Surname/tag: Victoria_Australia
The Nuns in Australia main page has all the project information. But there are too many individuals to sensibly manage in the one Free-Space Profile
Kyneton Convents
Please note the following
- Where there is more than one Convent the Convent names are sorted in alphabetical order.
- Dates are publication dates.
- Names in italics are relatives of the relevant Sister.
- Schools associated with the Convent are shown in the Convent notes.
Not all Sisters have death and/or funeral notices. Notices that actually contain the strings that have been used for searching may not have their text corrected and consequently remain "hidden".
Convent of Mercy
- Death of John DALY, father of Elsie (in religion Sr. Mary Clare, of this congregation) 20 Sep 1923. Family: Alice (Rev. Mother Mary Berchmans) DALY, sister; Elizabeth (Sr. Mary Xavier) DALY, sister.
- Death of Unknown BUCKLEY (in religion Rev. Mother Mary Genevieve) at St. Kilda 19 Jan 1918. See also:;;;
- Death of, and Requiem Mass for Unknown HALL (in religion Sr. Mary Austin) 12 Oct 1936. See also:
- Death of, and Requiem Mass for Unknown O'CONNOR (in religion Sr. Mary Igantius) 25 Aug 1937. See also:;
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