Location: West Riding Yorkshire, Lancashire, Moama, Echuca & Wanganella.

Surname/tag: Parr
2020 The Calderdale FHS (Halifax) has confirmed that no record they hold shows an Andrew Parr born in their Parish 1785 - 1800. https://www.cfhsweb.com/
They do confirm that from 1800 there is an Andrew Parr named in each of the related families between Halifax & Kirkburton.
Dowdle family research shows John Dowdle was recorded as John Jackson at his illegitimate birth then referred to as John Dowdle as his father recognised him.
My assumption is that Andrew Parr is recorded as Andrew ....... at his illegitimate birth then Andrew Parr from then on. <GR>
- Example;
- FamilySearch England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
- Name: Robert Parr
- Residence Place: Adlingfleet, Yorkshire, England
- Gender: Male
- Christening Date: 1797
- Christening Date (Original): 08 MAR 1797
- Birth Date: 1797
- Father's Name: William Bell
- Mother's Name: Sarah Parr
Link to FamilySearch Tree, lives whole life as Robert Bell.
- List of FamilySearch "illegitmate" (no father named) births in the area of Lancashire / Yorkshire;
- England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
- Name:Andrew Noble
- Gender: Male
- Christening Date: 06 May 1798
- Christening Date (Original): 06 MAY 1798
- Mother's Name: Mary Noble, Brindle Workhouse.
- Original Baptism Document: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6L59-9BV
- Burial Date: 09 Apr 1805, Brindle
- Original Death Document https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:J8XG-LM2
- England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
- Name: Andrew Winstanley
- Gender: Male
- Christening Date: 01 Jun 1799
- Christening Date (Original): 01 JUN 1799
- Mother's Name: Betty Winstanley
- https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JMFT-GRZ
- Burial Date: 01 Jun 1841, Leigh
- Original Death Document https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JC1P-9PG
- England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
- Name: Andrew Platt
- Gender: Male
- Christening Date: 06 Dec 1795
- Christening Date (Original): 06 DEC 1795
- Mother's Name: Ann Platt
- https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NG2W-35N
- Burial Date: 28 Aug 1853, Chorlton-Upon-Medlock, Lancashire
- https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JZ55-B2C
- England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
- Name: Andrew Hewitt
- Gender: Male
- Christening Date: 04 Jun 1797
- Christening Date (Original): 04 JUN 1797
- https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JM5V-SLP
- England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
- Name: Andrew Wardle
- Gender: Male
- Christening Date: 24 Aug 1798
- Christening Date (Original): 24 AUG 1798
- Mother's Name: Elisabeth Wardle
- https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NKDG-T5M
- England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
- Name: Andrew Carr
- Gender: Male
- Christening Date: 25 Feb 1798
- Christening Date (Original): 25 FEB 1798
- Christening Place: BOSSALL,YORK,ENGLAND
- Mother's Name: Mary Carr
- https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NY7M-9L9
- England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
- Name: Andrew Sanderson
- Gender: Male
- Christening Date: 14 Jan 1795
- Christening Date (Original): 14 JAN 1795
- Mother's Name: Eleanor Sanderson
- https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JMB5-P29
- Andrew Parr of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Wondering if we have evidence that Mary Pearson, wife of John Parr, and mother of an Andrew Parr, is the Andrew we are looking for? Mary’s father was supposedly a Rev. Thomas Pearson, which might explain why John and Mary’s children were baptised in batches, when the family travelled to see Thomas in his parish? Any ideas?<JA>
The marriage of Andrew Parr to Elizabeth Fewster in Newcastle would separate this Andrew from ours. We are back with no parents which is frustrating.<GR>
- (24/01/2021) But what if Elizabeth Parr née Fewster died not long after the marriage, in childbirth or from illness? Andrew would likely have remarried. Do we have a marriage certificate for Andrew and Harriet that specifies single or widower? None do.
The naming of children normally follows strict rules.
1st daughter should be named after wife's mother - Elizabeth - Y
1st son should be named after husband's father - Frederick ?
Further Research
There is evidence of Parr families in Halifax at the right time for Andrew's birth.
- 1.Thomas Parr & Ann (Noble) Parr at Elland, south Halifax
- FamilySearch England Marriages, 1538–1973
- Name Thomas Parr
- Spouse's Name Ann Noble
- Event Date 18 Sep 1788
- Event Place Elland, York, England
- Marital Status Widowed
- Spouse's Marital Status Widowed [1]
- 2. Benjamin & Sarah Parr also Parry at the Square Chapel Independent, Halifax
- 3. Robert & Mary Parr at South Chapel Wesleyan, Halifax
- 4. Henry Parr & Elizabeth Naylor of Wakefield east of Halifax married Halifax 1804.
- Henry has been removed as father for Andrew.
- Henry Parr did marry and die in Halifax however, if that evidence is correct, so is still a good possibility. Based on family recall, from and research by Helen Williams. <JA>
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