Surname/tag: New_South_Wales_Australia
The Nuns in Australia main page has all the project information. But there are too many individuals to sensibly manage in the one Free-Space Profile
Maitland Convents
Please note the following
- Where there is more than one Convent the Convent names are sorted in alphabetical order.
- Dates are publication dates.
- Names in italics are relatives of the relevant Sister.
- Schools associated with the Convent are shown in the Convent notes.
Not all Sisters have death and/or funeral notices. Notices that actually contain the strings that have been used for searching may not have their text corrected and consequently remain "hidden".
Dominican Convent, West Maitland
- [ Funeral of Sister M Winifred; Death of 8 November 1932
Wikitree Profile: Mary "Sr Mary Winifred" Keating
:Parents: Patrick Keating and Mary Ryan
Death: NSW BDM - Reg.19418/1932 at West Maitland.
Siblings: Katherine "Sr Mary Genevieve" Keating, Margaret "Sr Mary Thecla" Keating, Michael 'Brother Basil"Keating, William Keating
- Obituary for Annie MURNANE (in religion Sr. Mary Joseph) 12 Dec 1885. Daughter of Owen Murnane. Named as the first Australian postulant at the Convent.
Wikitree Profile: Julia Annie "Sr Mary Joseph" Murnane op
Parents: Eugene (Owen) Murnane and Eleanor (Ellen)
- Death of, and Requiem Mass for Unknown BEGG (in religion Sr. Mary Francis) 15 Dec 1887.
Wikitree Profile: Mary "Sr Mary Francis Xavier" Begg
Parents: James Begg and Elizabeth
Death NSW BDM - Reg. 5500/1888
- Funeral for Mary Kate MOLLOY (in religion Rev. Mother Theresa) 13 Oct 1888, the founder of the Dominican Congregation in West Maitland.
Parents: Thomas Molloy and Catherine Cullen
- Death of Clarissa Maud OLLIFFE (in religion Sr. Mary Angela) 02 Jul 1894. Reception; Profession.
Wikitree Profile: Clarissa Maud "Sr Mary Angela" Olliffe
Parents: Joseph B. and Elizabeth Callaghan, of Sydney, late of Maitland.
Death: NSW BDM - Death reg.7956/1894 at West Maitland.
- Death of Teresa M. PYNE (in religion Sr. Mary Augustine) who died at Strathfield 20 Jul 1895.
Parents: Nicholas and Annie Pyne.
Death: NSW BDM - Death reg. 8075/1895 at Canterbury.
- Death of Mary B. BRADY (in religion Sr. Mary Brigid) 11 Feb 1911.
Parents: No parental details recorded.
Death: NSW BDM - Death reg. 2137/1911 at West Maitland.
- Death of Mary DONNELLAN (in religion Rev. Mother Mary Hyacinth) at Dominican Convent, Strathfield 12 Aug 1911.
Death: NSW BDM - Death reg. 9410/1911 at Burwood.
- Death of Johanna DOWLEY (in religion Rev. Mother Mary Regis) 28 Dec 1911.
Death: NSW BDM - Death reg. 15268/1911 at West Maitland.
- Death of Bridget KENNEDY (in religion Sr. Mary Stephanie) 28 Mar 1918. See also:
Parents: Patrick Kennedy, of Newcastle.
Death: NSW BDM - Death reg. 1462/1918 at West Maitland.
- Obituary for Margaret HINTON (in religion Sr. Mary Philomena) 28 Jun 1919. See also:
Parents: of Samuel and Margaret Hinton
Death: NSW BDM - Death Reg. 11670/1919 at West Maitland.
- Death of Catherine LARKIN (in religion Sr. Mary Bernard) 07 Feb 1922. See also:;
Death: NSW BDM - Death Reg. 1799/1922 at West Maitland.
- Funeral Notice for Annie FEENAN (in religion Sr. Mary Monica) 29 May 1922.
Parents: Peter and Helen Feenan.
Death: NSW BDM - Death Reg. 7820/1922 at West Maitland.
- Requiem Mass for Lucy O'REILLY (in religion Sr. Mary Magdalene) 13 Nov 1922. See also:
Death: NSW BDM - Death Reg. 18257/1922 at West Maitland.
- Death of, and Requiem Mass for Mary E. COGAN (in religion Sr. Mary Agatha) 21 Jan 1926.
Parents: Thomas Cogan.
Death: NSW BDM - Death Reg. 2809/1926 at West Maitland.
- Death of, and Requiem Mass for Mary A. BURNS (in religion Rev. Mother Mary Thomas) 23 Sep 1926.
Parents: Alexander and Ellen Burns, of Rockdale.
Death: NSW BDM - Death Reg. 15014/1926 at West Maitland.
- Death of Catherine (Katie) KICKHAM (in religion Sr. Mary Alacoque) 29 Jul 1944. Profession, Obituary. Family: Death of John Kickham, father; Ceremony of reception for Agatha Kickham (in religion Sr. Mary Bernardine) Death of Sr. Mary Bernardine at Dominican Convent, Waratah, sister; Death of Anastasia Kickham (in religon Sr. Mary Augustine), sister.
Parents: John and Mary Kickham.
Death: NSW BDM - Death Reg. 13906/1943 (Anastasia Kickham) at West Maitland;
Death Reg. 21559/1944 (Catherine Kickham) at West Maitland.
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