Surname/tag: Victoria_Australia
The Nuns in Australia main page has all the project information. But there are too many individuals to sensibly manage in the one Free-Space Profile
Wangaratta Convents
Please note the following
- Where there is more than one Convent the Convent names are sorted in alphabetical order.
- Dates are publication dates.
- Names in italics are relatives of the relevant Sister.
- Schools associated with the Convent are shown in the Convent notes.
Not all Sisters have death and/or funeral notices. Notices that actually contain the strings that have been used for searching may not have their text corrected and consequently remain "hidden".
Brigidine Convent
VicBDM death - no matching record
- Death of Rev. Unknown O'FARRELL (in religion Mother Mary Catherine Ida) 09 Jun 1892. See also,
VicBDM death 8528/1892. Entry is indexed as "Mary Catherine Ida O'FARRELL." Daughter of Thomas O'Farrell and Mary (nee Harman) O'Farrell.
- Death of Unknown FOGARTY (in religion Superioress Mary Patricia) 24 Jan 1898. See also
VicBDM death 5187/1898. Entry is indexed as "Mary Patricia FOGARTY." Daughter of Patrick Fogarty and Anne (nee Unknown) Fogarty.
VicBDM death 12562/1920. Entry is indexed as "Annie MAHER." Daughter of Michael Maher and Annie (nee Hasset) Maher.
- Death of Mary McKEOWN, mother of Unknown (in religion Sr. Laurence), of this congregation 21 Jun 1923.
VicBDM death 7036/1293. Entry is indexed as "Mary Ann McKEOWN." Daughter of Patrick Flaherty and Honorah (nee Sexton) Flaherty.
- Death of Catherine LUTTRELL (nee CUNNINGHAM),,mother of Unknown (in religion Rev. Mother Cecilia), of this congregation 02 Feb 1934. See also
VicBDM death (Catherine Luttrell) 1146/1934. Daughter of James Cunningham and Unknown (nee Cunningham) Cunningham. Died Malvern.
- Death of Unknown KRECKLER (in religion Sr. Mary Joseph) 26 Jan 1938. Family: Death of Mary KRECKLER, mother 12 Jan 1925.
VicBDM death 13317/1938. Entry is indexed as "Mary Joseph KRECKLER." Daughter of Henry Kreckler and Mary (nee Kennedy) Kreckler.
- Death of Josephine KERR (in religion Rev. Mother Mary Laserian) at Mt. St. Evin's Hospital, Fitzroy 31 Dec 1940.
VicBDM death 12815/1940. Entry is indexed as "Josephine KERR." Daughter of Maurice Kerr and Margaret (nee Murphy) Kerr.
- Death of Unknown O'CONNELL (in religion Rev. Mother Mary Agnes) at St. Vincent's Intermediate Hospital 12 Jun 1945.
VicBDM death 17556/1951. Entry is indexed as "Catherine STOREY." Daughter of John Storey and Mary (nee Dumphy) Storey. Born Wexford, Ireland.
- Death of James O'ROURKE, brother of Unknown (in religion Rev. Mother Mary Benignus, of this congregation) 04 Oct 1954.
VicBDM death (James O'Rourke) 22957/1954. Son of Cornelius O'Rourke and Ellen (nee Bourke) O'Rourke.
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