Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Cardwell, Perrin,
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Cardwell, Perrin,
This page has been accessed 102 times.
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This page is created to establish a reliable lineage for the Cardwell Family
Tier I
Thomas R. Cardwell III and Martha Ann Marin Perrin
- 1) William
- 2) Thomas Perrin: Jackie Kirkley Peasley GEDmatch CK8193199 Jackie Kirkley Peasley appears on the sidebar. There is no GEDmatch when compared with Amanda (Moyer) Torrey, but that's because when using the Connection tool, she's a Cousin once removed which is harder to get a match. However, Brendon Barr GEDmatch BS3582629 is listed on Jackie's profile and I get a match on the 1st Chromosome with George is the Most Recent Common Ancestor and Jackie's Connection with Amanda shows us its through Amanda's ancestor, Thomas, Frances' brother. Brendon Barr is important because matches as a close relation with Jackie. There needs to be closer cousins to DNA Confirm for Wiki Standards for the Amanda's line, but there is a definite genetic match. (]</ref>
- 5) Richard Ambrose:
- Peter: Betty Kennedy (PM): No posted DNA test, however her connection to Richard is through her husband [1]
- 6) John
- 7) George: Identified Offspring: (sources show 4 sons/6 daughters - where are the 6 daughters? Who were their mothers?)
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