
Notes by Henry Kipp Van Tine

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Erie, New York, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Vantine, Van Tine
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Notes by Henry Kipp Van Tine

This profile is part of the Vantine Name Study.

There are 10 pages which were compiled by Henry K. Vantine. A second person wrote additional information on the pages in blue ink. There are small errors in dates and one large error regarding Charles married to Abigail York.

They were sent to me in September 1987 by Lawrence and Barbara Van Tine. I believe they are both passed away now. I do not have the Bible pages. The pages are incredibly dark and I tried to adjust with my photo editor. The faint writing is from the next page not additional information. My scanner cut it very close to the edge but for the most part they are copied exactly as sent.

Note by Barbara Van Tine
Page 1, Notes by HK Van Tine. The children of Matthias and Catherine DeMaree Vantine.
There is a problem with the entry for Charles and Abigail York. Charles provably lived until 19 Jan 1894, when he was buried in Corunna, Michigan. He is on the 1850, 1860, and 1870 censuses but missing on the 1880 Federal Census. His obituary is in the Corunna Journal on 25 Jan 1894. On the other hand, that's a very specific date for the death of Charles. A mystery or a mistake?
Page 2, Notes by HK Van Tine. The children of David and Eleanor Kipp Vantine.
Page 3, Notes by HK Van Tine. The children of Mathias D. and Amanda Vanvalkenburg Vantine, the children of George J. and Sarah Oliva Vantine Peckham, the children of Edwin and Dillia Fairchild Vantine, the children of James and Ella Vantine.
Page 4, Notes by HK Van Tine. The children of Michael and Sally Vantine Bund, the children of Joseph and Ellen E. Bund Edward, the children of John and Margaret Bund Long, the children of Ulysses C. and Elma E. Bund, the child of George M. and Sarah Bund.
Page 5, Notes by HK Van Tine. The children of Hannah C. Vantine and Franklin Brown, the children of Franklin and Flora Brown, the children of Charles C. and Flora Brown. The children of Henry K. and Catharine E. Hershey Vantine.
Page 6, Notes by HK Van Tine. The children of Henry B. and Sophia Vantine Safford, the children of Clarence E. and Charity E. Safford, the children of Charles M. and Eliza Safford, the children of Robert and Nellie E. Safford Perrie, the children of George and Anna M. Safford, and the the children of Henry A. and Mary Safford.
Page 7, Notes by HK Van Tine. The children of John and Nancy M. Vantine Fisher, the children of Gara and Harriet E. Flint, the children of William D. and Emma G. Fisher, the children of Philip F. and Jane F. Schuster. The children of George K. and Mary Mather and Catharine Beyer Vantine, the children of James E. and Jane R. Paxon, the children of Albert G. and Amanda Vantine.
Page 8, Notes by HK Van Tine. The children of Wilder and Anna West Vantine, the children of William W. and Clelle C. Vantine. The children of Buradore and Maria A. Vantine Wiltse, the children of Jessie B. and Nellie A. Moore, the children of George B. and Cynthia Wiltse.
Page 9, Notes by HK Van Tine. The children of William and Elizabeth Vantine Danser.
Page 10, Notes by HK Van Tine. The children of John and Susan Jordan Vantine, the children of Girard and Mary Magoffin Vantine, the children of Charles and Josephine Vantine Burns, the children of Charles Edward and Susan Maud Vantine, the children of Albert and Harriet Vantine.

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