Location: Gravesend, England

THE NATAL SETTLER-AGENT - BY DR. JOHN CLARK. The Career Of John Moreland, agent for the Byrne emigration scheme of 1849-51. EDWARD: Described by Byrne as 'a splendid new ship of 1000 tons burthen' (actually 680), eight feet between decks, drawing from 12 to 13 feet of water, and capable of accommodating with ease and comfort her 250 emigrants, the barque Edward sailed from Gravesend on 9 January 1850, and after a good passage arrived safely on 24 March. The master, Captain Robertson, was - according to Moreland - 'worthy his post'. The Colonial Land & Emigration Commissioners were reputed to have withheld sailing orders because the ship was too large to enter the harbour of Durban. Byrne therefore supplied a new surf-boat constructed by the best boat builder in London and 'as strong as copper and teakwood can make her'. Since he also wished the boat to be used for fishing, he sent two men with her on the Edward, their names being Wilkinson and Bartlett. Nothing came of this plan of establishing fisheries. Moreland mentions that the ship was speedily discharged of passengers and cargo because of this useful new boat which he named the 'Agnes' in honour of Mrs Byrne. Among the passengers were W.H. Acutt, John Baseley, Antony Pigg, the three Dacomb brothers, John L. Feilden, Richard Tyzack, Thomas Groom, and about 20 Wesleyans.
Acutt, W.H. 50 acres.
Alston, Edmund. 20 acres.
Andrade, A.F.
Ashton, Charles. 20 acres.
Baker, Thomas (land conveyed to J.L. Feilden).
Bartlett, Robert H. (fisherman). 20 acres.
Baseley, John (36)/Jane(35). Children: Sarah, William, Elizabeth, George, infant born at sea. 170 acres.
Batchelor, William. 50 acres.
Biddle, Thomas. 20 acres.
Bird, John. 20 acres.
Bowser, George (land incl. with E. Browning).
Bright, Alfred (land conveyed to E. London).
Browning, Edwin, his son Charles (G. Bowser & A. Pigg lots included). 160 acres.
Bryan, James/Rebecca. 40 acres.
Bull, James/Emma. Children: Emma S., Allen R. 45 acres.
Burgess, William/Sophia. 40 acres.
Cain, Thomas(died)/Harriet. Child: Henry R. 45 acres.
Challinor, George.
Cockerell, Alfred S. 20 acres.
Crocker, William.
Dacomb, Charles (21)/Joseph (27)/William (32). 60 acres.
Dennis, Sophia. 20 acres.
Eagle, James. 20 acres.
Edmunds, W.C. (land incl. with J.L. Feilden).
Elston, James. 20 acres.
Emmett, (Dr.) W.D. (ship's surgeon).
Feilden, John L.. 210 acres.
Fleming, Horace (may not have come). 20 acres.
Foster, William/Louisa C. (land conveyed to F. Spring).
Franklin, John.
Grieve, William J. (conveyed to F. Spring).
Hampshire, Eli.
Heppenstall, George R. 20 acres.
Hillary, George (conveyed to E. London).
Hillman, Alfred C. 20 acres.
Hogarth, John. 20 acres.
Holton, H.T./Sarah. 40 acres.
Horsley, Richard. 20 acres.
Howells, Thomas/Mary A. Children: Thomas, Mary, John. 50 acres.
Hutton, Henry J.C. 20 acres.
Irwin, John. 20 acres.
Jones, John/Jane. 40 acres.
Jones, Mary A./Dorothy: possibly sisters.
Joslin, John. 20 acres.
Kermode, Edward/Margaret. Child: Thomas E. 40 acres.
Lambert, Rebecca. 20 acres.
Lawrie, George/Alice. Children: George/Alice. 125 acres.
Logan, George A,/Maria. Children: John, Eliza, Anna M. 50 acres.
Logan, James F./Susannah. 40 acres.
Logan, Robert/Hannah. Children: Margaret, Mary, John, Elizabeth. 60 acres.
London, Edward/Emily. Children: Emily, William. 100 acres.
Lord, J. (land conveyed to C. Dacomb).
Mackenzie, William (ordained clergyman who married Isabella Trotter and settled at Cramond as a farmer). 20 acres.
Markham, James F. --.
Marshall, John. 20 acres.
Marshall, William/Elizabeth/Elizabeth (sister ?). Child: Margaret. 45 acres.
Miles, John. 20 acres.
Moss, Robert A.
Osborn, John/Ann. Children: William (24), John B. (20), Edwin B. (13). 45 acres.
Palmer, Job/Elizabeth. 100 acres.
Paverd, William. 20 acres.
George Pay, Elizabeth Ann. Children: Charles G., Edward R. E. (born on voyage). 45 acres.
Payn, William. 40 acres.
Payne, Thomas A./Elizabeth. Children: Hannah M., Louisa A. 50 acres.
Pigg, Antony/Maria. Children: Marian J., Williams George.
Pratt, Henry. 20 acres.
Ratcliff, John, his wife Susannah. Children: George J., Stephen D., William H., 55 acres.
Redshaw, Jonathan/Elizabeth. 40 acres.
Richards, Charles. 20 acres.
Robinson, Charles/Sarah. Children: Charles, Mary A., Thomas, William. 60 acres.
Robson, John S./Elizabeth. Child: infant. 40 acres.
Ross, George. 20 acres.
Russell, Henry. 20 acres.
Simpson, John (land conveyed to F. Spring).
Smith, Hugh (land conveyed to J. Baseley).
Spring, Arthur/Francis. 170 acres.
Stabler, John/Mary. Children: Hannah, Elizabeth. 65 acres.
Stacey, Charles T. 50 acres.
Steddard, James (land conveyed to J.L. Feilden).
Tallack, Francis. 20 acres.
Taylor, Moses D./Rachel. Children: Marianne, Caroline. (land conveyed to F. Spring).
Throssell, Charles/Rachel. Child: William. 20 acres.
Trotter, David W. 20 acres.
Tyzack, Richard W., (later in the 1860's mayor of Durban)/Louisa. Children: Richard, W., Louisa E., Charles T. 55 acres.
Vear, George/William: brothers. 40 acres.
Wallace, John. 20 acres.
Weir, James. 40 acres.
Wetherdon, W.F.
Wilkinson, Syndey L. (fishery expert).
Williams, James. 20 acres.
Woodhead, Robert. 20 acres.
Young, Edwin/Elizabeth & family.
Young, James/Ann & family. 80 acres.
Abbott, George. 20 acres.
Austin, William/Sarah/Thomas. 40 acres.
Balderston, Richardson/Elizabeth. Child: infant. 100 acres.
Bull, Samuel. 20 acres.
Devereux, Lionel/Lewis: brothers. 40 acres.
Groom, Richard (25), his wife Elizabeth (20). His siblings: Betsy (27), Ellen (23), Thomas (21), Mary (19), Edward (10). 100 acres.
James, Joseph/Ann. 40 acres.
Povall, Charles/Mary. Children: Charles J., Sarah A., Joseph W. 70 acres.
Walker, George. 20 acres.
Published By A.A. Balkema, Cape Town, 1972. 312 Pages. See Pages 229-232 for this reference. ISBN 0 86961 019 8.
- SEE: Wesleyan Methodist Church Register, Verulam, Victoria, Natal, South Africa, (1859-1872).[1]
- SEE: Passenger Ship List: The 'Edward'.[2]
- ↑ Wesleyan Methodist Church Register, Verulam, Victoria, Natal, South Africa, (1859-1872).
- ↑ Passenger Ship List: The 'Edward'.
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