Location: Monroe County, PA, USA

Surname/tag: tyrone, hay, doll
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Name | Birth | Notes |
Tyrone, Mary | 1790-00-00 | to-do |
Hay, Charles | 1800-00-00 | to-do |
Doll, Mary Elizabeth (Hay) | 1818-00-00 | to-do |
Doll, Hannah (Bond) | 1843-00-00 | to-do |
!|Name !|Birth !|Notes |-
| Tyrone, Mary || 1790-00-00 || to-do |- | Hay, Charles || 1800-00-00 || to-do |- | Doll, Mary Elizabeth (Hay) || 1818-00-00 || to-do |- | Doll, Hannah (Bond) || 1843-00-00 || to-do |-
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