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RESEARCH SPACE Original Location Names for Acadians

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Francemap
This page has been accessed 988 times.


THIS IS THE RESEARCH SPACE for French Origins of Acadians, with locations and pioneers requiring research or review
(The current resource page with table including pioneers from France and returnees is at:

Research Needed:

To help us build and maintain the Acadians Project resource entitled FRENCH ORIGINS OF ACADIANS, kindly include a comment if and when you can contribute information on individuals or names referenced in the following two groups:

Group 1 - Place Names in Review - Research or sourcing required for Acadian pioneers noted

The following location names are associated with certain Acadian profiles, but there is either no source information (such as baptismal or marriage records) to establish accuracy, or it is not considered confirmed:

- Albourg, Lot [Associated profile Cirier-10]
- Auch, Béarn (today Gers) [Associated profile is Varrieu-1 - no birth record but place of origin may be reflected in marriage record - to be confirmed]
- Bourges, Berry (today Cher) [Associated profile Poirier-456] (death location, to be confimed)
- Carignan ( __ ) [Associated profile Léger-125] (profile cites birth location as Carignan without province, source uncertain)
- Charolais, Mayenne and Courcelles [Places associated with De_Salins-27 and potentially her daughter Motin_de_Reux-1, who was a notable figure in Acadie (origin locations need research)]
- Chatelnault, Autun, Bourgogne - [Associated with Segoilot-1 - note: record from LaRoque 1752 census indicates Casthelineau, Bourgogne - not yet identified]
- Coutran, La Ferté-Gaucher, Champagne (today Seine-et-Marne) - [Associated with Bourgeois-333 but profile lacks confirmation or sufficient source information]
- Demaiseray or Demai, as a parish within the diocese of Le Mans is associated with a transcript of the marriage record for Poupart-70 but no such place name has yet been identified
- Granville, Normandie is associated with Charpentier-343 [Le_Buffe-2]] Villedieu-3 (and Hinard-2 see note below) - Granville is in table but these persons lack clear source documents related to birth/origins (profiles categorized and noted)
- Gueyrande, près de Nantes - is presumably Guérande, which is West of Nantes, Bretagne (today Loire-Atlantique) [Associated profile is Lamontagne-92 but birth place is to be verified]
- La Chapelle, Bretagne (today Côtes-d'Armor, formerly Côtes-du-Nord) is associated with Thibodeau-1159 but source information regarding the French location is unclear, and there are multiple places named La Chapelle in Bretagne - to be reviewed
- La Chapelle, ___, France (unknown province) is associated with Marcadet-6 - source information regarding the French location is unclear, and there are multiple places named La Chapelle in France - to be reviewed
- "La Mettrie Pommerais, Plouer-sur-Rance," Bretagne is associated with profile Aucoin-5 and others] - potentially should be La Metrie-Paumerais - a hamlet incorporated into Plouër
- "La Moissays, Ille-et-Vilaine" is noted in connection with birth of Thibodeau-7 but birth location does not have source - profile categorized for follow-up
- Languenan, Bretagne (today Côtes-d'Armor) is associated with Jehannot-1 but source for French birth location requires review
- Lorraine, France (today multiple départements) is associated with Jacquemin-18 but location uncertain
- Loudun, Poitou (today Vienne) is a potential birth location associated with several Acadian profiles including Gaudet-21, Lejeune-21, Colleson-1, Lambert-1589, and Serreau-2 but these remain to be confirmed with respect to birth place information and source records
- "Moulins, Tulle, Limousin" is associated with Part-1; it has been suggested that this might be referring to Mouzens, but that is just east of Toulouse and several hundred kilometres south of Tulle; it is noted that there is also town of Moulins, about 200km northeast of Tulle (in what was the province of Bourbonnais) - profile categorized as requiring research to confirm birth place
- "Morègue" or "Morseque", diocèse Arles - likely Martigues, Provence - asociated with profle Nuirat-3 but needs to be confirmed
- "Ozan, Auvergne" is associated with profile Leblanc-8164 - the marriage record appears to read "Ozan" in Auvergne, but no such town has been located in Auvergne, although there is an Ozan in Bourgogne to the North of Lyon; research required to confirm correct location
- Pador, Deux-Sèvres, Poitou-Charentes - unknown location (and not known to be associated with current Acadians Project profiles)
- "Pennemont," diocese of Nantes, Bretagne is associated with Quimine-2 and it has been suggested to be be a small village next to Saint-Molf - but the text may be or may be referring to "Pennemart" - which is an historic community near Quimper on the coast northwest of Nantes. The town, currently called Penmarch (Penmarc'h in Breton), was noted by the Office de la langue Bretonne to have been called Pennemart from 1654 (see Commune de Penmarch, p.110)
- "Pluvigne," Bretagne is associated with Duguay-762 - there is a town of Pluvigner near Vannes, but the source of the birth location is not clear in the proflle and should be reviewed, categorized for birth / baptismal confirmation
- Ruffec, Angoumois is associated with Levron-1 but place of birth noted is unsourced, others have assumed Nantes given dit name 'Nantois' - but also unsourced - profile categorized re need for baptismal and marriage information
- "Saint-Denis" / St. Denis, which can refer to multiple different locations in France and Nouvelle-France, may be associated with some profiles - should be reviewed
- "Saint Machoux" in the bishopric of Rouen was noted with respect to Mercier-1415 (based on La Roque census) - there is no known corresponding location but there is a parish of Saint-Maclou in Rouen, to be confirmed
- "Saint-René" in the diocese of Poitiers is noted on the marriage record for Garceau-139 but he has no birth record, and the parish has not been identified; it remains unclear whether this is in or outside of Poitiers, but his profile has been noted
- "Verrier, Reims" is used in connection with Closquinet-1 and is noted in connection with a marriage register, which appears to reflect "Verrier, Rheims" - there is a Verrières some 40km east of Reims (Verrières, Marne) and another Verrières some 40km northeast of Reims (Verrières, Ardennes) - both would have been part of Champagne (profile noted)
- Viz-Fezensac, Gascogne (today Gers) [Associated with Loubert-23 but not clear that this soldier and family who estalished in Québec in 1762 should be in the Acadians Project]
- Viriat in Auvergne is associated with Lalande-36 - this should likely be Viriat in Bourgogne (today just north of Bourg-en-Bresse, Ain) - but the profile is in process of review regarding Pierre and parents in connection with a different person De_La_Lande-3

Group 2 - Variants of Place Names Reflected in Table and Regions Lacking Specific Information

The following location names are currently reflected in the table, but the location names below (with inaccurate or incomplete information) - or regions lacking specific information - are still associated with existing Acadian profiles (to be revised):

- "Manche, Normandy" (see locations in Normandie, some now in the département de la Manche)
- Normandie (province, place potentially omitted)
- Paris, "Siene" (see Paris, Île-de-France)
- Saintonge (province, place potentially omitted)
- Touraine (province, place potentially omitted)

Some additional place names marked as "DGFA List" in the table were in the preface to the Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles Acadiennes - but do not appear to be associated with flagged Acadian profiles - presumably representing Acadians not yet in Wikitree or with event information not yet linked to these place locatins.

Research Done with Revisions in Process:

Individuals in the following two groups are either in process or completed:

Group 3 - New Place Names Reflected in Table - Profiles in Process of Review for Updating

The following place names are now reflected in the table but there are corresponding Acadian profiles that have not yet been updated and/or the associated individuals have yet been linked to the table.

Most of the pioneers from identified locations in France who were the founders of Acadie have now been linked and their profiles revised with original place location names and cross-references to later names. They are each identified individually in the table notes - along with the other individuals associated with their origin or destination place in France.

The following places are associated with locations to which numerous Acadians were returned following the fall of Louisbourg in 1758, additional returnees who had been sent to England from 1755 but made their way to France in 1763, and children of these Acadians who were born in France. This group of Acadians in turn gave rise to a substantial number of Acadian pioneers of Louisiana, beginning in 1785.

- Aunis - La Rochelle Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Aunis - Rochefort Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Bretagne - Chantenay Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Bretagne - Morlaix Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Bretagne - Nantes Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Bretagne - Pleudihen Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Bretagne - Pleurtuit Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Bretagne - Plouër Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Bretagne - Saint-Malo Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Bretagne - Saint-Servan Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Bretagne - Saint-Suliac Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Bretagne - Bangor, Belle-Île-en-Mar (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Bretagne - Le Palais, Belle-Île-en-Mar (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Guyenne - Bordeaux Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Normandie - Cherbourg Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Normandie - Le Havre ((Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Picardie - Boulogne Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Poitou - Archigny (Multiple Acadians - in process)
- Poitou - Châtellerault Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)

Group 4 - New Place Names Reflected in Table - Profiles Updated

Most of the following location names were not among the French locations listed in the preface of the 1999 edition of the Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles Acadiennes (DGFA) - but they are associated with Acadian profiles for which supporting source information regarding origins in France has been identified (profiles referenced, others updated as noted below):

- Ascain, Guyenne (today Pyrénées-Atlantiques) [Associated profile Martignon-1]
- Auray (diocese of Vannes), Bretagne (today Morbihan) [Associated profile Richard-875] See also Thériot-779
- Avranches, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profile Lavandier-9] Others updated
- Bains (Bains-sur-Oust), Bretagne (today Ille-et-Vilaine) [Associated profile Saindon-16]
- Barneville (Barneville-sur-Seine), Normandie (today Eure) [Associated profile Mercier-626]
- Bayonne, Labourd (Pays basque français, later absorbed into Guyenne, now Pyrénées-Atlantiques) [Associated profile Bastarache-14] Others updated
- Beaumont, Picardie (today Beaumont-sur-Oise, Val-d'Oise) [Associated profile Testard-3]
- Beauvoir-sur-Mer, Poitou (today Vendée) [Associated profile Bernard-38]
- Bergerac (Temple Protestant), Guyenne (today Dordogne) Maisonnat-1] Others for review
- Bourgeuil, Anjou (today Indre-et-Loire) - note DGFA placed in Touraine (versus Anjou), and some profiles reflect Touraine - assoc profiles updated
- Carolles, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profiles Angot-92 DesRoches-22 DesRoches-34 Grossin-11 revised
- Cenan, Poitou (today La Puye, Vienne) [Associated profiles Daigle-1181 Guillot-194 Hebert-2622 Moulaison-104 and Potier-3 updated]
- Charnizay (Château de), Touraine (today Indre-et-Loire) [Associated profile DeMenou-1]
- Chartres, Orléanais (today Eure-et-Loire) - assoc profile Picot-99 corrected (prior ref to Sainte Veinarde is actually name of his mother Saintine Venarde)
- Châtillon-sur-Seine, Bourgogne (today Côte-d'Or) [Associated profile Godin-801]
- Clermont, Auvergne (today Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dôme) [Associated profile Poujet-1]
- Colombes, Île-de-France (today Hauts-de-Seine) - prior ref. Coulumbe, near Paris [Associated profile Laborde-171]
- Concarneau, near Quimper, Bretagne (today Finistère) [Associated profile Melanson-1150]
- Cougnes, part of La Rochelle, Aunis (today Charante-Maritime) [Associated profile Salle-1] Others updated
- Coutances, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profile Gionet-3] Others now associated with Saint-Jean-des-Champs (and former locales Saint-Léger and Saint-Ursin), others updated
- Couperoue en Brye (Coupru en Brie), Picardie (today Coupru, Aisne) [Associated profile Doucet-20]
- Dax / Évêché de Dax, Gascogne (today Landes) [Associated profile Labrousse-2 with uncertain place location within diocese of Dax], updated
- Dieppe, Normandie (today Seine-Maritime) [Associated profile LeBorne-2]
- Dijon, Duché de Bourgogne (today Côte-d'Or) [Associated profile Bayon-5]
- Dinan, Bretagne (today Côte-d'Armor) [Associated profile Jean Baptiste Radoux
- Dol, Bretagne (today Ille-et-Vilaine) [Associated profile Cousin-180], others updated
- Doué, Anjou (today Doué-la-Fontaine, Maine-et-Loire) [Associated profile Turcotte-40]
- Dragey, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profile Héon-6], others for review - note reference to "Drago" (in the diocese of Avranches) is presumably an error, place unknown but presumably Dragey - [Associated profile is Livois-2 updated
- Escout, Béarn (today Pyrénées-Atlantiques) [Associated profile Abbadie-11 has been revised]
- Falaise, Normandie (today Calvados) [Associated profile Le Prieur-22 - which had previously shown place as Caen]
- Granville, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profiles include Charpentier-343 Le Buffe-2 and Villedieu-3 with sourced info - and Hinard-2 placed with Saint-Pair (outside of Granville)]
- Guéthary (diocese of Bayonne), Labourd (Pays Basque, later Guyenne and Pyrénées-Atlantiques) [Associated profile Detcheverry-29]
- Île de Ré, Aunis (today Charente-Maritime) [Associated profile Bertrand-1732]
- Irigny and Lyon, Lyonnais (today with the Métropole of Lyon) [Associated profiles Clemenceau-1 and Duhon-2, revised since they did not go to Acadie] - but Irigny is still on DGFA list (presmably assoc with other Acadians)
- La Chapelle-Roux, Poitou (today Chenevelles, Vienne) [Associated profile Delaune-10]
- La Flèche, Anjou (today Sarthe) [Associated profile Orillon-13]
- Laleu, Aunis (today part of La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime) [Associated profiles Aucoin-53 and Thibault-13]
- La Rochelle, Aunis (today Charente-Maritime), parish of Saint-Nicolas [Associated profiles Belliveau-59 and Doucet-398 have been revised]
- Langres (parish of Acre), Champagne (today Haute-Marne) [Associated profile Clerge-1]
- Le Coquinais, Bretagne (today Pleudihen-sur-Rance, Côtes-d'Armor) [Associated profile Aucoin-3 corrected, other profiles updated]
- Limoges, Limousin (today Haute-Vienne) [Associated profiles Moulaison-3 and Pineau-215 corrected
- Louisfert (parish of Saint-Pierre), Bretagne (today Loire-Atlantique) [Associated profile Aubois-7]
- Lyon (parish of Saint-Vincent), Lyonnais [Associated profile Duon-6]
- Marseille (incl. paroisse Saint-Martin), Provence (today Bouches-du-Rhône) [Associated profiles Mouton-64 and Renaud-54 corrected
- Martaizé, a small village near Loudun, Poitou (today Vienne) is associated with Gautrot-42 and other updated
- Martigues (diocèse de Marseille), Provence (today Bouches-du-Rhône) [Associated profile Coste-6]
- Mégrit, Bretagne (today Côtes-d'Armor) [Associated profile Crochet-15 revised]
- Moëze, Saintonge (today Charente-Maritime) [Associated profile Rousselière-14]
- Monmedy / Montmidi, Lorraine (today Montmédy, Meuse) [Associated profile Le_Roy-864]
- Mordeuc / Mordeux, Pleudihen, Bretagne (today Pleudihen-sur-Rance, Côtes-d'Armor) [Associated with Trahan-695, Pitre-167, Boudrot-596 and multiple other profiles to be reviewed (including Pitre-165, Pitre-166, Pitre-174, Pitre-204, Pitre-205, Pitre-206, Pitre-216, Pitre-217, and Pitre-218]
- Morieux, Bretagne (today Côtes-d'Armor) [Associated profile Grosvalet-2 revised]
- Neufchâteau, Lorraine (today Vosges) [Associated profile Bastien-347]
- Nogent-le-Rotrou, Perche (today Eure-et-Loire) [Associated profile Jacquelin-11]
- Orléans, Orléanais (today Loiret) [Associated profile Cahouet-4]
- Paramé, Bretagne (today part of Saint-Malo, Ille-et-Vilaine) [Associated with Briand-111, Caissie-391, and Caissie-392, other updated]
- Périers (diocese of Avranches), Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profile Delaune-12]
- Piriac (diocese of Nantes), Bretagne (today Piriac-sur-Mer, Loire-Atlantique) [Associated profile Nouges-1 corrected]
- Pléhérel, Bretagne (today Fréhel, Côtes-d'Armor) [Associated profile Picard-133 corrected]
- Plérin (parish Saint-Pierre, bishopric Saint-Brieuc), Bretagne (today Côtes-d'Armor) [Associated profile Raux-25 corrected]
- Pontarlier, Franche-Comté (today Doubs) [Associated profile Rale-4]
- Poupry-en-Beauce, Orléanais (today Poupry, Eure-et-Loir) [Associated profile Fougère-47 corrected]
- Rezé, Bretagne (Loire-Atlantique) [Associated profiles Blanchard-5716 Boudreau-1586 Moyse-174 Pitre-2050 Pitre-2870
- Saint-Alexandre, Languedoc (today Gard) [Associated profile for notable figure Gouverneur Philippe Pastour de Costebelle has been revised with info re orgins and additional biography and sources]
- Saint-Antoine / "St. Antoine, Ille-et-Villaine" - profile Thibodeau-548 revised - refers to the church of Saint-Antoine in Pleurtuit, Bretagne (tiday Ille-et-Vilaine) - updated
- Saint-Brieuc (at time written Saint-Brieux), Bretagne (today Côtes-d'Armor) [Associated profile Patry-33]
- Saint-Cast, Bretagne (today Saint-Cast-le-Guildo, Côtes-d'Armor) [Associated profile Delaunay-125 revised]
- Saint-Coulomb, Bretagne (today Ille-et-Vilaine) [Associate profiles Bourg-529 Bourg-486 Bourg-1164 Bourg-783 Granger-1337 Hebert-139
- Saint-Denis, Île-de-France (today Paris - Métropole) [Associated profile Le_Prévost-4]
- Saint-Enogat / Saint-Énogat (Dinard), Bretagne (today Ille-et-Vilaine) - Associated profiles vised
- Saint-Denis-le-Gast, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profiles Douville-56 Durel-15]
- Saint-Glen, Bretagne (today Côtes-d'Armor) [Associated profile Josse-21 corrected]
- Saint-Jean-de-Luz, Labourd (today Pyrénées-Atlantiques) [Associated profile Lafargue-6 has been corrected - but other profiles, including Arbour-39, Lacroix-1201 and Detcheverry-35 updated]
- Saint-Jean-des-Champs, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profile Bois-32 and Frécant-1]
- Saint-Léger (now part of Saint-Jean-des-Champs), within the diocese of Coutances, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profile LeBreton-274] Others updated
- Saint-Martin-de-Ré, Île de Ré, Aunis (today Charente-Maritime) [Associated profiles Chevros-1, Deschamps-146, and Trahan-349 Others updated
- Saint-Méloir-des-Ondes, Bretagne (today Ille-et-Vilaine) [Associated profile Hebert-135]], :- Saint-Michel-des-Loupes, Normandie (today Jullouville, Manche) [Associated profile [Le Buffe-3]] - note father Le Buffe-2
- Saint-Marc-le-Blance, Bretagne (today Ille-et-Vilaine) [Associated profile Blanchard-474 amended to include reference]
- Saint-Pair, Normandie (today Saint-Pair-sur-Mer, Manche) [Associated profiles Alain-231 and Hinard-2 amended]
- Saint-Pierre-Langers, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profile Alain-231 revised]
- Saint-Planchers / Saint-Pancrace, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profile Cotard-2 revised]
- Saint-Ursin (now part of Saint-Jean-des-Champs), within the diocese of Coutances, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated with Rassicot-13
- Sancerre, Berry (today Cher) [Associated profile Turpin-423 revised]
- Sers (prior noted spelling as Cers), Angoumois (today Charente) [Associated profile Montalembert-5
- Sougéal, Bretagne (today Ille-et-Vilaine) [Associated profile Duval-68 revised]
- Toulouse, Languedoc (today Haute-Garonne) [Associated profile Cressac-1]
- Troyes, Champagne (today Aube) [Associated profile Housseau-3
- Vannes, Bretagne (today Morbihan) [Associated profile Fardel-1 place name of "Rui" revised to Rhuys]
- Versailles, Île-de-France (today Yvelines) [Associated profile Chassin_de_Thierry-2]
- Villefagnan (diocese of Angoulême), Angoumois (today Charente) [Associated profile Hugon-18]
- Villefranche, Gascogne (today Villefranche-sur-Queyran, Lot-et-Garonne) [Associated profile Bugaret-3]

with links to Acadian Pioneers and Returnees to France

Town or City
(Current name in parentheses)
and other local
place names

before 1790
France - Royal Banner
Royaume de France

from 1790
France - Tricouleur
République française
Images and
Acadian Pioneers
and Returnees

Acadie - Drapeau
(1514 - 1789)
Angoulême Saint-jacques-de-l'HoumeauAngoumoisCharenteAngoulême Angoulême Pioneers [1]
La Rochefoucauld Notre-DameAngoumoisCharenteLa Rochefoucauld (DGFA list)
Sers Saint-PierreAngoumoisCharenteSers Sers Pioneers [2]
Saint-MédardAngoumoisCharenteVerteuil-sur-Charente Verteuil Pioneers [3]
Villefagnan AngoumoisCharenteVillefagnan Villefagnan Pioneers [4]
(1482 - 1789)
Angers (Château)
BourgueuilSaint-GermainAnjou Indre-et-LoireBourgueuil Bourgueuil Pioneers [5]
Saint-PierreAnjouMaine-et-LoireDoué Doué Pioneers [6]
La FlècheSaint-ThomasAnjou SartheLa FlècheLa Flèche Pioneers [7]
Montreuil-Bellay AnjouMaine-et-LoireMontreuil-BellayMontreuil-Bellay Pioneers [8]
(1371 - 1789)
La Rochelle
La Rochelle
ArdillièresAunisCharente-MaritimeArdillières(DGFA list)
AytréSaint-ÉtienneAunisCharente-MaritimeAytré Aytré Pioneers [9]
(now part of La Rochelle)
AunisCharente-Maritime CougnesCougnes Pioneers [10]
Île-d'AixAunisCharente-MaritimeÎle-d'Aix(DGFA list)
La Rochelle- Notre-Dame
- Saint-Barthélemy
- Saint-Jean(-du-Perrot)
- Saint-Nicolas
- Saint-Sauveur
- Sainte-Marguerite
AunisCharente-MaritimeLa RochelleLa Rochelle Pioneers [11]
La Rochelle Returnees [12]
(now part of La Rochelle)
Saint-PierreAunisCharente-MaritimeLaleuLaleu Pioneers [13]
Rochefort- Hôpital des orphelins
- Notre-Dame
AunisCharente-MaritimeRochefortRochefort Pioneers [14]
Rochefort Returnees [15]
Saint-Jean-d'AngelyAunisCharente-MaritimeSaint-Jean-d'Angely Saint-Jean-d'Angely Returnees [16]
Île de Ré
Île de Ré
Île de RéAunisCharente-MaritimeÎle de Ré Pioneers [17]
Saint-Martin-de-RéAunisCharente-MaritimeSaint-Martin-de-RéSaint-Martin de Ré Pioneers [18]
Saint-Martin de Ré Returnees [19]
(1457 - 1789)
Château de Val
AuvergnePuy-de-DômeClermont-Ferrand Clermont Pioneers [20]
(1620 - 1789)

AretteBéarnPyrénées-AtlantiqueArette(DGFA list)
BidartBéarnPyrénées-AtlantiqueBidart(DGFA list)
EscoutBéarnPyrénées-AtlantiqueEscout Escout Pioneers [21]
Labatut-FiguièresBéarnPyrénées-AtlantiqueLabatut-FiguièresLabatut Returnees [22]
BéarnPyrénées-AtlantiqueOloron-Sainte-Marie(DGFA list)
PauBéarnPyrénées-AtlantiquePauPau Returnees [23]
Salies-de-BéarnTemple ProtestantBéarnPyrénées-AtlantiqueSalies-de-Béarn(DGFA list)
(1101 - 1789)

SancerreBerryCherSancerreSancerre Pioneers [24]
Duché de Bourgogne

(1477 - 1789)

BlanzyDuché de BourgogneSaône-et-LoireBlanzy(DGFA list)
Châtillon-sur-SeineSaint-VorleDuché de BourgogneCôte-d'OrChâtillon-sur-SeineChâtillon-sur-Seine Pioneers [25]
DijonDuché de BourgogneCôte-d'OrDijonDijon Pioneers [26]
MontcenisDuché de BourgogneSaône-et-LoireMontcenis(DGFA list)
(1532 - 1789)

Auray Bretagne MorbihanAurayAuray Pioneers [27]
Auray Returnees [28]
Saint-Jean-BaptisteBretagneIlle-et-VilaineBains-sur-OustBains Pioneers [29]
(Chantenay-sur-Loire, Nantes)
Saint-Martin Bretagne Loire-AtlantiqueChantenay-sur-Loiire Chantenay Returnees [30]
Bretagne Ille-et-VilaineChâteauneuf-d'Ille-et-Vilaine Châteauneuf Returnees [31]
ConcarneauBretagneFinistèreConcarneau Concarneau Returnees [32]
Dinan BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorDinan Dinan Pioneers [33]
Dinan Returnees [34]
Dinard Saint-ÉnogatBretagneIlle-et-VilaineDinard Dinard Returnees [35]
BretagneIlle-et-VilaineDol-en-BretagneDol Pioneers [36]
Dol Returnees [37]
Lannion BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorLannion (DGFA list)
La Coquenais
BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorPleudihen-sur-RanceLa Coquenais Returnees [38]
Le Villou
BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorTréméreucLe Villou (Tréméreuc) Pioneers [39]
LouisfertSaint-PierreBretagneLoire-AtlantiqueLouisfert Louisfert Pioneers [40]
MégritLieu-dit de
BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorMégrit Mégrit Pioneers [41]
Mordreuc / Mordreux, Pleudihen
BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorPleudihan-sur-RanceMordreuc / Mordreux Returnees [42]
Morieux BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorMorieux Morieux Pioneers [43]
Morlaix - Saint-Martin
- Saint-Mathieu
BretagneFinistèreMorlaix Morlaix Returnees [44]
Nantes- Hôpital Sanitat
- Hôtel-Dieu
- Quartier l'Hermitage
- Permil
- Saint-Jacques
- Saint-Nicolas
- Saint-Similien
- Sainte-Croix
BretagneLoire-AtlantiqueNantesNantes Pioneers [45]
Nantes Returnees [46]
(now within Saint-Malo)
Saint-Michel-des-SablonsBretagneIlle-et-VilaineParamé Paramé Pioneers [47]
Paramé Returnees [48]
PaimboeufBretagneLoire-AtlantiquePaimboeuf Paimboeuf Pioneers [49]
BretagneLoire-AtlantiquePiriac-sur-MerPiriac Pioneers [50]
Cap FréhelBretagneCôtes-d'ArmorFréhel Pléhérel Pioneers [51]
PlérinSaint-PierreBretagneCôtes-d'ArmorPlérin Plérin Pioneers [52]
BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorPleslin-Trigavou Pleslin Returnees [53]
- La Ville-Ès-Genilles
- Les Villes Morvues
BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorPleudihen-sur-Rance Pleudihen Returnees [54]
Pleurtuit- Créhen
- La Moisiais / La Moysias
BretagneIlle-et-VilainePleurtuit Pleurtuit Pioneers and Returnees [55]
PloubalayBretagneCôtes-d'ArmorPloubalay Ploubalay Pioneers [56]
Ploubalay Returnees [57]
BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorPlouër-sur-Rance Plouër Returnees [58]
Port-LouisBretagneMorbihanPort-Louis Port-Louis Returnees [59]
Quimper /
Saint-EspritBretagneFinistèreQuimper(DGFA list)
RezéSaint-PierreBretagneLoire-AtlantiqueRezé Rezé Returnees [60]
Saint-Brieuc / Saint-BrieuxBretagneCôtes-d'ArmorSaint-Brieuc / Saint-BrieuxSaint-Brieuc Pioneers [61]
BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorSaint-Cast-le-GuildoSaint-Cast Pioneers [62]
Saint-CoulombBretagneIlle-et-VilaineSaint-CoulombSaint-Coulomb Returnees [63]
BretagneIlle-et-VilaineDinard (DGFA list)
Saint-GlenBretagneCôtes-d'ArmorSaint-GlenSaint-Glen Pioneers [64]
Saint-Malo /
- La Barbinais
- Saint-Ideuc
BretagneIlle-et-VilaineSaint-MaloSaint-Malo Pioneers [65]
Saint-Malo Returnees [66]
Saint-Marc-le-BlancBretagneIlle-et-VilaineSaint-Marc-le-BlancSaint-Marc-le-Blanc Pioneers [67]
Saint-Méloir-des-OndesBretagneIlle-et-VilaineSaint-Méloir-des-OndesSaint-Méloir-des-Ondes Returnees [68]
Saint-Pol-de-LéonHôpital de Saint-Pol-de-LéonBretagneFinistèreSaint-Pol-de-LéonSaint-Pol-de-Léon Returnees [69]
Saint-ServanBretagneIlle-et-VilaineSaint-ServanSaint-Servan Returnees [70]
Saint-SuliacBretagneIlle-et-VilaineSaint-SuliacSaint-Suliac Returnees [71]
SougéalBretagneIlle-et-VilaineSougéal Sougéal Pioneers [72]
TréméreucLe VillouBretagneCôtes-d'ArmorTréméreucTréméreuc Pioneers [73]
BretagneCôtes-d'ArmorPleslin-Trigavou Trigavou Returnees [74]
VannesRui / RhuysBretagneMorbihanVannes Vannes Pioneers [75]
Vannes Returnees [76]
Bangor, Belle-Île-en-MerBretagneMorbihanBangor, Belle-Île-en-MerBangor, Belle-Île-en-Mer Returnees [77]
Le Palais, Belle-Île-en-MerBretagneMorbihanLe Palais, Belle-Île-en-MerLe Palais, Belle-Île-en-Mar Returnees [78]
Locmaria, Belle-Île-en-MerBretagneMorbihanLocmaria, Belle-Île-en-MerLocmaria, Belle-Île-en-Mar Returnees [79]
Sauzon, Belle-Île-en-MerLieu-dits:
- Arpens de
- Kervellan
- Loqueltas
BretagneMorbihanSauzon, Belle-Île-en-MerSauzon, Belle-Île-en-Mar Returnees [80]
(1361 - 1789)

LangresAcre Champagne Haute-MarneLangres Langres Pioneers [81]
Piney Champagne AubePiney Piney Pioneers [82]
SedanÉglise des HugenotsChampagne ArdennesSedan Sedan Pioneers [83]
SoulangesSaint-HilaireChampagne MarneSoulanges Soulanges Pioneers [84]
TroyesSaint-Jean Champagne AubeTroyes Troyes Pioneers [85]
(1678 - 1789)
Cléron (Le Doubs)
Pontarlier Franche-Comté DoubsPontarlier Pontarlier Pioneers [86]
(1453 - 1789)

Paysage de vignes
AuchGascogneGersAuchAuch Pioneers [87]
Dax / Évêché de Dax Gascogne LandesDaxÉvêché de Dax Pioneers [88]
Gascogne Lot-et-GaronneVillefranche-sur-Queyran Villefranche Pioneers [89]
(1453 - 1789)

Bordeaux (Roman amphitheater)
Abjat Guyenne DordogneAbjat(DGFA list)
Ascain Guyenne Pyrénées-AtlantiquesAscain Ascain Pioneers [90]
BergeracTemple ProtestantGuyenne DordogneBergeracBergerac Pioneers [91]
Bordeaux- Saint-Aulary
- Saint-Michel
- Saint-Pierre
- Sainte-Croix
Guyenne GirondeBordeauxBordeaux Pioneers [92]
Bordeaux Returnees [93]
Eysines Guyenne GirondeEysines(DGFA list)
Libourne Guyenne GirondeLibourne(DGFA list)
(987 - 1789)

Paris (Notre-Dame)
[transcr. Coulumbe, Paris]
Île-de-FranceHauts-de-SeineColombes Colombes Pioneers [94]
Compiègne Île-de-FranceOiseCompiègne(DGFA list)
Paris- Saint-André-des-Arcs
- Saint-Benoît
- Saint-Eustache
- Saint-Laurent
- Saint-Sauveur
Île-de-FranceParis (Métropole)ParisParis Pioneers [95]
Saint-DenisSaint-Marcel Île-de-FranceParis (Métropole)Saint-DenisSaint-Denis Pioneers [96]
VersaillesNotre-DameÎle-de-FranceYvelinesVersailles Versailles Pioneers [97]
(Pays Basque)
Labourd - Lapurdi
Labourd - Lapurdi
(1450 - 1789)

Bayonne Labourd
(later w/i Guyenne)
Pyrénées-AtlantiquesBayonneBayonne Pioneers [98]
Guéthary Labourd
(later w/i Guyenne)
Pyrénées-AtlantiquesGuéthary Guéthary Pioneers [99]
Saint-Jean-de-Luz Labourd
(later w/i Guyenne)
Pyrénées-AtlantiquesSaint-Jean-de-LuzSaint-Jean-de-Luz Pioneers [100]
(1271 - 1789)

Pont du Gard
Saint-Alexandre Languedoc GardSaint-AlexandreSaint-Alexandre Pioneers [101]
ToulouseSaint-Étienne Languedoc Haute-GaronneToulouse Toulouse Pioneers [102]
Languedoc ArdècheTournon-sur-Rhône(DGFA list)
(1589 - 1789)

Limoges Limousin Haute-VienneLimoges Limousin Pioneers [103]
(various - 1789)

Monmedy / Montmidi
Lorraine MeuseMontmédy Monmedy Pioneers [104]
NeufchâteauSaint-ChristopheLorraine VosgesNeufchâteau Neufchâteau Pioneers [105]
(1313 - 1789)

IrignySaint-NizierLyonnais Lyon (Métropole)Irigny(DGFA list)
Lyon- Saint-Michel
- Saint-Vincent
Lyonnais Lyon (Métropole)LyonLyon Pioneers [106]
(1584 - 1789)

Cortanvaux à Bessé-sur-Braye
Saint-GuingaloisMaine SartheChâteau-du-Loire Château-du-Loire Pioneers [107]
(1204 - 1789)

AvranchesNormandie MancheAvranches Avranches Pioneers [108]
BacillyNormandie MancheBacilly Bacilly Pioneers [109]
Normandie EureBarneville-sur-Seine Barneville Pioneers [110]
CarollesNormandie MancheCarolles Carolles Pioneers [111]
CherbourgTrès-Sainte-TrinitéNormandie MancheCherbourgCherbourg Pioneers [112]
Cherbourg Returnees [113]
CoutancesNormandie MancheCoutances Coutances Pioneers [114]
DieppeNormandie Seine-MaritimeDieppe Dieppe Pioneers [115]
Saint-MédardNormandie MancheDragey Dragey Pioneers [116]
FalaiseNormandie CalvadosFalaise Falaise Pioneers [117]
GranvilleNormandie MancheGranville Granville Pioneers [118]
(now within Le Havre)
Saint-MichelNormandie Seine-MaritimeIngouville (Le Havre) Ingouville Returnees [119]
Le Havre- Notre-Dame
- Saint-François
Normandie Seine-MaritimeHavre Le HavreLe Havre Pioneers [120]
Le Havre Returnees [121]
Ménibeux / Le Mesnil-Boeufs
Normandie MancheLe Mesnil-Bœufs Ménibeux / Le Mesnil-Bœufs Pioneers [122]
PériersNormandie ManchePériers Périers Pioneers [123]
Rouen- Notre-Dame-de-la-Ronde
- Saint-Vincent
Normandie Seine-MaritimeRouen Rouen Pioneers [124]
Saint-Denis-le-GastNormandie MancheSaint-Denis-le-GastSaint-Denis-le-Gast Pioneers [125]
Saint-Jean-des-ChampsNormandie MancheSaint-Jean-des-ChampsSaint-Jean-des-Champs Pioneers [126]
Normandie MancheSaint-LégerSaint-Léger Pioneers [127]
Normandie MancheSaint-Michel-des-LoupsSaint-Michel-des-Loups Pioneers [128]
Normandie MancheSaint-Pair-sur-MerSaint-Pair Pioneers [129]
Saint-Pierre-LangersNormandie MancheSaint-Pierre-LangersSaint-Pierre-Langers Pioneers [130]
Saint-Planchers /
Saint-PancraceNormandie MancheSaint-PlanchersSaint-Planchers / Saint-Pancrace Pioneers [131]
Normandie MancheSaint-UrsinSaint-Ursin Pioneers [132]
Saint-VigorNormandie MancheSartilly Sartilly Pioneers [133]
VeslyNormandie MancheVesly (Manche) Vesly Pioneers [134]
(1498 - 1789)

BloisSaint-HonoréOrléanais Eure-et-LoirBlois Blois Pioneers [135]
ChartresOrléanais Eure-et-LoirChartres Chartres Pioneers [136]
OrléansSaint-MichelOrléanais LoiretOrléans Orléans Pioneers [137]
Orléanais Eure-et-LoirPoupryPoupry-en-Beauce Pioneers [138]
(1584 - 1789)

Saint-JeanPerche OrneMortagne-au-Perche(In review)
Nogent-le-RotrouNotre-DamePerche Eure-et-LoirNogent-le-RotrouNogent-le-Rotrou Pioneers [139]
(1482 - 1789)

Calais (Cap Blanc-Nez)
AmiensSaint-MichelPicardie SommeAmiens(DGFA list)
Picardie Val-d'OiseBeaumont-sur-Oise Beaumont Pioneers [140]
- Saint-Joseph
- Saint-Nicolas
Picardie Pas-de-CalaisBoulogne-sur-MerBoulogne Pioneers [141]
Boulogne Returnees [142]
CalaisPicardie Pas-de-CalaisCalaisCalais Pioneers [143]
Couperoue en Brye
(Coupru en Brie)
Picardie AisneCoupruCouperoue en Brye /
Coupru Pioneers [144]
(1416 - 1789)

ArchignyPoitou VienneArchignyArchigny Returnees[145]
Beauvoir-sur-MerPoitou VendéeBeauvoir-sur-MerBeauvoir-sur-Mer Pioneers [146]
BuxeuilPoitou VienneBuxeuil Buxeuil Pioneers [147]
(La Puye)
Poitou VienneLa Puye Cenan (La Puye) Returnees [148]
Châtellerault- Saint-Jacques
- Saint-Jean-l'Évangéliste
Poitou VienneChâtelleraultChâtellerault Returnees[149]
La Chapelle-Roux
Poitou VienneChenevellesLa Chapelle-Roux Returnees [150]
La ChausséeNotre-DamePoitou VienneLa ChausséeLa Chaussée Pioneers [151]
Le Bouchet
(La Roche-Rigault)
Poitou VienneLa Roche-Rigault(DGFA list)
Leigné-les-BoisSaint-RémiPoitou VienneLeigné-les-BoisLeigné-les-Bois Returnees [152]
MartaizéPoitou VienneMartaizé Martaizé Pioneers [153]
MondionPoitou VienneMondion(DGFA list)
(Les Ormes)
Poitou VienneLes Ormes(DGFA list)
Poitiers- Notre-Dame-la-Grande
- Saint-Étienne
- Saint-Hilaire-entre-les-Églises
Poitou ViennePoitiers Poitiers Pioneers [154]
Saint-Pierre-de-MailléPoitou VienneSaint-Pierre-de-Maillé(DGFA list)
Saint-Vincent de l'Oratoire
Poitou VienneMonts-sur-Guesnes(DGFA list)
Senillé Poitou VienneSenillé (DGFA list)
VellechèsPoitou VienneVellechès(DGFA list)
VouvantPoitou VienneVouvant (DGFA list)
(1482 - 1789)

Sainte-MadeleineProvence Bouches-du-RhôneAix-en-ProvenceAix-en-Provence Pioneers [155]
Provence Bouches-du-RhôneMartiguesÎle-de-Martigues Pioneers [156]
MarseilleSaint-MartinProvenceBouches-du-RhôneMarseille Marseille Pioneers [157]
(1371 - 1789)

BoisTemple ProtestantSaintonge Charente-MaritimeBoisBois Pioneers[158]
Sainte-MarieSaintonge CharenteChalais(DGFA list)
(Curac, Chalais)
Saintonge CharenteCurac (DGFA list)
Saintonge Charente-MaritimeMarsais Marsay (Marsais) Pioneers [159]
MoëzeSaintonge Charente-MaritimeMoëze Moëze Pioneers [160]
Saintonge CharenteSaint-Nazaire-sur-CharenteSaint-Nazaire Pioneers [161]
Saintonge CharenteChalais Sérignac Pioneers [162]
Tonnay-CharenteSaintonge CharenteTonnay-CharenteTonnay-Charente Returnees [163]
(1204 - 1789)

Beaulieu-lès-LochesTouraine Indre-et-LoireBeaulieu-lès-Loches(DGFA list)
CharnizayTouraine Indre-et-LoireCharnizay Charnizay Pioneers [164]
ChinonSaint-ÉtienneTouraine Indre-et-LoireChinon Chinon Pioneers [165]
Touraine Indre-et-LoireDolus-le-Sec(DGFA list)
La GuercheTouraine Indre-et-LoireLa Guerche (DGFA list)
Le Grand-PressignyTouraine Indre-et-LoireLe Grand-Pressigny(DGFA list)
LigréTouraine Indre-et-LoireLigré(DGFA list)
LochesTouraine Indre-et-LoireLoches(DGFA list)
ObterreTouraine IndreObterre(DGFA list)
Touraine IndreChâtillon-sur-Indre(DGFA list)
Tours- Saint-Étienne de Boyle
- Saint-Hilaire
- Saint-Pierre de Boyle
- Saint-Saturnin
- Saint-Vincent
Touraine Indre-et-LoireTours Tours Pioneers [166]


  1. Angoumois - Angoulême Pioneers: Jean Campagna
  2. Angoumois - Sers Pioneers Pierre de Montalembert de Cers
  3. Angoumois - Verteuil Pioneers Pierre Benoit
  4. Angoumois - Villefagnan Pioneers Louis Hugon
  5. Anjou - Bourgueil Pioneers Marie Catherine Vigneau
  6. Anjou - Doué Pioneers François Turcotte
  7. Anjou - La Flèche Pioneers Charles Orillon
  8. Anjou - Montreuil-Bellay Pioneers Guillaume Trahan
  9. Aunis - Aytré Pioneers Jacques Blou
  10. Aunis - Cougnes (La Rochelle) Pioneers Jeanne Aucoin Marie Sallé. (Note: Jeanne Aucoin's sister Michelle Aucoin was likely from from Cougnes or elsewhere at La Rochelle, but her birth record remains unidentified.)
  11. Aunis - La Rochelle Pioneers Jean Gabriel Berbudeau Michel Boudrot Thomas Cormier Richard Denis dit Fronsac Marie Denys de Lafitte Claude Guédry dit Grivois Laverdure Governor Alexandre Le Borgne de Belle-Isle Marie Anne Lefebvre Pierre Melanson dit Laverdure Étienne Sicotte
  12. Aunis - La Rochelle Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  13. Aunis - Laleu Pioneers Louis Thibeault. (Note: Martin Aucoin was from Laleu, but it is uncertain whether he emigrated to Acadie.)
  14. Aunis - Rochefort Pioneers Madeleine Judic Bernard Luret dit Rochefort Jean Luret Jean Renaud dit Arnaud
  15. Aunis - Rochefort Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  16. Aunis - Saint-Jean'd'Angely Returnees Gabriel Rousseau de Villejouin
  17. Aunis (Île de Ré) Pioneers François Bertand
  18. Aunis (Île de Ré) - Saint-Martin de Ré Pioneers Ozanne Chevros Nicolas Joseph Deschamps
  19. Aunis (Île de Ré) - Saint-Martin de Ré Returnees Antoine Joseph Trahan
  20. Auvergne - Clermont Pioneers Pierre Poujet
  21. Béarn - Escout Pioneers Jean Vincent d'Abbadie de Saint-Castin
  22. Béarn - Labatut Returnees Anne Mius d'Entremont
  23. Béarn - Pau Returnees Charlotte d'Amours
  24. Berry - Sancerre Pioneers Jean Turpin
  25. Bourgogne - Châtillon-sur-Seine Pioneers Pierre Godin
  26. Bourgogne - Dijon Pioneers Nicolas (Bayon) Bayolle
  27. Bretagne - Auray Pioneers François Richard
  28. Bretagne - Auray Returnees Jean Baptiste Thériot
  29. Bretagne - Bains Pioneers Michel Saindon
  30. Bretagne - Chantenay Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  31. Bretagne - Châteauneuf Returnees Jacques René Haché Pierre Hebert Anne Lejeune
  32. Bretagne - Concarneau Returnees Marie Magdeleine Leblanc Jean Baptiste Melanson Joseph Melanson
  33. Bretagne - Dinan Pioneers Jean Baptiste Radoux
  34. Bretagne - Dinan Returnees Amand Boudrot
  35. Bretagne - Dinard Returnees Marie Josèphe (Aucouen) Aucoin Olivier Boudrot Anne Radegonde Bourg Jean Charles Doiron Marie Ange Doiron Marie Madeleine Doiron Anne Dugas Marie Madeleine Dugas Barthelemy Henry Pierre Quimine
  36. Bretagne - Dol Pioneers Jean Cousin Pierre Lanoue Pierre Lanoue
  37. Bretagne - Dol Returnees Louis Lucien Bourg
  38. Bretagne - La Coquenais (Pleudihen-sur-Rance) Returnees Marie Aucoin Madeleine Broussard Jean Charles Theriot Marie Madeleine Thériault / Theriot
  39. Bretagne - Le Villou (Tréméreuc) Pioneers Anne Marie Aucoin
  40. Bretagne - Louisfert Pioneers Julien Aubois
  41. Bretagne - Mégrit Pioneers Yves Jean Crochet
  42. Bretagne - Mordreuc / Mordreux Returnees Blaise Julien Boudrot Jean Cyprien Boudrot Marie Céleste Boudrot Joseph Marie Boudrot Augustin François Pitre Charlotte Marie Pitre Claude Pitre Jacques Pitre Jean Pitre Jean Marie Pitre Joseph Pitre Marguerite Pitre Marie Perinne Pitre Pierre Pitre Firmin Charles Thibododeau Marie Magdeleine Trahan
  43. Bretagne - Morieux Pioneers François Grosvalet dit Vallois
  44. Bretagne - Morlaix Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  45. Bretagne - Nantes Pioneers (Apparently only returnees and their children - tbc)
  46. Bretagne - Nantes Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  47. Bretagne - Paramé Pioneers Pierre François Briand
  48. Bretagne - Paramé Returnees Cecile Caissie Paul Caissie Unnamed Caissie Marie Josèphe Chiasson Marie Anne Julie Haché
  49. Bretagne - Paimboeuf Returnees Anne Thibodeau
  50. Bretagne - Piriac Pioneers François Nouges
  51. Bretagne - Pléhérel Pioneers Mathurin Picard Jean Tesse
  52. Bretagne - Plérin Pioneers Pierre Raux
  53. Bretagne - Pleslin Returnees Francois Jean Blanchard Marin Daigle Alexandre Doiron Marie Rose Girouard Helene Judith Girouard Ursule Hebert Thecle Hélène Thériot
  54. Bretagne - Pleudihen Returnees Anne Josephe Bourg Louis Lucien Bourg [[Bourg-12|Rose PerrinneAnne Madeleine Hamon - and (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  55. Bretagne - Pleurtuit Pioneers and Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  56. Bretagne - Ploubalay Pioneers Étienne Desroches
  57. Bretagne - Ploubalay Returnees Joseph Aucoin Joseph Aucoin Helene Blanchard Felix Alexis Boudrot Paul Dugas Anne Hebert François Étienne Hébert Joseph Yves Hébert Marie Josephe Hebert Marie Madeleine Hebert
  58. Bretagne - Plouër Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  59. Bretagne (Morbihan) - Port-Louis Returnees Marie Bourg Marie Josephe Bourgeois
  60. Bretagne - Rezé Returnees Marie Josèphe Blanchard Pierre Paul Boudreau / Boudrot Jean Baptiste Moyse Benjamin Pitre Jean Pitre
  61. Bretagne - Saint-Brieuc Pioneers Guillaume Patry
  62. Bretagne - Saint-Cast Pioneers Jean Delaunay
  63. Bretagne - Saint-Coulomb Returnees Anne Théodose Bourg Madeleine Julienne Bourg Pierre Bourg Theodore Etienne Prosper Bourg Anne Granger Jean Baptiste Hebert
  64. Bretagne - Saint-Glen Pioneers François Josse
  65. Bretagne - Saint-Malo Pioneers Jean Roy dit Laliberté Pierre Thébeau / Thibault
  66. Bretagne - Saint-Malo Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  67. Bretagne - Saint-Marc-le-Blanc Pioneers François Blanchard
  68. Bretagne - Saint-Méloir-des-Ondes Returnees Isabelle Jeanne Hebert
  69. Bretagne - Saint-Pol-de-Léon Returnees Ursuline d'Abbadie Angélique Bertrand
  70. Bretagne - Saint-Servan Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process))
  71. Bretagne - Saint-Suliac Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  72. Bretagne - Sougéal Pioneers Pierre Duval
  73. Bretagne - Tréméreuc Pioneers Anne Marie Aucoin
  74. Bretagne - Trigavou Returnees Brigitte Anne Boudreaux Francois Xavier Boudreaux Joseph Boudreaux Marguerite Josèphe Boudreaux Etienne Boudrot Magdeleine Josephe Boudrot Marie Madeleine Boudrot Pierre Boudrot Marguerite Blanche Breau Françoise Daigre Theotiste Daigre Francoise Guerin Charles Olivier Guillot Isidor François Guillot Jean Michel Guillot Simon Francois Guillot Perrine Jullienne Langlinet
  75. Bretagne - Vannes Pioneers François Fardel
  76. Bretagne - Vannes Returnees Jean Jacques Granger Marie Thériot
  77. Bretagne - Bangor, Belle-Île-en-Mar (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  78. Bretagne - Le Palais, Belle-Île-en-Mar (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  79. Bretagne - Locmaria, Belle-Île-en-Mar Madeleine Comeau Joseph Doiron Jean Charles Hebert Jean Baptiste Melanson Marie Melanson Joseph Poirier Marie Louise Trahan
  80. Bretagne - Sauzon, Belle-Île-en-Mar Returnees Elisabeth Daigre / Daigle Simon Pierre Daigre Marie Josephe Marguerite Guédry Jean LeBlanc dit Dérico Jean Baptiste Leblanc dit Des Sapins Marie Josephe LeBlanc Claude Marc Pitre
  81. Champagne - Langres Pioneers Claude Clerge
  82. Champagne - Piney Pioneers Barbe Bajolet Col. Isaac Pesseley Etienne Pesseley Marguerite Pesseley Perrette Pesseley
  83. Champagne - Sedan Pioneers Pierre Doucet
  84. Champagne - Soulanges Pioneers Pierre de Joybert de Soulanges et de Marson
  85. Champagne - Troyes Pioneers Marguerite Houssseau
  86. Franche-Comté - Pontarlier Pioneers Sebastien Rale
  87. Gascogne - Auch Pioneers Dominique Viarrieu dit Duclos (Note: could also be nearby in Béarn, see research note in profile)
  88. Gascogne - Évêché de Dax Pioneers Pierre La Brouche Pierre Lavielle
  89. Gascogne - Villefranche Pioneers Bernard Bugaret
  90. Guyenne - Ascain Pioneers Martin d'Aprenestiguy - Sieur de Martignon Arpentigny
  91. Guyenne - Bergerac Pioneers Capt. Pierre Baptiste de Maisonnat Marie Anne Maisonnat
  92. Guyenne - Bordeaux Pioneers Jean Clémenceau Bernard Marc Marres dit Lasonde Louis Pierre de Morpain Pierre Toussaint
  93. Guyenne - Bordeaux Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  94. Île-de-France - Colombes Pioneers Charles François Laborde
  95. Île-de-France - Paris Pioneers François Langlois Jean Lebert dit Jolycoeur Pierre Martin Lemire Jean Chrysostome Loppinot
  96. Île-de-France - Saint-Denis Pioneers Jacques Le Prévost
  97. Île-de-France - Versailles Pioneers François Nicolas Chassin de Thierry
  98. Labourd (Pays Basque) - Bayonne Pioneers Pierre Arosteguy Jean Joannis Bastarache dit Le Basque Catherine Carrerot Mathieu de Glain dit Cadet Jean Lacroix dit Caniche
  99. Labourd (Pays Basque) - Guéthary Pioneers Martin Savate Detcheverry
  100. Labourd (Pays Basque) - Saint-Jean-de-Luz Pioneers Pierre Arbour dit Carrica Joannis Detcheverry dit Miquemak Jean Lafargue
  101. Languedoc - Saint-Alexandre Pioneers Gouverneur Philippe Pastour de Costebelle
  102. Languedoc - Toulouse Pioneers Pierre Cressac dit Toulouse Antoine Paris
  103. Limousin - Limoges Pioneers Gabriel Moulaison dit Rencontre and tbc: Philibert Pineau dit Lajeunesse
  104. Lorraine - Monmedy / Montmidi Pioneers Sebastien Le Roy
  105. Lorraine - Neufchâteau Pioneers Joseph Antoine Bastien
  106. Lyonnais - Lyon Pioneers Jean Baptiste Duon dit Lyonnais
  107. Maine - Château-du-Loire Pioneers Pierre Girardin dit Manseau
  108. Normandie - Avranches Pioneers Antoine Lavandier Guillaume Valet
  109. Normandie - Bacilly Pioneers François Gallon
  110. Normandie - Barneville Pioneers Pierre Mercier dit Caudebec
  111. Normandie - Carolles Pioneers Robert Angot dit Choisy Julien DesRoches Louis DesRoches Michel Grossin
  112. Normandie - Cherbourg Pioneers Marguerite Mius (Normandie, noted as likely Cherbourg)
  113. Normandie - Cherbourg Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  114. Normandie - Coutances Pioneers François Gionet
  115. Normandie - Dieppe Pioneers Nicolas LeBorne / Le Borgne
  116. Normandie - Dragey Pioneers Pierre Livois
  117. Normandie - Falaise Pioneers Guillaume Le Prieur
  118. Normandie - Granville Pioneers Charles Charpentier Jean Baptiste Le Buffe Jean Baptiste Villedieu
  119. Normandie / Seine-Maritime - Ingouville Returnees (now part of Le Havre) Marguerite Sceau Marie Sceau Jean Baptiste Vigneau
  120. Normandie - Le Havre (Apparently only returnees and their children - tbc)
  121. Normandie - Le Havre (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  122. Normandie - Ménibeux / Le Mesnil-Bœufs Pioneers André Templet
  123. Normandie - Périers Pioneers Christophe Delaune / Delaunay
  124. Normandie - Rouen Pioneers Pierre Dubocq / Duboscq Robery Henry / Henri Thomas Lefebvre Thomas Le Sauvage Suzanne Mercier / Le Mercier
  125. Normandie - Saint-Denis-le-Gast Pioneers Jean François Douville Charles Durel dit La Croix
  126. Normandie - Saint-Jean-des-Champs Pioneers Pierre Bois Jacques Frécant
  127. Normandie - Saint-Léger Pioneers François Lebreton dit Robert
  128. Normandie - Saint-Michel-des-Loups Pioneers Louis Aubin Le Buffe
  129. Normandie - Saint-Pair Pioneers Pierre Alain
  130. Normandie - Saint-Pierre-Langers Pioneers Pierre Gallon
  131. Normandie - Saint-Planchers / Saint-Pancrace) Pioneers Pierre Cotard
  132. Normandie - Saint-Ursin Pioneers René Rassicot
  133. Normandie - Sartilly Pioneers Jean Marechal
  134. Normandie - Vesly Pioneers Nicolas Angot
  135. Orléanais - Blois Pioneers Gabriel Rousseau de Villejouin
  136. Orléanais - Chartres Pioneers Michel Picot dit Larigueur
  137. Orléanais - Orléans Pioneers Christophe Cahouet
  138. Orléanais - Poupry-en-Beauce Pioneers Jean Fougère
  139. Perche - Nogent-le-Rotrou Pioneers Françoise Marie Jacquelin
  140. Picardie - Beaumont Pioneers François Testard
  141. Picardie - Boulogne Pioneers (Apparently only returnees and their children - tbc)
  142. Picardie - Boulogne Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  143. Picardie - Calais Pioneers Gov. Emmanuel Leborgne du Coudray
  144. Picardie - Couperoue en Brye / Coupru Pioneers Germain Doucet dit Laverdure
  145. Poitou - Archigny Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  146. Poitou - Beauvoir-sur-Mer Pioneers André Bernard
  147. Poitou - Buxeuil Pioneers Louis Joseph de Gannes
  148. Poitou - Cenan (La Puye) Returnees Marin Daigre / Daigle René Guillot Jean Baptiste Pierre Hebert Marguerite Moulaison Pierre Laurent Potier
  149. Poitou - Châtellerault Returnees (Multiple Acadians - in process)
  150. Poitou - La Chapelle-Roux Returnees Jean Baptiste Delaune
  151. Poitou - La Chaussée Pioneers Antoine Babin Antoine Belliveau Andrée Brun Madeleine Brun Vincent Brun Jeanne Chebrat François Girouard dit La Varanne
  152. Poitou - Leigné-les-Bois Returnees Marie Giroir / Girouard
  153. Poitou - Martaizé Pioneers François Gautrot / Gauterot Daniel Leblanc / Le Blanc Pierre Lejeune dit Briard Étienne Robichaud
  154. Poitou - Poitiers Pioneers Jean Garceau dit Tranchemontagne Jean Pierre Helie Louis Marchand
  155. Provence - Aix-en-Provence Pioneers Joseph Nicolas Gauthier dit Bellaire
  156. Provence - Île-de-Martigues Pioneers Sieur François Coste
  157. Provence - Marseille Pioneers Jean Mouton Louis Renaud / Arneaud
  158. Saintonge - Bois Pioneers Alain Bougeaud / Bougeaut / Bougeault
  159. Saintonge - Marsay (Marsais) Pioneers Pierre Cosset
  160. Saintonge - Moëze Pioneers Jeanne Rousselière / Roussillet
  161. Saintonge - Saint-Nazaire Pioneers Élie Gentil
  162. Saintonge - Sérignac Pioneers François Dupont Duvivier Louis Du Pont Duchambon de Vergor Michel Dupont de Renon
  163. Saintonge - Tonnay-Charente Returnees Pierre Benoit
  164. Touraine - Charnizay Pioneers Gouverneur Charles de Menou d'Aulnay
  165. Touraine - Chinon Pioneers Françoise Corbineau
  166. Touraine - Tours Pioneers Gouverneur Nicolas Denys Simon Denis dit la Trinité

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Comments: 13

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Hi Tyler. Me again. A new one. I believe it is La Moisiais, near Pleurtuit, but spelled La Moysias or Moissays in profiles. Clearly written La Moisiais in one baptism record (Thibodeau-1592) but more difficult to decipher in others (Thibodeau-1593), (Thibodeau-7). These siblings were all baptized in Pleurtuit. Thanks for your help.

Edited to add another location: Créhen. Near Pleurtuit. I believe it was in Bretagne, now in Côtes-d'Armor. Bourg-1560

posted by Gisèle Cormier
edited by Gisèle Cormier
Hi Gisèle – yes, clearly spelled La Moisiais in the older record – and a small local area called "La Moisiais" was and still is a part of Pleurtuit. I haven't found any indication of it ever being a separate town so it's probably best noted as a 'lieu-dit' or 'hameau' (hamlet). It looks like both of the other records are hard to read because the name seems to have been written over – otherwise no indication of "La Moysias" anywhere (but I'll add an alternative spelling since it's made it's way into several genealogy records).

Regarding "Créhen" there is a town by the name in what is now Côtes-d'Armor. But I found that there's also a hamlet of Créhen which is just north of La Moisiais (both associated with Pleurtuit) – and Pleurtuit is where the baptisms are recorded (for Élisabeth Bourg and her younger brother).

So I'll add La Moisiais and Créhen as local place names to the table and adjust profiles with notes. Thanks for spotting - and always happy to help!

posted by Tyler Benoit
Your knowledge and research in greatly appreciated. Your help makes our work easier and information in profiles more accurate and interesting.
posted by Gisèle Cormier
Hi Tyler,

A new town to add to the list: Tréméreuc. It is now in Côtes d'Amor. Since it is near Pleurtuit, I'm guessing that it was in Bretagne. Found in this profile: Aucoin-714.

Also, Le Villou. A hamlet near Tréméreuc. Found in: Aucoin-715

Another one: Paimboeuf (now in Loire-Atlantique) Thibodeau-1533

Cheers and thanks, Gisèle

posted by Gisèle Cormier
edited by Gisèle Cormier
Hi Gisèle,

Tréméreuc was indeed in Bretagne - and Le Villou was a very small hamlet within or just next to the town. So both of those and Paimboeuf are now added to both lists. Thanks and hope you're well! Tyler

posted by Tyler Benoit
Hi Tyler,

Hope you are well. Another new place found in Guillot-117: Doix, Angers, France. Sourced in 1752 census. I believe the ancient province could be Poitou, but not sure. https://www.axl.cefan.ulaval.ca/amnord/Acadiens-origines-poitou.htm Thanks and take care!

posted by Gisèle Cormier
Hi Gisèle -

Just back and many thanks for this! Doix was indeed in Poitou. I updated Rene's profile - and he and Doix are now included in the French Origins of Acadians page: https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Space:French_Origins_of_Acadians&public=1 Best, Tyler

posted by Tyler Benoit
Hi Tyler;

Among the above is this item: "- Carolles, Normandie (today Manche) [Associated profiles Angot-92", the sources related to both the community of origin as well as the identity of the person themselves seem to be clear. Just wondering what else may be needed to add Carolles as a firm site as a source for at least one Acadian? Not sure if I can be helpful in firming up whatever is actually needed? Cliff

posted by Cliff Augot
edited by Cliff Augot
Hi Cliff,

Thanks for your note. Carolles is indeed supported with the pioneers noted and so is in the table. The last set of names (Group 4 - New place names reflected in table) track additions that have been made (even though the locations were not included in the DGFA).

If I could take you up on any possible offer of help though, the names in Group 1 ("Place Names in Review") all reflect places that appear in Acadian profiles but are not clearly supported in the cited profile(s). Presumably at least some of them are correct but have not been sourced. For this priority group, I've linked to the associated profile and aded a short explanatory note.

If you happen to be able to find support for any of these that would be great and much appreciated! We'd then have a new French origin for the Acadians table: https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Space:French_Origins_of_Acadians&public

Let me know if you do - and many thanks!

posted by Tyler Benoit
Hi - thanks for clarifying that for me!

I will have a look at List 1 to see if there is anything I can find. Can you add one more to your list - my direct ancestor was Nicolas Angot (Angot-22). Based on the available records he identified his birthplace as being "Vesly, Parish of Coutances, Normandie, France". This location is not on your list. Cliff

posted by Cliff Augot
Thanks Cliff - I've added Vesly to the table and included reference to Acadian pioneer Nicolas Angot as well. I'm assuming you'll revise locations in his profile - and we'd ideally add a short note to support the fact that the location is Vesly (and not Verly per the transcribed text). But let me know if you have any questions or if I can help in any way.

As for other locales and pioneers in Group 1, if you do research any and still can't find support for the location, you could note that with a comment to the proflle since that then flags the issue to the manager and/or others. (And if you've flagged it, then I won't always be the one to have to ;)

posted by Tyler Benoit
Hi Tyler,

Could you add a new location: Leigné-les-Bois? I placed it in Poitou, now Vienne, for this profile https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Girouard-5477. Hope I got the province right. Thanks!

posted by Gisèle Cormier
Hi Gisèle

Will do - and yes, Poitou - although just a few miles from the border. I'll add the location to the main French Origins page (and update the parents' marriage locale). Merci beaucoup! Tyler

posted by Tyler Benoit