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Oxford County Soldiers of the Revolution

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Location: Oxford, Maine, United Statesmap
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This space is catalog Revolutionary War soldiers who lived in Oxford County Maine

Oxford county was formed on March 4, 1805, in the Maine District from northerly portions of York and Cumberland counties.

Maine In the Revolutionary War Parent Page

Soldiers buried in Oxford County
Name Born Died DAR SAR FG # Cemetery / Note Birthplace Rank
Abbott, JohnAbbott, John 1718 1803 A000105 100110 86372657 Woodlawn Andover, MA Private
Abbott, JonathanAbbott, Jonathan 1748 1833 A000126 100134 86372832 Woodlawn Andover, MA Private
Abbot, PhilipAbbot, Philip 1757 1841 117811468 East Rumford Concord, NH
Andrews, SamuelAndrews, Samuel 1770 1822 A002720 103935 130091420 Center Lovell Chelmsford, MA Private
Atherton, JoelAtherton, Joel 1764 1844 A003552 105152 86383778 Elm Vale Harvard, MA Private
Abbott, Isaac, Jr. Abbott, Isaac, Jr. 1762 1861 A000081 48102119 Fish Street Cemetery
Ackly, Samuel Ackly, Samuel 1763 1861 A000336 117709000 Rumford Center Cemetery
Adams, Enoch Adams, Enoch 1752 1819 A000474 79492518 Woodlawn Cemetery
Adams, Nathan, Jr. Adams, Nathan, Jr. 1757 1822 A000684 93008431 Baptist Church Cemetery
Heald, Benjamin, Heald, Benjamin 1764 1841 A053755 178748 96139715 Sumner Hill Cemetery Captain
Packard, James, Packard, James 1758 1848 A085597 264307 149619955 Richardson Hollow Cemetery Private
Abbott, AbnerAbbott, Abner 1762 1833 336040 87734607 Hunts Corner
Abbott, PhilipAbbott, Philip 1750 1840 100168 102154227 Woodlawn
Abbott, SimeonAbbott, Simeon 1764 1851 100182 9013626 Hillcrest
Adkins, Nathaniel Adkins, Nathaniel 1739 1840 101772 50305654 Adkins Hines Sandwich, MA
Allen, James Jr.Allen, James Jr. 1762 1867 100750 32969878 Pine Grove New London, CT Drummer
Allen, Micah, Dr. Allen, Micah, Dr. 1737 1812 102696 46736861 Chaffin Pembroke, MA
Ames, SamuelAmes, Samuel 1759 1852 59966211 Rustfield Haverhill, MA
Bard, WilliamBard, William 1758 1798 108621 36344691 Berry
Cummings, ElijahCummings, Elijah 1755 1827 297978 139774424 Richardson Hollow Douglas, MA
Barker, JesseBarker, Jesse 1762 1854 108768 40347923 Sunday River Newry Private
Barker, JohnBarker, John 1758 1828 108781 121582000 Jonathan Eddy
Stickney, SamuelStickney, Samuel 1762 1835 297978 67720133 Brownville Village Rowley, MA
Ames, BenjaminAmes, Benjamin 1724 1809 A002194 103233 47671499 South Church Lexington, MA
Ames, JohnAmes, John 1756 1833 A002227 103262 30807187 Ames Family Groton, MA
Anderson, RobertAnderson, Robert 1761 1846 A002499 103636 64151071 Elmwood Private
Andrews, AbrahamAndrews, Abraham 1747 1823 A002568 103749 86382267 Lovell Center Ipswich, MA Captain
Andrews, DavidAndrews, David 1736 1815 A002599 103789 89892364 Forbes District Taunton, MA Sergeant
Andrews, Jeremiah Andrews, Jeremiah 1757 1827 A002640 100803 86382881 Bartlett Temple, NH Private
Andrews, MarkAndrews, Mark 1760 1848 A002686 103898 20464780 Hope Taunton, MA
Andrews, SamuelAndrews, Samuel 1764 1822 A002720 103935 130091420 Center Lovell Chelmsford, MA Captain
Atherton, JohnAtherton, John 1736 1815 A003554 105154 86383851 Elm Vale (MA)
Bailey, IsraelBailey, Israel 1747 1843 A004647 106689 173152603 Canton Corner (MA) Stoughton, MA
Ballard, FrederickBallard, Frederick 1762 1851 A005526 107971 121581955 Skillingston
Barker, DanielBarker, Daniel 1746 1824 A006053 108718 180637917 Elm Vale (MA) Concord, MA Sergeant
Barker, JamesBarker, James 1760 1842 A207089 108763 121581973 Skillingston Bradford, MA
Ballard, UriahBallard, Uriah 1758 1840 A005553 108016 51033532 West Fryeburg Andover, MA
Winship, JohnWinship, John 1763 1848 A128790 322623 116663910 Scribner Hill Upper Yard Cumberland Co.

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