Location: [unknown]
Work in progress...
Help page for:
- Nordic Categorisation Team
- Nordic Project - Migration Team
The smallest "entity level" in the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish Migration Category Structure would be the counties. In Finland it is the regions and on Iceland it is...
However, as of todays date, Sweden is the only country (yet) that has the migration category structure approved and set up.
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How to categorise a Swedish emigrant
Step 1
- Do you know from which Swedish county they emigrated?
- Yes. Proceed to step 2.
- No. If you do not know from which county someone emigrated, please use the Category: Unknown Swedish County, Emigrants as "leaving entity" and proceed to step 2.
Step 2
- Do you know to which "arriving entity" (state/province/county/district) in the new country the profile immigrated to?
- Yes. Then the category to choose is "Migrant from "leaving entity" to "arriving entity" and you are done. Example(s): Category: Migrants from Blekinge County to Alabama or Category:Migrants_from_Unknown_Swedish_County_to_Illinois
- No. Go to step 3
Step 3
- Do you know to which country the profile emigrated?
- Yes. The the category to choose is "Leaving entity, Emigrants to Country". Example(s): Category: Blekinge County, Emigrants to United States or Category: Unknown Swedish County, Emigrants to United States
- No. Bummer. The only place left to add the profile is to "Leaving entity", Emigrants". Example: Category: Blekinge County, Emigrants
A little tip using the Category Picker for these long category names... you only need to write/search for Blekinge and start writing Alabama in order for it to find "Migrants from Blekinge County to Alabama".
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- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)