Location: [unknown]

The purpose of the The Campbells of Northumberland County Virginia is to identify the various Campbell families that settled or passed through Northumberland County. The long-term goal of this project is to collect male Y-DNA from Campbell male descendants of these Campbell male settlers.
In an effort to untangle the genealogies of the Campbells of Northumberland County we are collecting marriage, land and probate records of the Campbells of Northumberland County. This page has the Campbell Land Records for the years 1800 and prior.
If your Northumberland County Campbell ancestors WikiTree profile has not been attached in the table, please post a comment or send us a private message with the WikiTree ID number and we'll attach it. If your Northumberland County ancestors profile does not have a Y-DNA test attached we encourage a descendant to take a Y-DNA test so we can properly document the line for posterity.
Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!
Northumberland County Land Records -Campbell
Liber | Folio | Grantor | Grantee | Date_of_Record | Comments | Record |
Book 1726-1729 | 105 | Thomas Campbell | John Rose | 1728 | 50 acres in Wicomico Parish: Hugh Campbell named as the father of Thomas Campbell | Doc Image |
1 | 181 | Thomas Bearsanoft | Charles Campbell | 1750 | Thomas is indebted to Charles for services rendered | Doc Image |
2 | 84 | Charles Campbell | 1751 | release of Mortgage | Doc Image | |
2 | 131-133 | John Waters | Charles Campbell | 1752 | 250 acres on the Wicocomoco River | Doc Image |
3 | 36 | Adam Booth | Charles Campbell | 1753 | Bond to Charles for 250 acres of "Bridge Neck" | Doc Image |
3 | 86 | Metcalf Gill | Charles Campbell | 1754 | All debts owed to Gill from Campbell are fully satisfied | Doc Image |
3 | 149 | Charles Campbell | Newton Kean et. al | 1754 | 250 Acres on little Wicocomoco River | Doc Image |
3 | 306 | Charles Campbell | David Boyd | 1756 | Appointment as attorney | Doc Image |
6 | 254 | Richard Nutt | Thomas Campbell | 1762 | 106 Acres in said county | Doc Image |
6 | 634 | John Cone et. al | William Campbell | 1765 | 90 Acres on Bails Creek | Doc Image |
12 | 341 | Charles Campbell and Mary Ann (his sister) | William Berts | 1785 | 100 acres of land in said county because Charles is moving | Doc Image |
14 | 234 | Thomas Downing | Price Campbell | 1788 | 80 acres in said county near a swamp | Doc Image |
14 | 245 | Thomas Campbell and Sarah his wife | Hopkins Harding | 1789 | 100 acres in said county: Record indicates that Sarah Campbell was a Schofield and her mother is Elizabeth Schofield | Doc Image |
14 | 373 | Jane Campbell (widow of Charles Campbell) | Thomas Campbell (orphan to Charles) | 1790 | Plantation left to her by her dec. husband | Doc Image |
15 | 82 | Price Campbell (Westmoreland Co) | William P. Tibbs | 1794 | Land known as "Plainfield" and two slaves | Doc Image |
15 | 83 | Price Campbell (Westmoreland Co) | William P. Tibbs | 1794 | Appointment as lawful attorney (Price is mentioned as the grandnephew of Dr. Fleming Pinkston of London, England) | Doc Image |
15 | 116 | Joseph Scofield | Price Campbell (Westmoreland Co) | 1794 | 68 acres of land in said county | Doc Image |
15 | 133 | John Cralk | Price Campbell (Westmoreland Co) | 1794 | 6 1/2 acres in St. Stephens Parish | Doc Image |
15 | 134 | John Cralk | Price Campbell (Westmoreland Co) | 1794 | 25 1/2 acres in St. Stephens Parish | Doc Image |
15 | 166 | Thomas Williams | Price Campbell (Northumberland Co) | 1795 | 17 acres in said county | Doc Image |
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