Location: Ohakune, Ruapehu District, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand

Surnames/tags: cemeteries new_zealand
A free-space page to record interments and memorials at Ohakune Cemetery.
Ohakune Cemetery
The cemetery is located about 3km west of the township of Ohakune.
Lakes Road,
Ohakune 4691
GPS coordinates: -39.436206, 175.381121
Notable Interments
Ohakune Cemetery, Ruapehu District, contains the official war grave of 1 man who served in the New Zealand forces during the First World War. This is Sergeant John Henry Stone who died of influenza on 13 November 1918. The cemetery also holds the official war grave of Leslie Evans Thomas, Sapper, who died 25 February 1940.
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