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North Carolina Provincial Committees of Safety

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
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Surnames/tags: 1776 North_Carolina
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Committees of Safety in Provincial North Carolina

In the American Revolution, the committees of correspondence, committees of inspection (also known as committees of observation), and committees of safety were different local committees of Patriots that became a shadow government.

Committees of Safety were a network of committees authorized by the Continental Congress, endorsed by the Second Provincial Congress of North Carolina and the North Carolina Assembly, and established in late 1774 and early 1775 to enforce the Continental Association banning all trade with Britain. The committees, located in 18 counties and 4 towns throughout North Carolina, performed such duties as spreading Whig propaganda, making military preparations, enforcing price ceilings on strategic items, seizing and selling imported goods, reshipping slaves and other imports, punishing violators of the Continental Association with boycotts, and regulating public morals.[1]

See the county categories:

Rowan County Committee of Safety

  • Ref: Minutes for listing of members of the Committee, Iredell Patriots on the Rowan County Committee of Safety, by William Sharpe, transcribed by Christine Spencer, September 2008 Link

  1. "NCPedia," North Carolina Government & Heritage Library State Library of North Carolina. Web. (https://www.ncpedia.org/committees-safety; accessed 15 Sep 2019).

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