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Partenheimer - First Reformed Church

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Date: 18 Apr 1822 to 28 Jul 1833
Location: [unknown]
Profile manager: Harry Ide private message [send private message]
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Walt Jebens reported the following Partenheimer information in the records of the First Reformed Church, Philadelphia, which he obtained from the Evangelical and Reformed Historical Society, Lancaster, Pennsylvania:

marriage (with no other information on the record): Philip Patenheimer [sic] and Mary Ann Preall, 18 April 1822

baptism, 20 April 1827, of children of Philip and Marie [sic] Patenheimer (months omitted in the record): Henry 22nd 1822, Philip 7th 1824, Elisabeth 4th 1825

baptism, 28 Jul 1833, of children of Philip & Mary Parthenheimer [sic] (birthdates omitted in the record): John, Edwin, Rudolf, and William

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