Location: [unknown]
Navigation: Nordic Project > Nordic Project - Sub Projects and Teams >Nordic Project - Profile Improvement Teams > Migration Team
The purpose of this team is:
To work on profiles for people who left the Nordic countries and connect them to family in both their old country as well as family in their new country. If you are interested, you can help out either sourcing the Nordic side or work on finding sources for a person in their new homeland.
We also work on profiles for people who came to the Nordic countries with origin in another country.
The work done will be beneficial for the whole global tree if we can find more connections between different countries.
What do members of this team do?
We improve emigrant profiles not only in accordance with WikiTree styles and standards but also in consideration of relevant standards of each Nordic country project. That means:
- Correct spelling (using Nordic special letters) and add additional spelling variants to "Other last names" so the profile can be found in both countries and avoid duplicates.
- Adding reliable sources in both countries so it is certain it is the same person
- Writing biographies and translating biographies if needed
- Adding research notes if necessary, for example explaining an extra name in addition to patronymic last name
- Adding relevant categories and stickers
Team Members:
Team Leader: Maggie Andersson Works mainly on Swedish emigration (can also set up any missing categories in the Swedish migration structure).
Team Members:
- M Alt - Works on Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish immigrants to Minnesota and surrounding states.
- Missy Berryann - Works on Swedish and Swedish-American profiles. I can also help in following Swedish emigrants in the US. I use Ancestry.com, FamilySearch and RiksArkivet.
- Diana Crisman - Working on Denmark immigrants to North America.
- Daniel Eriksson - Can help tracing emigrated Swedes back to Sweden or forwards from Sweden to the USA. I use ArkivDigital and can use their indices to find candidates and sources in Sweden.
- Karen (Mauger) Gunn - Can help work on Swedish emigrants in Sweden, and perhaps on any Nordic immigrants into the USA and Canada.
- Susan Hautala - Works on Finnish and Finnish-American profiles. I can help with finding emigrant ancestors in the Finnish records. Member of the Finnish Family History Association (sukuhistoria.fi) with access to the somewhat more recent records from the late 1800s and early 1900s. I also have access to the database of the Migration Institute of Finland, and am willing to help with searches in both of these proprietary archives.
- Emily (Boy) Holmberg - Works primarily with profiles with migrating from Sweden to America.
- E Kippner - Works on Swedish and Swedish-American profiles, both in finding Swedish records for emigrants to the US and finding emigrants once they settled in the US.
- Norm Lindquist - Working on Swedish and Finnish immigrants to the United States.
- Laurie Miller - Can help work with Swedish records and primarily US records. ArkivDigital, Newspapers.com subscription to all papers, MyHeritage, Ancestry, Riksarkivet.
- Gilbert Nelson - Working on Denmark immigrants to North America.
- Marie Ronnegård - Works primarily with unlinked Swedish profiles, and sourcing of Swedish emigrant profiles and profiles for immigrants to Sweden. Access to Arkivdigital, Swedish Censuses on CD, and the Swedish Death Index covering 1830-2020. Can do look ups in the book Svenskarna i Nya Zeeland/The Swedes in New Zealand that list over 3000 Swedish emigrants to New Zeeland up until 1940. Sometimes help DNA tested descendents to find their unknown Swedish ancestors (with varying success).
- Eric Stamper - Working on Sweden and Finland immigrants to North America. Member of the Finnish Family History Association.
- Jeffrey Wall - Working on Norway Immigrants to North America.
- Jim Wiborg - Willing to help find reliable sources for Norwegian and Danish emigrants who immigrated to North or South America. Feel free to ask for special tasks.
Contents |
If any member of this team has any questions, they can either be asked in the Nordic Google Group (please add "Migration Team" in the subject line) or in the Discord channel for the Nordic Project Migration Team.
If you are a Nordic Project Member but not part of this team, you can still ask questions in the Nordic Google group or in the "general" Discord channel for Nordic migration.
If you are not a Nordic Project Member, please use G2G forum to ask your question, be sure to add the tag "Nordic" as well as a tag for the country it concerns.
About Nordic Emigration:
Swedish emigration started about 1830, most of these early emigrants were well educated and financially well. But the major part of Swedish emigration took place between 1860-1930 when 1,200,000 Swedes left for North America with dreams and hopes for a better life.
Of course, there have been emigrants before the 1800s as well, the colony Nya Sverige/New Sweden along the Delaware River in the 1600s is one example.
A wave of migration from Finland took place around the turn of the 20th century for similar reasons. According to the Migration Institute of Finland, over 300,000 Finns moved to North America at this time. In the period ranging from the 1950s to the 1970s, 400,000 Finns moved to Sweden[1].
For Iceland, about 20% of the population emigrated during the latter part of the 18th century and into the 19th century, mainly to Brazil, Canada and America. See more about Icelandic emigration here: Iceland Project - Icelandic Emigration
It was not very different in the other Nordic countries ??? Needs opinions from other Denmark and Norway as well.
- Space:Nordic_Project_-_Guidelines_and_Standards
- Space:Swedish_names_becoming_American_names
- How to categorise a Swedish emigrant
Nordic emigrant maintenance categories to work from:
- Category:Denmark, Emigrants Need Research
- Category:Finland, Emigrants Need Research
- Category:Iceland, Emigrants Need Research
- Category:Norway, Emigrants Need Research
- Category:Sweden, Emigrants Need Research
- Category:Unknown_Swedish_County,_Emigrants
- Category:Swedish_Estonia,_Unsourced_Profiles
Nordic immigrant categories to work from:
Helpful links for emigrant research
(please tell us about links you use so they can be added here)
- Ellis Island Passenger Search
- Castle Garden For searches before Ellis Island.
- The Ships List Lots of links.
- Swedes in Canada Mentions research material collection to "be online shortly". Worth looking for? Otherwise the link "Honour the pioneers" on the left side has some names that might be worth working on?
- Swedish American Newspapers
- Iceland Project - Icelandic Emigration Lots of resources for Icelandic emigrants.
- Norway Heritage passenger lists
- Det Danske Udvandrerarkiv
- Dansk Demografisk Database, Udvandrede via Vejle/Hamborg-Amerika-linjen
Subscription sites:
These are subscription sites that at least one team member can search in. Please ask in the discord team chat for help.
- EmiWeb, Archive list
- Arkiv Digital Sverige Some Swedish congregations in countries outside Sweden can be found here if you are lucky (too many to make a list of). Some Swedish Passenger Ship Manifests can also be found through AD, example.
- Newspapers.com Not for use as a primary source but helpful for finding information that can then be used to find primary sources.
Nordic Migration Categories
These Nordic migration categories might be helpful in researching migrating persons. There might, for instance, be connections with other projects such as Titanic and One-Place Studies.
See also;
- Sandarmoh Memorial Cemetery (now in Republic of Karelia, Russia) is a burial ground from the second World War, resting place for more than 58 nationalities.
- https://www.swedesincanada.ca/index.html
- https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1149558/can-anyone-connect-these-notables-their-scandinavian-roots This thread seems to have new people added now and then
- https://www.isof.se/lar-dig-mer/webbutstallningar/halsningar-from-amerikat/emigrationen-till-amerika (in Swedish)
- Estonian Swedes
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Missy Berryann and Nordic Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)