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Patsy Dusome To-Do List

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Date: [unknown]
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This page has been accessed 54 times.

Here are the profiles Patsy Dusome is currently working on. Can you help?

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Name Birth Notes
Carrière, Michel 1860-10-02 to-do
Carrière, Cordelia (Bottineau) 1864-05-25 to-do
Cascagnette, Dominique 1884-05-25 to-do
Cascagnette, Marie Gabrielle (Carrière) 1902-12-26 to-do
Cascagnette, Jean-Baptiste 1854-10-16 to-do
Cascagnette, Ubérance (Dorion) 1861-00-00 to-do
Dusome, Patsy to-do
Dusome, Unlisted to-do
Dusome, Joseph to-do
Lafrenière, Unlisted to-do
Dusome, Unlisted to-do
Dusome, Helen (Cascagnette) to-do
Dusome, John 1874-08-13 to-do
Dusome, Marie (Trudeau) 1885-11-05 to-do
McLaughlin, Unlisted to-do
Dusome, William 1845-10-01 to-do
Dusome, Marie (Sauvé) 1847-10-02 to-do
Lafrenière, André to-do
Lafrenière, Norbert 1874-09-07 to-do
Lafrenière, Claudia (Lespérance) to-do
Lafrenière, Philomène (Newton) 1896-02-03 to-do
Lafrenière, Noel 1856-12-25 to-do
Lafrenière, Mary Jane (Labatte) 1856-07-23 to-do
Lespérance, Moise 1889-04-05 to-do
Lespérance, Odianna (Tessier) 1895-10-25 to-do
Lespérance, Odianna (Tessier) 1895-10-25 to-do
Lespérance, Moses 1861-02-17 to-do
McLaughlin, Unlisted to-do
Newton, William 1866-03-12 to-do
Newton, Catherine (Boucher) 1861-03-24 to-do
Trudeau, Marie 1885-11-05 to-do
Trudeau, Louis 1851-09-07 to-do
Trudeau, Mathilda Domithillde (Carrière) 1859-01-15 to-do

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