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Palatine Widrig/Wiederich Family

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Full text of "History of Herkimer county, New York"



SYRACUSE, N. Y.: D. MASON & CO., Publishers. 1893.

Among the white men who penetrated the wilderness in the western part of what is now Herkimer county as early or earlier than the Pala- tine settlements were made at Fort Herkimer (German Flats), was John Jurgh Kass (or Kast, as now written). He was one of the thrifty Germans who saw the possibilities of trade with the Indians, and it is known that he was among them in 1720 trading them ammunition and trinkets for their valuable furs. A tradition exists that he also sold them the coveted rum, and that for a keg of the " fire water " he bought about 1 1,000 acres of choice land, which he described, and that in 1724 his titled was confirmed to him by Great Britain. This was the earliest date of a patent in this country, although the Burnetsfield grantees (Kast being one) settled on their lands a year earlier. Some of the de- scendants of Kast are still living in this county.

The town of Schuyler probably sufifered but little in the French and Indian war, its situation on the west of the frontier saving it, in a large measure, from savage incursions. Permanent settlement began in the


eastern part of the town about the year 1764, when Peter Hasenclever, an enterprising and wealthy German from Wurtemberg, came to the colon}' and erected iron works on the Hudson River near West Point; he also established trading posts farther west, and obtained a site for settlement at what is now East Schuyler. During the period preceding the Revolution this was the extreme western settlement in this State.

While in Wurtemberg on a visit Hasenclever pictured to the German peasants the wonders of the new world in such glowing colors that a number of them consented to emigrate. Hasenclever provided them with means for their passage to his settlement, and agreed to supply them and their families with subsistence for three years in return for their service. He built an ashery, probably the first frame building, and the first manufactory of any kind within the present bounds of Schuyler. He also had a store (the first in Herkimer county), which was situated on land now occupied by the widow of D. I. Briden- becker. Potash and other products were shipped by Hasenclever down the Moliawk in flat boats, and merchandise and provisions re- turned in the same manner. He also began to build a saw-mill on a small stream flowing into the Mohawk. This settlement he named " New Petersburg." Over thirty log houses were built for tlie people employed by Hasenclever, among whom were families named Briden- becker. Staring, Bargy (formerly written Birchi), Clemens, Widrig, Oyer (formerly written Aiyer and Irer), Finster, Keller, Steinway, and others. Descendants of several of these families still occupy land on which their ancesters first settled.

FamilySearch birth records for Widrig/Wiederich family

New York Births and Christenings, 1640-1962

Children of Conrad and Maria (see marriage below)

Dorothea Wiederig birth: 30 September 1804 christening: 21 October 1804 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Conradi Wiederig mother: Mariae Stehlin

Magdalena Wiederig birth: 31 July 1806 christening: 24 August 1806 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Conradi Wiederig mother: Maria Stehlin

Georgius Wiederig birth: 23 September 1808 christening: 16 October 1808 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Conradi Wiederig mother: Maria Stehle

Children of George and Maria Elisabeth

Henrich Wiederich birth: 14 August 1786 christening: 27 August 1786 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georg Wiederich mother: Maria Elisabeth

Elisabeth Wiederich birth: 15 May 1788 christening: 8 June 1788 Burnetsfield Patent, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georg Wiederich mother: Maria Elisabeth

Conrad Wiederich birth: 28 July 1790 christening: 2 August 1790 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georg Wiederich mother: Maria Elisabeth

Maria Wiederich birth: 23 October 1792 christening: 28 October 1792 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georg Wiederich mother: Maria

Michael Wiederich birth: 17 August 1794 christening: 24 August 1794 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georg Wiederich mother: Maria

Wiederich christening: 28 September 1794 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georg Wiederich

Magdalena Wiederich birth: 25 March 1802 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georgii Wiederich mother: M. Elisabethae Bender

Children of George and Elisabeth

Maria Elisabetha Wiederich birth: 10 March 1803 christening: 11 April 1803 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georgii Wiederich mother: Elisabethae Weberin

Henericus Wiederig birth: 11 December 1804 christening: 15 January 1806 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georgii Wiederig mother: Elisabetha Weberin

Gertrudis Wiederig birth: 14 January 1809 christening: 19 March 1809 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georgii Wiederig mother: Elisabetha Weberin

Elisabetha Wiederig christening: 18 April 1813 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georgii Wiederig mother: Elisabetha Weber

Petrus Wiederig christening: 16 April 1820 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georgii Wiederig mother: Elisabeth Weber

Children of George and Anna

Josephus Wiederich christening: 11 June 1810 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Georgii Wiederich mother: Annae Hodge

Children of Jacob and Catharina (see marriage)

Jacob Wiederich birth: 21 August 1786 christening: 27 August 1786 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Jacob Wiederich mother: Catharin Elisabeth

Georg Wiederich birth: 1 September 1787 christening: 3 September 1787 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Jacob Wiederich mother: Catharina

Margretha Wiederich birth: 16 September 1789 christening: 22 September 1789 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Jacob Wiederich mother: Catharina

Jacob Wiederich birth: 10 February 1792 christening: 12 February 1792 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Jacob Wiederich mother: Catharina

Michael Wiederich birth: 12 February 1793 christening: 19 February 1793 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Jacob Wiederich mother: Catharina

Joannes Wiederig birth: 15 February 1807 christening: 22 March 1807 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Jacobi Wiederig mother: Catharinae Rinckel

Children of Jacob and Elisabeth

Jacob Wiederich birth: 9 May 1791 christening: 15 May 1791 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Jacob Wiederich mother: Elisabeth

Children of James and Anna

Mathildis Wiederig birth: 17 November 1810 christening: 4 January 1811 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: James Wiederig mother: Annae Clerk

Children of John and Maria

Daniel Wiederig birth: 10 June 1808 christening: 3 July 1808 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Joannis Wiederig mother: Mariae Christmann

Joannes Wiederig christening: 16 January 1813 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Joannis Wiederig mother: Mariae Christman

Children of Michael and Elisabeth

Sara Wiederig birth: 15 April 1787 christening: 17 April 1787 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Michael Wiederig mother: Elisabeth

Maria Wiederich birth: 2 March 1793 christening: 3 March 1793 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Michael Wiederich mother: Elisabeth

Elisabetha Wiederich birth: 4 May 1810 christening: 4 June 1810 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Michaelis Wiederich mother: Elisabetha Lentz

Children of Michael and Susanna (see marriage below)

Michael Wiederig birth: 23 March 1806 christening: 6 April 1806 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Michaelis Wiederig mother: Susanae Lones

Sarah Wiederig birth: 12 May 1808 christening: 3 July 1808 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Michaelis Wiederig mother: Susanae Lones

Maria Wiederig christening: 6 September 1812 German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Michaelis Wiederig mother: Susannes Lones

Children of Philip and Maria

Michel Wiederich birth: 16 February 1802 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Philippi Wiederich mother: Mariae Elisabethae Mayer

Catharina Wiederig birth: 6 March 1806 christening: 27 March 1806 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Philipi Wiederig mother: Mariae Elisabethae Mayerin

Elisabetha Wiederig birth: 25 June 1808 christening: 10 July 1808 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Philipi Wiederig mother: Mariae Elisabethae Mayer

Magdalena Wiederig birth: 16 June 1810 christening: 13 July 1810 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States father: Philipi Wiederig mother: Mariae Elisabethae Mayer


Jacob Wiederich Event Date: 31 Jan 1786 Event Place: German Flatts, Herkimer, New York, United States Event Place (Original): Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, German Flatts Twp, Herkimer, New York, United States Spouse's Name: Catharina Elisabeth Rinckel[1]

Conrad Michael Wiederich Event Date: 21 Feb 1802 Event Place: Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States Event Place (Original): Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States Spouse's Name: Maria Steele[2]

Name: Michael Wiederich Event Date: 14 Feb 1804 Event Place: Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States Event Place (Original): Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States Spouse's Name: Susanna Lones[3]


  1. "New York Marriages, 1686-1980", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F64G-CBZ : 21 January 2020), Jacob Wiederich, 1786.
  2. "New York Marriages, 1686-1980", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F6HZ-R8D : 21 January 2020), Conrad Michael Wiederich, 1802.
  3. "New York Marriages, 1686-1980", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F64G-85N : 21 January 2020), Michael Wiederich, 1804.

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