
Odd Fellows and Masonic Cemetery

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General Information

Cemetery name:Odd Fellows and Masonic Cemetery AKA IOOF Cemetery , Masonic Cemetery

Address:Kidder and Bennett in Grass Valley, 95945

GPS Coordinates:39.21819, -121.05511


The Odd Fellows and Masonic Cemeteries are part of the Old Elm Ridge Cemetery. Kidder intersects with Bennett Street.

Nearby is the location of the former station for the Narrow Gage Railroad that ran between Colfax and Nevada City. It was known as the "Never Come Never Go Railroad." It is now a empty lot - the 2 story rock wall and stairs from Bennett street up to where the station building was, are still there.

Names of burials in the Masonic Cemetery

Alezander, Altree, Alvord, Andrew, Andrew 2, Andrews

Bach, Baker, Baker 2, Bastian, Beaman, Bell, Bennetts, Benny, Berriman, Berriman 2, Best, Betchell, Bevins, Binkleman, Bivens, Bivens 2, Blackwell, Body, Body 2, Boettner, Bray, Brownell, Bryan, Burnett

Caldwell, Campbell, Campbell 2, Campbell 3, Casella, Chegwidden, Chegwidden 2, Chinn, Clift, Collins, Conaway, Constantine, Cooper, Corey, Cowden, Curnow, Davey, Davies, Davis, Dunn, Dunstan, Durland

Edwards, Ellinger, Elvin, Estey, Fisher, Folck, Fouse, Fouyer, Francis, Frank, Fry, Fuller,

Gibson, Glasson, Glasson 2, Graves, Greene, Greene 2, Greene 3, Grenfell, Gribben, Harding, Harter, Hawley, Head, Heather, Henderson, Henderson 2, Henderson 3, Henderson 4, Hensley, Hepner, Hill, Hocking, Holbrooke, Holub, Hooper, Hooper 2, Hooper 3, Hosking, Hudson, Hudson 2 Huff

Ingram, Ingram 2, Ingram 3, Ingram 4, Jackson, Jenkins, Jennings, Joerschke, Johnston, Jolly, Jones, Jones 2, Keast, Kimball, King, Kitts, Kitts 2, Kram, Lamblet, Lloyd, Losh

MacNider, Maddrill, Magers, Magers 2, Manseau, Matteson, Matteson 2, Matteson 3, Matteson 4, Meek, Miller, Mitchell, Mitchell 2, Mitchell 3, Mitchell 4, Morrison, Morehouse, Nagers, Neff, Nelson, Nichols, Ninnis, Northway, Nuttall

Oates, Oats, O'Conner, Opie, Patterson, Paynter, Pefferle, Penberthy, Perry, Phillip, Piercy, Potter, Powell, Powning, Prout, Resigh, Richards, Richards 2, Richards 3, Richards 4, Richards 5, Rogers, Rogers 2, Root, Rowe

Saxon, Saxon 2, Skewes, Smart, Smart 2, Smith, Smith 2, Smith 3, Smitham, Smitham 2, Starr, Stennett, Stennett 2, Stevens, Stewart, Stewart 2, Stimpson, Stoddard, Stokes, Stokes 2, Stokes 3, Storz, Stout, Stubblefield, Synson

Tally, Tamblin, Taylor, Taylor 2, Thomas, Thomas 2, Thomas 3, Thurston, Trembath, Trewhella, Turney, Tyrrell, Underwood, Underwood 2, Unknown, Unknown 2, Unknown 3, Vollmer, Wall, Walters, Wasley, Wasley 2, Wasley 3, Wellington, Whitburn, White, Whiting, Wilhelm, Williams, Williams 2, Woodmansee, Wooley, Young, Young 2, Younker, Zapf.

Names of Burials in the Odd Fellows Cemetery

Abraham, Abraham, Alderman, Allen, Allen 2, Allen 3, Anderson, Andrews, Andrews 2, Angilley, Angilley, Angove, Argall, Arnold, Arnold, Arthur, Arthur 2, Atkinson, Aunger, Aunger, Aver

Baldwin, Baldwin 2, Ball, Banfield, Barker, Barker, Barker, Barker, Barnard, Bartling, Bastear, Bastian, Batten, Bawden, Bawden 2, Bawden 3, Bawden, Bee, Bennallack, Bennetts, Bennetts, Bennett, Berryman, Best, Best 2, Best, Best, Bevertom, Binkerman, Binkerman 2, Boddilly, Boles, Bosanko, Bovey, Bowe, Boyle, Bray, Bree, Bridson, Brough, Brown, Bucketts, Buckett, Bunney, Bunney, Burtner, Butterworth,

Calicutt & Cornish, Carter, Carlson & Caskey, Carlson 2, Carlyon, Carylon 2, Carlyon 3, Carylon 4, Carlyon 5, Carson, Carson 2, Carson, Cartwright, Case, Catron, Champion, Champion, Champion, Champion, Chenowith, Chinn, Clark, Clark 2, Clarke, Clarke, Clinch, Clinch 2, Clinch 3, Clinch 4, Clinch, Clinch 6, Coad, Clingan, Cocking, Coffer, Coggins, Collins, Constantine, Constantine, Corbett,

Damon, Dangle, Davey, Davis, Dennen, Davis, Davis, Daws, Dennis, Dille, Dodge, Druart, Ducotey, Dunstan, Dunstan, Dunton

Eddy, Eddy, Eddy, Edwards, Edwards, Edwards, Eldridge, Ellison, Engel, Eschenbruecher, Estee, Eva,

Farley, Ferry, Fogerty, Ford, Frank, Franklin, Freeman, French, Fuller

Garcia, Gassaway, Gassaway 2, Gassaway 3, Gassaway, George, George, George, George, Gibson, Gibson, Gilbert, Gill, Gill 2, Glasson, Goddard, Gouveia, Granfell, Green, Gregory, Grenfell, Grenfell, Griffiths, Griffiths 2, Griffiths 3, Griffiths 4 Grimmins, Gummoe 2, Guest, Gummoe. Hales, Hales, Hall & Harry, Hanna, Harland & Harris, Harrigan, Harris 3, Harris 4, Harris 5, Harris 6, Harris 7, Harrison, Harry, Harsh, Harp, Harvey, Harvey, Heather, Henderson, Henwood, Hicks, Hocking, Hocking, Hocking, Hocking, Hodge, Holden, Hooper, Hooper 2, Hooper 3, Hooper 4, Hooper 5, Hooper 6, Hooper, Hore, Hosking, Hosking, Hosking, Houck, Hoyt, Hughes & Hocking Hugunin, Hugunin, Hurrell, Hysop,


James, James 2, James 3, James, James, Jefford, Jefford 2, Jenkins, Jenkins, Jenkins, Jetzer, Johns, Johns, Johnson

Keast, Keast 2, Kelly & Kitto Kitts, Kent, King, King, King, Kinsman, Krider & Kroh

Lady, Lady 2, Laird, Lakenan, Lakenan 2, Lambrecht, Lanyon, Larremore, Leak, Leatham, Leatham, Le Duc, Le Duc 2, Lee, Lewis, Lloyd, Lobecker, Loney & Lewis, Luke, Lyle

Mack, Madden & Mason, Magor, Magor, Manne, Marshall, Marris, Marris, Martin, Martin 2, Martin 3, Martin 4, Martin, Martin, Martin, Matteson, Maurer, McDonald, McMahon, Medlyn, Meier, Meier 2, Mell, Mell, Merrifield, Merrill, Miller, Miller, Mitchell, Mitchell, Mitchell, Moranville, Morris, Montgomery, Moody, Moore, Morgan, Morgan 2, Morgan, Morrish, Morrison, Mortley, Mounday, Mounday 2, Mounday 3, Moyle, Moyle 2, Muncy, Murphy, Mutton, Mutton 2

Nankervis, Nankervis, Nankervis, Neish, Neish, Nettle, Nettle, Newton, Niccoli, Nichols, Northy, Oakes, Oats, Oates, Oliver, Osborne, Osborne 2, Othet, Othet,

Parsons, Pascoe, Pascoe 2, Pascoe 3, Pascoe, Pattison, Perdue, Perkins, Peaslee, Pellew, Pershon, Peters, Peters 2, Phillips, Phillips 2, Phillips 3, Phillips 4, Phillips 5, Phillips 6, Plank, Plummer, Polglase, Polkinghorn, Polkinghorn, Pollard, Prisk, Prisk, Proctor, Provis

Quick, Quick 2, Quick 3

Radcliff, Radcliff 2, Richards, Richards 2, Richards 3, Richards 4, Richards 5, Richards, Richards & Rowe, Richards, Richards, Rickard, Robbins, Roberts, Rodda, Rodda 2, Root, Rose, Rosevear, Rowe, Rowe, Rowe, Rowe, Rowe, Rule

Salvatore, Sampson, Sampson, Sanford, Saunders, Sauvee, Scrivens, Scrivens & Sheets, Sears, Self, Selliger, Seymour, Seymour 2, Seymour, Shackleton, Shurtleff, Shurtleff 2, Shurtleff 3, Simmons, Sims, Sims, Sheets, Sisson, Smith, Snell, Sobey, Southern, Stacey, Steel, Stevens, Stevens, Stevens, Sturrock, Sutherland, Tamblyn, Taylor, Temby, Temby, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas & Tiddy, Tibbals & Thompson, Tippet, Tippet 2, Tittle, Tonkin, Toothaker, Trathen, Trathen 2, Trathen 3, Trathen 4, Trathen 5, Treat, Trebilcox, Treglown & Treat, Treloar, Tremoureaux, Tremoureaux & Trevethick, Tretheway & Trathen, Trivillian, Trezise, Trezise & Truscott, Truscott, Truscott 2, Turner, Twitchell, Twitchell 2

Unknown, Unknown Couple, Uren, Uren, Uren, Uren, Uren,

Wagner, Wark, Wark 2, Warner, Warren, Wasley, Watkins, Watson, Webster, Weed, Wentner, Wetterau, Whitburn, Whitburn, Whitford White, White 2, White 3, White 4, Whiting, Whiting, Wilheim, Williams, Williams 2, Williams, Williams, Willoughby, Winchester, Winchester, Wolford, Womack, Woolcock, Wright, Wulf, Wymore Young, Zimmer,

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