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Parmelia 1829 - Ship Tree

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Date: Before 26 Jan 2021
Location: Western Australiamap
Surnames/tags: Parmelia Ship_Tree Swan_River_Colony
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Ship Arrival at Swan River Colony
Parmelia 1829
Parmelia 1829 Voyage
Parmelia was a barque that was used to transport the first civilian officials and settlers of the Swan River Colony to Western Australia in 1829. - (visit Their Profiles)
Pioneers 1829 - 1838 - Parmelia > Settlers Gazette

In 1828 the British government, at the urging of Captain James Stirling, decided to establish a colony at the Swan River . . more . .
Passengers in Parmelia, 1829 Wikipedia®

And her Future :
Parmelia, built in Quebec, 1825, was twice used to transport convicts to the penal colonies on the east coast of Australia; the voyages of 1832, and 1834.
In 1839, Parmelia was being refitted for the purpose of carrying migrants to the Americas, but a fire broke out and destroyed her.
Parmelia (barque) (from Wikipedia,)
Swan River Colony (1829-1832)

People – LifeTree

THE FIRST FLEET. (1929, June 1). [1] > list of passengers
(By J. S. Battye.) - On the morning of the 1st June, 1829, a small vessel might have been observed endeavouring under very adverse conditions to beat her way between Carnac Island and Garden Island into Cockburn Sound.

The Parmelia Pioneers Landed 125 Years Ago [2]
By H. W. Baker - It is a happy thought that on the 125th anniversary of Foundation Day a memorial service should be held at the East Perth Cemetery in sight of tombstones that carry the names of some of the first settlers who arrived in the Parmelia.

30 June - A COLONY DETAILED - The FIRST Census
Swan River Colony
1832 Census
Ships p.180


  1. THE FIRST FLEET. (1929, June 1). The West Australian
    \ (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved April 12, 2021 . . . more - list of passengers
  2. Parmelia Pioneers (1954, June 4). The West Australian
    \ (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved April 12, 2021

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Hi John, Would you like to add the category Swan River Colony, Shipping Free Space Pages to this page?

Cheers, Margaret