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Passenger list of Catharina 1839

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Date: 21 Sep 1838 to 22 Jan 1839
Location: Australiamap
Surnames/tags: German_Roots PRUSSIA germany
Profile manager: Steve Thomas private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 1,088 times.

This page is part of Prussian Settlement in Australia - German Australians. It was created to compare and collate different passenger lists for Catharina from various sources. There is also a category page to collect individual profiles (Category: Catharina, Arrived 22 Jan 1839):

The Catharina was charted to carry Evangelical Lutherans from Klemzig in the Prussian province of Brandenburg. Approximately 70% of the passengers emigrated from the province of Posen, the majority from Chlastawe (Chlastawa) 16 km NNE of Klemzig. within 15km of Klemzig. Roughly 20% emigrated from near Seiffersdorf (Radwanow) 40 km SW of Klemzig in the province of Silesia.

Warning! The different records are not 100% consistent. The following list may contain errors, feedback on corrections is welcomed.



Auricht, Anna Elisabeth (21, sister of Christian) Klastawe, Posen

Auricht, Christane Rosina (19, sister of Christian) Klastawe, Posen - maid to Rothe family

Auricht, Christian Johann 32 Blacksmith Klastawe, Posen

Bensch Samuel Ludwig 38 Farmer Turowo, Posen

Boerke Karl Ferdinand 34 Potter Bentschen, Posen

Drabert, Eva Rosina (Guichen) 35 - Posen married J.G. Graetz, in SA

  • Drabert Maria Elisabeth 17 daughter - Posen

(Fiedler, Julius n/a son of comb-maker - Posen did not sail) (research note FIEDLER Julius, Caroline FIEDLER, parents of child born 1857-10-16 named Julia Matilda at Light Pass)

(Fliegert, Johann Gottlieb 35 Farmer Posen sailed on Zebra 1838 Rosa Dorothea (Jaeschke) 27 Johanne Juliane 3 )

Gallasch, Johann Joseph 34 Weaver Posen

Gierath/Virrath, Christian 57 Reichenau, Silesia

Graetz, Johann Georg 44 Mason Chlastawe, Posen

Hahn, Johann Christian 32 Gardener Posen

Hamdorf, Christian Wilhelm 21 Wheelwright Posen

Hamdorf, Friedrich Gottlieb 32 - Posen

Hamdorf, Johann Gotthilf 34 Wheelwright Posen

Heinrich, Johann Gottlob 38 Cottager Seiffersdorf, Silesia

(Hinze, Franz Wilhelm n/a did not sail ?)

Jaeschke, Johann Georg 58 Church Elder Scharkewald-Hauland

Kappler, Christian 38 Church Elder Posen

Koch, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm 45 Farmer Brandenburg

Krummnow, Johann Friedrich n/a Teacher Posen

Lange, Johan Friedrich Gottlieb/Gottlob 19 -

Linke, Johann Gottlob 34 Carpenter Posen sailed on Zebra?

Mattner Johann Georg 43 Landowner Kutschen, Posen

(Munchenberg Johann Friedrich n/a - died in Prussia, 1835)
Munchenberg, Johanne Eleonore (Busch) 56 widow Posen

(Pfennig Samuel 38 Cottager - Silesia did not sail)
Pfennig, Maria Elisabeth (Rieger) 38

Pfitzner, Dorothea 45 widow Posen

  • (daughter 19)
  • Gottlieb 11
  • (daughter 10)

Priedemann, Samuel 31 son of a Gardener - Reichenau, Silesia

(Riebe, Gottfried ? 25 possibly on this ship or Leontine 1848)

Rothe, Christian 30 Farrier / Church Elder Klastawe, Posen

Schlinke, Johann Daniel 21 Confectioner Hamburg

Schubert, Wilhelm n/a Farmer Posen

Schultz, Johann Samuel 43 Tenant Farmer - Reichenau, Silesia did not sail ?

Schwarz/Schwartz, Johann Friedrich 41 Tailor Seiffersdorf, Silesia

Till, Johann Michael 40 Carpenter Hamburg

Tschenscher/Schenscher, Carl Ernst 64 - (or Schenscher)

Warnest, Johann 69 - Posen

Warnest, Christoph 38 - -

Wilksch, Johann Wilhelm 33 Shoemaker Klastawe, Posen

Wasmann candidate of theology from Hamburg, no other record found so not added to Wikitree

Welke, Gottlieb Ferdinand 22 Apprentice Locksmith Meseritz, Posen

Wunderlich, Daniel and Wunderlich, J.E. Ludwig noted as passengers. No other record has been found, so these names have not been added to Wikitree -

Wuttke, Carl Anton 24 Shoemaker Posen

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Comments: 3

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Well done Steve, I have just added the corresponding Passengers in History URL to compare. This is a great idea and may change the way we use Free Space pages going forward.

danny in canberra

posted by Danny Stapleton
Thanks for the kind words Danny.

The big trap for immigrants ships to SA between 1836 and 1842 is that the passengers in steerage were not individually named in the ship's manifest. All the passenger lists available have been reconstructed by different researchers from newspaper reports and family histories. They are mostly copies of each other but sometimes a correction is made to one list and not the others.

I've followed the lead set by Anon Dienelt who created free space pages for the Zebra (Arrived 1839) and Skjold (Arrived 1841). We are related and share the same interest in cross-linking the early Lutheran Prussian families. There are many spelling variations of German surnames; also there are many variations of forenames and sometimes they were Anglicised later in life. By starting with the passenger lists I've been able to link down to several existing Wikitree profiles with different name spelling. Different contributors have now added to the list https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Prussian_Immigrant_Ships_to_South_Australia , which contains links to both the free space pages and categories.

posted by Steve Thomas
This is a really great idea. I have seen a few ships lists with inconsistencies etc and even some saying that no whole listing for the ship exists so is from a few different sources. I wonder if we should consider putting this type of info on the ships pages or not? Something to discuss at a later date with the team maybe... But I love this idea, for working through it. I think I might steal the idea haha
posted by Kylie Haese