
Who was in Nyckelby in the 1600s?

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Mostly for trying to figure out where Per Erichsson fits in - it is still not all that clear.


Älvsborgs lösen 1613, Nyckelby

Älvsborgs lösen 1613, Kommissariernas m.fl. räkenskaper för den lokala uppbörden av Älvsborgs lösen, SE/RA/5117/IV/40 (1613-1617), bildid: A0066044_00313
  • Lars Olofsson and wife
  • Per Andersson and his father Anders Larsson
  • widow Ingrid
  • Anders Christophersson with wife and a farm hand
  • Erik Persson, unmarried, with a hired hand and a hired maid

Taxation records, Nyckelby 1640s

Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 2 (1643) Bild 1230 / Sida 894
Arkiv Digital page info v903370.b1230.s894 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Lars Pärsson with wife
  • Clas Olufsson with wife, daughter and married son, two tenants
  • Erich Nilsson with wife (his mother died in 1642 - v53029a.b1100.s206)
  • Erich Pärsson with wife and a hired maid
  • Christ(opher) Andersson with wife and a hired maid
  • Oluf Andersson with wife
  • Oluf the rider with wife
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 3 (1644) Bild 1430 / Sida 926
Arkiv Digital page info v903371.b1430.s926 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Lars Pärsson with wife
  • Clas Olofsson with wife, married son, one married and one unmarried daughter, a maid
  • Erik Nilsson with wife
  • Erik Pärsson with wife and a hired maid
  • Christ(opher) Andersson with wife and a hired maid (Christopher's wife died in 1644 - v53029a.b1110.s208 - his mother and Christopher himself died in 1645 - v53029a.b1120.s210)
  • Oluf Andersson with wife
  • Oluf the rider with wife and a hired hand
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 5 (1646) Bild 1000 / Sida 837
Arkiv Digital page info v903373.b1000.s837 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Lars Pärsson alone (his wife had died in 1644 - v53029a.b1110.s208 - he married Karin Jonsdotter 12 Feb 1646 - v53029a.b710.s128 - there was also a Lars Persson in Nyckelby who married Karin Eriksdotter 18 Oct 1646)
  • Olof Classon with wife, a maid and three tenants (Clas in Nyckelby died in 1646 - v53029a.b1120.s210 - Marinna Clasdotter married Lars Andersson 22 Feb 1646 - v53029a.b710.s128)
  • Erik Nilsson with wife and a maid
  • Erik Pärsson with wife and a married son (Per Eriksson's wife died in 1646 - v53029a.b1120.s210 - Per married again 21 Nov 1647 - v53029a.b710.s128)
  • Anders Christophersson and a hired maid
  • Brita, wife of the rider
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 8 (1649) Bild 880 / Sida 761
Arkiv Digital page info v903376.b880.s761 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Hieronimus Larsson in Nyckelby got married 20 Mar 1648 his name is not in the taxation record - v53029a.b710.s128 - he was a soldier and lost a child in Aug 1651 - v53029a.b1180.s222
  • Lars Pärsson with wife and a hired hand
  • Olof Classon with wife, a hired hand and a tenant
  • Erik Nilsson with wife and a maid
  • Pehr Erichsson with wife and two tenants
  • Anders Christophersson with wife and a hired maid (Anders Christophersson in Norrbytorp got married 27 May 1647 - v53029a.b710.s128) (Anders Christoffersson's Lars was baptized 9 May 1647 - v53029a.b90.s6)
  • hustru Brita

Taxation records Nyckelby 1650s

The format has changed - only a summary given

Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 9 (1650) Bild 960 / Sida 786
Arkiv Digital page info v903377.b960.s786 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Lars Pärsson 4 (Lars Persson's sister-in-law died in 1650 - v53029a.b1150.s216)
  • Olof Classon 3 (Clas widow died in 1651 - v53029a.b1170.s220)
  • Erik Nilsson 3
  • Pehr Erichsson 2
  • Anders Christophersson 2
  • hustru Brita 2
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 10 (1651) Bild 890 / Sida 682
Arkiv Digital page info v903378.b890.s682 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Lars Pärsson 1 (Lars died in 1651 - v53029a.b1160.s218)
  • Olof Classon 4 (Olof Classon's sister died Dec 1651 - v53029a.b1180.s222)
  • Erik Nilsson 2
  • Pehr Erichsson 2
  • Bengt Eriksson 2 (presumably a brother of Per)
  • Anders Christophersson 2
  • hustru Brita 1
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 13 (1654) Bild 1530 / Sida 892
Arkiv Digital page info v903381.b1530.s892 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Erich Pärsson 4 (this is a new family, replacing Lars Persson)
  • hustru Malina, tenant, 1
  • Abraham Andersson 3 (new family - well possibly related to old Clas)
  • hustru Ingeborg Olsdotter, tenant, 1
  • Erik Nilsson 4
  • Pädher Erichsson 2
  • Olof Eriksson, tenant, 2
  • Bängt Eriksson 2
  • Anders Christophersson 2
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 16 (1657) Bild 1990 / Sida 779
Arkiv Digital page info v903384.b1990.s779 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Erich Pährsson, with wife, daughter Karin, son Pähr and maid Karin
  • Abraham Andersson with wife, farm hand Nils, maid Anna
  • Erich Nilsson with wife and son Pähr
  • Pähr Erichsson with wife
  • Bängt Erichsson with wife and tenant Olof Ersson with wife
  • Anders Christoffersson with wife
  • Pähr Christoffersson with wife
  • Olof Pärson's(?) wife and a maid

Cathechism examination records 1654-1657

There are quite a lot of people present who aren't in the taxation records.
Fellingsbro (T) AI:1 (1654-1659) Bild 8 / Sida 5
Arkiv Digital page info v51072.b8.s5 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Erich Pärsson, wife Elin, son Pär Erichsson, son Oluf Erichsson, daughter Karin, widow Karin,
    • Oluf Andersson, wife Ingri, son-in-law Geronimus, wife Malin (Olofsdotter), daughter Karin (Olofsdotter
  • Abraham, wife Anna (probably a Clasdotter, there were two, but one died), son Johan, daughter Elizabeth, boy Nils(?), maid Britta
    • Oluff Classon, wife Ingebor
  • Erich Nilsson, wife Karin, son Lars, son Anders, son Per, son Erich, maid Malin
  • Erich Pärsson, wife Elin
    • son Pär Erichsson, wife Malin (Per is head of household in the taxation records by now)
    • son Mårten (Eriksson), son Oluf (Eriksson), wife Anna
    • son Bencht Erichsson, wife Britta, Karin
    • Oluf ryttarn, wife Britta, girl Margareta
  • Anders Christoffersson, wife Karin, brother Per, sister Anna, sister Karin

These are repeated for 1655,1656 and 1657 with some changes in the families and some changes in the order. Reordered here to match the taxation records

Cathechism examination record 1659

Fellingsbro (T) AI:1 (1654-1659) Bild 41 / Sida 71
Arkiv Digital page info v51072.b41.s71 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
probably used for a few more years (without repeating the whole, just adding)
  • Olof Eriksson, Christina(?), daughter Chierstin, son Erich, daughter Anna, daughter Maria, Margareta(???)
  • Erik Persson, wife Elin, son Olle, son Lasse, daughter Karin, Johan P., Kerstin And.
  • Per Ersson, wife Margta, Ingebor soh(??),
    • Hans Bengtsson, Walbor Bengtsdotter, maid Britta, maid Gunilla, Cherstin (maid?), farm hand Lars Persson
  • Erich Persson (dead), son Lars, daughter Britta, daughter Chirstin, daughter Karin
  • Olof Andersson, wife Ingrid, daughter Malin, daughter Karin, son Anders Persson?, son Olle Persson? (stepfamily?)
  • Abraham, wife Anna, daughter Lisbet... there are MANY more in this household. undivided farm
  • Erik Nilsson, wife Karin, son Per Eriksson, son Erik Eriksson, daughter Anna - LOTS more here as well. These will be the changing staff of hired young men and women. undivided farm
    • Hans ryttare with wife Ingebor, son Abraham Hansson
    • Olof soldat with wife Ingrid, son Johan, daughter(?) Anna
  • Bengt Erichsson, wife Britta, son Nils, son Erik, son Olof, wife Cherstin. half-farm
  • Nils Persson, wife Elisabeth, daughter Anna, daughter Ingeborg, son Anders daughter Chierstin, son Johan, daughter Britta
  • Per Eriksson (dead), wife Malin, daughter Elin
    • Olof Hansson(?), wife Marit, stepson Olof, daughter Karin
    • Tenants: Erik Persson, wife Elin; Oloff Eriksson, wife Anna; Karin Olsdotter, boy Abraham, ryttaren Anders Persson, wife Kerstin, son Anders, son Per, daughter Britta
  • Anders Christophersson, wife Karin, maid Karin Ersdotter, daughter Anna (dead), daughter Karin, daughter Ella, daughter Marit, son Anders, daughter Kerstin, daughter Ingebor, son Per Andersson half-farm
  • Per Christopherson, wife Marit, maid Karin, daughter Karin, daughter Marit (dead), daughter Elisabeth, son Lasse, Anders Hindrichs(?), daughter Anna, son Anders, son Olle. half-farm
    • Jon Christoffersson, wife Chierstin, Ingebor L, Olle Larsson
    • Olof ryttare, wife Britta, maid Margta, Karin Mårtensdotter, tenant (widow?) Cicilia, Ingäl

Taxation records Nyckelby 1660s

Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 20 (1661) Bild 1120 / Sida 98
Arkiv Digital page info v903388.b1120.s98 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Erich Persson, with wife, daughter Karin - whole farm (Erik Persson's wife died in 1661 - v53029a.b1260.s238)
  • Abraham Andersson with wife, maid Marit - whole farm
  • Erich Nilsson with wife and son Pähr Ersson - whole farm
  • Pähr Erichsson with wife - half farm
  • Bängt Erichsson with wife and tenant Olof Ersson with wife - half farm
  • Anders Christoffersson with wife - half farm
  • Pähr Christoffersson with wife, - half farm
    • tenant Brita (the widow of Olof Pärson? - yes, probably: Olof ryttare was the first person buried in Fellingsbro in 1661 - v53029a.b1260.s238) and maid Margareta
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 22 (1663) Bild 1340 / Sida 114
Arkiv Digital page info v903390.b1340.s114 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Per Ersson with wife - whole farm
  • Abraham Andersson with wife, maid Ingeborg - whole farm
  • Erik Nilsson with wife, son Per Ersson, daughter Anna, tenant Anna - whole farm (Per Ersson died in the beginning of 1662 - v53029a.b1270.s240)
  • Oluf Ersson with wife - half farm
  • Bengt Ersson with wife, tenant Marit - half farm
  • Anders Christoffersson with wife - half farm
  • Pähr Christoffersson with wife, maid Karin, widow Brita
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 24 (1665) Bild 1240 / Sida 99
Arkiv Digital page info v903392.b1240.s99 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Per Ersson with wife and maid Kerstin - whole farm
  • Abraham Andersson with wife, maid Ingeborg, widow Anna, son Johan - whole farm
  • Erik Nilsson with wife, maid Kerstin, son Erik - whole farm
  • Oluf Ersson with wife and daughter(?) Ingrij- half farm
  • Bengt Ersson with wife - half farm
    • Mårten Ersson with wife (Mårten (unreadable soldier name) in Nyckelby married Elin Nilsdotter 21 Oct 1661 - v53029a.b750.s136)
  • Anders Christoffersson with wife, maid Brita(?), widow Brita - half farm
  • Pähr Christoffersson with wife, maid Karin - half farm
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 28 (1669) Bild 1310 / Sida 111
Arkiv Digital page info v903396.b1310.s111 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Per Ersson with wife, maid Ingerid, Brita, Pehr(??)
  • Abraham Andersson with wife, son Johan, daughter(?) Britta, maid Kierstin, the rider's wife, widow(??) Anna
  • Erik Nilsson with wife, son Erik, maid Ingebor, Britta, Bengta
  • Oluf Ersson with wife, rider's wife Kierstin
  • Bengt Ersson with wife
  • Anders (Christoffersson) with wife, maid Ingre
  • Pär Christoffersson with wife

Taxation records Nyckelby 1670s

Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 30 (1671) Bild 1020 / Sida 516
Arkiv Digital page info v903398.b1020.s516 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Per Ersson with wife, maid Gunilla
  • Abraham (Andersson) with wife, son Johan with wife, maid Ingeborg, rider's wife Ingeborg
  • Erik Nilsson with wife, son Erik, maid Anna, maid Ingebor, rider's wife Bängta
  • Oluf Ersson with wife
  • Bengt Ersson with wife, maid Anna, widow of Per Ersson(?????)
  • Oluf Hansson with wife, maid Brita
  • Anders (Christoffersson) with wife, maid Ingiäll
  • Pär Christoffersson with wife
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 35 (1676) Bild 880 / Sida 51
Arkiv Digital page info v903403.b880.s51 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
  • Pähr Erichsson with wife and a maid, 3 heads, whole farm
  • Abraham with wife and married son, maid and tenant, 6 heads, whole farm
  • Anders Ersson with wife, 1/2 farm - counted together with the following as 8 heads
    • Erik Ersson with wife, 1/2 farm
    • Bengt Ersson with wife, 1/3 farm
    • Olof Hansson with wife, 1/3 farm (married to an Ersdotter?)
  • Anders Ersson with wife and tenant, 1/3 farm, 3 heads
  • Anders Christoffersson with wife, 1/2 farm, counted together with the following as 6 heads
    • Pär Christoffersson with wife, 1/2 farm
    • Embjörn the tailor with wife
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 39 (1681) Bild 1890 / Sida 169
Arkiv Digital page info v903407.b1890.s169 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 40 (1682) Bild 840 / Sida 67
Arkiv Digital page info v903408.b840.s67 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 41 (1683) Bild 1240 / Sida 106
Arkiv Digital page info v903409.b1240.s106 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet
Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Örebro län 1642-1820 (S, T) 55 (1697) Bild 3620 / Sida 1825
Arkiv Digital page info v903423.b3620.s1825 | To page (paywall) | Riksarkivet

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Keys for Nyckelby



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