330YYYDone18971974
1949秀樹 (小川) 湯川 (Hideki Yukawa)小川-20YYYDone19071981
1950Cecil Frank PowellCP PowellYYYDone19031969
1951John Douglas CockcroftCockcroft-713YYYDone18971967
1951Ernest Thomas Sinton WaltonWalton-2430YYNLook for more Family19031995
1952Edward Mills PurcellPurcell-2838YYYDone19121997
1952Felix BlochBloch-108YYY Done 19051983
1953Frits ZernikeZernike-1YYYDone18881966
1954Walther BotheWalther BotheYYNLook for more Family18911957
1954Max BornBorn-311YYYDone18821970
1955Polykarp KuschKusch-71YYYAdd first wife and more Family19111993
1955Willis Eugene LambLamb-6855YYYDone19132008
1956John BardeenBardeen-27YYYDone19081991
1956Walter Houser BrattainBrattain-92YYYDone19021987
1956William Bradford ShockleyShockley-442YYYDone19101989
1957Tsung-Dao Leen/aNNNCreate profile1926living
1957Chen-Ning Yangn/aNNNCreate profile1922living
1958Pavel Alekseyevich CherenkovCherenkov-1YYNLook for more Family19041990
1958Ilya Frankn/aNNNCreate profile19081990
1958Igor Yevgenyevich Tammn/aNNNCreate profile18951971
1959Owen ChamberlainOwen Chamberlain (1920-2006)YYYDone19202006
1959Emilio Gino SegrèEmilio Gino SegrèYYNLook for family19051989
1960Donald Arthur GlaserGlaser-795YYNAdd family19262013
1961Robert HofstadterRobert Hofstadter (1915-1990)YYYDone19151990
1961Rudolf Ludwig MössbauerMößbauer-1YYNLook for more family19292011
1962Lev Davidovich LandauLandau-181YYNLook for more family19081968
1963Eugene Paul WignerWigner-14YYYDone19021995
1963Maria Goeppert-MayerGoeppert-3YYYDone19061972
1963J. Hans D. JensenJ. Hans JensenYYN Look for more Family19071973
1964Charles Hard TownesTownes-87YYYDone19152015
1964Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basovn/aNNCheck Status19222001
1964Alexander ProkhorovAleksandr ProkhorovYYNLook for more Family19162002
1965Julian SchwingerSchwinger-11YYYDone19181994
1965Richard Phillips FeynmanFeynman-4YYYDone19181988
1965Shin'ichirō Tomonaga振一郎 朝永, Shin'ichirō TomonagaYYYDone19061979
1966Alfred KastlerAlfred KastlerYYNCheck Status19021984
1967Hans Albrecht BetheBethe-26YYYDone19062005
1968Luis Walter AlvarezAlvarez-1581YYYDone19111988
1969Murray Gell-MannMurray Gell-MannYYYDone19292019
1970Hannes Olof Gösta AlfvénHannes Olof Gösta AlfvénYYYDone19081995
1970Louis Néeln/aNNCheck Status19042000
1971Dennis GaborDennis GaborYYYDone19001979
1972John BardeenBardeen-27YYYDone19081991
1972Leon Neil Coopern/aNNCheck Status1930Living
1972John Robert Schrieffern/aNNCheck Status19312019
1973Leo Esakin/aNNCheck Status1925living
1973Ivar Giaevern/aNNCheck Status1929Living
1973Brian David Josephsonn/aNNCheck Status1940Living
1974Antony Hewishn/aNNCheck Status1924 2021
1974Martin RyleMartin Ryle (1918-1984)YYYneeds biography19181984
1975Aage BohrBohr-193YYYDone19222009
1975Ben Roy Mottelsonn/aNNCheck Status1926 2022
1975Leo James Rainwatern/aNNCheck Status19171986
1976Burton Richtern/aNNCheck Status19312018
1976Samuel Chao Chung Tingn/aNNCheck Status1936Living
1977Philip Warren Andersonn/aNNCheck Status19232020
1977Nevill Francis MottNevill Francis MottYYYCheck Status19051996
1977John Hasbrouck Van VleckJohn Hasbrouck Van Vleck (1899-1980)YYYCheck Status18991980
1978Pyotr Leonidovich KapitsaPyotr Leonidovich (Капи́ца) Kapitsa (1894-1984)YYNLook for family18941984
1978Arno Allan PenziasArno Allan Penzias Ph.D. (1933-2024)YYNLook for more Family19332024
1978Robert Woodrow Wilsonn/aNNCheck Status1936living
1979Sheldon Lee Glashown/aNNCheck Status1932living
1979Abdus Salamn/aNNCheck Status19291996
1979Steven Weinbergn/aNNCheck Status19332021
1980James Watson Croninn/aNNCheck Status19312016
1980Val Logsdon Fitchn/aNNCheck Status19232015
1981Nicolaas BloembergenNicolaas BloembergenYYYDone19202017
1981Arthur Leonard Schawlown/aNNCheck Status19211999
1981Kai Manne Börje SiegbahnKai Siegbahn YYYDone19182007
1982Kenneth G. Wilsonn/aNNCheck Status19362013
1983Subrahmanyan ChandrasekharS. ChandrasekharYYNLook for more Family19101995
1983William Alfred Fowlern/aNNCheck Status19111995
1984Simon van der Meern/aNNCheck Status19252011
1984Carlo Rubbian/aNNCheck Status1934Living
1985Klaus von Klitzingn/aNNCheck Status1943Living
1986Gerd Binnign/aNNCheck Status1947Living
1986Heinrich Rohrern/aNNCheck Status19332013
1986Ernst Ruskan/aNNCheck Status19061988
1987Johannes Georg Bednorzn/aNNCheck Status1950Living
1987Karl Alexander Müllern/aNNCheck Status1927 2023
1988Leon Max LedermanLeon LedermanYYNLook for more Family19222018
1988Melvin Schwartzn/aNNCheck Status19322016
1988Jack Steinbergern/aNNCheck Status1921 2020
1989Hans Georg Dehmeltn/aNNCheck Status19222017
1989Wolfgang Pauln/aNNCheck Status19131993
1989Norman Foster RamseyNorman F. RamseyYYYDone19152011
1990Jerome I. Friedmann/aNNCheck Status1930 living
1990Henry Way Kendalln/aNNCheck Status19261999
1990Richard E. Taylorn/aNNCheck Status19292018
1991Pierre-Gilles de Gennesde Gennes-4YYYDone19322007
1992Georges CharpakCharpak-1YYNCheck Status19242010
1993Russell Alan Hulsen/aNNCheck Status1950Living
1993Joseph Hooton Taylor Jr.n/aNNCheck Status1941Living
1994Bertram BrockhouseBrockhouse-11YYYDone19182003
1994Clifford Glenwood Shulln/aNNCheck Status19152001
1995Martin Lewis Perln/aNNCheck Status19272014
1995Frederick Reinesn/aNNCheck Status19181998
1996David Morris Leen/aNNCheck Status1931Living
1996Douglas D. Osheroffn/aNNCheck Status1945Living
1996Robert Coleman Richardsonn/aNNCheck Status19372013
1997Steven Chun/aNNCheck Status1948Living
1997Claude Cohen-Tannoudjin/aNNCheck Status1933living
1997William Daniel Phillipsn/aNNCheck Status1948Living
1998Robert B. Laughlinn/aNNCheck Status1950Living
1998Horst Ludwig Störmern/aNNCheck Status1949Living
1998Daniel Chee Tsuin/aNNCheck Status1939Living
1999Gerard 't Hooftn/aNNCheck Status1946Living
1999Martinus J. G. Veltmann/aNNCheck Status19312021
2000Zhores Ivanovich Alferovn/aNNCheck Status19302019
2000Jack St. Clair Kilbyn/aNNCheck Status19232005
2000Herbert Kroemern/aNNCheck Status1928 living
2001Eric Allin Cornelln/aNNCheck Status1961 living
2001Wolfgang Ketterlen/aNNCheck Status1957 living
2001Carl Edwin Wiemann/aNNCheck Status1951 living
2002Raymond Davis Jr.n/aNNCheck Status19142006
2002Riccardo Giacconin/aNNCheck Status19312018
2002Masatoshi Koshiban/aNNCheck Status19262020
2003Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosovn/aNNCheck Status19282017
2003Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburgn/aNNCheck Status19162009
2003Anthony James Leggettn/aNNCheck Status1938 living
2004David J. Grossn/aNNCheck Status1941 living
2004Hugh David Politzern/aNNCheck Status1949 living
2004Frank Wilczekn/aNNCheck Status 1951 living
2005Roy J. Glaubern/aNNCheck Status19252018
2005John L. Halln/aNNCheck Status 1934 living
2005Theodor W. Hänschn/aNNCheck Status 1941 living
2006John C. Mathern/aNNCheck Status 1946 living
2006George F. Smootn/aNNCheck Status 1945 living
2007Albert Fertn/aNNCheck Status 1938 living
2007Peter Grünberg Peter Grünberg Y YYDone19392018
2008Makoto Kobayashin/aNNCheck Status 1944 living
2008Toshihide Maskawan/aNNCheck Status19402021
2008Yoichiro Nambun/aNNCheck Status19212015
2009Willard S. Boylen/aNNCheck Status19242011
2009Charles K. Kaon/aNNCheck Status19332018
2009George E. Smithn/aNNCheck Status 1930 living
2010Andre Geimn/aNNCheck Status 1958 living
2010Konstantin Novoselovn/aNNCheck Status 1974 living
2011Saul Perlmuttern/aNNCheck Status 1959 living
2011Adam G. Riessn/aNNCheck Status 1969 living
2011Brian P. Schmidtn/aNNCheck Status 1967 living
2012Serge Harochen/aNNCheck Status1944living
2012David J. Winelandn/aNNCheck Status 1944 living
2013François Englertn/aNNCheck Status 1932 living
2013Peter Higgsn/aNNCheck Status 1929 living
2014Isamu Akasakin/aNNCheck Status19292021
2014Hiroshi Amanon/aNNCheck Status 1960 living
2014Shuji Nakamuran/aNNCheck Status 1954 living
2015Takaaki Kajitan/aNNCheck Status 1959 living
2015Arthur B. McDonaldn/aNNCheck Status 1943 living
2016F. Duncan M. Haldanen/aNNCheck Status 1951 living
2016John M. Kosterlitzn/aNNCheck Status1943Living
2016David J. Thoulessn/aNNCheck Status19342019
2017Barry Barishn/aNNCheck Status1936Living
2017Kip Thornen/aNNCheck Status1940Living
2017Rainer Weissn/aNNCheck Status1932Living
2018Arthur Ashkinn/aNNCheck Status19222020
2018Gérard Mouroun/aNNCheck Status1944living
2018Donna Stricklandn/aNNCheck Status1959living
2019James Peeblesn/aNNCheck Status1935Living
2019Michel Mayorn/aNNCheck Status1942Living
2019Didier Quelozn/aNNCheck Status1966Living
2020Roger Penrosen/aNNCheck Status1930Living
2020Reinhard Genzeln/aNNCheck Status1952Living
2020Andrea Ghezn/aNNCheck Status1965Living
2021Syukuro Manaben/aNNCheck Status1931Living
2021Klaus Hasselmannn/aNNCheck Status1931Living
2021Giorgio Parisin/aNNCheck Status1948Living
2022Alain Aspectn/aNNCheck Status1947Living
2022John Clausern/aNNCheck Status1942Living
2022Anton Zeilingern/aNNCheck Status1945Living
2023Pierre Agostinin/aNNCheck Status1944Living
2023Ferenc Krauszn/aNNCheck Status1962Living
2023Anne L’Huilliern/aNNCheck Status1958Living

Notes on attempts to make connections. Add, edit, and delete freely as status changes. This would also be a good place to mention laureates you particularly want to see connected, and why. Please give your reasons. Almost any reason is okay, but we'd like to know.

  1. Wilhelm Roentgen was connected in early 2019.
  2. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar would be interesting to connect for several reasons. First, it would also connect close relative Raman. Second, this would connect a well-known family of Indian scientists and administrators. Third, India in general is poorly represented in WikiTree, so this would be a small step toward adding more connections there.

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 4

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Hi Steve. I added a few profiles to your table. I've got a lot of mathematicians and scientists like you. Here's one of my tables: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Mathematicians_and_Scientists_III. There's two more linked to that. Also, I couldn't find one on WikiTree so I made a Nobel Prize sticker I've been using. You can look on one of the Nobel Laureates I manage to see the sticker.
posted by Mike Greer
I had fun with Cecil Frank Powell - eventually connecting him via his mother! (after I created a zillion profiles of the more unusual names in his tree). Next up is Martin Ryle.

Aaaanddd - it turns out he is already there! I added categories and a note that he needs a biography. NEXT.

posted by Frances (Jones) McCarthy
edited by Frances (Jones) McCarthy
I'll do up Cecil Frank Powell -Nobel laureate from 1950. He's English - and I can handle English sources much better than other countries.
Thanks, and the more the better! I'm sure that many of the existing English profiles could be improved and/or connected to the global tree by someone with the right sources and energy.

Now I'm going to wish for someone from India to show up. Chandrasekhar and Raman did great work, but I have only been able to make the crudest of profiles for them.

posted by Steve Ryan

Categories: Nobel Laureates