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Northumberland County Pennsylvania Land Records-Campbell

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Surname/tag: campbell
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The purpose of the The Campbells of Northumberland County Pennsylvania is to identify the various Campbell families that settled or passed through Northumberland County. The long-term goal of this project is to collect male Y-DNA from Campbell male descendants of these Campbell male settlers.

In an effort to untangle the genealogies of the Campbells of Northumberland County we are collecting marriage, land and probate records of the Campbells of Northumberland County. This page has the Campbell Land Records for the years 1772-1830.

If your Northumberland County Campbell ancestors WikiTree profile has not been attached in the table, please post a comment or send us a private message with the WikiTree ID number and we'll attach it. If your Northumberland County ancestors profile does not have a Y-DNA test attached we encourage a descendant to take a Y-DNA test so we can properly document the line for posterity.

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

Northumberland County Deeds (Grantor)-Campbell

Northumberland County
Land Records (Grantor)
Updated: 16 Dec 2024
Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name To Book Page Comments Doc_Image
1781 Campbell Cleary Aaron Levy B 270 150 acres in Bald Eagle Twp. Doc Image
1785 Campbell Robert (of Cumberland Co, PA) Stephen Duncan C 63 His right to an improvement made by his brother William between Lacommick and Pine Creek Doc Image
1785 Campbell Robert (of Cumberland Co, PA) Stephen Duncan C 132 300 acres of his brother William (dec) land in Northumberland County Doc Image
1787 Campbell Robert (of Cumberland Co, PA) Benjamin Walker C 461 200 acres granted as a donation for being a soldier Doc Image
1788 Campbell Cleary General James Potter D 221 Power of Attorney Doc Image
1785 Campbell Samuel John Scott D 349 200 acres Doc Image
1791 Campbell Gustavus Joseph Spear E 304 400 acres on Fishing Creek Doc Image
1791 Campbell Amos Charles Dillworth E 319 400 acres on Fishing Creek Doc Image
1791 Campbell Zephaniah Andrew Boyd E 321 400 acres on Fishing Creek Doc Image
1772 Campbell William John Robb F 142 300 acres on the N. branch of Muncy Creek in Muncy Twp. Doc Image
1793 Campbell Daniel and Rachel John Lutz F 222 51 acres in Shamokin Twp. Doc Image
1787 Campbell Cleary William Bonham F 247 1/2 part of 150 acres in Nittiny Twp. Doc Image
1794 Campbell Robert (of Cumberland Co, PA) William Watson G 1 300 acres on Muncy Creek Doc Image
1795 Campbell Daniel Michael Moore I 283 1 acre on Shamokin Creek for Presbyterian Church to be erected Doc Image
1795 Campbell Jane Thomas Campbell K 167 100 acres on Chillesquaque Creek Doc Image
1797 Campbell Thomas and Isabella Daniel Baumgartner K 167 100 acres of "Fairfield" in Chillesquaque Twp. Doc Image
1784 Campbell Hercules Ulrick Steeley L 495 300 acres in Northumberland Twp. Doc Image
1801 Campbell John Thomas Campbell (his brother) L 615 2/3 of 298 acres in Derry Township (belonging to John Campbell dec., their father. Children of John Campbell dec are: John, Samuel, Thomas, Margaret, Mary, Elizabeth, and Jean) Doc Image
1780 Campbell George et al to Michael Killegas M 71 404 acres on Middle Creek Doc Image
1780 Campbell George et al to Michael Killegas M 72 192 acres on Middle Creek Doc Image
1780 Campbell George et al to Michael Killegas M 73 402 acres on Middle Creek Doc Image
1780 Campbell George et al to Michael Killegas M 74 326 acres on Middle Creek Doc Image
1780 Campbell George et al to Michael Killegas M 75 291 acres on Middle Creek Doc Image
1780 Campbell George et al to Michael Killegas M 76 300 acres on Middle Creek Doc Image
1780 Campbell George et al to Michael Killegas M 77 185 acres on Middle Creek Doc Image
1780 Campbell George et al to Michael Killegas M 78 304 acres on Middle Creek Doc Image
1780 Campbell George et al to Michael Killegas M 79 364 acres on Middle Creek Doc Image
1797 Campbell Benjamin and Sarah Henry Taylor M 108 207 acres of "Irish Town" in Shamokin Twp. Doc Image
1803 Campbell William and Rachel Thomas King M 200 Lot No. 120 in the town of Northumberland Doc Image
1804 Campbell James and Margaret Evan R. Evans N 86 Lot 151 in Sunbury Doc Image
1807 Campbell James and Margaret James Bigger O 209 All their right to the estate of William Lancock (Margaret is his daughter) Doc Image
1810 Campbell Obadiah and Mary Henry Whisler P 452 487 1/2 acres of Hamburgh in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1809 Campbell Daniel Sr. and Elizabeth Daniel Campbell Jr. Q 301 22 acres on Shamokin Creek Doc Image
1807 Campbell Obadiah and Mary Abraham Moore R 88 138 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1811 Campbell Obadiah and Mary Samuel Sober S 199 170 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1808 Campbell John and Charity Allen Kelly T 154 30 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1814 Campbell Robert and Rachel (of Hamilton Co, OH) James Campbell T 220 POA to receive any debts that pertains to the estate of Rachel's father John Brady Doc Image
1810 Campbell Alexander and Hannah (of Westmoreland Co, PA) Jonothan Lodge T 228 All her right to their father Jonothan Lodge's land in the county Doc Image
1816 Campbell Samuel William Bigger T 296 220 acres on Warriors Run Doc Image
1820 Campbell Thomas and Mary Samuel Knight U 176 Lot 119 in Milton Town Doc Image
1819 Campbell Benjamin and Sarah Joseph Macklow U 491 162 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1819 Campbell Benjamin and Sarah Joseph Macklow U 493 108 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1819 Campbell Benjamin and Sarah Joseph Macklow U 494 524 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1822 Campbell Robert and Charity Abraham Campbell U 629 229 acres in Rush/Shamokin Township Doc Image
1818 Campbell James C. and Sarah Michael Swank V 79 6 3/4 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1823 Campbell Obediah and Deborah Philip Haupt V 106 12 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1811 Campbell Obediah and Mary John Campbell V 130 200 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1812 Campbell Daniel and Elizabeth Robert Campbell V 151 10 acres Doc Image
1814 Campbell Benjamin and Sarah Jacob Kaler V 239 15 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1824 Campbell John , Robert, and Albert (of Ohio) George Ely V 414 POA to sell land in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1824 Campbell Obediah exec James Campbell V 473 25 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1825 Campbell John et al (of Columbia Co, PA) Andrew Richard V 577 Releasement of land Doc Image
1802 Campbell Francis and Jane John Hepburn V 578 Their right to the estate of James Hepburn deceased Doc Image
1810 Campbell Alexander and Hannah William Rockefeller V 613 Part of 3 tracts in the county Doc Image
1824 Campbell Obediah exec. Obediah Campbell Jr. W 6 100 acres of his father's land in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1818 Campbell Elijah and Hannah Aaron Wilkerson W 16 55 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1811 Campbell Obediah and Mary Aaron Wilkerson W 17 185 acres Doc Image
1828 Campbell Robert R. (of Knox Co, OH) Obediah and John Campbell W 317 POA to receive debts owed Doc Image
1829 Campbell Pheobe Obediah and John Campbell W 385 Releasement of land Doc Image
1829 Campbell John and Pheobe atty. (of Ohio) James Campbell W 385 297 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1818 Campbell Robert and Charlotte Joseph Morgan W 488 2 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1829 Campbell Daniel Richard Campbell X 75 103 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1818 Campbell George and Magdalena John Campbell X 179 48 acres in Upper Mahoney Township Doc Image
1830 Campbell John (of Butler Co, OH) Christian Shipman X 194 John B., Elias and Elizabeth, and Martha: sell 2/6th shares of John's estate Doc Image
1830 Campbell Benjamin heirs (of Knox Co, OH) Obediah Campbell X 301 Sarah (widow), W.T., Joana (William) Adair, Lanah (Joseph) Pickle, Benjamin Jr., Levi, and Jane: POA to sell Benjamin Campbell deceased's lands in the county Doc Image
1830 Campbell James and Rachel (of Livingston Co, NY) Ebeneazer Greenbaugh X 354 421 3/4 acres of his father John Campbell deceased's lands Doc Image
1830 Campbell Robert R. and Rachel (of Hamilton Co, OH) James Campbell X 371 POA to Rachel's father John Brady's lands Doc Image
1828 Campbell Obediah Benjamin Campbell X 439 50 acres Doc Image
1830 Campbell Daniel et al Ebeneazer Greenbaugh X 451 Heirs of John Campbell deceased: Sarah Randall, Ann (Robert) McMasters and Daniel: Sell their share to their father's land Doc Image

Northumberland County Deeds (Grantee)-Campbell

Northumberland County
Land Records (Grantee)
Updated: 16 Dec 2024
Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name From Book Page Comments Doc_Image
1791 Campbell Robert and Rachel Jeremiah Morrison E 365 300 acres from the Long Island made by George Morrison dec. (Rachel Campbells father) Doc Image
1789 Campbell James Abraham Latcha E 484 Land on the W. side of the Susquehannah River Doc Image
1789 Campbell Cleary Lewis Lewis F 229 1/2 part of 150 acres in Nittiny Twp. Doc Image
1806 Campbell James William Scout O 332 137 1/2 acres in Chillisquaque Township Doc Image
1804 Campbell Daniel Commonwealth P 409 199 acres of Campbell Town in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1811 Campbell Daniel John Lewis Q 345 100 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1813 Campbell Robert Edward Lynch et al S 128 Agreement for 250 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1812 Campbell James Charles Chamberlain S 175 100 acres of Deer Lick in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1813 Campbell Robert Enoch Smith et al S 403 250 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1809 Campbell William and Elizabeth Benjamin Reader T 221 83 acres near Shamokin and Augusta Township division line Doc Image
1815 Campbell Alexander Levi Hollingsworth T 297 171 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image
1815 Campbell Samuel William P. Brady T 414 220 acres in Columbia County Doc Image
1818 Campbell Peter S. Lyidwick Hiefer T 549 A plantation in Chillisquaque Township Doc Image
1809 Campbell Obediah and Deborah Benjamin Reader U 588 76 1/4 acres on the Shamokin and Augusta Township boundary lines Doc Image
1826 Campbell Obediah and Mary Jeremiah Vastine W 70 Assignment of 50 acres Doc Image
1830 Campbell James R. (of Philadelphia Co, PA) Edward Staples X 313 314 1/2 acres in Mahoney Township Doc Image
1808 Campbell Benjamin John Cherry X 420 439 acres in Shamokin Township Doc Image



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