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Location: South Australia
Surnames/tags: German_Roots south australia lutheran
Passenger list and general information about the immigrant ship Prince George. This free space page is part of the Prussian Immigrant Ships to South Australia list.
Barque Prince George, 317 tons, Captain Frederick Bigger Chilcott, from Hamburg 8th July 1838, via Plymouth 23rd to 31st July, arrived at Holdfast Bay 18th November 1838 & Port Adelaide, South Australia two to three days later.
The Prince George was chartered to carry 'Old Lutherans' near Klemzig in the Prussian province of Brandenburg. (95% of the passengers emigrated from within 15km of Klemzig. One family of 8 emigrated from Tirschtiegel (Trzciel) 30km NNE of Klemzig in the province of Posen.)
Warning! Migrants who traveled to South Australia in steerage between 1836 and 1841 were not individually named in the ship manifest, only the small number of passengers who traveled in cabins. Different researchers have reconstructed passenger lists from newspaper reports and family histories. This page was created to compare and collate different lists of German passengers on board the 'Prince George' from Hamburg. Some errors are possible. Please feedback any suggestions or corrections to Steve Thomas.
This space is linked to a landing category Prince George, Arrived 18 Nov 1838
- Transcribed and submitted to The Ships List by Robert Janmaat at: http://www.theshipslist.com/ships/australia/princegeorge1838.shtml
- Barry Leadbeater's South Australian Shipping & Immigration database at: http://www.familyhistorysa.org//shipping/passengerlists.html
- PRINCE GEORGE from Germany 1838 from Diane Cummings' Bound For South Australia database at: https://bound-for-south-australia.collections.slsa.sa.gov.au/1838PrinceGeorge-Germany.htm
Charles Flaxman (31) Flaxman was the Chief Clerk of George Angus sent to Klemzig to support the emigration of the Evangelical Lutherans from Prussia.
- Jane (Bell) (died at sea),
- Samuel (5),
- John (1),
- Charles (1).
Bodatsch, Anna Rosina 68 widow Langmeil died at sea October 28th 1838
- Koekejoy, Anna Elisabeth foster daughter of Anna Rosina Bodatsch, died at sea September 5th 1838
Bothe, Christian 66 Day-labourer Klemzig
Bothe, Johann Georg 57 Thresher / Gardener Klemzig
- Eleonore (Kiepke) 54
- Johann Gottfried 29 Agriculturist
- Anna Maria 23
Bothe, Johann Gottlob 33 Thresher / Gardener Klemzig
Eisen, Johann Christian 63 Thresher / Gardener Langmeil widower ?
- Johann Samuel 25 Agriculturist
- Johanne Luise 22
- Johanne Eleonore 20
Fiedler, Johann Friedrich August 42 Hunter / Gamekeeper Klemzig
- Johanne Maria (Koehler) 38 2nd wife, former widow Teusler | died Port Adelaide
- Johann Friedrich August Alexander 16 child of 1st wife
- Bertha Auguste Mathilde 13
- Friedrich Eduard Julius 9
- Johanne Luise 9
- Carl Friedrich Wilhelm 5
Fischer, Johann Georg Friedrich 32 Nursery Gardener Klemzig
- Johanne Eleonore (Bothe) 26
- Friedrich Wilhelm 4
- Johanne Karoline 2
- John George Fife inf born at sea July 20th | died at sea August 11th 1838
Grocke, Johann Gottlieb 27 Day-labourer Goltzen
- Dorothea (Schulz/Schultz) 25 died at sea October 30th 1838
- Johann Friedrich 2
- Johann Christian inf
Hartmann, Johann Georg 45 Gardener Salkau
Hoenke, Johann Christian 46 Tailor Klemzig
Hoenke, Johann Gottfried 32 Thresher / Gardener Klemzig
Hoenke, Johann Gottlob 29 Day-labourer Klemzig
Hoffman, Johann Friedrich 62 Thresher / Gardener Harthe died at sea, October 30th 1838
Hoffman, Johann Gottfried 33 Day-labourer Krummendorf
Jaensch, Johann Christian Erdmann 24 Servant / Agr. Labourer Klemzig
- Johanne Eleonore Erdmuthe (Rau) 24
- Johann Gottfried 2 died at Plymouth, July 1838
Jantke, Johann Christian 24 Mason - Schönborn
Jantke, Johann Samuel 18 Apprentice Mason - Schönborn
Kalleske, Johann Georg 44 Merchant / Miller Tirschtiegel
- Johanne Dorothea (Geyer) 44
- Karl Heinrich Eduard 19 Baker
- Christian / Christine ? 14
- Karoline Florentine 11
- Hermine Mathilde 7
Kavel, Albrecht Christian 71 Tailor Berlin & Klemzig
- Charlotte Sabine (Filgraf) 70
- August Ludwig Christian 39 Pastor
- Johann Friedrich Wilhelm 38 Teacher
- Johann Wilhelm Ferdinand 34 Teacher
- Maria Charlotte Sabine 31
- Daniel Samuel 26
Kavel (Flavel), Elizabeth (Listed in 'Bound for South Australia', but not the other sources. No other record has been found so this name has not been added to Wikitree)
Kluge, Johann Christian 27 Day-labourer Lang Heinersdorf
Knebel, C/G and wife, 3 children (Listed in 'Bound for South Australia', but not the other sources. No other record has been found so this name has not been added to Wikitree)
Kuchel, Johann Georg 55 Vine Dresser Langmeil
- Anne Dorothea (Seiffert) 51
- Johann Samuel 23 Vine Dresser
- Johann Friedrich 20 Vine Dresser
- Johann Gottlieb 17 Agr. Labourer
Lange, Gottfried 68 retired - Klemzig died at sea
- Anna Rosina (Rau) 73 died at sea
Lange, Christian 43 Thresher / Gardener Son of Gottfried Klemzig
Leder, Maria Elizabeth 60 nee Schulz, formerly widow of Hoenke, died at sea August 26th 1838
- Anna Elisabeth (Hoenke) 29 Klemzig
Liebelt, Johann Christoph 62 Shepherd Schonborn
Liebelt, Johann Gottfried 40 Tailor Schonborn
Mahn, Johanne Luise 27, Sister of Johanna Eleonore Schliefke, Keltschen
Miegel, Johann Georg 38 Servant / Agr. Labourer Klemzig
Petras, Johann Gottlieb 37 Carter / Wheelwright Klemzig
- Luise (Stellmacher) 36 died at sea September 29th 1838
- Johanne (Caroline (?) - various names Caroline (or Johanne) Luise Petras have been listed for what is believed to be the same person, Johanne Caroline)
- Wilhelm 9
- August 2
Philipp, Andreas 48 Small Cottager Ostritz
- Maria (Kurzmann) 46
- Johann Wilhelm 21 Agr. Labourer
- Anna Rosina 17
- Johanne Luise 11
- Johanne Christiane 7
Poelchen, Christoph 36 Day-labourer Goltzen
Rau, Christian 64, Carpenter, probably from Klemzig
Rau, Anna Maria (Bittrof) 54 widow Klemzig
- Johanne Eleonore 21 daughter Klemzig
Rau, Anna Rosina 33 Day-labourer Klemzig
Rau, Johann Gottfried 45 Tailor Klemzig
Rau, Christian 33 Worker Klemzig
The following family has been recorded in "The Ships List": RAU Johann Georg Friedrich, Anna Dorothea LEDER, Anna Eleonore, Anna Luise, Fried arrived 1838-11-18 on Prince George (1) from Hamburg It is not shown in the other sources. so these profiles have not been added to Wikitree.
Schilling, Johann Gottfried 35 Thresher / Gardener Langmeil
- Anna Rosina (Lange) 34
- Maria Elisabeth 15
- Johanne Luise 12
- Johann Gottfried 9
- Johanne Rosina 6
- Johann Gottlieb 4
- Johann Christian 1
- Johann Wilhelm inf born at sea September 21st 1838
Schilling, Johann Christan 33 Small Cottager / Tailor Langmeil
Schliefke, Johann Gottlob 40 Tailor - Keltschen
Schmidt, Georg Friedrich 53 Thresher / Gardener - Klemzig
- Anna Elisabeth (Woidt) 56
- Anna Dorothea 20
- Johann Samuel 18 Agr. Labourer
- Johanne Luise 12
Schubert, Johann Christian 40 Church Gardener - Klemzig
Schulz (Schmidt), Anna Elisabeth 47 widow
- Schmidt, Anna Dorothea 18 niece (of A.E. Schulz) Schönborn
Schulz, Gottfried 51 Mason - Harthe
- Dorothea (Hahn) 40 2nd wife
- Johanne Dorothea 19 daughter of 1st wife
- Johann Gotthilf 13
- Johanne Eleonore 11
- Maria Elisabeth 9
- Anna Elisabeth 2 died at sea August 24th 1838
Schultz, Johann Gottfried 26 Servant / Coachman - Klemzig
- Johanne Eleonore (Rau or Teubner) 24
- Johann Friedrich 1 died at sea August 26th 1838
Schumann, Christian 53 Colonist / Carpenter - Klemzig
Seelander, Gottfried 49 Carpenter - Langmeil
- Anna Rosina (Koenig) 49
- Anna Dorothea 25
- Johann Gottfried 21 Carpenter
- Johanne Luise 12
Thiele, Samuel 57 Small Cottager - Harthe
- Anna Rosina (Schulz) 51
- Johann Friedrich 26 Shoemaker
- Johann Wilhelm 19 Tailor
- Johann August 5
Thiele, Johann Christian 29 Cottager / Shoemaker - Kay
- Johanne Dorothea (Klenke) 32 widow Zeinert
- Zeinert, Johanne Eleonore 14
- Zeinert, Johann Christian 9
Weimann, Christian 42 Mason / Cottager - Schönborn
Wilksch, Johann Georg 57 Day-labourer - Lang Heinersdorf widower
Wundke, Johann Gottfried 32 Day-labourer - Langmeil
Zilm, Johann Gottlob 33 Brickmaker - Goltzen
Zilm, Anna Dorothea 27 Sister of Gottlob above, and Christian who travelled with family on board 'Bengalee'
Related Internet Pages
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_settlement_in_Australia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutheran_Church_of_Australia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_Kavel
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