
Nottinghamshire Team

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Welcome to the Nottinghamshire Team page! Feel free to browse and check out the links below.

If you are interested in helping out in Nottinghamshire, please look at how to join the England Project. If you have any questions about Nottinghamshire, please contact the team leader below.

The goal of the Nottinghamshire Team is to make all Nottinghamshire profiles the best that they can be. It is our desire to leave a lasting legacy of work for future generations and current researchers that can facilitate their quest for family history, and bring them one step closer to discovering the myriad of people it has taken for them to draw breath.

Team Members and Specific Interests


In order to achieve our goal, there are a number of things on which we are currently working. There is always room for more ideas and always room for extra help.

Over the last couple of years we've been busy working on sourcing up the unsourced profiles in the County. That's going very well, when we started we had over 1200 unsourced profiles, we are now down to less than a hundred. A big thank you to everyone who has chipped in with these.

The current (Sep 2024) Status of these is that we have:

  • cleared all the "recent" onces, that's post 1700
  • had a hardcore of less than 20 17th century ones which were probably correct - these have now been sourced thanks to a visit to Nottingham Archives
  • have a residue of about 50 pre 1600 profiles - many of which may unfortunately be the result of wishful thinking rather than good genealogy.
  • new ones are identified every week, but these tend to get sorted very quickly

On suggestions within the county we've also made great inroads. Just about all historic "errors" have been corrected with the exception of external link errors which attract little interest. Again, new ones crop up every week and there is an occassional change to the search strategies which show new batches, but this is largely a maintenance operation now. There are a number of "suggestion" types (wikidata) which are of dubious value and attract little attention.

We still have more than our fair share of Unlinked and Unconnected profiles. Here we are victims of our own success in the number of cemetery projects that we have which have added single person profiles. These are now the main focus of our efforts. Thanks go to Carol Keeling for setting up the Unconnected Trees Progress page. We could do with more help in this area - growing trees from these seeds is good fun in itself.

Any help in keeping up with Suggestions and Sources as they come in is very welcome as is all help in connecting all those invidual standalone trees that we have.

The table below has been modified recently to be more in line with the one being used by the England Data Doctors team and shows how we've done over the last six weeks. Basically, anything in green is good, anything in red means we're getting issues added faster than we're dealing with them. It shows the weekly change up or down, and the current total for each category. The colour shown for the totals will change depending on the six week trend.

To see these figures in context, have a look at one of these pages:

Nottinghamshire Maintenance Statistics, Changes over the week
10 Dec 17 Dec 24 Dec 31 Dec 07 Jan 14 Jan Total
Errors [1] 4 ↑ 4 ↓ 23 ↓ 16 ↓ 10 ↑ 0 - 210 ↓
Unsourced post 1500 5 ↑ 5 ↑ 12 ↓ 0 - 3 ↑ 36 ↑ 40 ↑
Unsourced pre 1500 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 ↓ 0 - 46 ↓
Unlinked[2] 1 ↑ 0 - 1 ↑ 0 - 1 ↑ 2 ↑ 1,308 ↑
Unconnected[3] 48 ↑ 8 ↑ 25 ↑ 5 ↑ 19 ↑ 1 ↓ 6,174 ↑
Unknown 0 - 1 ↑ 1 ↓ 1 ↓ 0 - 0 - 386 ↓
Suggestions [4] 2 ↓ 9 ↑ 13 ↓ 4 ↓ 4 ↓ 28 ↑ 547 ↑
Total Profiles 113 ↑ 133 ↑ 107 ↑ 95 ↑ 145 ↑ 227 ↑ 77,427 ↑

  1. Errors = Exludes wikidata hints, but includes stuff that we need other people to fix themselves, like project related faults.
  2. Single, stand-alone profiles from Nottinghamshire
  3. Minitrees unconnected to the global wikitree which have a minimum of one connection to Nottinghamshire
  4. Suggestions = Wikidata + Unique Names + FindaGrave.


Comments: 12

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Hello Nottinghamshire people!

Would anyone be interested in building Freespace pages for Nottingham Forest and Notts County football clubs, that I can link to in my Football Clubs index page?

So far as I can tell the only football club with its own page is Newcastle, which I built. Sunderland for some reason is the only club with its own category. I think every major football club should have its own page so people can find/research their players, managers, directors and other associated figures.

I also think club pages should be managed by people who have a passion for those clubs. Perhaps this describes someone in your project?

Please feel free to edit my index page to add any prominent Nottinghamshire football figures you can think of.


posted by Stephen Corkey
I have been creating new profile pages covering Sutton in Ashfield as I work on transferring my Sutton in Ashfield publican study data onto Wikitree. A small number had existing profiles but for many, I've had to start a new, unconnected profile for each of the innkeepers, publicans, beerhouse keepers, licensed grocers, and off-license keepers in my database. I then connect each one to the main tree before I start work on another person. So if you come across any unconnected profiles in Nottinghamshire that I've created, please know that I will be working on connecting them.

After finding this page this morning, I thought I'd better make the Nottinghamshire team aware so my activities don't cause you any unnecessary effort.

posted by H Gibson
Please take some time when you can to have a look at the new pages for seeing how well we are doing in improving our profiles compared to other counties and to England as a whole (links added above our "performance table" on our County page), especially at the Commentary page at:

Really good to see our County in the top three in getting profiles sourced, and leading the way in keeping suggestions down.

Well done and a big thank you to all of you who have helped put us in this position.

We're now making inroads into getting our Unconnected profiles linked into the main tree. If you'd like to join us in this work please take a look at the page that the Connections team has put together for our benefit at:

posted by Derrick Watson
I hope this is the appropriate place to post this. I have published a short book 'Some Nottinghamshire Surnames', briefly looking at 25 surnames associated with specific villages in Notts and considering how the people involved in these families coped with the economic and social changes of the Victorian era. The book is a collection of articles I have written for the journal of the Notts Family History Society over the past few years. I am still writing articles and intend to make some of them available by creating free space profiles on G2G if I can.
posted by Cliff Hughes
Hello Cliff,

That sounds fascinating. Can you tell me if "Jephson" alternatively, "Jepson" were any of the surnames that you have covered? best regards, Chris Jephson

posted by Chris Jephson
Sorry Chris - no Jephson and Jepson are not covered. I've copied and pasted the contents page in a post in the G2G section of wikitree - that lists all the surnames covered in the book, although I have written about a few more surnames since publishing the book. Regards, Cliff
posted by Cliff Hughes
Thanks, Cliff. If you decide to add 'Jephson' to your list at some stage, I would obviously be very interested!

best regards, Chris

posted by Chris Jephson
I might well do that Chris. I see that Jephson is a rare name overall, but in 1881 was strongly a Notts name, especially in Sutton in Ashfield.


posted by Cliff Hughes
I'm not sure why there is a lag in the system figures, but we can now see the true effects of your efforts in the "thon" two weeks ago.

Over 300 existing unconnected profiles got woven into the fabric of the tree and in the process we added 400 more profiles in the County than we would normally see.

A big well done and thank you to everyone who took part.


posted by Derrick Watson
Congratulations to the Nottinghamshire team on a clean green sweep this week!
posted by Stephen Heathcote
Congratulations to the Nottinghamshire team on going green this week!
posted by Stephen Heathcote
Notts seems to have more than its fair share of the new "profile completeness" suggestions!
posted by Stephen Heathcote