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OT1 - Profile Search 1838-1957

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 258 times.

Orphan Trail 1838-1957 Profile search

There are two ways to find a Profile to work on for this time period. Option 2 may be used for your second profile, after you have a Trailblazer.

1. Category Page

Go to this page: England, Orphan Trail 1 (1838-1957) Pending Profiles category

2. WikiTree+ Report

Step 1: Search for a profile

Click on any of the County Links below to search for a suitable profile to work on.
You can search within the county of your choice.
OPTIONALLY (to help find profiles with few sources)
  • Click on "Analyze results "Bio Check" at the top of the results.
  • Note: You may need to login with your wikitree id and password
  • Click Cancel.
  • If necessary, increase the number of profiles to search and report to be bigger than the total in the search results
  • Select "Reliable Sources Required"
  • Optionally deselect "Report style details"
  • Select "Report all profiles"
  • Click "Check profiles"
  • Click the header "Number Valid Sources" to sort to put the fewest sources at the top

Step 2: Check it meets all the criteria

Click through the profiles to find one you'd like to work on. Check to ensure:
  • It does not have a profile manager
    • You won't step on any toes, because it's an Orphaned Profile without a Profile Manager!
    • Plus you will be contributing to the England Project as a whole, moving you away from your family for some new challenges.
  • ALL dates are after 1838 (so that a birth registration can be found)
  • ALL events (birth, marriage and death) are in England
  • There are family links (at least one parent and a spouse; children are a bonus)
  • There are no more than two reliable sources
  • Note that exceptions can be made, as long as it looks like there will be plenty of additional sources that can be added to the profile

Step 3: Once you've chosen a profile ...

  • Send a message to your Trailblazer. They will appraise your profile choice before setting it up to ensure its suitability, and then will set it up for you.
  • Please only send one name at a time, and include the Wiki-ID. (Although it is worth having a back-up ready just in case the first selection turns out to be a dud!)

County Links



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