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Oaklands, Immigrant Voyage to South Australia 1878

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The ship "Oaklands" arrived in Port Adelaide, South Australia on 21 Sep 1878, sailed from Plymouth, 5 July 1878.

It's arrival was reported in the local newspaper The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889) Mon 23 Sep 1878 Page 6 ARRIVAL OF THE IMMIGRANT SHIP OAKLANDS"

The Oaklands, which arrived on Saturday, September 21, is peculiarly adapted for the transport of immigrants, having splendid height in her tweendecks besides very good ventilation. The immigrants are in charge of Dr. Hayward, late of the s.s. Lusitania, who has Miss Davidson as matron over the single girls. Some slight unpleasantness between the doctor and the master existed during the conclusion of the voyage, but otherwise affairs on board have been tolerably quiet throughout. The single men are a fine-looking lot, and in the midship compartment there are some highly eligible families. The single women for the most part have come out to their friends, and there are very few servants amongst them. The vessel throughout is in a cleanly state, and it is worthy of note that although several cases of whooping cough occurred not one proved fatal. Several children died, however, from other infantile diseases. The vessel had no sooner reached the roads than the assistant officer boarded her, and reported to the Health Officer, who directed the visiting flag to be hauled down. Soon afterward Mr. Duffield visited the ship and mustered the people. Early this morning she will be towed into harbor, when her people will be free to land.
Nationalities.—English, 803; Irish, 109; German, 3.
Occupations. — Agricultural laborers, 59; baker, 1; bootmaker, 1; bricklayers 4; carpenters and joiners, 12 ; compositor, 1; engine fitter, 1; excavator, 1; laborers —builders 1, mason's 2, ordinary 7, pick-and-shovel 4, railway 1; masons, 7; navvy, 1; plasterer's, 2; platelayer, 1; porter, 1; railway ganger, 1; sawyer, 1; shopkeeper, 1; domestic servants, 57 ; charwoman, 1; cooks, 3; dairymaids, 3; dressmakers, 2 ; housekeeper, 1; laundresses, 2; machinist, 1; milliner, 1; nurses, 3. Of the agricultural laborers 30 were colonial free nominations, as also were 36 of the domestic servants.


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