Location: Templebodan Civil Parish, County Cork, Ireland

Townland in north County Cork, Ireland in the Civil Parish of Templebodan.
Pronounced "Payfield".
Located In Rathcormack Civil Registration District
Located in Fermoy Poor Law Union from about 1838 to 1925.
Near other townlands named Riesk, and Lisgoold and not far from an old cemetery named Templenacarrigna.
Contents |
- 1834 Tithe Applotment Book taxation records for Peafield townland, "Templeboden" Civil Parish, Diocese of Cloyne, County Cork, Ireland -
- Page one includes Michael Connell family whose daughter likely married James Troy, grandson of Patrick Jonathan Troy - http://titheapplotmentbooks.nationalarchives.ie/reels/tab//004625721/004625721_00282.pdf, and following pages.
- - Page two includes Patrick Jonathan Troy and Widow Troy family - #http://titheapplotmentbooks.nationalarchives.ie/reels/tab//004625721/004625721_00283.pdf
- -Another page - includes Patrick Jonathan Troy and Widow Troy family - http://titheapplotmentbooks.nationalarchives.ie/reels/tab//004625721/004625721_00298.pdf
- Valuation's for Peafield -
- http://census.nationalarchives.ie/reels/vob/IRE_CENSUS_1821-51_007246783_01025.pdf
- http://census.nationalarchives.ie/reels/vob/IRE_CENSUS_1821-51_007246783_01028.pdf
- House Book Valuations for Peafield Townland, Templebodan Civil Parish, Barony of Barrymore, 1846-1853.
- Field Book Valuations for Peafield Townland, Templebodan Civil Parish, Barony of Barrymore, 1846-1853.
- Tenure Book Valuations for Peafield Townland, Templebodan Civil Parish, Barony of Barrymore, 1846-1853.
- Griffith's Valuations Search Result for Templeboden Civil Parish: - http://www.askaboutireland.ie/griffith-valuation/index.xml?action=doNameSearch&Submit.x=23&Submit.y=18&familyname=Connell&firstname=First+Name&baronyname=&countyname=CORK&unionname=&parishname=TEMPLEBODAN
- 1901 Census of Ireland for Peafield Townland, Templebodan DED - http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/pages/1901/Cork/Templebodan/Peafield/
- 1911 Census of Ireland for Peafield Townland, Templebodan DED - http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/pages/1911/Cork/Templebodan/Peafield/
Families of Peafield
Valuations of 1846-1852 (spellings of surnames vary from year to year)
- AHERN - Thomas Ahern was taxed in 1846
- BARRY - Michael Barry and Thomas Barry and William Barry were all taxed in 1846, 1848 and 1851
- BOYCE - Thomas, landowner, was taxed in 1848 and 1851
- BROWN/BROWNE - Johanna Brown was taxied in 1848 and 1851, John Brown taxed in 1848 and 1852 and Michael Brown taxed in 1846 and 1851. Surname spelling varies.
- BRYCE - Thomas Bryce, taxed in 1852, might be duplicate of Thomas Boyce above.
- CALLAHAN - John Callahan was taxed in 1846,1848, 1851 and 1852
- CAMPION - Eliza Campion was taxed in 1846
- CASEY - James Casey taxed in 1848, 1851 and 1852, and John Casey taxed in 1848 and 1851
- CODY - Michael Cody was taxed in 1846
- COGLLAN - Daniel Cogllan was taxed in 1846
- COLLINS - Abigail Collins was taxed in 1846, 1848, 1851, John Collins was taxed in 1851, Richard Collins was taxed in 1846 1848, and 1851 and Mary Collins was taxed in 1846, 1848, 1851 and 1852
- CONNELL - Thomas Connell was taxed in 1846, 1848, 1851 and 1852
- COTTER - John ottor was taxed in 1846, and Richard taxed in 1846, 1848 and 1851
- CRONIN - jeremiah Cronin was taxed in 1846
- DALY - Carroll Daly was taxed in 1846, 1848, and 1851 and 1852, Daniel Daly was taxed in 1846,1848 and 1851, and John Daly was taxed in 1846 and 1851
- DEIMM - James Deimm (is this a duplicate of Delayne?) was taxed in 1851
- DELAYNE - James DeLayne was taxed in 1848
- DESMOND - Michael Desmond was taxed in 1846
- DONOVAN - Daniel Donovan was taxed in 1846, Michael Donovan was taxed 1846, 1848, 1851 and 1852, Mick Donovan was taxed in 1846, and Pat in 1846, and 1851
- DUGGAN - Timothy, taxed in 1846, 1848, and 1852.
- FORREST/FOREST/FORRAST- Patrick/Patk, taxed in 1846, 1848 and 1851. Name spelling varies for first and last name.
- FITZGERALD - John Fitzgerald was taxed in 1846, 1848, 1851, and 1852
- FLYNN - John Flynn was taxed in 1846, 1848, 1851, Mary Flynn taxed in 1846, 1851 and 1852, Margaret Flynn in 1848.
- FOLEY - Denis/Dennis taxed in 1846, 1848, and 1851.
- FOLEYDER - Denis Foleyder taxed in 1846
- GEARY/GUIRY/GRIERY - john taxed in 1846, 1848 and 1851. Surname spelling varies.
- HAFEY/HASEY - Edmund Hafey/Hasey taxed 1846 and 1848
- HAYNES - Matthew Haynes was taxed in 1851
- HEALY - Edward Healy was taxed in 1852
- HENNESSEY/HENNESY/LEMMESEY - William taxed in 1846, 1848, 1851,and 1852
- HICKEY - Thomas Hickey taxed in 1846
- LYNCH - Michael Lynch was taxed in 1848 and 1851.
- MACKAY/MACKY/MAKAY - John Macky was taxed in 1851. John Makay was taxed in 1852. Joan Macky was taxed in 1851. John MacKey/Mackey was taxed in 1846 and 1848
- MAHER/MAKER - Andrew Maher was taxed in 1846, and 1852, and Andrew Maker was taxed in 1848; Andy Maher was taxed in 1851.
- MCCARTHY/MCCARTY - Timothy McCarthy, Senr was taxed in 1851; John McCarty was taxed in 1846,1848 and 1852; John McCarthy was taxed in 1851;Danl McCarthy was taxed in 1846.Daniel McCarthy was taxed in 1846, 1848, and 1851; Patrick McCarthy was taxed in 1846, 1848 and 1851. Timothy McCarthy was taxed twice in 1848 and also taxed in 1851 and 1852. Simon McCarthy was taxed in 1851.
- O'HEA - Rev. E. O'Hea was taxed in 1846.
- O'REGAN/REGAN - Davy Regan was taxed in 1846; David Regan was taxed in 1851. Thomas Regan was taxed in 1846, 1848 and 1851. Thomas O'Regan was taxed in 1852.
- PINE/PYNE/PINES - Mick Pine was taxed in 1846. Michael Pine was taxed in 1846; Michael Pines was taxed in 1848; Michael Pyne was taxed in 1852; Probably all the same man, but could be father and son.
- PRIOR - Michael Prior was taxed in 1851
- REARDON/REORDAN - Jonn Reordon was taxed in 1851; William Reordan was taxed in 1851. John Reardon was taxed in 1846. William Reardon was taxed in 1846 and 1852.
- ROCHE - James Roche was taxed in 1846 and 1851; and Thomas Roche was taxed in 1848
- RYAN - Anthony Ryan was taxed in 1846, 1848 and 1852; Moritmer Ryan was taxed in 1852.
- SMITHWICK/SMITHIRICK - Michael Smithwick was taxed in 1846, 1848 and 1852. Michael Smithirick was taxed in 1851.
- STANEY - William Staney was taxed in 1852
- SULLIVAN - Michael Sullivan was taxed in 1852
- TARVEN - Michael Tarvan was taxed in 1848
- TATTON - Michael Tatton was taxed in 1848
- TAWEN - Michael Tawen taxed in 1846 and 1851
- TERRY - John Terry was taxed in 1846.
- TROY - John Troy, Senr. was taxed in 1846, 1848, 1851 and 1852 , John Troy, Junr, Patrick Troy was taxed in 1846. This might be Patrick John Troy who passed away February 1847.
- TUOMEY/TWOMEY/TUOMY/TWOOMEY - Con was taxed in 1846 and 1848; Cornelius Tuomy was taxed in 1846; and 1851;Cornelius Twomey was taxed in 1848 and 1852;Cornelius Tuomy was taxed in 1851; and Jeremiah Twomey/Twoomey was taxed in 1848 and 1852;.Jerimiah Tuomy taxed in 1851; John Twoomey was taxed in 1852 (Probably just three or four men who couldn't spell their names!)
- WALSH - Patrick, taxed in 1846.
1853 Griffith's Valuations for Peafield -few families left
- BOYCE - Thomas, landowner
- MACKEY - John Mackey
- RIORDAN - William Riordan
Research Notes
About 45 families are listed as living in Peafield in the late 1840s and only 3 families are listed there in 1853. Where did they go? I don't think they all died in the famine. Some may have immigrated. But we are finding others in nearby townlands, and perhaps the lines have been redrawn or people moved due to evictions or to get a fresh start growing potatoes on different soil? Ireland lost half its population with the Great Famine, due to both death and emigration, so perhaps there was more room to spread out and get bigger farms in order to survive?
Families who moved to nearby townlands between 1849 and 1853
- AHERN - Daniel and Denis Ahern are in Monananig, but not Thomas Ahern.
- BOYCE - Thomas Boyce, landowner has land in Ballogatha West also so perhaps he moved some of his tenants around to different parts of his properties?
- CAREY - James Carey is in Ballyougaha East in 1853. Is he the James Casey who is in Peafield in 1852? John Casey is not in same townland anymore.
- FOLEY - John Foley is found in Ballyougaha West, but not Denis Foley.
- LEMASSEY - jeremiah is in Ballyougaha West, but not William.
- TROY - John Troy, Senr. and John Troy, Junr. are found in Ballyougaha West, but not in Peafield.
Families in Peafield listed on 1901 Census of Ireland
- Peafield towland 1901 - http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/pages/1901/Cork/Templebodan/Peafield/
- MCCARTHY - Cornelius McCarthy, age 30, Annie McCarthy age 25, child Simon McCarthy, age 1
- CONNELL - House 12 - Siblings William age 27, Bridget age 31, and Lizzie age 29
- TROY - House 15 -Maurice Troy, age 62; Eliza II (Eliza Carey Troy), age 44, Johanna Troy age 19 (This is the Johanna Troy who married Daniel O'Shea in 1904)
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