Location: Eldersburg, Maryland

Surname/tag: Cemeteries
Patapsco Baptist Church Cemetery
This small cemetery was associated with the Patapsco Baptist Church, which once existed on Liberty Road to the east of the center of Eldersburg, Maryland.
The old church building is located on the part of Old Liberty Road which now forms a short loop on the south side of the present Liberty Road (Route 26), just west of Liberty Reservoir.
History of the Church
"The church was established in 1809 by Rev. Edward Choate. The land was conveyed by Robert Bennett to Thomas Baseman in 1807. Baseman conveyed this land to Rev. Edward Choate in 1813 for the members of the regular Baptist Church of Patapsco."
"In 1808 Rev. Edward Choate proceeded to organize the Patapsco Baptist Church on Liberty road some one hundred yards from the west end of the bridge over the present Liberty Reservoir."
"By 1810, the church had 31 members. Early church officials were:
the Rev. Choate, William Chenowith Thomas Beasman (Baseman)." It appears that Henry Green was an official in 1811 and Thomas Leach in 1812. History after the church was discontinued
"The deed to the church provided that it would revert to the Baseman family if the property ceased to be used by the church. Eventually, the church fell into disuse, and the property came into the possession of the Baseman heirs, who sold it around 1910."
"In 1918 the property was sold again, and the church was converted into two apartments."
Writing In 1955, Mrs. Blanche Choate Wright recalled that many years before she had seen the stones of Rev. Edward Choate (1765-18 Dec 1840) and his wife Elizabeth Dimnitt Choate.
In 1979 the former church was the residence of Miss Katherine Phillips.
In June, 1982 the remaining stones were copied by George Horvath. "The graveyard was on the south side of the old church. Some of the stones were removed and some have been destroyed. Other stones were placed face down and used for walkways. Tenants turned these stones over so that these inscriptions could be copied by George Horvath in June, 1982. At that time, the site of the original cemetery was being used for a vegetable garden."
"Fourteen stones were located in 1982, but due to the wear and tear they had undergone, names/dates on them were mostly illegible. The three stones on which dates were still legible reflected deaths from 1834-48 of persons born ca. 1796-1808."
name readable
Fite, John N.. number 12 readable; could be month born or died. Choate, Eliza, born abt 1808, died 9/9/1834 at age 26 Choate, Rachel, born abt 1796, died 2/1/1834 at age 38 Odell, Marier, born 1/9/1801, died 3/8/1848 at age 47 years, 1 month, 27 days. Husband Walter J. Stone set in ground under tree. name not readable
ry" -- possible Mary c, e -- ec? c, e.c. -- ecc? Elizabeth; rest of stone unreadable only part of verse readable E only part of verse readable verse by H. C. Benteen, Baltimore H in name; died? 14, 18; rest unreadable unreadable, born 3/7, died at age 79 Stones reported earlier but missing in 1982
Choate, Elizabeth Dimnitt..husb. Rev. Ed. [4] Choate, Edward (Rev.), born 1765, died 12/18/1840 at age 75 years, 12 months, 18 days. Sources
- Cemetery 06-19, Carroll County Cemeteries, Volume One: Southeast" Compiled and published by Carroll County Genealogical Society, Inc. Westminster, MD, 1989. Page 79
- J. C. Phillips, The Choate Family in Maryland. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1979. Page 29. http://www.choatesofthesouth.org/media/CHOATE%20FAMILY%20Of%20Baltimore%20_JCPhillips1979.pdf. Accessed September 22, 2015. This book has a detailed history of the Choate family in Maryland.
- Buried in Carroll County Cemetery 06-21 for Mr. Beasman's tombstone.
- Blanche Choate Wright, writing in 1955, recalled seeing this stone many years earlier
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