
Notables Diversity Project

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Surnames/tags: Notables diversity
This page has been accessed 440 times.

Welcome to the Notables Diversity Project! Formerly known as the Global Family Reunion Project, we are now a sub-project of the Notables Project.



Our primary goal in creating a project that focuses on diversity is to add notable figures from diverse backgrounds. We hope to ensure that individuals from all groups, and especially those who are often neglected in historical overviews, are included in the profiles that jointly make up our one world tree.

In short, our mission is to create and improve the profiles of notable women, people of color, LGBT+ people, and other under-represented groups.

Totally optional - Such profiles can be identified as under the "umbrella" of this project's scope by adding the following to the biography, somewhere near the notability "blurb". (The "This person" can use the name of the person.)

  • {{Image|file=Notables_Diversity_Project-1.jpg |align=l |size=35 |label=A tree consisting of many differently coloured hands of different sizes indicates diversity. }}<br /> '''This person is part of the [[Space:Notables_Diversity_Project|Notables Diversity Project]].''' {{clear}} which results in:
A tree consisting of many differently coloured hands of different sizes indicates diversity.

This person is part of the Notables Diversity Project.

Team members

What Is Diversity?

What do we mean when we speak of diversity? Recognizing and including profiles for people from all backgrounds and attempting to represent the many different aspects of being human. We also want to acknowledge those whose efforts have contributed to a greater acceptance of difference.

Diversity may refer to differences along the dimensions of one or more of the following spectrums of difference:

  • age,
  • sex,
  • gender,
  • sexual orientation,
  • culture,
  • skin color (aka "race," however unscientific the term),
  • language,
  • ethnicity,
  • country of origin (probably not an issue among genealogists!),
  • socioeconomic status (class),
  • physical ability,
  • physical appearance (not related to colo(u)r or ethnicity),
  • neurodiversity (brain processing differences).
  • political belief,
  • religious belief,

or some other aspect of being human that we haven't thought to mention.

  • A note of caution. While it is easy to want to group people with similar characteristics together, there are times it is quite wrong to do so. Using as an example, height. People of short stature are those whose height is below what is deemed "typical". Not all people of short stature have the condition known as "dwarfism", and although those with dwarfism might be considered shot of stature, they do not usually fall into that classification. Dwarfism is usually caused by a medical condition, whereas short stature - medically speaking - is not. When speaking (or writing) about more than one person with dwarfism, the correct plural is "dwarfs", not "dwarves" - with the distinction being made that dwarves with the v spelling are fictional, fairy tale creatures, not real people.

If you think of something we missed that we should have included, please help us update this list.


The Diversity Project follows the same basic standards as does the Notables project and Wikipedia, with the additional caveat that such a person has a clear connection to the issue of diversity.

Projects Currently on WikiTree

Ideas for Additional Projects

Profiles Identified / Needed

Note: profiles in the table below are in need of attention of some kind. These profiles will be removed to the lower table once the need is no longer there.

Profiles Falling Under the Umbrella of Diversity.
Name Needs Bio? Profile Image (Un)Connected /
Needs profile
Open access? Has diversity image?
Richard Dawson Kiel No Has UNCONNECTED Yes Yes
Samantha Denise (Burroughs) Davis No No CONNECTED Yes No
Peter Burroughs No No CONNECTED No No
Warwick Davis No Has CONNECTED No No
David Rappaport No Has UNCONNECTED Yes Yes
Zelda Rubinstein NEEDS PROFILE
Daniel Andersson Cajanus Yes Has CONNECTED Yes No
Hervé Jean-Pierre Villechaize Has minimal Has UNCONNECTED Yes Yes

Profiles that have the image, but not requiring biographies or connecting, OR that have bio, etc, and are connected, but do not have the diversity image:

Profiles Not Needing Connecting, or Biographies, etc.
Name Name Name Name
Debbie Lee CarringtonAnnabelle DavisBernard James King
Gary Neil "Michael Dunn" Miller "Commodore" Nutt
(no diversity image)
Peter Dinklage Charles Sherwood Stratton
aka "General Tom Thumb"
John William "Jack" Purvis Lavinia Warren
(no diversity image)
Primo Magri
(no diversity image)
Robert Pershing Wadlow
(no diversity image)
Anna Haining Bates
(no diversity image)

Images: 1

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: David Randall and Melanie Paul. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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