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Research Summary for Agnieszka (Olzewski) Murawski

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: About 1802 to before 1862
Location: Polandmap
Surnames/tags: Olzewski Murawski
Profile manager: Rob Bongiovi private message [send private message]
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Research Summary for Agnieszka (Olzewski) Murawski

Evidence of the Birth of Agnieszka (Olzewski) Murawski

Based on her reported age in her son, Grzegorz's birth record, Angnieszka was born about 1802.

The related references are enumerated below.

Grzegorz Murawski Birth Record[1] asserts that Agnieszka Olszewski was 36 years old. Since Grzegorz's birth is 14 Mar 1839, this is evidence for a birth between March of 1802 and March of 1803. But the ages provided in these records have been very innacurate, so needs to be proven with other evidence.

Evidence of the Death of Agnieszka (Olzewski) Murawski

Agnieszka died before her son's marriage in February 1862.

The related references are enumerated below.

Grzegorz Murawski and Domicela Ploski marriage record[2] asserts that Jakob and Agnieszka [Murawski] were a deceased married couple. She is reported to be deceased at the time of the February 1862 marriage, so this is evidence she died before then.

Evidence of the Marriage of JJakub Murawski and Agnieszka (Olzewski) Murawski

According to their son, Grzegorz's, birth and marriage records, Jakub Murawski was married to Agnieszka Olszewski.

The related references are enumerated below.

Grzegorz Murawski Birth Record[1] asserts that Agnieszka Olszewski is Jakub Murawski's wife. This is the official record of a child's birth and is convincing evidence they were married.
Grzegorz Murawski and Domicela Ploski marriage record[2] asserts that Jakob and Agnieszka [Murawski] were a deceased married couple. This is the official record of a child's marriage, but they were decease, so is supporting evidence they were married.

Evidence of the Name of Agnieszka (Olzewski) Murawski

Based on her son's birth and marriage records, her name is Angieszka Olzewski.

The related references are enumerated below.

Grzegorz Murawski Birth Record[1] asserts that Grzegorz Murawski father was Jakub Murawski and his mother was Agnieszka Olzewski. This is a clear image and the name is readable, so this is convincing evidence.
Grzegorz Murawski and Domicela Ploski marriage record[2] asserts that Grzegorz Murawski was the son of Jacob and Agnieszka [Murawski]. This is a clear image, but the handwriting is sloppy. Her given name appears to be Agnieszka.
Murawski-Ploska Family Group Sheet from Carol Curry[3] asserts that Grzegorz Murawski father was Jakub Murawski and Agnieszka Okzewska. This was the "tipper" to the other evidence, but does not provide additional evidence. It is included here for completeness.

Evidence that Grzegorz Murawski is the Child of Agnieszka (Olzewski) Murawski

According to his birth and marriage records, Grzegorz Murawski's mother was Agnieszka Olzewski.

The related references are enumerated below.

Grzegorz Murawski Birth Record[1] asserts that Grzegorz Murawski father was Jakub Murawski and his mother was Agnieszka Olzewski. This is a translation of a clear image and is convincing evidence.
Grzegorz Murawski and Domicela Ploski marriage record[2] asserts that Grzegorz Murawski was the son of Jacob and Agnieszka [Murawski]. This is a translation of a clear image and is supporting evidence to the birth record.
Murawski-Ploska Family Group Sheet from Carol Curry[3] asserts that Grzegorz Murawski father was Jakub Murawski and Agnieszka Okzewska. This provided the "tip" to Gregorz birth record, but since this family group sheet does not point to sources, although Ms. Curry has shared many primary records so the research is well done, this still needs to be validated.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 "Civil files of the Roman Catholic parish in Krzynowłoga Mała, Przasnysz district," Polish Genealogical Society (https://metryki.genealodzy.pl/ar6-zs0130d accessed: 22 Jan 2021), Grzegorz Mórawski; citing 1839 Births, entry 13. Translated by Dorothy Woloszczuk. Translation provided by Carol Curry, 20 Dec 2020
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Janowie (Roman Catholic Parish Civil Files in Janów)," Metryki.Genealodzy.Pl (https://metryki.genealodzy.pl/ar17-zs0635d accessed: 26 Jan 2021), Grzegorz Murawski married to Domicella Ploska; citing 1862 marriages, item 6. Translated by Dorothy Woloszczuk. Translation provided by Carol Curry.
  3. Carol Curry, Murawski-Ploska Family Group Sheet, Murawski Family; supplied by Curry, [address for private use], 2020. Emailed from Carol Curry on 28 Sep 2020.

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