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Obit for Dorothy Lambert-Napier

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 18 Oct 1990 [unknown]
Location: San Diego, California, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Napier, Lambert, obituary
This page has been accessed 58 times.

From Deseret News archives: [1]


Published: Thursday, Oct. 18, 1990 12:00 a.m. MDT

Dorothy Ellen Lambert Napier died at her daughter's home in San Diego, California October 1, 1990, after a long and courageous battle with cancer.

Born in Salt Lake City January 8, 1912, daughter of Arthur and Dorothy Dixon Lambert, she attended East High School. After working for several years in the Salt Lake area, she traveled to England to visit relatives and was there when World War II broke out.

Upon her return to the States, she moved to San Francisco and worked in war-related industries. There she met and married Omar K. Napier, a Navy officer, and had a daughter.

After their divorce, she returned to Salt Lake and began her long career in the insurance industry. She retired after 25 years with Fireman's Fund Insurance Company in 1976. During those years, she was active with the Insurance Women of America and Beta Sigma Phi, serving both as their President and in various other offices.After her retirement, Dorothy took up painting and became an accomplished artist. She was most proud of her paintings of the Utah mountains. She also traveled extensively to Europe, the South Pacific, and Asia, including mainland China. She was an avid reader and loved gardening. In 1988, she moved with her daughter to Palm Springs, California, and later to San Diego. Throughout her long illness, she remained cheerful and determined to see the next day's sunrise. Her indomitable spirit and positive attitude are the legacy she leaves to those who knew her.

She will be forever loved by her daughter, Nadine Masters, with whom she shared a special relationship of admiration and friendship. She is also survived by her brother and sister-in-law, Stanley and Leone Lambert and cousin Jean Walker, of Salt Lake City. Deep gratitude goes to San Diego Hospice and Tonya Blair for their special care these last few months. A private gathering is planned in Salt Lake City.


  1. https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/154321913/story/6fa8a2c7-d545-4619-aaa2-d32cf6bf5efe?pid=&pgn=32798&usePUBJs=true&_phsrc=nKC55

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