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Aaron Chenery's Family - Research Project

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Location: Canterbury, New Zealandmap
Surname/tag: Chenery
Profile manager: Graeme Olney private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 142 times.
Researcher Personal Category Page: Olney-518
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Current Use of this Folder : The collection of links and information on the family of Aaron Chenery (1849-1933) & Julia Martha (Lucas) Chenery (1846-1926)

This research project is being undertaken to gather links to records and sourced information related to this family, in one place, so that profiles for the whole family can be created with common details linked to all from a common starting point.

Thank you to all of the profile managers and researchers who had previously found various pieces of information that I have gathered here

Aaron and Julia & ten children:

  1. Aaron Chenery (1849-1933) Find A Grave: Memorial #141938893
  2. Julia Martha (Lucas) Chenery (1846-1926) Find A Grave: Memorial #141938900
  3. Rose Julia Chenery (1871-1953)
  4. Emily Maria (Chenery) Allen (1872-1947)
  5. Herbert Aaron Chinery (1873-1945) Find A Grave: Memorial #141938909
  6. Julia Alice (Chenery) Burnaby (1874-1952)
  7. Charles Thomas Chenery (1877-1966) Find A Grave: Memorial #173214657
  8. Henry John Chenery (1879-1942) Find A Grave: Memorial #141938898
  9. Sarah Alice (Chenery) Croton (abt.1881-1956) Find A Grave: Memorial #173216166
  10. John Percy Chenery (1883-1884)
  11. James Arthur Chenery (1885-1943)
  12. Louisa Lillian Adelaide (Chinery) Brock (1887-1972) Find A Grave: Memorial #173169282


Timeline Info


Aaron Chinery of Norfolk (23, Farm Labourer) with his wife Julia (26) and two daughters - Rose (2) and Emily (9 months) - were on the assisted immigration passenger list for the ship Edwin Fox which sailed from England on 28 Jan 1873.[1][2]
Edwin Fox, sailed 24 January 1873
Aaron Chenery (1849-1933) - tick
Julia Martha (Lucas) Chenery (1846-1926) - tick
02 - 1870/1 - Rose Julia Chenery (1871-1953) - tick
00 - 1872/3 - Emily Maria (Chenery) Allen (1872-1947) - tick
The ship became waterlogged and had to stop in France for repairs, the family returned to england and didn't continue on to New Zealand


In 1881 Aaron Jr Chenery (age 31, Ag Lab) lived at Fen Rd in Blo-Norton with his wife Julia (34) and six children: Rose (10), Emily (9), Herbert (7), Julia (6), Charley (3), and Henry (1).[3]
Aaron Chenery (1849-1933) - tick
Julia Martha (Lucas) Chenery (1846-1926) - tick
10 - 1870/1 - Rose Julia Chenery (1871-1953) - tick
09 - 1872/3 - Emily Maria (Chenery) Allen (1872-1947) - tick
07 - 1874/5 - Herbert Aaron Chinery (1873-1945) - tick
06 - 1875/6 - Julia Alice (Chenery) Burnaby (1874-1952) - tick
03 - 1878/9 - Charles Thomas Chenery (1877-1966) - tick
01 - 1880/1 - Henry John Chenery (1879-1942) - tick


In 1886 A Chinnery (age 40, Carman) , with his wife Mrs Chinnery (35) and eight children - Rose (14) , Emily (12), Julia (10), Harriet (10), Chas (8), Henry (6), Alice (4) and Mary (1) - sailed from London 9 September, on the Doric and arrived in Wellington on the 27 Oct 1886[4]
40 - 1846/7 - Aaron Chenery (1849-1933) - tick
35 - 1850/1 - Julia Martha (Lucas) Chenery (1846-1926) - tick
14 - 1871/2 - Rose Julia Chenery (1871-1953) - tick
12 - 1873/4 - Emily Maria (Chenery) Allen (1872-1947) - tick
10 - 1875/6 - Harriet?? Herbert Aaron Chinery (1873-1945) - tick
10 - 1875/6 - Julia Alice (Chenery) Burnaby (1874-1952) - tick
08 - 1877/8 - Charles Thomas Chenery (1877-1966) - tick
06 - 1878/9 - Henry John Chenery (1879-1942) - tick
04 - 1880/1 - Sarah Alice (Chenery) Croton (abt.1881-1956)- tick
01 - 1884/5 - Mary ?? James Arthur Chenery (1885-1943) - tick


Aaron Chinery (age 44, Farmer), with his wife Mrs Aaron (47) and nine children - Julia (16), Emily (19), Rose (20), Chas (11), Hy (10), Alice (7), Arthur (4), G (3), and Herbt (18, Farm Labourer), as well as two other relatives [?] Arthur Chinery (21, Farm Labourer) and Wm Chinery (23, Farm Labourer) - sailed from Lyttelton, New Zealand to London in Apr 1891[5]
44 - 1846/7 - Aaron Chenery (1849-1933) - tick
47 - 1843/4 - Julia Martha (Lucas) Chenery (1846-1926) - tick
20 - 1870/1 - Rose Julia Chenery (1871-1953) - tick
19 - 1871/2 - Emily Maria (Chenery) Allen (1872-1947) - tick
18 - 1872/3 - Herbert Aaron Chinery (1873-1945) - tick
16 - 1874/5 - Julia Alice (Chenery) Burnaby (1874-1952) - tick
11 - 1879/0 - Charles Thomas Chenery (1877-1966) - tick
10 - 1880/1 - Henry John Chenery (1879-1942) - tick
07 - 1883/4 - Sarah Alice (Chenery) Croton (abt.1881-1956) - tick
04 - 1886/7 - James Arthur Chenery (1885-1943) - tick
03 - 1887/8 - G (Miss) Louisa Lillian Adelaide (Chinery) Brock (1887-1972)- tick
23 - 1867/8 - William Charles Chenery (1867-1954) ????
21 - 1869/0 - Arthur Chinery (abt.1869-1936) ????

Julia Alice (Chenery) Burnaby (1874-1952) got married to Walter James Burnaby (abt.1857-1931) in England - tick
When did they come to NZ ( before 1894 & birth of Daughter in New Zealand)

Rose Julia Chenery (1871-1953) Marries her cousin William Charles Chenery (1867-1954) in England - tick


Emily Maria (Chenery) Allen (1872-1947) (Chinnery) comes back to New Zealand (by herself?) on the Ionic [6] - tick


Herbert Aaron Chinery (1873-1945) gets married in New Zealand - tick
When did he come to NZ? ( possibly 1892)

Emily Maria (Chenery) Allen (1872-1947) (Chinnery) gets married in New Zealand - tick
Came back in 1892


Miss A Chinnery (no age) sailed on the 5th of September from London and arrived in Lyttelton on the 25th October 1896 [7][8]
- Sarah Alice ?


Delphic? England to New Zealand
The Delphic was launched in 1897 so is more than likely the vessel for the family's final voyages to New Zealand not their original one
noted on obit of Julia Martha (Lucas) Chenery (1846-1926) [9])

Some of the Family return ?


Herbert Aaron Chinery (1873-1945) Gets married in New Zealand - tick
When did he come back to NZ? ( possibly 1897)


New Zealand
... ... ... lived in Chaneys, Canterbury, New Zealand.
Approx 1899/1900 family settle in Marshlands Road, Chaney's, Canterbury[9]
Latitude:-43.432688 / Longitude:172.649853 / Coordinate System:NZGD2000 / Authority: New Zealand Geographic Board

Rose Julia Chenery (1871-1953) returns to NZ on the Delphic (23 Nov 1900) with William Charles and 3 Children - tick

Sarah Alice (Chenery) Croton (abt.1881-1956) gets married in NZ - tick
When did she come back to NZ? (Before 1900)


Charles Thomas Chenery (1877-1966) gets married in NZ - tick
When did he come back to NZ? ( possibly before 1901)
Henry John Chenery (1879-1942) has a son - tick
When did he come back to NZ? ( possibly before 1901)


Emily Maria (Chenery) Allen (1872-1947) remarries on the death of her first husband - tick


Henry John Chenery (1879-1942) gets married in NZ - tick


Julia Martha (Lucas) Chenery (1846-1926) dies [9]
The late Mrs Chenery is survived by her husband, four sons, five daughters, thirty-nine grandchildren, and thirteen great-grandchildren.
The sons are:
Mr H. Chenery (Chaney's) - Henry John Chenery (1879-1942) - tick
Mr C. Chenery (Chaney's) - Charles Thomas Chenery (1877-1966) - tick
Mr H. Chenery (Belfast) - Herbert Aaron Chinery (1873-1945) - tick
Mr A. Chenery (Wanganui) - James Arthur Chenery (1885-1943)- tick
and the daughters are:
Mrs Croton (Chaney's) - Sarah Alice (Chenery) Croton (abt.1881-1956) - tick
Mrs J. Allen (Rangiora) - Emily Maria (Chenery) Allen (1872-1947) - tick
Mrs Burnaby (Ashburton) - Julia Alice (Chenery) Burnaby (1874-1952) - tick
Mrs Brock (Papanui) - [Chinery-70|Louisa Lillian Adelaide (Chinery) Brock (1887-1972)]]
Mrs Chinnery (Auckland) - Rose Julia Chenery (1871-1953) - tick


  1. "New Zealand, Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FSTP-PMR : 8 July 2019), Aaron Chinery, 28 Jun 1873; citing ship , Archives New Zealand, Wellington; FHL microfilm 004412445.
  2. "New Zealand, Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FSYY-9XM : 8 July 2019), Aaron Chinery, 28 Jun 1873; citing ship , Archives New Zealand, Wellington; FHL microfilm 004411735.
  3. "England and Wales Census, 1881," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q278-ZNT7 : 12 December 2017), Aaron Jr Chenery, Blo-Norton, Norfolk, England; from "1881 England, Scotland and Wales Census," database and images, findmypast (http://www.findmypast.com : n.d.); citing p. 8, Piece/Folio 1972/7, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey; FHL microfilm 101,774,625.
  4. "New Zealand, Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FS1R-6QS : 9 March 2021), A Chinnery, Dec 1887; citing ship , Archives New Zealand, Wellington; FHL microfilm 004413514.
  5. "New Zealand, Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FS1Q-1J4 : 8 July 2019), Aaron Chinery, Apr 1891; citing ship , Archives New Zealand, Wellington; FHL microfilm 004413390.
  6. "New Zealand, Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KXCV-G3T : 26 February 2022), Emily Chinnery, 1892; citing ship , Archives New Zealand, Wellington; FHL microfilm 004436227.
  7. "New Zealand, Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QJDK-K9KX : 27 February 2022), A Chinnery, 25 Oct 1896; citing ship , Archives New Zealand, Wellington; FHL microfilm 004511095.
  8. "New Zealand, Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F3MB-GWP : 27 February 2022), A Chinnery, 19 Oct 1896; citing ship , Archives New Zealand, Wellington; FHL microfilm 004416115.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 "Death of Mrs Martha Julia Chenery", Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18884, 27 December 1926, Page 2

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Categories: Olney-518