
Paris, Bessarabia One Place Study

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 1816 to 1917
Location: Paris, Bessarabia, Russian Empiremap
Surnames/tags: One_Place_Studies Russian_Empire Bessarabia
This page has been accessed 869 times.
This profile is part of the Paris, Bessarabia One Place Study.

The goal of this project is to act as a One-Place Study Project of Paris, Akkerman, Bessarabia, Russian Empire and is a subsection of the Black Sea Germans, a part of the German Project at Wikitree.

Paris, Bessarabia, Russia Category on Wikitree

About Paris

Paris, Akkerman, Bessarabia, Russian Empire, (Latitude 46.0506N, Longitude 29.2918E), is currently called Veselyi Kut, Odes'ka, Ukraine.[1]
See an online map pin of Paris
Information on Paris from Carol Kosanke Peterson
Paris, Bessarabia – Paris in Bessarabien
- Chronik der Gemeinden Paris und Neu-Paris in Bessarabien] by Arthur Suckut, self-published, 1986, as translated by Allen E. Konrad. Repository - Black Sea German Research
Paris, Bessarabia from GRHS, scroll down the page a ways for the information.
Paris - 1848 Village History by R. Niessner
Paris, Bessarabia, today Ukraine In German, use the Google function to translate the page by a right mouse click and selecting "translate to English." This page contains a number of photos of Paris.
List of Individuals from Paris on Wikitree

Vital Records

Paris Birth Records, 1819-1840 at Family Search

Films recorded by the Reichssippenamt (Nazi genealogy office), which were generally filmed left side and right side pages separately (this avoided having to constantly shift the book around underneath the tripod).
Records from 1819 (Beginning of the left side pages, original page 49 to 1840 (End of the Paris left side pages, original page 90 )
Please note the order of the right pages is reversed. The right side pages list the village name Paris, along wtih names of the children's godparents.
Records from 1819 (Beginning of the right side pages, original page 49 - to 1840 (End of the Paris right side pages, original page 90)
Use the page numbers listed at the top of each page to match the right and left side pages.
Family Search, Film # 008003564

Paris Family Books

1841 Paris Family Book Family Search
1891 Paris Family Book Family Search, Film # #1766562-2,
Transcript of 1891 Family Book, at, Some pages were not transcribed due to the faintness of writing. Please use with caution, there are some errors in dates listed.

Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates, 1833-1885 at Family Search

Each year villages in the Southern Russian Empire were required to send a copy of their vital record book to St. Petersburg, Russia. These duplicate books have been scanned and are online for our use at Family Search.

Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates, 1833-1885 Search Page
Location to browse a specific year of Paris Records

From Black Sea German Research

Paris births 1820-1832, 1844, 1849, 1865-1866 R. Reuben Drefs Collection
1840 Arzis Parish Births for Village of Paris, translated by Black Sea German Research
Paris confirmations 1841-1852 R. Reuben Drefs Collection
Paris deaths 1849, 1865-1866 R. Reuben Drefs Collection

Find a Grave

Location - Veselyi Kut, Odes'ka, Ukraine - Please note, Wikitree uses the historical name Paris, Bessarabia, Russian Empire.
Paris Cemetery

There is a lot of information about Paris at Odessa 3. Here is the general search engine for the site:

Odessa 3 Search Engine

Below is the list of files at Odessa 3 that contain information about Paris:

Paris Baptisms 1819-1854 C. Peterson
Paris Deaths 1837-1840 C. Peterson
Paris Family Book 1830 C. Peterson
Paris Family Book 1891 C. Peterson
Paris Head of Household (Post-1900) D. Wahl
Paris Marriages 1819-1834 C. Peterson
Paris Marriages 1820-1891 C. Peterson

Here are regional records for Bessarabia, which include Paris:

Bessarabian 183x Births R. Drefs
Bessarabian 1833-1839 Marriages R. Drefs
Bessarabian 183x Deaths R. Drefs
Bessarabian 184x Births R. Drefs
Bessarabian 184x Marriages R. Drefs
Bessarabian 184x Deaths R. Drefs
Bessarabian 185x Births R. Drefs
Bessarabian 185x Marriages R. Drefs
Bessarabian 185x Deaths R. Drefs
Bessarabian 186x Births R. Drefs
Bessarabian 186x Marriages R. Drefs
Bessarabian 186x Deaths R. Drefs
Bessarabian 187x Births R. Drefs
Bessarabian 187x Marriages R. Drefs
Bessarabian 187x Deaths R. Drefs
Bessarabian 1881-1885 Births R. Drefs
Bessarabian 1880-1885 Marriages R. Drefs
Bessarabian 1881-1885 Deaths R. Drefs


  1. See PDF list in bottom right corner. D. G. Bender. Germans from Russia and Eastern Europe Settlement Locations


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