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Noland-165 Peyton Research

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Peyton Research

This page is a personal workspace for me (Noland-165). See Two Valentine Peytons with Sons Named Robert for a presentation about the Valentine Peytons that Hayden conflated. ~ Liz (Noland) Shifflett

WikiTree pages with a broader scope that may be of interest to Peyton researchers:


See also Footnotes, below.


My Line

I descend from Valentine Peyton of Virginia - there were two, each with a son named Robert, that were conflated by Hayden[1] and "my" Robert disappeared. The Stafford Order Book (1749-1755) gives proof of the Valentine Peyton who was Clerk of the Court in the 1750s,[2] after the death of Valentine Peyton, Dettingen Parish vestryman (recorded as deceased in the parish records, 1 October 1751).[3]

In WikiTree as of 28 November 2023:

Both Roberts married an Ann. Records with "Robert and his wife Ann" could be for either, but most are attributed to the Robert who died in Tennessee and his wife Ann Guffey. The records mentioning Valentine Peyton are attributed to the Valentine who died in 1751 (whom Hayden conflated with the Valentine who was clerk of the county for Stafford County after 1751).[4]

The 2004 Peytons of Virginia (POVII) separates them as follows:

FE Line: Robert (m Ann Rush), son of Valentine <- my line
G Line: Valentine & Frances (Linton) Peyton, parents of Robert (m Ann Guffey), who is P Line

Me to Robert Peyton

Trail from the Relationship Finder 28 November 2023:

  1. Liz is the daughter of Peyton Noland [DNA confirmed]
  2. Peyton is the son of Henry Peyton Noland (1896-1935) [confident]
  3. Henry is the son of Thomas Vaughan Noland (1864-1914) [confident]
  4. Thomas is the son of Henry Peyton Noland (1841-1893) [confident]
  5. Henry is the son of Pearce Noland (1789-1857) [confident]
  6. Pearce is the son of Alice (Peyton) Noland (abt.1765-) [unknown confidence]
  7. Alice is the daughter of Robert Peyton (abt.1745-abt.1785) [unknown confidence]

7. That Alice is the daughter of Robert & the wife of George Noland (Pearce’s father) is circumstantial, based on the record of Robert’s nuncupative will (witnessed by George Noland & wife Alec Noland; in the probate statement, Robert’s widow says “George Noland and Wife and the rest of my children...”).

6. Pearce Noland is found in the accounting of his father’s estate by Walter Billingslea (administrator).

5. Henry Peyton Noland (b 1841) is in Pearce’s household in the 1850 census and is also named in his will.

4. Thomas Vaughan Noland (b 1864) is in Henry’s household in the 1880 census.

3. Henry Peyton Noland (born 1896) is my father’s father – lots of support for him (e.g., 1900 census & VA application that includes his sons)

2. My father (named in his father's obituary and VA form).

1. Me (proven by DNA as my father's daughter).

Valentine -> Robert -> Alec (m George Noland)

George -> Me

George's sons Pearce and Avery, recorded in Georgia records; Pearce and Avery included together in a passport to Mississippi through Indian Territory issued by Georgia.

Pearce left a will (1857) naming children, including...

Henry Peyton Noland (well documented - see his profile), father of
- Thomas Vaughan Noland (1864-1914), father of
- Henry Peyton Noland (1896-1935) my father's father
see their profiles for documentation




  • Robert Peyton died in Franklin County, North Carolina (1785) - will record


  • George Noland died in Georgia (1800) - Georgia records


  • Ann (Rush) Peyton died in _?_ (1826) - Cochran bible

copied-in info

Following was copied in from Space: Peyton Families on 16 November 2023

Valentine Peytons


Westmoreland County (Nomini); Stafford County (Overwharton Parish); Prince William County (Hamilton, Dettington Parish)
The following location information is from Benjamin Rush's profile (he was made guardian of Robert, orphan of Valentine Peyton, in 1762 - Prince William County Court records - and his daughter Ann Rush married Robert Peyton - bible record of grandson Hiram Peyton Cochran, details relayed in this post).
  • 1715 birth in Westmoreland County, Virginia
    • Prince William County (sometimes given as birth location), was not formed until 1730/31 (from King George and Stafford counties); Westmoreland County was formed from Northumberland County in 1653 and Stafford County was formed from Westmoreland County in 1664[5]
  • 1744 marriage to Alice Grigsby in Overwharton Parish, Stafford County, Virginia
    • Overwharton Parish, formed about 1702, served Stafford County from 1702 to after 1785. In 1776, the boundary between King George and Stafford Counties was altered, Overwharton began serving both counties.[6]
    • Overwharton Parish and Prince William County: When Prince William County was formed from Stafford County in 1731, all of Hamilton Parish went to Prince William County. Hamilton Parish was formed in 1730 and served Stafford County from 1730 until the formation of Prince William County, which it served until 1769. When Fauquier County was formed from Prince William County in 1759, Hamilton Parish served both counties. In 1769, Hamilton Parish was divided and all of the parish in Prince William County and part of the parish in Fauquier County was used to form Leeds Parish.[6]
    • Stafford County was formed from Westmoreland County in 1664.[5]
  • 1801 death in Chatham County, North Carolina
    • Chatham County was formed from Orange County in 1771[7]

Dettinger Parish & Overwharton Parish are close, but I think there is a bit more "crossover" than should be. For example, this Rootsweb page for Valentine (16 ) includes the following:

  • Birth: Abt 1687 in Westmoreland Co., Virginia
  • Death: Bef 1 Oct 1751
  • Event: lived in 25 Jun 1739 Hamilton Parish, Prince William Co., Virginia
  • Event: Burgess 1736 Prince William Co., Virginia
  • Event: Justice Office 22 Feb 1743
  • Event: Sheriff Office 25 Sep 1749
  • Event: Vestryman 22 May 1749 "Overwharton Parish", Stafford Co., Virginia
    • from Hayden (who is said to have merged two Valentines),[8] noting that the Overwharton Parish may be a different Valentine Peyton
  • Event: Vestryman 26 Jun 1749 "Dettingen Parish", Virginia

It may be more than two Valentines are chronicled.

From a comment on Peyton-15's profile:

Westmoreland County, from which Stafford County was formed, was served by Nomini Parish from the time Westmoreland county was formed from Northumberland county in 1653.
Conclusion - Westmoreland/Nomini/Stafford County (Overwharton Parish) Peytons are Henry->Henry->Valentine (gent./clerk of Stafford Co. died after 1752).
vagenweb.org/stafford/groupsheets/HenryPeyton16563GenNarrDesc.RTF - descendants of Henry b Westmoreland County, shows information for both the Stafford County and Prince William County Valentine Peytons all under Captain Valentine Peyton of Prince William County.

December 1762 Deed

from https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I116189&tree=Tree1

Prince William County, Virginia Deeds [Antient Press]; Liber P; 1761 - 1764; Page 266-271

THIS INDENTURE made the fifth and sixth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred Sixty two and in the third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third Between BENJAMIN RUSH of Parish of Dittengen in the County of Prince William Planter & ALICE his Wife of one part and JOHN TYLER of the Parish and County aforesaid of other part Witnessth that the said BENJAMIN RUSH & ALICE his Wife for the sum of Seventy pounds Current money path sold unto the said JOHN TYLER (in his actual possession now being by virtue of a Lease for one year and by force of the statute for the transferring uses into possession) and to his heirs and assigns forever a certain parcel of land in the said County on the North or Upper side of the BROAD RUN of OCCOQUAN being part of a larger tract of land once belonging to THOMAS ARRINGTON which he sold to BENJAMIN RUSH JUNR, bounded Beginning at the OLD WAGON FORD of BROAD RUN and thence running along the said to another Maple with twelve Notches near a COSWAY at TIBBES ROAD, thence running along the said ROAD to the old line, thence runing the said old line to a Corner Spanish Oak on BROAD RUN thence extending along the said RUN to the beginning containing Sixty acres Together with all Houses gardens and appurtenances to the said land belonging To Have and To Hold unto said JOHN TYLER his heirs &assigns forever. In Witness whereof said BENJAMIN RUSH & ALCE his Wife hath set their hands & seals

in presence off CHARLES TYLER, BENJA, RUSH JR.

At a Court held for Prince William County the 6th day of December 1762

This Release and the Receipt thereon endorsed were acknowledged by BENJAMIN RUSH JR. & ALICE his Wife to be their act and deed the said ALICE (being first privily examined & thereto consenting) relinquished her right of Dower therein & the same was ordered to be recorded

Henry Peyton

Attached as father of Capt. Valentine Peyton who died in 1751 (Peyton-15).
Record of land transfer from Henry Peyton of "Ocquia in Stafford County" to "James Butler of Stafford County... 22 day of March 1689/90, Henry Peyton Acknowledged by Anne his wife 7 April 1690 and recorded in records of Stafford County".

From Henry Peyton III (1656-1695), emphasis added

Stafford DB:
"I Henry Peyton of Ocquia in Stafford County ye Sonne & heire of Henry Peyton late of London Merchant deced, Whereas my said Father at ye tyme of his Death stood seized in a Tract of lande in this County of Stafford formerly Westmoreland containinge & beinge laid out for 400 acres on ye South side of the Potomack River South known by ye name of ye Sandy & Ragged Point opposite to ye Doegs Plantation bounded North upon a Marsh & Red Banke East upon Potomack River South along the Potomack River to another Small Branch West into ye Woods as doth appeare by a Patent granted to Richard Codsford bearing date ye 5thSeptember 1654 an assigned by him to my said Father ye 3d day of June 1656 & by my said Father renewed & taken in his owne name by Order of ye Governour & Councell upon new right & by an Order dated ye 13 day of October 1657 and a Pattent theron granted to him ye 1st day of November 1657 as by ye same will appeare and by just Dessent in Law descended to me ye said Henry Peyton as Sonne & Heire to my said Father Henry Peyton deced....for sume of foure thousand pounds of Tobacco in Caske paid my by James Butler of Stafford County have sold him apacell of land containing 280 acres....standing at ye Mouth of a small branch by ye River side...extending South along the Potomack River...encludeinge ye plantacon called Cockpey Point... & ye greater part of ye Marsh. 22 day of March 1689/90, Henry Peyton Acknowledged by Anne his wife 7 April 1690 and recorded in records of Stafford County." [Stafford DB]

That profile also has a link to his father's will (in FS):

Mixed deeds, wills, court orders, and poll lists, 1653-1859; Deeds and wills, Vol. 1 1653-1671 [Stafford?]: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-89PX-FF17
  • Henry Noland of Aquia, Westmoreland County
  • wife Ellen Peyton (1/2 of his estate)
  • son Valentine Peyton (1/2 of 1/2 of his estate, when 21)
  • son Henry Peyton (1/2 of 1/2 of his estate, when 21)
  • brother Valentine Peyton
Item: "my will is that none of my land or estate in Virginia doe fall to my sons or such heirs in law as inheritance but that if my wife desire it to be sold and Valued as personal Estate and soe divided according to my will."
Item: "my will and desire is that my brother Valentine and mine Uncle Thomas Partington of London Dra[fter?] to be Overseer of this my last will and Testament to be performed according to my true intent..."
Item: "I constitute and ordain that my loveing wife Ellen Peyton sole Executrix of this my last will... this 17th day of May 1658."
"This will was proved and recorded the 20th of October 1659."
Henry's widow Ellen Peyton "doe ordain constitute and appoint my trusty and well loved brother in law Valentine Peyton my true and lawfull attorney for me...", 7 May 1659.
"Teste" John Rymer [I think]... maybe Rynes
"This letter of attorney was recorded the 20th of October 1659."

WikiTree's Valentines

See also Space:Peytons in the American Revolution#Valentine Peytons.

The following list of WikiTree profiles (probably changed since initially posted), offers some information, some of it sourced, but there appears to me that more than Hayden's two Valentines may have been merged - with so many prominent Valentine Peytons living so close together at the same time, it's hard to tell what fact should go with which other fact(s) and for which Valentine.
- are the following two profiles a match? - [whether or not, they were merged]
Note: Valentine Peyton appears to have too many children, based on a note from PSV on Valentine Peyton that Valentine and Ann (unknown) had seven children. Additional sources? (Another note: PSV's Peytons of Virginia II could also have facts assigned incorrectly & review of sources cited in the books should be re-examined.)

Known Facts - "FE" Line

The Peytons of Virginia II (POVII) identifies Valentine Peyton, father of Robert (b 1 September 1745), as "FE" line. This section is to collect facts associated with the Valentine Peytons of an age to be father of Robert (b 1745), son Robert, and those associated with him - focusing on their locations. POVII says that Valentine (FE Line) is "of Prince William Co., Va." based, apparently, on the following source citations for son Robert:
  • "Prince William Co. VA, Orders, 1762-1763, Bk A, p. 590, Sept. 10,1761. Robert Peyton, an infant was represented by John Peyton, his guardian. Prince William Co. VA, Orders, 1762-1763, Bk OB, p. 385, Nov. 2, 1762, Robert Peyton, Orphan of Valentine Peyton, Gent. deceased, came into court and made choice of Benjamin Rush for his Guardian, etc."
However, another source cites the same dates, but different sources:
  • "September 10, 1761: Loudoun Co., Va., Order Bk A:509 sent by Pat Duncan to Mary Gregg. November 2, 1762, Prince William Co., Va., OB 1761-1763:385 from Ruth and Sam Sparacio (see Mary Gregg's Genforum post #352, in which she provides a summary of information that she and her co-researcher Carlene St. John had found.)

From Benjamin's profile (Rush-505) is the statement: "'Benjamin Rush of Parish of Dettingen in the County of Prince William Planter & Alice his Wife' (Deed Abstract, December 1762)."

So to start:

Valentine (b c 1700) of... Prince William County? - Peyton-221 (currently attached as father of Robert b 1745, Peyton-432)

John (guardian of Valentine's son Robert in 1761), of... Loudoun County?

Robert's father-in-law (Benjamin Rush) of Dettingen Parish, Prince William County

from https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/leath/386/ (5 December 2023)
John PEYTON (ca1720-1774) of Prince William Co., VA wife Seth HARRISON...
John Peyton was said to be of LOUDOUN Co. in 1757.From Loudoun Co., VA Order Book A:509; September 10, 1761.Robert Peyton, an infant, is represented by John Peyton his guardian.From Loudoun Co., VA Order Book B:20; July 15, 1762.Robert Peyton, infant under age 21, is represented by his guardian John Peyton, John Peyton in a suit against JAMES LEITH.From Prince William Co., VA, Order Book 1762-1763, p. 385: November 2, 1762.Rush appointed guardian to Peyton.Robert Peyton, orphan of Valentine Peyton, Gent., deceased, came into court and choice of Benjamin RUSH for his guardian who is to enter into and execute a bond at the next court with good and sufficient securitys for his faithful performance of his guardianship.

Valentine, clerk of the court, Stafford County, was living in November 1752.[9]

Valentine of Prince William County was dec'd by 25 Aug 1752 (from this Rootsweb page, "the Pr. William Co. Court held a hearing in the case of Mark Brown and Elizabeth his wife against Henry Peyton, Gent. and John Peyton, executors of Valentine Peyton Gent. dec'd. [typos corrected]"

An aside on who Robert's mother might be, the following are two comments from Peyton-432:

update: beliefs change. At this point there I think that Frances Harrison married a different Valentine Peyton. The Stafford County Order Book returned to Virginia a few years ago shows a Valentine Peyton, Clerk, past the time that Captain Valentine Peyton died.
I think that strong evidence is mounting that Robert (b 1745, married Ann Rush) is the son of Valentine (d 1751) but not of Frances Linton. I believe that Frances Linton married Valentine c1716/1719 and was mother of some of the 7 children the Peyton Society of Virginia attributes to her, but not Robert (and I don't think Craven either). Frances Harrison is said to have married Valentine (d 1751), but also is said to have been born c1711, so she couldn't have married him in 1719. But she could have married him after Frances Linton died & been the mother of Craven (b c1730) and Robert (b 1745). Although it's not impossible that a 47-year-old woman in 1745 to have born a child (Frances Linton was b c1698), it's more likely a woman born c1710 did.
This Robert Peyton is from Prince William and Loudoun counties, Virginia according to deeds. His will was recorded in Franklin County, NC in 1785.
According to the Peyton Society of Virginia, the Robert Peyton who married Ann Guffey (born Rockbridge, VA) died in Tennessee in 1795 (born 1725).
The book Davis Stockton of Virginia, by Leona Irene Smith Johnson and Winfred Broadus Smith, has Robert Peyton m Ann Guffey living on Pissey Creek, Amherst County, 10 miles from Yelverton Peyton m Ann Guffey, living on Buffalo Creek, Rockbridge County. Amherst/Rockbridge are adjacent. PWC/Loudoun county are quite a distance away (see this map, select 1778).
Earlier, I concluded that Westmoreland/Nomini/Stafford County (Overwharton Parish) Peytons are Henry->Henry->Valentine (gent./clerk of Stafford Co. died after 1752). I'm leaning toward Robert (b 1745), son of Valentine (d 1751) are Hamilton Parish/Dettington Parish, Prince William County/Loudoun County. Robert's father (b c1700) would have been born before Hamilton Parish & Prince William County were formed in 1730/1731: From Freddie Spradlin's Parishes of Virginia: "Hamilton Parish... was formed by dividing Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co. When Prince William Co was formed from Stafford Co in 1731, all of Hamilton Parish went...."
Dettington Parish was formed from Hamilton Parish in 1744 and served Prince William County to after 1785.[10]

Robert Peytons

* * this section was NOT copied-in from Peyton Families * *
it was from Space: Peytons in the American Revolution

Known Roberts:

Roberts in records:

  • Robert, with Capt. John Peyton's company till 15 August 1777 (promoted to 2nd Lt.) Listed as 2nd Lt. Robert Peyton with 3rd VA under Capt Lee (Nov. 1777)
  • Ens. Robert Peyton, died at Brandywine 11 Sep 1777 (3rd VA under Capt Lee). per Henry Lee's memoirs, this appears to be the same newly-promoted 2nd Lt. Robert Peyton (not sure why he's on the November 1777 muster in that case)
Robert, nephew of John, son of Valentine, grandson of Craven, brother of Craven & John
  • FS website (see Leads, below): "John Peyton, son of Craven Peyton, of Loudoun County, was an officer in the Revolutionary army, and during the war was sent to Fluvanna County to purchase supplies. Three nephews, sons of his brother Valentine, joined him there, Craven, Robert and John." See Edgar Woods, Albemarle County in Virginia: Giving Some Account of What It Was by Nature, of What It Was Made by Man, and of Some of the Men Who Made It (Charlottesville, Va.: The Michie Company Printers, 1901), 295.
  • Amherst Co. was created from Albermarle County in 1761
  • Hayden says John Peyton (no. 202) moved to Amherst
* * return to copied-in from Peyton Families * *

Robert Peytons

following are by profile number (see also Of Peytons & Paytons)

Owsley/Noland/Middleton connections to Dettingen Parish Valentine

Comment posted 24 November 2023 to the profile Thomas Owsley III (abt.1731-abt.1796).

I think that this is probably the Thomas Owsley mentioned in the following record. I believe the John Middleton is John Middleton (1673-1754) ... his profile includes the following statement: "About 1740 John and his wife became insolvent and left the Province and resettled in Fairfax County, Virginia." (I'm researching which Valentine Peyton is the father of "my" Robert Peyton... I believe that the Valentine of this record is the Capt. Valentine Peyton who died in Dettingen Parish before 1 October 1751, the "probably father of the 'other' Robert" Valentine.*)

From Mary Gregg's research, posted at https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/peyton/352/


(Loudoun Co., Va., DB D:Part II:379-383) Indenture made 4th/5th March 1765 between Robert Peyton of Loudoun County and Anne his wife of one part and James Sinkler of same, for £40. .. by deeds of lease & release .. sold parcel of land in Loudoun County on the North side Little River of Goose Creek being part of a tract of land taken up and Patented by Capt. John Middleton .. beginning at a branch in the line of the land surveyed for Thomas Owsley at Middleton's stake corner .. containing 150 acres ...
Wits: Francis Peyton, Christopher Metcalfe - /s/ Robt. Peyton

Frances Peyton, Absolom (X) Remey - /s/ Anne Peyton

At a court held 11th March 1765 .. Indenture acknowledged .. Anne having been first privily examined .. and receipt endorsed acknowledged .. ordered to be recorded.

From Mary:Here is the deed where Valentine Peyton bought the land from John Middleton.


(Fairfax Co., Va., DB C:73-76)August 17/18, 1750.John Middleton of Cameron Parish, Fairfax County, Planter, and Mary his wife, to Valentine Peyton of Dettingen Parish, Prince William County, £25 current money of Virginia for 150 acres near the little River of Goose Creek, being the plantation whereon John Middleton now dwells and is the remaining part of a tract granted to said Middleton for 593 acres by patent dated June 8, 1741.
Wits: Jno. Andrews, W. West, Elishee Hall - /s/ John Middleton

George Adams, Wm. Mackfarling, John Ethell - /s/ Mary Middleton

Recorded September 26, 1750.

* Valentine/Robert profiles I'm referring to:


and then

oooh! Found a connection to my Noland family!

Thomas Noland (1748-1811) married Mary Eleanor Luckett (1752-1819), daughter of William Luckett and Charity (Middleton) Luckett (daughter of John) - the Thomas Noland son-in-law mentioned [not above... in William Luckett's profile, see quote below]. He [Thomas Noland] inherited Noland's Ferry from his father, Philip Noland who had established Noland's Ferry. "The Noland Ferry House, built in the mid 1700's by Philip Noland, is located in Loudoun County, Virginia".<ref>http://www.members.tripod.com/nolandsharon/photo.htm#Noland%20Ferry%20House</ref>

Maybe it was Noland's Ferry on the Virginia side & Luckett's Ferry on the Maryland side? See this G2G question.

edited for clarity, to add G2G link, and to add:

From Luckett-55: "He was in Charles County as late as June 7, 1733, because on that day he witnessed the will of Robert Roberston who made William Middleton the principal legatee. By the year 1748 he was well established in Frederick County [MD] and was the operator of a ferry to the Virginia shore of the Potomac. It was later operated by his son-in-law Thomas Noland."

And a PS - William Luckett's son Thomas Hussey Luckett married Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Noland (of Noland's Ferry - sister of the Thomas who married William Luckett's daughter).



John Middleton is probably John (b1673/d 1754), great-uncle of Mary (Middleton) Owsley (1730-1808), wife of Thomas. John's daughter Charity married William Luckett. Luckett's daughter married Thomas Noland, son of Philip Noland (of Noland's Ferry) and Thomas Hussey Luckett married Philip's daughter Elizabeth Noland. From Luckett-55's profile:

"He was in Charles County as late as June 7, 1733, because on that day he witnessed the will of Robert Roberston who made William Middleton the principal legatee. By the year 1748 he was well established in Frederick County and was the operator of a ferry to the Virginia shore of the Potomac. It was later operated by his son-in-law Thomas Noland. ... [Years later,] when the Maryland veterans of the Revolutionary War were making their applications for pensions, many in certifying to the details of their service stated that on the way to Yorktown as well as other Southern points they crossed the Potomac at Noland's Ferry, while a few referred to it as Luckett's Ferry."

Thomas Noland (1748-1811), son of the Philip Noland who established Noland's Ferry on the Virginia side. "The Noland Ferry House, built in the mid 1700's by Philip Noland, is located in Loudoun County, Virginia".[11] Thomas married Mary Eleanor Luckett (1752-1819), daughter of William Luckett and Charity (Middleton) Luckett.

posted to G2G ...

Tom - to add to the confusion, I just came across the following in the profile for William Luckett, whose daughter married Thomas:

He was in Charles County as late as June 7, 1733, because on that day he witnessed the will of Robert Roberston who made William Middleton the principal legatee. By the year 1748 he was well established in Frederick County [MD] and was the operator of a ferry to the Virginia shore of the Potomac. It was later operated by his son-in-law Thomas Noland.

Maybe it was Noland's Ferry on the VA side and Luckett's Ferry on the Maryland side?

Stafford (?) Records

FamilySearch: "Mixed deeds, wills, court orders, and poll lists, 1653-1859 : Deeds and wills, Vol. 1 1653-1671" - unindexed file of 445 images.

1658/1658 Will of Henry Peyton (m Ellen P), abstracted above, page 129 of 445 - link = https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-89PX-FF17
Other notes:

moved from Peyton-432

Hayden Conflation of Valentines

Hayden conflates Valentine Peyton, father of Robert Peyton who married Ann Guffey, and Valentine Peyton, father of this Robert Peyton who married Ann Rush in his Virginia Genealogies, retaining the "other" Robert Peyton (Peyton-206, born c1725, husband of Ann Guffey) as a son of Valentine (died 1 October 1751).[12]
Shown as son of Henry Peyton (1656- ) of Acquia Creek in Stafford County in Hayden's 1885 PEYTON, of England and America, the text for Valentine's entry gives hints for more than one Valentine, including the beginning of the text for son Robert's entry: "This connection is tentative."[13]
  • "Valentine Peyton... of Hamilton Parish, Prince William county, Va., June 25, 1739, b. cir. 1686-8; d. ___, 1751 ; will pro. Prince William county, Va., but lost or destroyed. The date is referred to in the county records"
  • "He m. ____, Frances ____ (possibly Harrison)."[13]
  • "He... was Burgess, P.W. Co., 1736, and vestryman, Overwharton Par., Staff'd, May 22, 1749. He also signed as vestryman, Dettingen Par., June 26, 1749."[13]
  • "John Nesbitt, Gent., was appointed vestryman in Room of Val'e Peyton, Gent., Deceast, Oct. 1, 1751." (Par. Reg.)[13]

From Geneagraphie

Following copied in 30 November 2023 - was having a hard time readining it in the form posted at https://geneagraphie.com/getperson.php?personID=I569847 - Last Modified: 17 Aug 2009

Col. Valentine Peyton (abt 1687 - bef 1751), 64 years

born in Westmoreland Co., Virginia
died bef 1 Oct 1751 [2]

Father: Henry Peyton, III, b. 1656, Westmoreland Co., Virginia; d. aft 12 Feb 1695 (Age 39 years)
Mother: Ann Thornton, b. Abt 1661; d. date unknown

Marriage: 1685, Aquia Episcopal Church, Stafford Co., Virginia
Family ID F243718

Col. Valentine Peyton married Frances Anne Linton (b. Abt 1700- ) in in 1725


  1. Eleanor Peyton, b. Abt 1720 d. Yes, date unknown
  2. Col. Francis Peyton, b. 1730, Prince William County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1808, Loudoun County, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 78 years)
  3. John Seth Peyton, b. Abt 1728 d. Bef 7 Nov 1774 (Age 46 years)
  4. Robert Peyton d. 5 Jan 1795, TN Find all individuals with events at this location
  5. Caven [sic] Peyton d. 1781
  6. Col Henry Peyton d. Jul 1781
  7. Valentine Peyton d. Yes, date unknown
Family ID F243713 - Last Modified: 23 Nov 2007


On 25 Aug 1752, the Pr. William Co. Court held a hearing in thecase of Mark Brown and Elizabeth his wife against Herny Peyton, Gent.and John Peyton, executors of Valentine Peyton Gent. deced., and ruledthat Mark & Elizabeth ought to recover against Henry & John the sum of2 pounds 16 shillings & 6 pence & also their costs. In May 1753, the Court granted Herny Peyton and John Peyton,Executors of Valetine Peyton deceased, judgment against William PicketAdministrator of Francis Picket deced for 1 pound, 19 shillings, & 1pence and the chattels of the said Intestate in the hands of theDefendant.

2 Event: Military BEF 1745 VA Note: The Dettingen Parish Vestry Book contains 15 references to Capt.Valentine, Vall. or Vale. Peyton between 1745 and 1750.

3 Will: ABT 1751 Note: On 14 June 1763 Craven Peyton and Ann his wife and Geoge and JamesMercer sold for 500 pounds 350 A. in LoudounCo on Little River whichwas devised to Craven Peyton by Valentine Peyton...from Thomas Owsley by deeds dated 25 Aug 1740. On 6 July 1763 Francis Peyton and Frances his wife for 250 poundssold 350 A. in Loudoun on Little R. of Goose Cr which was devised by Valentine Peyton to Francis Peyton. On 22/23 Sept 1763 Henry Peyton and Margaret his wife sold toDaniel French and Daniel Payne for 1,000 pounds current money of Va.253.5 A. in Pr. WmCo taken up and patented by Valentine Peyton by deedfrom Proprietor's Office dated 20 Aug 1725 and by him given and devised in his Last Will and Testament to Henry Peyton. On 8/9 Aug 1765 1765 Robert Peyton and Ann his wife sold to John Semple for 94 pounds current money of Va. all the undivided share of230 A. which was devised by the Last Will and Testament of his fatherValentine Peyton, Gent. deceased, to be equally divided betweenFrancis Peyton, Craven Peyton, and Robert Peyton on Occoquan R. in Pr.WmCo. On 9 Aug 1765 Robert Peyton and Ann his wife sold to Thomas Gibsonfor 150 pounds 284 A. on Little R. or Hunger Run in LoudounCo grantedto Charles Green who transferred it to Valentine Peyton who devised itto Robert Peyton. On 11 May 1767, Francis Peyton and Frances his wife, Craven Peytonand Ann his wife sold John Semple 230 A. [280 A.?] at the Falls of theOccoquan devised to them and to their brother, Robert Peyton, by theirfather, Valentine Peyton by his last Will and Testament in writingduly proved and recorded among the Records of County Court of PrinceWilliam. On7 March 1765 Pr. Wm. County Court recorded sale by JohnBallendine and Mary his wife two parcels of land including secondtract adj mills, forge, and bakehouse, containing 280 A. purchased byJohn Ballendine from the sons and devisees of Valentine Peyton,deceased. On 2 May 1766 James Douglass sold to John Tayloe and PresleyThornton for 578 pounds of Va. currency 280 A. upon Occoquan R., Pr.WmCo, which he bought of John Balendine who had bought same of theExecutors of Valentine Peyton deceased on which is built one mill,storehouse, dwelling house, and other improvements, plus anotherparcel of 20 A. adj the other tract on which stand mills, ovens, andforge. On 1 Jan 1768, Henry Peyton and Margaret his wife sold CuthbertBullitt for 1,000 pounds current money of Va. (1) 470 A. upon BroadRun including Peyton's dwelling plantation and mill per original deedfrom Proprietor's Office to Valentine Peyton for one part of it and toThomas Dallis for the residue; (2) 212 A. upon Broad Run purchased byValentine Peyton of Nicholas Minor; and (3) 100 A. upon WhitledgesBranch purchased by Valentine Peyton of Nathaniel Overall.

4 Event: Burgess BET 1736 AND 1740 frm Prince William Co., VA Note: Thomas Osborne was expelled from the House of Burgesses in votingin 1736 that took place at the courthouse in front of everyone, andthe House ordered a new election won by Valentine Peyton. In 1740, Valentine Peyton and three other justices were censured bythe House of Burgess for refusing to receive two petitions by severalcitizens. Peyton, a Burgess, was required to apologize to the House.The right of the people to "petition the government for a redress ofgrievances" is guaranteed for us by the First Amendment which in thisparticular drives from the liberty infringed by the Prince Williamjustices. "As early as May 1740, the Scots had begun to agitate for a town[at Quantico]. They met determined opposition from Valentine Peyton,who insisted that if any town was to be established in Prince William,it must be at he Court House on the lower side of Occoquan where he,himself, had interests. Although the confident Scots adroitly amendedtheir petition, in the light of this opposition, to provide for townon both Quantico and Occoquan, Peyton was irreconcilable, and was ableto persuade the county court to refuse to certify the proposal to theAssembly. This was a breach of privilege, and resulted in disciplineby the Assembly of the Prince William justices who had been guilty ofit; but in the end Peyton succeeded in having the petition rejected,not only in 1740 but again in 1742 and 1744. The Scots would not,however, be denied. They now joined hands with those who proposed toestablish a similar town on Hunting Creek and at last, in May 1749,secured the pasage of 'An act for erecting a Town in the County ofPrince William.' ...to be called Dumfries." [Landmarks of Old PrinceWilliam] In 1741 William Fairfax and Thomas Harrison were elected to theHouse of Burgesses from Prince William while Valentine Peyton ran 6thout of 7. Thomas Harrison was backed largely by men from theSourthern part of the county who split their other votes betweenFairfax and Peyton.

5 6 Event: Land Purchase 20 AUG 1725 Broad Run of Occoquan R., StaffordCo, VA Note: Since 1730, this tract has been in Pr. WilliamCo. Valentine Payton of Stafford County, Virginia The Right Hon. [able] Thos. Lord Fairfax of [Leeds] Castle in yeCounty of Kent and Baron of Cameron in Scotland and Wm. Gage ofMilgate in ye Parish of Bearstead in ye Said County of Kent Esq. &Devisee in Trust and Sole Exex:§ of ye last will and Testament of theRt: Hon.[able] Catherine Lady Fairfax Decd., Proprietors of theNorthern Neck Virg:[ia] To all to whom this present writing Shall comeSend Greeting Know yee That for diverse good Causes and Considerationsbut more Especially for & In Consideration of the Compensation forour [use] paid unto our Agent~....and Attorney and for the Annual renthereafter reserved We have given granted and Confirmed by thesepresents for us our heirs and Assignes Do give grant and Confirm untoValentine Payton of Stafford County one Certain Tract or parcel of land Containing Two Hundred fifty three and a half Acres Scituatelying and being in ye Said County on the North Side of ye broad run,and Extending thence North Seventy five deg: East one hundred and Eight four po: to a Red Oak and a whiteOak, Thence North nineteen deg: West One hundred and forty po: To aRed Oak by a Glade: Thence West one hundred and forty Seven po: toanother red Oak thence North fifty seven deg: West Nine two po: to aRed Oak and a white Oak, Thence South Sixty Eight deg: West Fifty four po: to a white Oak on a Stoney hill Side Night ye Sd Run and by aSmall branch, finally down ye Said Run South Thirty two deg: East twohundred fifty two po: to the first Station. Together with all Rights Members and Appurtenances there untobelonging. Royall mines Exception one full third part of all Silver,Copper, Tin, Coals, from Mines and Iron oar That shall be foundthereon. To have and to hold the said two hundred fifty three and ahalf acres of land together with all rights, Profits and Benefits to yesame belonging or any wise Appurtaining Except before Excepted to him the said Valentine Peytonhis heirs and assignes for Ever he the said Valentine Payton his heirsand assignes therefore Yeilding and paying to us our heirs and assignes or to ye certainAttorney or Attorneys agent or Agents, of us ye said proprietors or to ye certain attorney orattorneys of our heirs and sengns Proprietors of ye Said Northern Neck. Yearly and every year onye Feast of Saint Michael ye Archangel the due rent of one shilling Sterling money forevery fifty acres of land hereby granted and So proportionally for a greater or lesser quantityProvided that if the Said Valentine Payton his heirs or Assignes Shall not pay the before[rated?] Annual Rent So that the Same or any part thereof shall be behind or unpaid by the Space oftwo whole years after the Same Shall become due if Lawfully demanded that then it shall andmay be lawfull for us our heirs or Assignes Proprietors as before said Our or their CertainAttorney or Attorneys gent or Agents Unto the above granted premisoes to reenter and hold yeSame So as if this rant had never passe Given at our Office in Lond. County within our Saidproprietory nder our Seal Witness Our Agent and Attorney fully Authorize thereto Dated the Twentyth Day of August ~In the Twelfth year of ye Reignof our Sovereign Lord George of great brittain France & Ireland King,defender of the faith ye Ano Dominii 25 [several tildes? (just deleted a name/date/time stamp for 30 Nov 2023) Valentines Paytons Deed } for 253 1/2 Acres of land} In Stafford County~} Examined Source: Library of Virginia Land Office, Northern Neck Grants A,1722-26, p. 159 folio 11081

7 Event: Land Purchase 1731 Gravelly Br. of Occoquan R., VA Note: The tract on Gravelly Br. contained 230 A. Lattitude and Longitude:77.26493 38.68086.

8 Event: Land Purchase 25 JUN 1739 Occoquan R., Pr. WilliamCo, VA Note: "Valentine Peyton, gent., rec'd land from Champe" 27 June 1739. This tract on the Occoquan R. contained 150 A.

9 10 Event: Land Purchase 25 AUG 1740 Barton's Br, Little R. of Goose Creek, Pr. WilliamCo, VA Note: By indenture 25/26 Aug 1740, Thomas Owsley sold Valentine Payton 711A. in Pr.WilliamCo upon Goose Creek and its branches for 70 pounds Va.money being part of 1449 A. tract granted to Owsley by Proprietor'sdeed 14 May 1740. Five poles distant from mouth of Barton's Branch. By indenture 14/15 June 1763 Craven & Ann Peyton sold for 500pounds parcel of land in LoudounCo which land was devised to CravenPeyton by Valentine Peyton, recorded in Pr. WilliamCo as part oflarger tract conveyed to Valentine Peyton by Thomas Owsley 25 Aug1740. Abt five poles distant from mouth of Barton's Branch. Indenture made 6 July 1763 betw Francis Peyton of county Loudounand Frances his wife sum of 250 pounds sold parcel of land in countyLoudoun on Little River of Goose Creek which land was devised by thelate Valentine Peyton Gent. to Francis Peyton containing 350 A.

11 12 13 Event: Land Purchase ABT 1742 Little River and course of Hunger Run, LoudounCo, VA Note: Indenture made 9 Aug 1765 betw Robert Peyton of county Loudoun and Annhis wife to Thomas Gibson for sum of 150 pounds current money of VAsold parcel of land situate in county Loudoun it being part of agreater tract granted by Hon. Thomas Lord Fairfax to Doctor CharlesGreen by him transferred to Valantine Peyton Father and devised toRobert Peyton by his Father the parcel of land hereby granted boundedbeginning at a great rock stone on side of Little River....courses ofLittle River or hunger run...containing 284 A.

14 Event: Land Purchase 20 JUN 1744 Goose Cr, Truro, Fairfax, VA Note: Peyton Buckner of 20 June 1744 sold to Valentine Peyton for 5shillings land on north side of Goose Creek in parish of Truro incounty of Fairfax, being land granted Peyton Buckner 17 June 1741 for597 A.

15 Event: Land Purchase 10 DEC 1750 Little R., Pr. WilliamCo, VA Note: On 10/11 Dec 1750 Charles Green sold to Capt. Valentine Peyton for30 pounds abt 200 A. lying on N. or upper side of Little R., prt oftract of 1100 A. granted to Cha. Green, beginning at a reat rock ofStone where the lineof Green crosses Little R., cor Thomas Owsley, nowV. Peyton's land. Land/Release recorded 26 March 1751.

16 Event: Land Purchase 17 AUG 1750 Little R. of Goose Cr, FairfaxCo, VA Note: On 17/18 Aug 1750 John Middleton sold to Valentine Peyton for 25pounds 150 A. near Little R. of Goose Cr, part of grant to Middletonfor 593 A. dated 8 June 1741. Land/release recorded 26 Sept 1750.

17 Event: Land Warrant 1711 VA Note: Warrant to Valentine Peyton assigned to Capt. Wm. Downing 1711.

18 Event: Vestryman FROM 1745 TO 1750 Dettingen Parish, Quantico, Pr. William, VA Note: "Pursuant to an act of Assembly of this Colony for Dividing theParrish of Hamilton into two Distinct Parsihes, I, John Grant Gent.,Sheriff of the County of Prince William, on the 22nd and 23rd days ofmay Anno: 1745 Caused the freeholders to meet me at William Baliswithin the Said Parish of Detingen, then and thereby the free Consentof the freeholders and Houskeepers of the said Parish of DettingenElected the folowing Persons to Serve as Vestrey men of the saidParish of Dettingen (Viz): Vallentine Peyton, ......." Vallentine Peyton is recorded in the Dettingen Parish Vestry Bookas participating in 10 Vestries held betweeen 1 June 1745 and 8 April1750 at the Quantico Vestrey House.

19 Event: Justice 27 FEB 1743 Pr. WilliamCo, VA Note: Val. Peyton was one of four justices who received the bond of CharlesMorgan, Sr. and Jasper Billing on 27 Feb 1743. Val. Peyton and Moses Linton, Gent. were two of four justices who received the bond of Elizabeth Bailey, John Haddox, and William Wyatt on 23 July 1744. Val. Peyton was one of four who on 20 Sep 1743 examined the accountsand vouchers of the estate of Mr. William Linton, dec. 1733. 9

20 Event: Justice FROM 1738 TO 1740 Pr. WilliamCo, VA Note: Valentine Peyton, together with several other Justices, between1739-40 examined several wives privately as to their re their freeconsent in relinquishing their rights of dower.

21 Event: Sheriff 25 SEP 1749 Pr. WilliamCo, VA Note: On 31 May 1753, Alexander & Daniel Campbels Plaintifs by theirattorneys appeared in court on their suit agains Philemon Waters JunrIn Debt who did not appear in court. Judgment was therupon confirmedagainst the said Defendant and Valentine Peyton late Sheriff for 18pounds 9 shillings current money to be discharge on payment of 9pounds 4 shillings and 6 pence like money with legal interesttheron... 9

22 Event: Churchwarden FROM JUN 1745 TO OCT 1746 Dettingen Parish, Quantico, Pr. William, VA Note: "At a Vestry held at Quantico Vestrey house in Dettingen Parish the1st day of June 1745....Ordered that the Late Church Wardens of Hamilton Parrish, Mr. John Diskin, and Capt. Valla. Peyton, Deliver in their Former Accots. (not Legally Proved) Upon Oath to the Next Vestry....Ordered that Capt. Vall. Peyton & Mr. William Butler be appointed Wardens for the Insuing year...." "At a Vestrey held...14 Oct 1745...Ordered that the Church Wardens Collect from Each Tythable Person the sum of 28 Pounds of Tobacco, it being the Next Parish Leavie for this Prsent Year & that they Enteerinto Bond for the payment of the severall Claims & Due Performance ofthe Several Orders of Vestrey." The parish records contain the accounts submitted by ChurchwardenVal. Peyton listing the expenditures for the various parishexpenditures, including in 1746 16,000 lbs. tobacco to the Ministerand 500 to Mary Justice, a Poor Woman, and receipts of 30,225 lbs.from 975 Tythables -at- 31 lbs.

23 Event: Land Patent 1715 Kettle Run, Pr. WilliamCo, VA Note: "In 1715, Valentine Peyton [is] on Kettle."

24 Event: Land Sale 10 JUL 1728 Acquia Run, Stafford Co, VA Note: This Indenture made 10th July 1728 between Valentine Peyton of Overwharton Parish Stafford County & John Peyton of said...release...for sum 40 pounds of good & lawfull money of GreatBritain said tract being on Acquia Run in Parish & County afiresaud now in occupation of John Peyton being 100 acres being part of Patent for 1000 acres granted to Valentine Peyton bearing date 6 June 1654 [emphasis added] & by him conveyed to Henry Peyton 26 May 1657 & acknowledged in Westmoreland County Court & coinveyed by Henry Peyton unto the afsd Valentine Peyton his Son by his Last Will & Testament it being the lowest part of 200 acres of land which was to be divided equally between the said Valentine & the above mentioned John Peyton as by the said Henry Peyton last will & testament... Valentine Peyton acknowledged and Frances the wife relinquished her right of dower to the lands.

25 Event: Land Sale 21 SEP 1740 Pr. WilliamCo, VA Note: By indenture made 21 & 22 Sept 1740 Valentine Peyton of Pr.WilliamCo, Gent. sold to William Powel of the same country Gent. for 5shillings 150 A. upon the North end of the tract which Valentine Peyton bought of Thomas Dallice to enclose the planation where William Powel now lives. Frances, his wife, relinquished her right of dower.

26 Event: Warehouse 1736 Lower side Occoquan R., Pr. WilliamCo, VA Note: The falls of the Occoquan had been marked as the site of aprospective town in 1734 when the General Assembly directed that apublic tobacco warehouse be built on the north side of the creek "at the copper mine landing"--the terminus of a road King Carter had established from the copper mind he thought he had discovered in present Fairfax County. Two years later, another warehouse was authorized "on the lower side of Occoquan, on the land of Valentine Petyton, ...under the same inspection as the warehouse already established." Although authority for the "lower side" warehouse wasrepealed in 1744, Peyton four years later succeeded in securing its re-establishment. In 1755 John Ballendine purchased the warehouse site. Ballendine recognized the possiblilities of this site as an industrial town. Here he built a residence and proceeded to erect "certain forges, watergrist mills, tolling mills, bake houses, saw mills, store houses, and dwellings." Two years later Balndine patented the ground that was to be the site of the town proper--20 A. of "waste and ungranted land...joining to the lands of Charles Ewell's heirs & ValentinePeyton's heirs.....


  • [S2035] Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, Hayden, (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1979), P. 494-5 (Reliability: 3).
  • [S2035] Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, Hayden, (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1979), p. 495. John Nesbit replace him as vestryman upon his death. (Reliability: 3).

copy of Peyton-432

copy made 3 December 2023 - 3:37 pm ET... need to do an overhaul of his profile.

Categories: Peyton Name Study; Virginia, Peyton Name Study; Prince William County, Virginia Colony; Loudoun County, Virginia Colony; Franklin County, North Carolina

Note: Two Valentine Peytons, each with a son named Robert, were conflated in Hayden's Virginia Genealogies,[14] which retained the "other" Robert Peyton (Peyton-206).[1][15] For details, see this WikiTree space page.


{One Name Study|name=Peyton|category=North Carolina, Peyton Name Study}

Robert Peyton was born 1 September 1745.[16] His father was Valentine Peyton[17] of Virginia.[2][18][19]

In September 1761, Robert's guardian was John Peyton.[20][21][22] In November 1762, guardianship was appointed to Benjamin Rush:[23]

"Robert Peyton, Orphan of Valentine Peyton, Gent., deceased, came into Court and made choice of Benjamin Rush for his Guardian who is to enter into and execute a Bond at the next Court with good and sufficient securitys for his faithfull performance of his Guardianship" (November 2, 1762).[24]

A deed in December 1762, signed by Benjamin and Alice Rush, was witnessed by Charles Tyler, Robert Peyton, and Anne Rush.[25][26] Robert Peyton and Anne Rush (Benjamin and Alice's daughter) were married by March 1765, when a land record involving "Robert Peyton of Loudoun County and Anne his wife" was recorded.[27][28]

Children of Robert and Anne (Rush) Peyton included:


Robert made his nuncupative will on 30 November 1785, "in the presence of George Nowland and Wife", and it was signed by "George Noland and Alce [her mark] Noland":[32]

"...it is my wish & desire that what part of my Estate is left after paying all my just debts my wife Anne Payton should have, so as to enable Her to raise my small children".

The will was recorded in Franklin County Will Book A-2[33] with the following notice signed on the same date by his widow Anne Payton (as their surname was spelled in the record):[32]

"George Noland and Wife and the rest of my children give you this public notice that on the second day of [? Dec] Court to be held for this County at Louisburg I intend to Offer the above Nuncupative Will of Robert Payton Decd for probate & that you and each of you take notice [? Sine] of 30th Novr 1785."
J Devany[34]
George Noland
& Wife

Research Notes

The Peyton Society of Virginia (PSV) acknowledges Valentine Peyton as father of Robert, but PSV researchers note that it was not the Capt. Valentine Peyton, d. 1750/1751, who married Frances Linton, further stating that neither Robert nor his father was descended from Capt. Valentine Peyton.[35]

Another researcher argues that PSV is wrong in making that statement, sharing her research and conclusion: "I have come to believe that probably no Robert Peyton ever married Ann Guffey, that the father of the three brothers Ephraim, John and Thomas, was most likely named Henry Peyton, and that there was a fourth brother, Yelverton Peyton, who did marry a woman named Ann Guffey."[36]

Note: This argument was presented in 2001, before the missing Stafford County Order Book (1749-1755) was returned to the Virginia, which provides evidence of a second Valentine living in Stafford County past the date of death for the Prince William County Valentine.[2] This Valentine of Stafford County is more likely to have been the father of Robert born 1745/married Anne Rush.[37] In addition, both PSV, in Peytons of Virginia II (POV II citation, below) and DAR records (see DAR links, below) show two Peyton-Guffey/Guffee marriages: Robert who married Ann Guffey (P Line, page 621) and Yelverton who married Anna Guffee (N Line, page 577).

In WikiTree, Ann m Robert and Ann m Yelverton are a generation apart (dates as of 2 December 2023):

Narrow search on 11 December 2018 of FamilySearch returned seven documents,[38] all 1777 Revolutionary War service records. They are more likely for this Robert, born c1745 than "the other" Robert - Peyton-206 born c1725, who m Anne Guffey. There's also a Robert Peyton who's said to have died (without leaving children) at Brandywine on 11 Sept. 1777. A son of John & Seth (Harrison) Peyton named Robert also served and may be the Robert killed at the Battle of Brandywine.

Notes and FamilySearch citations all moved to Space:Peytons in the American Revolution. ~ Noland-165 03:46, 13 December 2018 (UTC)

Daughter: Alice - Alce or Alec in the will. See her profiles's Research Notes section for discussion.

DNA Information

WikiTree descendants of this Robert's daughter Alice (not in POV II):
WikiTree descendant of this Robert's daughter Ann Cochran (FE Line, Generation 3, page 798, POV II):
  • None, as of 23 November 2023. From Hiram P Cochran (1790-abt.1839): "No known carriers of Hiram's ancestors' Y-chromosome or mitochondrial DNA have taken yDNA or mtDNA tests. No close relatives have taken a 23andMe, AncestryDNA, or Family Tree DNA "Family Finder" test."
See also WikiTree's
External links:

Source Notes

The profile as originally entered did not have footnoted source citations. By the time the profile was re-done with footnotes (in November 2023), the sources listed for the profile had evolved to include the following, which are a bit of a hybrid of Research Notes and Sources. Eventually, that's where the information in this section will go (or has gone - see Sources).
  • My [Mary Gregg's] correspondent and co-researcher, Carlene St. John, found and copied a transcription of the Bible of one Hiram Peyton Cochran. She wrote, "This bible is listed in a booklet entitled "Collection of Bible Records" which was Published by the Houston Genealogical Forum, Houston, Texas, September 1963. [Salt Lake City Family History Center 976.4 A1 #108, pages 3 & 4.] It is a typed manuscript of Bible records. . ." The Holy Bible published 1824 in Philadelphia by H. C. Carey and I. Lea H. P. Cochran and Nancy Stoker was married 11 Apr 1816 <snip> Robert Peyton was born 1st September 1745 Ann Rush his wife was born 3rd April 1746 The above are H. P. Cochrans's matronal Grand Parents (from Genforum #352)
    • FamilySearch Book (Collection of bible records, page 4, accessed 15 November 2023). Page 5 has Ann's death date: 9 September 1826, age 80 years 7 months 6 days. Note: You have to be logged in to FamilySearch for the links to work. If you're not, you land you on the search page - search for "Collection of Bible Records" +Houston +September +1963 (or click here).
  • Following is from Mary Gregg's Genforum post #352, in which she provides a summary of information that she and her co-researcher Carlene St. John had found:
From "Historian's Guide to Loudoun, 1757-1766" by Phillips: Sent by Pat Duncan (Loudoun Co., Va., Order Bk A:509) September 10, 1761. Robert Peyton, an infant, is represented by John Peyton, his Guardian. Note from Mary: "Infant" did not mean "baby." It was a legal term referring to anyone who was still a minor.
PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA, ORDERS, 1762-1763. Ruth and Sam Sparacio (Prince William Co., Va., OB 1761-1763:385) November 2, 1762. Rush appointed Guardian to Peyton. Robert Peyton, Orphan of Valentine Peyton, Gent., deceased, came into Court and made choice of Benjamin Rush for his Guardian who is to enter into and execute a Bond at the next Court with good and sufficient securitys for his faithfull performance of his Guardianship
PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DEED ABSTRACTS, 1749-1752 and 1761-1764. Ruth and Sam Sparacio (Prince William Co., Va., DB P:266-271) December 5/6, 1762. Benjamin Rush of Parish of Dettingen in the County of Prince William Planter & Alice his Wife of one part and John Tyler of the Parish and County aforesaid of other part . . .
Wits: Charles Tyler, Robert Peyton
/s/ Benja. Rush, Jr. /s/ Alice Rush
Anne Rush
Note from Mary: Contrary to what some may think, it was not necessary that a person be at least 21 years of age in order to witness a deed, thus Ann Rush at age 16, and Robert Peyton at age 17 could witness a deed.

Location Notes

Valentine (d 1751) is of Dettingen Parish in Prince William County.[14]
Valentine (living 1752+) is of Stafford County[2] - presumably Overwharton Parish and possibly the Valentine Peyton who was "vestryman, Overwharton Par., Staff'd, May 22, 1749" (recorded by Hayden as the Valentine who died in 1751).[14]
Tracking land and other records by parish and county may help sort which Peytons belonged in which nuclear family. See the "Location Notes" section of the WikiTree space page Two Valentine Peytons with Sons Named Robert.
Of note:
  • Benjamin Rush (guardian of Robert, 1762) was of Dettingen Parish[citation needed]
  • Loudoun County - son-in-law George Noland's RW service was in the militia of Loudoun County; location of Noland's Ferry (run by George's uncle, Philip Noland, who was born in Overwharton Parish). See their profiles for details.
Location timeline:
  • 1653: Westmoreland County formed from Northumberland County[39]
  • 1664: Stafford County formed from Westmoreland County[39]
  • 1702 (about): Overwharton Parish formed. It served Stafford County from c1702 to after 1785. When the boundary between King George County and Stafford County was altered in 1776, Overwharton Parish began serving both counties.[40]
  • 1730-1731: Prince William County formed from King George County and Stafford County[39]
  • 1730: Hamilton Parish formed by dividing Stafford County's Overwharton Parish. Hamilton Parish served Stafford County to about 1731, Prince William County to 1769, and Fauquier County to after 1785. "When Prince William County was formed from Stafford Co in 1731, all of Hamilton Parish went. After Fauquier Co was formed from Prince William Co in 1759, Hamilton Parish served both counties. In 1769 Hamilton Parish was divided. All of the parish in Prince William and part of the parish in Fauquier Co was used to form Leeds Parish."[40]
  • 1742: Fairfax County formed from Prince William County[39]
  • 1744: Dettingen Parish was formed from Hamilton Parish in Prince William County and served Prince William County to after 1785.[40]
  • 1748: Cameron Parish was formed from Truro Parish, in Fairfax County. It served Fairfax County to 1763. When Loudoun County was formed from Fairfax County in 1757, Cameron served both counties. In 1763, that part still in Fairfax Co was returned to Truro Parish. Cameron Parish served Loudoun County to after 1785.
  • 1757: Loudon County formed from Fairfax County[39]
Possible "migration" timeline:
  • 1745: Robert is born in Virginia
  • 1749, xx: Valentine is a vestryman in Dettingen Parish, Prince William County
  • 1749, xx: Valentine is a vestryman in Overwharton Parish, Stafford County
  • 1751, 1 October: Valentine of Dettingin Parish, Prince William County, is reported as deceased in the parish records of that date
  • 1752: Valentine, clerk of court for Stafford County found in Stafford County OB (1749-1755) - see this WikiTree space page for example entries
  • 1761, 10 September: Robert Peyton, an infant [under 21] was represented by John Peyton, his guardian - citations given by Peyton researchers for both PWC Order Book and Loudoun County Order Book[41][21]
  • 1762, 2 November: "Robert Peyton, Orphan of Valentine Peyton, Gent. deceased, came into court and made choice of Benjamin Rush for his Guardian, etc." (Prince William Co. VA, Orders, 1762-1763, Bk OB, p. 385)
  • 1762, 5/6 December: Robert Peyton and Anne Rush, daughter of Benjamin and Alice/Alce Rush, witness a land transaction, recorded in Prince William Co., Va., DB P:266-271: "December 5/6, 1762. Benjamin Rush of Parish of Dettingen in the County of Prince William Planter & Alice his Wife of one part and John Tyler of the Parish and County aforesaid of other part . . .." Charles Tyler is also a witness.
  • 17xx: Benjamin Rush gives land to his daughter Alice Peyton in North Carolina.[42][43]

Follow the Land

Extended Tyler Family: In searching for information about John Tyler (buyer in the December 1762 indenture) and Charles Tyler (one of the witnesses), I found a bit of a jumble in WikiTree but was led to a FamilySearch PID[26] that led me to an entry ... https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I116189&tree=Tree1 ... that confirmed a Linton connection for John Tyler. And WikiTree shows the connection between John Tyler and this Robert Peyton (m Anne Rush) here. But more on that later [or elsewhere]. The entry for John Tyler also had a full transcription of the aforementioned land transaction, including a detailed description of the land sold, referencing "Prince William County, Virginia Deeds [Antient Press]; Liber P; 1761 - 1764; Page 266-271".[44] The indenture notes that the 60-acre parcel was leased by John Tyler "(in his actual possession now being by virtue of a Lease for one year and by force of the statute for the transferring uses into possession)" and describes it as follows:
"a certain parcel of land in the said County on the North or Upper side of the BROAD RUN of OCCOQUAN being part of a larger tract of land once belonging to THOMAS ARRINGTON which he sold to BENJAMIN RUSH JUNR, bounded Beginning at the OLD WAGON FORD of BROAD RUN and thence running along the said to another Maple with twelve Notches near a COSWAY at TIBBES ROAD, thence running along the said ROAD to the old line, thence runing the said old line to a Corner Spanish Oak on BROAD RUN thence extending along the said RUN to the beginning containing Sixty acres Together with all Houses gardens and appurtenances"[44]


  1. 1.0 1.1 H.E. Hayden, Virginia genealogies, pages 498-499 (Hathi Trust copy, accessed 16 November 2023).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Stafford Order Book (000039218). See page 181 (July Court, 1752). For more examples, see the Stafford County Order Book section of the WikiTree page "Space: Two Valentine Peytons with Sons Named Robert".
  3. The Valentine Peyton who was a Dettingen Parish vestryman died before 1 October 1751. From Mary Gregg's research (GenForum April 2000 post): "Valentine Peyton died in Prince William County, Virginia, between April 8, 1750, and October 1, 1751, as proved by the following Dettingen Parish records, from Records of Dettingen Parish, Prince William County, Virginia, 1745-1802 (Virginia Book Company, Berryville, Virginia).
    • "At a Vestrey (sic mg) held at Quantico Vestrey house the 8th Day of April 1750.Prsent:...Captn. Valentine Peyton...
    • "At a Vestrey held at Quantico Vestrey house the first Day of October 1751... Ordered that James Nisbet Gen. be appointed Vestreyman in the Roome of Valentine Peyton Gent. Decd."
  4. From Hayden: "The Pr. W. Records show that Robert Peyton (of Valentine) and Ann, his wife, made a deed in P. W. Co. Aug. 8, 1765, to one Semple of their share of the land devised by his father, Valentine Peyton, to his sons Craven, Francis, and Robert. (Q. 322.) After this date, Robert and Ann do not appear in P.W. records." [Pr.W./P.W. = Prince William County, Virginia]
    • H.E. Hayden, Virginia genealogies, pages 498-499 (Hathi Trust copy, accessed 16 November 2023).
  5. 5.0 5.1 History of County Formations in Virginia 1617-1995)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Parishes of Virginia
  7. North Carolina County Development
  8. see this post
  9. see his profile, Peyton-221, specifically, this footnote (as of Aug. 4, 2017)
  10. Freddie Spradlin's Parishes of Virginia
  11. http://www.members.tripod.com/nolandsharon/photo.htm#Noland%20Ferry%20House
  12. Hayden's Virginia Genealogies, page 498 (#536, Hathi Trust copy), accessed 23 November 2023.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Hayden's PEYTON, of England and America, page 494, continued on page 495; Robert's entry starts on page 498 (accessed 24 November 2023).
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 H.E. Hayden, Virginia genealogies, pages 494-5 (Hathi Trust copy, accessed 28 November 2023). See full citation below.
  15. The conflation is apparent in the entry for Valentine (continued on page 495) which shows him as a vestryman of both Overwharton Parish in Stafford County on 22 May 1749 and Dettingen Parish in Prince William County on 26 June 1749. The list of his children on that page includes
    "39.ii. Robert, b. ___; d. ___; m. ___ Ann ___."
    Page 498 shows
    "39", son of Valentine, as Robert Peyton, married Anne Guffey in Prince William County and died in Tennessee on 5 January 1795, noting that Anne was the "sister of Henry Guffey of Va. and Ky. This connexion is tentative."
    See full citation for Hayden's Virginia genealogies below. See also the WikiTree space page Two Valentine Peytons with Sons Named Robert.
  16. See the research by Carlene St. John below about the Cochran Bible (shared by her co-researcher Mary Gregg).
  17. Peytons of Virginia II (citation below), FE Line, page 798. Robert Peyton is FE-1, son of Valentine Peyton (FE).
  18. The Valentine Peyton who was a Dettingen Parish vestryman died before 1 October 1751. From Mary Gregg's research (GenForum April 2000 post): "Valentine Peyton died in Prince William County, Virginia, between April 8, 1750, and October 1, 1751, as proved by the following Dettingen Parish records, from Records of Dettingen Parish, Prince William County, Virginia, 1745-1802 (Virginia Book Company, Berryville, Virginia).
    • "At a Vestrey (sic mg) held at Quantico Vestrey house the 8th Day of April 1750.Prsent:...Captn. Valentine Peyton...
    • "At a Vestrey held at Quantico Vestrey house the first Day of October 1751... Ordered that James Nisbet Gen. be appointed Vestreyman in the Roome of Valentine Peyton Gent. Decd."
  19. The Peytons of Virginia II (POV II, 2004) has the Capt. Valentine Peyton who died on 1 October 1751 as the head of the G Line (page 318) and father of the Robert Peyton who was born in 1725, son of Francis Linton and husband of Ann Guffey. Robert (born c1725) heads the P Line, page 621.

    This profile represents the Robert Peyton who was born in 1745 and listed as FE-1 on page 798 in POV II, son of "Valentine1 Peyton (FE); of Prince William Co., Va."

    Most all land records in the area in this timeframe that reference Valentine Peyton have been attached to the Valentine who died in 1751 and his son Robert who married Ann Guffey. The 1754 Rent Roll for Prince William County has two entries for Valentine Peyton - one for 1850 acres (with 3 yrs due) and one for 575 acres ("A Rental for the County of Prince William for the Year 1754 (pdf), accessed 26 November 2023.
  20. Possibly the John Peyton represented by the WikiTree profile connected as the son of Valentine (died 1751) and husband of Seth Harrison, niece of Frances Harrison (believed to be the mother of the Robert Peyton born in 1745 who married Anne Rush): John Peyton (1728-abt.1774). Dates and connections as of 2 December 2023.
  21. 21.0 21.1 From "Historian's Guide to Loudoun, 1757-1766" by Phillips: Sent by Pat Duncan (Loudoun Co., Va., Order Bk A:509) September 10, 1761. Robert Peyton, an infant, is represented by John Peyton, his Guardian. Note from Mary: "Infant" did not mean "baby." It was a legal term referring to anyone who was still a minor. (Mary Gregg's Genforum post.)
  22. Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet: Legal Age, by Robert W. Baird:

    "Under British common law, full majority was reached at the age of 21. Anyone under 21 was legally an infant." Among the actions only adults could perform:
    • Marry without parental consent
    • Buy or sell land without restriction
    "Generally speaking, children aged 14 and over could legitimately perform a variety of legal actions". Among the actions minors could perform:
    • Choose their guardian, or replace an existing guardian
    • Witness deeds and contracts

  23. See Mary Gregg's summary below.
  24. Prince William Co., Va., OB 1761-1763, page 385 (from Mary Gregg's Genforum post, citing Prince William County, Virginia Order Book, 1762-1763, Ruth and Sam Sparacio (copyright 1999; see this library entry for information about the 2017 publication).
  25. Abstract from PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DEED ABSTRACTS, 1749-1752 and 1761-1764. Ruth and Sam Sparacio (Prince William Co., Va., DB P:266-271): "December 5/6, 1762. Benjamin Rush of Parish of Dettingen in the County of Prince William Planter & Alice his Wife of one part and John Tyler of the Parish and County aforesaid of other part. . . ." See transcription of full record at https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I116189&tree=Tree1 (accessed 3 December 2023).
  26. 26.0 26.1 The deed was for a transfer of land from the Rushes to John Tyler. WikiTree has profiles for brothers John and Charles Tyler of Loudoun County who could be them: The FamilySearch PID for Charles Tyler (1715-1767) has him born and died in Cameron Parish, Loudoun County:
  27. Marriage by March 1765 assumes that the land record of that date is for this Robert Peyton & wife Anne. Considering Robert was born in 1745, it is likely. If consent was needed, Benjamin Rush could give it for them both, as he was Robert's guardian and Anne's father (both brides and grooms not yet 21 needed the consent of their parent or guardian). The land record was for transfer of property sold to Valentine Peyton in August 1750. Circumstantial evidence that this record is for the Robert Peyton ("of Loudoun County") who married Ann Rush: their son George served in the Loudoun County Militia during the American Revolution (see George's profile, specifically the "War Service" section).
  28. The previously cited Baird article, "Legal Age," includes a section on "Minors and Land", which notes that minors could be landowners, "since they could acquire land by gift or inheritance."
  29. Based on witnesses to Robert Peyton's 1785 will. Probate notice supports Alce Noland, wife of George Noland, as Robert's daughter. See the WikiTree image (attached to this profile).
  30. Cochran family bible (see below)
  31. Son William's information was included in Peyton Societly of Virginia (PSV) updates to Peytons of Virginia II (2004; updates through 7 November 2016).
  32. 32.0 32.1 See the WikiTree image (attached) of the record, taken off the microfiched record at the North Carolina State Library.
  33. "Franklin Co., N.C. WB A-2" (Will Book A, page 2) in the April 2007 GenForum post by Mary Gregg, which shared an abstract of the record, citing Will Book A, Franklin County, North Carolina, 1785-1797; Wills, Estate Records, Guardian Accounts, Dr. Stephen E. Bradley, Jr.
  34. A Devany married a sister of Anne Rush (both Ann Peyton and Alice Devany were named in the 1801 will of Benjamin Rush. See his profile for an abstract of his will, made from the transcription posted on the Milams in Virginia website by William F. Milam, M.D. of Richmond, Virginia: See also information from family Bibles relayed to the compiler of Genealogy of the Rush Family, beginning on page 19 (accessed 21 January 2020).

  35. Per Harold Davey of the Peyton Society of Virginia, who confirmed that while Robert Peyton b 1745 m Ann Rush was indeed the son of Valentine Peyton, the Valentine who was his father was not related to the Valentine who died in 1751, who was descended from Henry Peyton of Lincoln's Inn - POV II's B Line; in WikiTree, Henry Peyton (abt.1590-1656). ~ e-mail to Liz Shifflett, May 2023
  36. Mary Gregg, in this GenForum post.
  37. Part of my rationale that the Valentine in Stafford County past 1751 is the father of Robert (b1745) m Rush is the dates for guardianship records:
    • 10 September 1761 (which could have been just after Robert turned 16 and could have needed a guardian to represent him in a land transaction so that the transaction would be legally binding
    • 2 November 1762, when he would have been 17; perhaps he chose to change guardians so as to move with his future father-in-law to North Carolina? (Benjamin Rush gifts NC land to his daughter Anne Peyton in xx).
  38. Return said seven, but I opened all those listed, which resulted in eight. I don't see that any were a duplicate. ~ Noland-165
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 John Blankenbaker, Germanna Colonies, "History of County Formations in Virginia 1617-1995" (accessed 3 December 2023).
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 Freddie Spradlin, Parishes of Virginia (accessed 2 December 2023).
  41. Prince William Co. VA, Orders, 1762-1763, Bk A, p. 590 (from POVII, FE Line, page 798) and "Robert Peyton, an infant, is represented by John Peyton, his Guardian." ~ Loudoun Co., Va., Order Bk A:509 (previously cited, from "Historian's Guide to Loudoun, 1757-1766" by Phillips, sent by Pat Duncan to Mary Gregg & shared in her Genforum post.
  42. https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/peyton/352/ From Mary: The following deed of gift shows that Ann (Rush) Peyton migrated to Franklin County, North Carolina:
    (Franklin Co., N. C., DB 4:37) January 3, 1784. Benjamin Rush of Franklin County to his daughter, Ann Peyton, of same, for love and regard a tract of 186 acres on the north bank of Lyons Creek and on Flat rock Creek adjoining Green Hill, Terrell, and the Glebe line, with the exception of one acre of ground for a graveyard wherein several graves are located, with the present graves to be the center of said acre.
    Wits: Joel Terrell, Wm. Rush
  43. Genealogy of the Rush family, image 17 of 91: "Franklin Co. Deeds v. 6, p 90 Robert Peyton to Joel Terrell. deed 5 Jan. 1784 [50 pounds], 186 acres on North side of Lyons Creek, and on Flat Rock Creek; to Terrell's line and Glebe line. Wits: Benj. Rush, John Thomas
  44. 44.0 44.1 From Geneagraphie: https://geneagraphie.com/getperson.php?personID=I569847 (accessed 30 November 2023).
  • Davey, Harold. E-mail to Liz Shifflett, May 2013, in response to an inquiry to the Peyton Society of Virginia about the father of this Robert (born 1745, m Ann Rush).
  • Gregg, Mary. GenForum post, "Robert and Ann (Rush) Peyton", 7 April 2000 (accessed 23 November 2023).
  • Hayden, Horace Edwin. PEYTON, of England and America (Lulu.com, Aug 15, 2008, reprint of the 1885 publication). Note: This is a "unique compilation" that includes a reprint of the Peyton section of Hayden's Virginia Genealogies, which appears to be unchanged. This ©2008 reprint refers to the (expired) original copyright of 1885 while including Hayden's introduction to Virginia Genealogies, which Haydon dates "December, 1890". The reprint adds a review of Virginia Genealogies that calls it Hayden's "1891 tome".
  • Hayden's Virginia Genealogies (WikiTree Source page); Hathi Trust copy.
    Hayden, Horace Edwin. Virginia genealogies: a genealogy of the Glassell family of Scotland and Virginia, also of the families of Ball, Brown, Bryan, Conway, Daniel, Ewell, Holladay, Lewis, Littlepage, Moncure, Peyton, Robinson, Scott, Taylor, Wallace, and others, of Virginia and Maryland (E.B. Yordy, Wilkes-Barre, PA : 1891).
  • Shifflett, Noland. Family knowledge and information provided in the Peyton and Payton Family Genealogy Forums by Mary Gregg (e.g., Order Book and Deed Book excerpts).
  • Peytons of Virginia II, Volumes One and Two (Peyton Society of Virginia : 2004, plus additional data #70 [March 24, 2013]). Google Books (snippit view):
  • Returned Stafford County, Virginia Order Book: Stafford County Court Records, Order Book (1749-1755). Available online through Library of Virginia's digital collections: search for "000039218" using the Library's DigiTool search. This Order Book was taken by a Union soldier and returned to the Library of Virginia in this century (2011, if I recall) after a descendant donated it to the New Jersey State Library. In the interim, it was not available to genealogists and other researchers.
See also:
  • DAR Records for Peytons who married (different) Ann Guffeys:
    • Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed May 4, 2015), "Record of Yelverton Peyton", Ancestor # A090000.
    • Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed May 4, 2015), "Record of Robert Peyton (b before 1740)", Ancestor # A089994.
      Note that the DAR record for this "other Robert" is now flagged (as of 11 December 2018):

From NC Will Books

via Mary Gregg - https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/peyton/352/


(Franklin Co., N. C. WB A:2)November 30, 1785 - Will of Robert Payton. To wife Anne Payton, all the estate to raise "my small children".Made in the presence of George Nolan and wife.

Wits: George Noland, Alec Noland.
Notice is next given that Anne Payton will offer for probate the above as the nuncupative will of Robert Payton, dec'd.
Wits: J. Devany, George Noland and wife.November 30, 1785

(Franklin Co., N. C. WB A:11)September 19, 1786.Inventory of estate of Robert Payton dec'd.Included were negro man Frank, negro woman Winey, negro girls Nattie and Hannah. Anne Peyton, admr.
(Franklin Co., N. C. WB A:12)Account of estate of Robert Payton, by Anne Payton, admrx.In addition to negroes named above on original page 11, it records the sale of James.Persons mentioned: Robert Turnbull, Solomon Williams, Joel Terrell, Enoch Stringfellow, Jenkins Devany, Robert Hightower, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Williams, Thomas Stokes, Abraham Bledsoe, George Wootin, Samuel Jones, Mary Foster, Thomas Sherrod.Undated.

From my father's papers - inventory of George Noland (died 1800)... includes Winney.


  1. 1.0 1.1 H.E. Hayden, Virginia genealogies, pages 498-499 (Hathi Trust copy, accessed 16 November 2023).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Stafford Order Book (000039218). See page 181 (July Court, 1752). For more examples, see the Stafford County Order Book section of the WikiTree page "Space: Two Valentine Peytons with Sons Named Robert".
  3. The Valentine Peyton who was a Dettingen Parish vestryman died before 1 October 1751. From Mary Gregg's research (GenForum April 2000 post): "Valentine Peyton died in Prince William County, Virginia, between April 8, 1750, and October 1, 1751, as proved by the following Dettingen Parish records, from Records of Dettingen Parish, Prince William County, Virginia, 1745-1802 (Virginia Book Company, Berryville, Virginia).
    • "At a Vestrey (sic mg) held at Quantico Vestrey house the 8th Day of April 1750.Prsent:...Captn. Valentine Peyton...
    • "At a Vestrey held at Quantico Vestrey house the first Day of October 1751... Ordered that James Nisbet Gen. be appointed Vestreyman in the Roome of Valentine Peyton Gent. Decd."
  4. From Hayden: "The Pr. W. Records show that Robert Peyton (of Valentine) and Ann, his wife, made a deed in P. W. Co. Aug. 8, 1765, to one Semple of their share of the land devised by his father, Valentine Peyton, to his sons Craven, Francis, and Robert. (Q. 322.) After this date, Robert and Ann do not appear in P.W. records." [Pr.W./P.W. = Prince William County, Virginia]
    • H.E. Hayden, Virginia genealogies, pages 498-499 (Hathi Trust copy, accessed 16 November 2023).
  5. 5.0 5.1 History of County Formations in Virginia 1617-1995)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Parishes of Virginia
  7. North Carolina County Development
  8. see this post
  9. see his profile, Peyton-221, specifically, this footnote (as of Aug. 4, 2017)
  10. Freddie Spradlin's Parishes of Virginia
  11. http://www.members.tripod.com/nolandsharon/photo.htm#Noland%20Ferry%20House
  12. Hayden's Virginia Genealogies, page 498 (#536, Hathi Trust copy), accessed 23 November 2023.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Hayden's PEYTON, of England and America, page 494, continued on page 495; Robert's entry starts on page 498 (accessed 24 November 2023).
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 H.E. Hayden, Virginia genealogies, pages 494-5 (Hathi Trust copy, accessed 28 November 2023). See full citation below.
  15. The conflation is apparent in the entry for Valentine (continued on page 495) which shows him as a vestryman of both Overwharton Parish in Stafford County on 22 May 1749 and Dettingen Parish in Prince William County on 26 June 1749. The list of his children on that page includes
    "39.ii. Robert, b. ___; d. ___; m. ___ Ann ___."
    Page 498 shows
    "39", son of Valentine, as Robert Peyton, married Anne Guffey in Prince William County and died in Tennessee on 5 January 1795, noting that Anne was the "sister of Henry Guffey of Va. and Ky. This connexion is tentative."
    See full citation for Hayden's Virginia genealogies below. See also the WikiTree space page Two Valentine Peytons with Sons Named Robert.
  16. See the research by Carlene St. John below about the Cochran Bible (shared by her co-researcher Mary Gregg).
  17. Peytons of Virginia II (citation below), FE Line, page 798. Robert Peyton is FE-1, son of Valentine Peyton (FE).
  18. The Valentine Peyton who was a Dettingen Parish vestryman died before 1 October 1751. From Mary Gregg's research (GenForum April 2000 post): "Valentine Peyton died in Prince William County, Virginia, between April 8, 1750, and October 1, 1751, as proved by the following Dettingen Parish records, from Records of Dettingen Parish, Prince William County, Virginia, 1745-1802 (Virginia Book Company, Berryville, Virginia).
    • "At a Vestrey (sic mg) held at Quantico Vestrey house the 8th Day of April 1750.Prsent:...Captn. Valentine Peyton...
    • "At a Vestrey held at Quantico Vestrey house the first Day of October 1751... Ordered that James Nisbet Gen. be appointed Vestreyman in the Roome of Valentine Peyton Gent. Decd."
  19. The Peytons of Virginia II (POV II, 2004) has the Capt. Valentine Peyton who died on 1 October 1751 as the head of the G Line (page 318) and father of the Robert Peyton who was born in 1725, son of Francis Linton and husband of Ann Guffey. Robert (born c1725) heads the P Line, page 621.

    This profile represents the Robert Peyton who was born in 1745 and listed as FE-1 on page 798 in POV II, son of "Valentine1 Peyton (FE); of Prince William Co., Va."

    Most all land records in the area in this timeframe that reference Valentine Peyton have been attached to the Valentine who died in 1751 and his son Robert who married Ann Guffey. The 1754 Rent Roll for Prince William County has two entries for Valentine Peyton - one for 1850 acres (with 3 yrs due) and one for 575 acres ("A Rental for the County of Prince William for the Year 1754 (pdf), accessed 26 November 2023.
  20. Possibly the John Peyton represented by the WikiTree profile connected as the son of Valentine (died 1751) and husband of Seth Harrison, niece of Frances Harrison (believed to be the mother of the Robert Peyton born in 1745 who married Anne Rush): John Peyton (1728-abt.1774). Dates and connections as of 2 December 2023.
  21. 21.0 21.1 From "Historian's Guide to Loudoun, 1757-1766" by Phillips: Sent by Pat Duncan (Loudoun Co., Va., Order Bk A:509) September 10, 1761. Robert Peyton, an infant, is represented by John Peyton, his Guardian. Note from Mary: "Infant" did not mean "baby." It was a legal term referring to anyone who was still a minor. (Mary Gregg's Genforum post.)
  22. Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet: Legal Age, by Robert W. Baird:

    "Under British common law, full majority was reached at the age of 21. Anyone under 21 was legally an infant." Among the actions only adults could perform:
    • Marry without parental consent
    • Buy or sell land without restriction
    "Generally speaking, children aged 14 and over could legitimately perform a variety of legal actions". Among the actions minors could perform:
    • Choose their guardian, or replace an existing guardian
    • Witness deeds and contracts

  23. See Mary Gregg's summary below.
  24. Prince William Co., Va., OB 1761-1763, page 385 (from Mary Gregg's Genforum post, citing Prince William County, Virginia Order Book, 1762-1763, Ruth and Sam Sparacio (copyright 1999; see this library entry for information about the 2017 publication).
  25. Abstract from PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DEED ABSTRACTS, 1749-1752 and 1761-1764. Ruth and Sam Sparacio (Prince William Co., Va., DB P:266-271): "December 5/6, 1762. Benjamin Rush of Parish of Dettingen in the County of Prince William Planter & Alice his Wife of one part and John Tyler of the Parish and County aforesaid of other part. . . ." See transcription of full record at https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I116189&tree=Tree1 (accessed 3 December 2023).
  26. 26.0 26.1 The deed was for a transfer of land from the Rushes to John Tyler. WikiTree has profiles for brothers John and Charles Tyler of Loudoun County who could be them: The FamilySearch PID for Charles Tyler (1715-1767) has him born and died in Cameron Parish, Loudoun County:
  27. Marriage by March 1765 assumes that the land record of that date is for this Robert Peyton & wife Anne. Considering Robert was born in 1745, it is likely. If consent was needed, Benjamin Rush could give it for them both, as he was Robert's guardian and Anne's father (both brides and grooms not yet 21 needed the consent of their parent or guardian). The land record was for transfer of property sold to Valentine Peyton in August 1750. Circumstantial evidence that this record is for the Robert Peyton ("of Loudoun County") who married Ann Rush: their son George served in the Loudoun County Militia during the American Revolution (see George's profile, specifically the "War Service" section).
  28. The previously cited Baird article, "Legal Age," includes a section on "Minors and Land", which notes that minors could be landowners, "since they could acquire land by gift or inheritance."
  29. Based on witnesses to Robert Peyton's 1785 will. Probate notice supports Alce Noland, wife of George Noland, as Robert's daughter. See the WikiTree image (attached to this profile).
  30. Cochran family bible (see below)
  31. Son William's information was included in Peyton Societly of Virginia (PSV) updates to Peytons of Virginia II (2004; updates through 7 November 2016).
  32. 32.0 32.1 See the WikiTree image (attached) of the record, taken off the microfiched record at the North Carolina State Library.
  33. "Franklin Co., N.C. WB A-2" (Will Book A, page 2) in the April 2007 GenForum post by Mary Gregg, which shared an abstract of the record, citing Will Book A, Franklin County, North Carolina, 1785-1797; Wills, Estate Records, Guardian Accounts, Dr. Stephen E. Bradley, Jr.
  34. A Devany married a sister of Anne Rush (both Ann Peyton and Alice Devany were named in the 1801 will of Benjamin Rush. See his profile for an abstract of his will, made from the transcription posted on the Milams in Virginia website by William F. Milam, M.D. of Richmond, Virginia: See also information from family Bibles relayed to the compiler of Genealogy of the Rush Family, beginning on page 19 (accessed 21 January 2020).

  35. Per Harold Davey of the Peyton Society of Virginia, who confirmed that while Robert Peyton b 1745 m Ann Rush was indeed the son of Valentine Peyton, the Valentine who was his father was not related to the Valentine who died in 1751, who was descended from Henry Peyton of Lincoln's Inn - POV II's B Line; in WikiTree, Henry Peyton (abt.1590-1656). ~ e-mail to Liz Shifflett, May 2023
  36. Mary Gregg, in this GenForum post.
  37. Part of my rationale that the Valentine in Stafford County past 1751 is the father of Robert (b1745) m Rush is the dates for guardianship records:
    • 10 September 1761 (which could have been just after Robert turned 16 and could have needed a guardian to represent him in a land transaction so that the transaction would be legally binding
    • 2 November 1762, when he would have been 17; perhaps he chose to change guardians so as to move with his future father-in-law to North Carolina? (Benjamin Rush gifts NC land to his daughter Anne Peyton in xx).
  38. Return said seven, but I opened all those listed, which resulted in eight. I don't see that any were a duplicate. ~ Noland-165
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 John Blankenbaker, Germanna Colonies, "History of County Formations in Virginia 1617-1995" (accessed 3 December 2023).
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 Freddie Spradlin, Parishes of Virginia (accessed 2 December 2023).
  41. Prince William Co. VA, Orders, 1762-1763, Bk A, p. 590 (from POVII, FE Line, page 798) and "Robert Peyton, an infant, is represented by John Peyton, his Guardian." ~ Loudoun Co., Va., Order Bk A:509 (previously cited, from "Historian's Guide to Loudoun, 1757-1766" by Phillips, sent by Pat Duncan to Mary Gregg & shared in her Genforum post.
  42. https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/peyton/352/ From Mary: The following deed of gift shows that Ann (Rush) Peyton migrated to Franklin County, North Carolina:
    (Franklin Co., N. C., DB 4:37) January 3, 1784. Benjamin Rush of Franklin County to his daughter, Ann Peyton, of same, for love and regard a tract of 186 acres on the north bank of Lyons Creek and on Flat rock Creek adjoining Green Hill, Terrell, and the Glebe line, with the exception of one acre of ground for a graveyard wherein several graves are located, with the present graves to be the center of said acre.
    Wits: Joel Terrell, Wm. Rush
  43. Genealogy of the Rush family, image 17 of 91: "Franklin Co. Deeds v. 6, p 90 Robert Peyton to Joel Terrell. deed 5 Jan. 1784 [50 pounds], 186 acres on North side of Lyons Creek, and on Flat Rock Creek; to Terrell's line and Glebe line. Wits: Benj. Rush, John Thomas
  44. 44.0 44.1 From Geneagraphie: https://geneagraphie.com/getperson.php?personID=I569847 (accessed 30 November 2023).

... notes...

from https://lfportal.loudoun.gov/LFPortalInternet/0/edoc/326660/Wills%20-%20P.pdf - VA will index - Loudoun County:
  • Craven Peyton (p 5 of 17) = WB B, p 378; inventory = B, p 393
  • F.H. Peyton (still p 5 of 17) = WB H, p 296; inventory = H, p 329; M, p 267
  • Francis H. Peyton " [cont.] - inventory = L, p 192; I, p 199; accounts = K, p 58; sale bill = I, p 84
  • Ann Peyton (still p 5 of 17) = inventory = 2A, p 213; accounts = 2B, p 50
  • Craven Peyton (p 6 of 17) = inventory = B, p 393 [same as on p 5]
  • Francis Peyton (p 6 of 17) = WB L, p 333
  • Mary E. Peyton (p 6 of 17) = WB 3C, p 211; inventory = 3D, p 78
  • page 7 of 17 has four entries in two rows (with a typeover?), including:
    • Peters, Anna B. (Renunication) WB 3W, p 1[64?] p 1[67?] - next row
    • Peyton, Irene
      [indented] Pierce, Greer [Grear?] WB 3X, p 76
Craven in Loudoun Co. Indenture records: https://lfportal.loudoun.gov/LFPortalInternet/0/edoc/326239/Indentures.pdf
  • "Bound Out Children" - 1762: Penegrin Allan age 8; "Trade": house carpenter in 1762 to Craven Peyton - Order Book A, p 630 (p 2 of 217)
  • "Indentures" - 1769: Craven's servant John Evans ran away: "Report of a runaway servant; Order Book D, p. 204" (p 50 of 217)
  • "Bound Out Children" - 1767: John Peyton Harrison age 16 was bound to Levin Powell; Order Book C, p 279 (p 76 of 217)
  • "Bound Out Children" - 1773: Thomas Harrison age 20 was bound to William Mitchell; Order Book C, p 279: "English indentured servant; consiged to William Savage of Dumfries; arrived on ship Susanna captained by Alexander Coldclough; Mitchell, William lived near "Newgate"; McDaniel, George" (p 76 of 217)
  • (p 154 of 217) ... a Peyton indenture in 1807 (8 years old; blacksmith); a John Peyton in 1791 (no age; saddler)
  • "Bound Out Children" - 1769: Francis Peyton reported a runaway servant (Elizabeth Thomas), Order Book D, p. 264


several (a Philip Noland in 1774; a Philip Noland Jr in 1782; a Thomas Noland in 1793; Philip Noland in 1760; 1821, Thomas J. Noland)... Also of interest, in 1822, a Pierce Noland (14) was bound out by his mother Elizabeth to David Ogdon & in 1841 a child was bound out to George W. Noland (Tailor); a 17-year-old was indentured to him in 1842 (Tailor). And a Mary Noland (9) was bound out in 1759. In 1757: "Parker et ux vs. Gibson; Noland, Philip (indenture sold to without mother's consent); Parker, Anthony; Parker, Margaret (Mother); Ellzey, William; Sebastian, Benjamin; West, Hugh (Witnesses)" & also in 1758: "Parker, Margaret (wife of Anthony); Gibson, John (Formerly bound to); Noland, Philip (sold to illegally?); Order Book A p. 106"
Another entry... bound to Philip Noland, but notes column has "Nowland, Thomas?; Report of a

runaway servant; Washington County, MD; Hagerstown, MD; Order Book P, p. 333"

Thomas Wilkinson (Tailor) in 1799.


  • 1775, William Awbrey
  • 1757(x2), 1762, 1774 (suit for freedom related to one of 1757 entries), Thomas Awbrey
    • 1752(x2): "Conrad and Margaret Shank (Husband and Wife) identured themselves to James Brooke in 1752 for 5 years. Brooke sold the indenture to Thomas Awbrey in 1754. In 1758 the Shanks filed for their freedom dues from Awbrey
  • 1758, Samuel Awbrey

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John Peyton (1728-abt.1774) m Seth Harrison, niece of Frances. He's probably the John who was guardian in 1761.
posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett

Categories: Noland-165