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Nordic Project - Very Important Profiles Team

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
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This page has been accessed 549 times.

Navigation: Nordic Project > Nordic Project - Sub Projects and Teams >Nordic VIP Team

The purpose of this team is:

To gather a group of Nordic Project members who like to work on profiles of special importance for the Nordic Project. Once worked on, these profiles can also serve as good example profiles for other members.

The team will be working on profiles that are important because they are;

  • Project Managed (high priority to edit in order to establish good example profiles).
  • Notable Profiles (important enough to have a Wikipedia page).
  • 5-star Profile (most visited profiles WikiTree profiles, important that they look their best).

Some profiles might only fit into one or two categories while some may be in all three.

While we really want EVERY Nordic profile to be the best they can be, these are profiles exposed to more views, both within and outside WikiTree. For example, they may be among WT’s “Featured Connections” or be among the 5-star profiles, i.e. profiles viewed at least 1,000 times in total, and by at least 100 different people in the past year.

What do members of this team do?

We improve profiles not only in accordance with WikiTree styles and standards, but also in consideration of relevant standards of each Nordic country project. That means:

  • search for duplicate profiles and suggest merges
  • making sure that all data field info is added and also marked correctly
  • adding the most reliable sources we can find
  • writing biographies, translating biographies, if needed
  • adding relevant categories and stickers
  • check/remove/replace images in order to not infringe on any copyright

Team Members

Leader: Missy Berryann

Advisory members: Denmark: Ole Selmer, Iceland: Sigurður Eysteinsson, Dagmar Thorisdottir, Norway: Leif Biberg Kristensen, Sweden: Open

Active Team Members: Missy Berryann

Please note, to be a member of this team, you need to have some prior knowledge of editing profiles in accordance with WikiTree styles and standards.


Member instructions:

Before starting to work on a profile, please review the section "Help pages and resources" further below. If you have any questions along the way, ask the team members in the Nordic Google Group, on Discord or G2G (be sure to add the tag "Nordic").

Let the Team Leader know what profile (or family) you are working on.

Post a comment on the profile you choose to work on, something along the line “This profile is being worked on by (your name) on behalf of the Nordic VIP Team.”

Start by searching for duplicate profiles. If any duplicate is found, inform the VIP Team. Info and LNAB on any duplicate profile(s) needs to be evaluated before any work is started and merge(s) suggested.

Evaluate the information currently on the profile. Is the LNAB correct according to the county project standards? What is personally important and genealogically important info on the profile? An existing profile of a celebrity can already have a lot of info but is it relevant? (The biography should not look like an article from a gossip magazine.)

If there are any images on the profile, are they relevant? Does the image clearly inform that it does not infringe on any copyright? If not, consider replacing the image with another, especially on a project-managed profile.
Wikimedia Commons is one of many places where you can find images to use on the profile. If you upload an image, remember there needs to be an indication in comments on the image of where it has come from and why it is permissible to use it. Also, make sure that any imported image has a good title and not just “Image 1” or something similar. Background images should be used sparingly and be “gentle on the eyes.”

Do not add an extensive amount of in-line sources for a single statement. If a profile for example has an original source, like a sourced birth notice, it does not need to have additional sources added to that specific fact (from Wikipedia, online articles, newspaper clips, etc) unless it is a contradicting fact.

If a person outside the closest family is mentioned in the biography, and they have a WikiTree profile, please add a link to that profile in the text.

Please check that any URL links on the profile are correct and working. Preferably, any online resource pages/sources added should be added to Wayback Machine (an online internet archive ( ) and then have that archived link added to the profiles.

If the profile has biographies in multiple languages, the native language of the person the profile represents should be first and English last. Please translate biographies if needed or add the category for “needs translation” [[:Category: Country Project Needs Translation to Language]]

The Acknowledgement heading can usually be removed. To acknowledge someone who imported a gedcom and done nothing with it is really not necessary. If the heading is kept, perhaps it would be better to add something along the lines of “Thanks to everyone who contributed to this profile. Please click the Changes tab to see the edits made.”

Please add relevant categories and stickers to the profile. Categories, including location categories, should be supported in the text. See Space:Nordic_Project,_Templates_and_Stickers

If you are working on a Notable, please add links to Wikipedia (preferably in both the native language and in English if available).

Make sure that you have reviewed the data field part, that correct info is added (corresponds to sourced info in bio) and marked correctly (radio buttons). If a birth notice is added as source, please also mark the mother and father of the profile as "Confident."

When your editing is done, please check that the profile does not have any suggestions that need to be sorted out.

Also, check the proper order of elements:

{{Research Note Boxes}}
{{Project Boxes}}
== Biography ==
{{Profile Stickers}}
== Research Notes == (if needed)
== Sources ==
<references />
See also:

Before reporting the profile to the Team as “done/finished,” please read through the profile once more to check for any minor edits like missing words or typos. Then report to the team, sit back, relax, and pat yourself on the back for improving an important profile that many will see and be grateful for.

Once a profile is reported “finished,” a Team Leader will check the profile, and if not already managed by a Nordic Country Project, we might consider adopting it (if an orphan) or reaching out to the current manager and ask to be co-managers. On profiles already managed by a Nordic Country Project, the Team contact also archives old comments no longer relevant (merges) and marks it as completed in the spreadsheet.

Help pages and resources

Country Specific

Where to find profiles

Currently managed profiles by the Nordic sub-projects:

5-star Profiles, managed by project

5-star Profiles, not project managed

Easiest way to find these are using Text search at WT+ (

Suggestion of search words to include in a Text search;

  • 5stars
  • BirthCountry=Sweden (or any other Nordic country)
  • 19Cen (or any other century)

Notables by Country


Comments: 2

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Wanted to suggest that this profile be managed by the Sweden Project: Louise Alexandra Marie Irene (Battenberg) Bernadotte (1889-1965)
posted by Lauren Millerd
edited by Lauren Millerd
G'day cousins! I don't know where else to post a suggestion for a Swedish Notable, when I'm not sure it warrants a g2g question of its own (maybe it does, maybe it doesn't), so here is where it is.

I have looked for, and not found, a profile for the Swedish actress Elsa Viveca Torstensdotter Lindfors known as Viveca Lindfors. (I have to confess I had not heard of the Silver Bear award until I looked up Viveca.)

I know — from the help I have been given in the past on my own Swedish lines, and my late husband's Swedish ancestors — what a terrific Team you have, and am hoping someone, or several someones, will take on the task of giving this wonderful lady a profile.

posted by Melanie Paul

Categories: Nordic Project Teams