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Olson Swedish Relatives

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
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Surname/tag: Olson, Olsson
Profile manager: Dana Johnson private message [send private message]
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Email and other sources for Swedish relative information.

Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 4:52 PM, Bertil Lundén <bertil.lunden@gmail.com> wrote: Dear Linda and Dana! 1.Your source for the Olaus death i correct, he died 1914-09-07, I have checked in our "Husförhörslängd"´

2. Per August´s siblings: Hilda Kristina was born 1864-10-11 in Arby. Emigrated 1988-05-18 to Norra Amerika. I do not know when she died but she was married to Christofer Olson from Anundsjö, Västernorrland, Sweden born 1864-08-13. He died 1941-06-03 in Blue Island. They had a son Martin Anton Olson born 1892-11-08. He died 1960-01-11 also in Blue Island. He had no children and after his death Bengt´s mother Ada and har brothers inherited about 10000 Swedish kronor each, they were cousins. Amanda Lovisa born 1875-05-25 in Arby emigrated 1888-09-01.She died in Blue Island 1894. Anna Sofia (Bengt´s grandma) born 1873-08-27 In Arby stayed in Sweden married 1900-04-27 Per August Jakobsson farmer on Skällby nr 2. Anna Sofia died 1920-05-30 and Per August 1934-12-12. Per August son of the tenant on the farm Skällby nr 3, Skällbylund witch i think was the biggest of the small farms i Skällby.

3. Yes, Per August was a sailor for about four years before he left for America but we don´t know anything about his ships etc. I have contacted i lokal historian and hope he can be of some help. But we know that he was a båtsman (boatman), a kind of marine soldier in the 2nd boatman company between 1883-07-25 and 1887-10-13. You can read about the Swedish allotment system in English in Wikipedia.

4. Olaus and Helena are buried in Arby graveyard but there are no gravestones.

From: Linda Olson <lolson0351@gmail.com> Date: Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 4:34 PM Subject: Re: Some answers To: Bertil Lundén <bertil.lunden@gmail.com>

But first I must tell you that I was excited to learn about Hilda Kristina's husband and child, Martin. It so happens that my father, Herman Olson, was instrumental in having Martin's inheritance divided among his cousins, including those in Sweden! Although I was only 9 years old when Martin died I do remember the event and that my father was involved in getting the estate settled properly!

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