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Old Wallen Record Book

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
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Surnames/tags: Wallen Walling Walden
Profile manager: Scott McClain private message [send private message]
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Old Wallen Record Book

An old family record book was discovered in the papers of Thomas J. Walden of Busch, Arkansas after his death in 1951. Thomas was the son of Henry P. Wallen, and grandson of Joseph B. Walden. This record book was reportedly brought from Eastern Tennessee to southwest Missouri or northwest Arkansas in 1850. It is similar to a family bible record, with extensive genealogical information about many related Wallen, Walling, and Walden families.

Two different copies of this record book are made available on this profile:

Kenneth Walden Images and Transcriptions

The first is a set of images of the record book with transcriptions compiled by Kenneth E. Walden of Busch, Arkansas, on September 3, 1970. The images are barely legible, but this document includes Kenneth Walden's complete transcription of each page.

Joe E. Wallen Images

The second copy is a set of images provided by Joe E. Wallen of Johnson City, Tennessee, who has compiled an extensive library of information on the Wallen families. The copy quality of these images is much better and is reportedly as legible as the original. The Joe E Wallen images contain some additional marginalia but do not include transcriptions.

Citing this Record

You can cite this record book using the following formats:

  • First Source Citation in a profile:
<ref>''[[Space:Old Wallen Record Book|Old Wallen Record Book]]'' brought from Tennessee to Missouri in 1850 & discovered in personal papers of Thomas J. Walden in 1951; Kenneth Walden transcriptions & images at ___; Joe E. Wallen images at ___.</ref>
  • Subsequent short form citations:
<ref>[[#Old Wallen Record Book|Old Wallen Record Book]], Kenneth Walden transcriptions & images at ___; Joe E. Wallen images at ___.</ref>

Since the pages of the original record book as contained in the Kenneth Walden images & transcriptions and the Joe E. Wallen images are in a different order and because these two versions of the record have different advantages, the best practice is to provide inline citations to the specific pages you are citing where they appear in both versions of this record book.



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