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Nya Sverige - New Sweden - Nova Suecia

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Sweden
This page has been accessed 226 times.

In English

New Sweden was the name of the Swedish colony that occupied the mouth of the Delaware River and corresponding to parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland in modern day United States.

The first plans for starting Swedish colonies were made in 1626, but since there was an ongoing war in Europe the project was never started. In 1632, king Gustav II Adolf died at Lützen and his six year old daughter Kristina took over the crown with Axel Oxenstierna as guardian.

In 1636 Axel Oxenstierna met with well-informed merchants in Amsterdam, among them a gentleman named Peter Minuit. He was prepared to join the Swedish service, and stated that he knew a area around the Delaware River where there were no prior colonies or European settlement yet. One of his important merits was that he had been governor of the New Netherlands colony for six years and he got the job as governor of New Sweden.

The first Swedish ships, Kalmar Nyckel and Fågel Grip, were prepared for the project. Half the crew was acquired from the Netherlands and the rest from Sweden. Both captains/masters were Dutch who had sailed to America before. On board these first two ships there were only sailors and military personnel, no women and no settlers. The ships left Gothenburg's port in November 1637.

They reached the Delaware river in March 1638. The crew and passengers started building Fort Christina which was completed in the autumn the same year.

To be continued

På svenska

Nya Sverige var namnet på den koloni som Sverige anlade vid Delawareflodens mynning i det område som i dagens USA motsvarar delar av både Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware och Maryland.

De första förberedelserna för att starta svenska kolonier gjordes redan 1626 men det var krig i Europa och projektet rann ut i sanden. 1632 stupade Gustav II Adolf vid Lützen och hans sexåriga dotter Kristina tog över kronan med Axel Oxenstierna som förmyndare.

1636 mötte Axel Oxenstierna välinformerade köpmän i Amsterdam, bland dem en herre som hette Peter Minuit. Han var beredd att gå i svensk tjänst, och sade sig veta ett område kring Delawarefloden där det ännu inte fanns några kolonier eller europeisk bosättning. En av hans tungt vägande meriter var att han varit guvernör för kolonin Nya Nederländerna i sex år.

De första svenska skeppen, Kalmar Nyckel och Fågel Grip gjordes i ordning för projektet. Halva besättningen värvades från Nederländerna och resten från Sverige. Båda befälhavarna var holländare som seglat till Amerika tidigare. Ombord fanns bara sjömän och militärer, inga kvinnor och inga nybyggare. Skeppen lämnade Göteborgs hamn i november 1637.

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