
Peggy McMath Things

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Categories, Templates, Links
Profile manager: Peggy McMath private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 539 times.


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WikiTree Bugs, Requests, and Suggestions

Complete Profile Checklist

Proper order Here is the recommended order for text sections and other elements:

{{Research Note Boxes}}
{{Project Boxes}}
== Biography ==
{{Profile Stickers}}
== Research Notes ==
== Sources ==
<references />
See also:
== Acknowledgements ==

Data Section:

birth date/place
names of parents
marriage date/place and spouse name
death date/place

Biography Section:

Written (full) sentences stating the facts above, adding inline sources to each fact.
Is the profile Genealogically Defined?
As a general rule biographies should be in your own words. Paraphrase and rewrite, don't copy/paste.
Baptism, burial, military, and other life events with inline sources.
Something to "humanize" the person, such as career or avocation with sources.
List of children with at least one pertinent fact.
Some list siblings.
Explanatory remarks, if needed (e.g. disputed persons information, Research Notes, whatever needs extra explaining).
Photos or pictures, background. Not a must, but nice (you need to own the copyright unless they are in the public domain).
Connection to the Global Tree.
All duplicates merged or initiated.
Links to persons and events, perhaps from Wikipedia.
Historical context as related to the person's life.
Sources, Sources, Sources.

Cleaning up profiles

  • Include a category at the top of the profile before the Biography section. This could be a cemetery location, county were the person was born or lived, or military unit. Do not put spaces, empty lines, or any other characters before, between, or after the categories.
  • Always put the categories at the top of the profile. Wikitree will put the categories there anyway. Put any templates you use after the categories.
  • Start text in the next line after section headings, such as Biography, Sources, Residences, etc. There is no need to insert an empty line. Section headings automatically take care of the proper spacing.
  • Use break formats sparingly, ie <br>. To start a new line, just enter a blank line at the end of the text. If you want to have short lines of text without empty lines, use a colon, ie :, at the beginning of the line.
  • Use numbered bullets for lists that should be numbered, like lists of children. No need to put a break (<br>) or empty line at the end of the numbered bullet. The bullets start right after the text. No need to add a blank line.
  • Use regular bullets for other lists, such as lists of sources. No need to put a break (<br>) or empty line at the end of the bullet or the <references /> line, either. The bullets start right after the text. No need to add a blank line.
  • Do not use the five dashes (-----) line unless you need to separate a table or picture from the rest of the text.
  • Put multiple sources for a citation inside the same <ref></ref> This looks better. Do a search for <ref>, which highlights your reference citations to make sure you don't have unmatched <ref></ref>s.
  • Do use section headings for text that is more than a paragraph and about one topic, such as military service, a will, etc.
  • Genealogically Defined: a person is Genealogically Defined when "we have at least one piece of evidence that will lead to the identification of his or her parents, one piece of evidence for each spouse(s), and one piece of evidence for each child." Use: '''[[Space:Genealogically Defined|Genealogically Defined]]''' Sources that qualify:
    • Vital Records (Birth, Marriage, Death)
    • Published Genealogies/Histories
    • Census Records
    • Published Obituaries
  • Don't use colons inside a source citation. It is a bibliographic citation. Include enough information in the source citation so that a reasonable person could find the same source that you used from the citation information.
  • Hide those ugly urls in the text and sources. Put a singe bracket around http:// and add a name like "link", e.g. [ Link]


Styles and Standards
States, Colonies, etc. by date


  • Cemetery
  • Family, adoption, DNA, multi, reunion
  • Health
  • Location, emigration, state, nation, region
  • Maintenance, needs profiles, projects, unsourced,
  • Occupation, military, science, sports
  • Religion
  • Unusual, fictitious, legendary
  • Personal Categories
  • [[Category: Cemetery Name, City/Town, State]] UNLESS the cemetery is outside city/town limits THEN:
  • [[Category: Cemetery Name, County, State]] UNLESS there are repeat township names in the state THEN:
  • [[Category: Cemetery Name, Township, County, State]] UNLESS the cemetery is in a dead town (another recent discussion).
  • [[Category: Puritan Great Migration]] Use {{Puritan Great Migration}} instead.
  • [[Category:Unsourced]] Use {{Unsourced}} instead.
  • [[Category:Needs Profiles Created]] if sources indicate family members need profiles.
  • [[Category:Norway Project]]
  • [[Category: Immigrants to Illinois from Norway]]

Help Pages


Civil War project help, includes sticker.


Steve Beckler outlines

  1. Kurtz outline
  2. Shaffer outline
  3. Peck outline
  4. Gordon outline
  5. Droese outline
  6. Hendrickson outline
  7. Berntson outline

Sortable table
Institution Category Balance
- - 67,942.08
Regular Share Account: Savings 814.89
Priority Checking: Checking 12,799.56
Gym Acct: Checking 345.51
Brookside House Checking 3,525.99
Secondary Shares (Hangar) Savings 13,869.29


List of Templates:

It's "magic" stuff. Start with two braces {{ Put some words next. End with two braces}}. But not just anyone creates them. There is a group who knows how. The words inside the braces {{ }} direct the computer to do certain actions.





See Help:Sources_Style_Guide
  • {{EE source}} '''reference note''' citations, reference notes, inline references, footnotes, or endnotes.
See Help:Sources
  • {{FindAGrave|GRid}}, GRid = FindAGrave id digits
  • <ref>Find A Grave, database and images , memorial page for George E Scranton (1872–1962), Find A Grave Memorial no. 79745932, citing DeLand Memorial Gardens, DeLand, Volusia County, Florida, USA ; Maintained by RobMinteer57 (contributor 47389024) . {{FindAGrave|79745932|~~~~|sameas=yes}}</ref>
  • {{MLA citation}} template should be appropriate for Books, Periodicals, Journals, Newspapers, and most webpage citations.
  • {{Puritan Great Migration}} places the [[Category: Puritan Great Migration]] on a profile. It also adds a Project box which lists the project and other information.
  • {{Unsourced}} Adds to unsourced category.
  • Military Categories help: Space:MilitaryHelp-Military Category:Military-Help
  • Estimated Date
    • {{Estimated Date}} Default birth date
    • {{Estimated Date|Death}}
    • {{Estimated Date|Marriage}}
    • {{Estimated Date|Birth and Death}}
    • {{Estimated Date|Birth and Marriage}}
    • {{Estimated Date|Death and Marriage}}
    • {{Estimated Date|Birth Death and Marriage}}

Estimated Birthdate For women:

Spouse's birth date +5
Oldest child's birth date -20
Mother's birth date +20
Father's birth date +25
Marriage date -20

Estimated Birthdate For men:

Spouse's birth date -5
Oldest child's birth date -25
Mother's birth date +20
Father's birth date +25
Marriage date -25

Template is just a simple substitution and should always be used for all things that can change and is repeating like URLs to external web sites.... all wikis use templates for external links except one.... ;-)


List of Stickers:
Help: Stickers:

Special Pages (Relationship Finder) Relationship Finder (Connection finder) (Search for a Person, Surname, etc.) (Adopt Orphaned Profiles) (Unconnected People) (What links to this page - needs a target in URL)



A valid source is a source that can be accessed by more than one person. It cannot be a user donated internet tree.

Sources Help

Category:Sources By Name

Valid Sources

  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Death certificates
  • Obituaries
  • Wills
  • Family Bibles
  • Scrapbooks
  • Letters
  • Emails
  • Land purchase and sales records
  • Newspaper articles
  • School records
  • Voter registrations
  • Occupational records

It can be a census record or a FindAGrave memorial that has a picture of a gravestone. If there isn't a picture of a gravestone, we would like you to find another source that corroborates Find A Grave as we are discovering there can be a lot of errors in it.

If you are using "personal knowledge," you indicate your relationship to the person, when you met to conduct the interview to gather the information, where this was done, and the method used. You can scan the notes or put a link to a site where the video can be accessed. These would then become valid sources for a challenge. Just saying "personal knowledge" is not a valid source. Examples:

John Doe was my father. I lived with him for x years of my life. I sat down with him on February 28, 2019 to video tape a discussion about his memories of his life and our family. link to interview video
Jane Doe was my grandmother. During a video taped interview on February 28, 2018 my father recounted this information about my grandmother who had died before I was born. link to interview video
During the Holidays in 2018 a large number of family members came to our house and I took notes as we reminisced about the various members in the family. In attendance were (list members of the family who attended). Make sure you note who remembered what and if the group agreed. link to interview notes

Family Bibles, scrapbooks, letters, emails, etc can also be scanned and used as sources.

Images of documents can be scanned, attached to profiles, and used as sources.

Things that have dates are best but some may only have proof of relationship which is still valid. Be sure to tell what the document is, where and when you viewed it, and where it is currently located.

Order of sources

  1. Birth records: (example could be a birth or baptismal record or if a death cert that has a birth date say see death record)
  2. Marriage records: example could be marriage or divorce record,
  3. Death records:
  4. Military records:
  5. Personal interviews (include date, location, and person interviewed and how that person relates to this profile)
  6. Census records:
  7. Internet / Library Research (insert links when you have them if no links list name of book or article, author(s), date published. If possible if you can find it in insert a link that shows where it might be found in a library)
  8. Family memorabilia like bibles, letters, post cards, photo albums, etc. Please indicate where the item is maintained or who to contact for viewing. If you can scan the item and create a free space page for the work, please link the free space page here.
  9. Trees: Please indicate if the tree has any sources listed
  10. Books:
  11. Other links:

Source Templates


  • ANCESTRY {{Ancestry Tree|Tree ID|Person ID}}
Check Help:Links_to_Ancestry for more details.
Ancestry Indexed Record:{{Ancestry Record|db number|h number}}
Ancestry Source Image:{{Ancestry Image|1234|5678}}
Ancestry Family Tree:{{Ancestry Tree|1234|5678}}
Ancestry Family Tree Media:{{Ancestry Tree Media|1234|5678}}
Ancestry Sharing Link:{{Ancestry Sharing|1234|5678}}
For record images, see this:
  1. On the record transcription page click Share at the top right of the page.
  2. Choose Facebook.
  3. Close popup
  4. Copy link from next popup
  5. Cite record as normal
  6. Create link, deleting everything after h=99999
Here is the link to the app, which I call the Ancestry Citation Builder:

  • FIND A GRAVE , database with images ( : 28 Feb 2017), memorial no. 54982253, Dixie Mahomitan ''Burris'' Clark (1872-1955), created by Patricia Safrit Chandler; citing Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, Oakboro, Stanly County, North Carolina, USA. {{FindAGrave|54982253}}. [No gravestone picture.]

Use Unsourced Template

A valid unsourced profile does not need to have the unsourced template. It is a profile with one of the following conditions:

  • No sources at all
  • Only internet tree listed as a source
  • Only states personal knowledge but does not define relationship, place, or method of gathering input
  • Quotes family memorabilia without a scan or image of the memorabilia.

FamilySearch is a good place to get (most, and sometimes more) of the census links you have found on Ancestry.

Here is what I have found is the easiest for me: once the profile is created, use the pulldown menu for the name-nnn and pick Research, then pick FamilySearch. That will usually find you many of the census records you want to link. From there, you can just use the blurb under Citing this record, such as:

"United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 20 October 2017), Sarah J Buck in household of William H Buck, Election District 8, Warren (east part), Baltimore, Maryland, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 36, sheet 10A, family 174, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,240,606.

Sometimes you need to change search criteria (such as when the name was misspelled or to use a woman's married name), but this should help you find quite a bit.

answered Oct 20, 2017 by Kay Sands

Image Links

{{Image|file=Miller_Family_Bible.png |align=c |size=500 |caption= }}

Until and if there is a change in the future that allows for changing the stacking order of the photos, I have found a workaround for some profiles where I dislike the photo order:

I create a space page and link all the photos to the space page and then unlink them from the profile and then post the photos as inline pics in the bio. For a few main (one or two) photos, I re-link those to the profile and they appear as the only pics in the right side-bar.



  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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