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Northwest France Team

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Francemap
Surname/tag: FRANCE
This page has been accessed 381 times.

Organizational page for the North-West team of the French Roots project


Team Members

  1. Kyla H
  2. Michèle Calonnec
  3. Sylvia Benton
  4. Robin Helstrom
  5. Rick San Soucie
  6. Donald Broussard

Team Tasks

Maintenance Categories

  • begin sorting and working on them
  1. Unsourced Profiles
  2. France Unconnected Profiles
  • Sort out place categories
  • Topics - e.g. one place study, industry in a particular area, notables from the region etc.
  • Free-space pages for departments of the region.


This French Roots team covers the following former provinces:

  1. Anjou
  2. Berry
  3. Bretagne
  4. Maine
  5. Normandie
  6. Orléanais
  7. Perche
  8. Touraine

These borders are now represented by the following departments, since the dissolution of provinces in 1790:

RegionDepartmentCategoryFree-space pageUnsourced
Anjou Maine-et-Loire Maine-et-LoireMaine-et-Loire Unsourced Maine-et-Loire
Berry Cher Cher CherUnsourced Cher
Indre Indre Indre Unsourced Indre
Brittany Morbihan Morbihan Morbihan Unsourced Morbihan
Finistère Finistère Finistère Unsourced Finistère
Côtes-d'Armor Côtes-d'Armor Côtes-d'Armor Unsourced Côtes-d'Armor
Ille-et-Vilaine Ille-et-Vilaine Ille-et-Vilaine Unsourced Ille-et-Vilaine
Loire-Atlantique Loire-Atlantique Loire-Atlantique Unsourced Loire-Atlantique]
Maine Sarthe Sarthe Sarthe Unsourced Sarthe
Mayenne Mayenne Mayenne Unsourced Mayenne
Normandy Calvados Calvados Calvados Unsourced Calvados
Eure Eure Eure Unsourced Eure
Manche Manche Manche Unsourced Manche
Orne Orne Orne Unsourced Orne
Seine-Maritime Seine-Maritime Seine-Maritime Unsourced Seine-Maritime
Orléanais Loiret Loiret Loiret Unsourced Loiret
Loir-et-Cher Loir-et-Cher Loir-et-Cher Unsourced Loir-et-Cher
Eure-et-Loir Eure-et-Loir Eure-et-LoirUnsourced Eure-et-Loir
Touraine Indre-et-Loire Indre-et-Loire Indre-et-LoireUnsourced Indre-et-Loire

Notable Profiles

Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel fashion designer, founder of the brand Chanel

Immigrant Ancestors

ProvinceMigrants to CanadaMigrants to AcadiaMigrants to Louisiana
Anjou Category:Migrants d'Anjou au Canada, Nouvelle-France
Berry Category:Migrants du Berry au Canada, Nouvelle-France
Brittany Category:Migrants de Bretagne au Canada, Nouvelle-France
Maine Category:Migrants du Maine, France au Canada, Nouvelle-France
Normandy Category:Migrants de Normandie au Canada, Nouvelle-France
Orléanais Category: Migrants d'Orléanais au Canada, Nouvelle-France
Touraine Category:Migrants de Touraine au Canada, Nouvelle-France

  • Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Isabelle Martin and Kyla H. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)

Comments: 7

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I would like to add several places in Britanny (Côtes d'Armor and Finistère) which are not listed in the departement page. How do I proceed?
posted by Bernard Vatant
hi! my maternal side is from the Loire Atlantique area. I have added some profiles to my tree and some other members have been helping and providing me sources and documents. How to add these profiles to the project?
To do NW France:

Improve the department free-space pages ; like ; is there a map of the departement vs. The old province, which are the principal towns ; principal activities (industrial or agricultural, which type of cultures/cattle, etc.), things to see/do, notables etc. There is also the possibility of starting a « topic » if someone has a specific area of interest (maybe some people might want to work just about Normandy, or about Brittany, or would like to focus on a specific town…)

posted by Kyla H
To do NW France:

Look for notables connected with the region (this includes people born there, or associated with the place for instance if they lived there, or represented the area in a political mandate) and see if these notables have profiles, if one should be created, or if it should be improved (see above) Look for migrants who came from the region and check their families (does their line need cleaning up, are parent profiles OK, siblings needed…) If someone is comfortable with categories, add the CategoryInfoBox to categories with no content (these are categories with profiles in them but no text on the category page) ; also create categories for locations that don’t have them and would have profiles if they were there (don’t create empty categories) Improve the department free-spa

posted by Kyla H
To do: NW France:

Adding sources to unsourced profiles Cleaning up Gedcom junk and otherwise making sure profiles are up to standards Fixing « suggestions » (data doctoring) – that still has to be done using the global France report, not sure if and when and how we can narrow that one down. I guess the project is not yet big enough to allow for smaller reports. Adding categories to the profiles (principally location categories, also occupations/professions especially when dealing with people who are not just farmers or day workers) – no need to go overboard with cause of death and other silly stuff Investigate using the « Needs profiles created » thing (are you familiar with that) if sources permit creating more profiles for members of the same family Write biographies !!

posted by Kyla H
I've placed the departments in regions according to wikipedia. I'm not very familiar with French geography so if anything is incorrect feel free to let me know or change it yourself
posted by Kyla H

Categories: France Project