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Nuns in Australia Hobart Tasmania

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Surname/tag: Tasmania_Australia
Profile manager: Rionne Brooks private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 531 times.

The Nuns in Australia main page has all the project information. But there are too many individuals to sensibly manage in the one Free-Space Profile


Hobart Convents

Please note the following

Names are listed by State then by place.
Where there is more than one Convent the Convent names are sorted in alphabetical order.
Dates are publication dates.
Names in italics are relatives of the relevant Sister.
Schools associated with the Convent are shown in the Convent notes.

Not all Sisters have death and/or funeral notices. Notices that actually contain the strings that have been used for searching may not have their text corrected and consequently remain "hidden".

Brigidine Convent

Sisters of Charity Convent

Convent Notes: Also known as St. Joseph's Convent.

Little Company of Mary Convent

Presentation Convent

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