Location: Richardson County, Nebraska

Surnames/tags: Historical Society Richardson County, Nebraska
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Our Mission
In August, 1997 the Pennsylvania Colony Historical Society of Nebraska was incorporated. The purpose of the Corporation was “…to discover and memorialize the history of the Pennsylvania Dutch people in the state of Nebraska; to discover, purchase, commission, or otherwise procure, and to publish or otherwise preserve writings, newspapers, journals, and the like, which shed light on the history of the Pennsylvania Dutch people; to discover, procure, and preserve physical objects that may relate to the history of the Pennsylvania Dutch people; to establish and maintain a museum on land leased or owned by the society; to hold regular meetings and other activities for the recreation and instruction of the members, and the general public; and for such other lawful purposes as is permitted under the Non-Profit Corporation Laws of the State of Nebraska.”
Any interested persons who are interested or may become interested may contact the officers of the Pennsylvania Colony of Nebraska Historical Society officers by phone or writing or email at the following… Look on about us page for contact info. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall insure to the benefit of … or be distributable to its members, directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensations for service rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose as set forth in Article III. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporations shall not participate in , or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of candidate for public office.
The street address of the registered office of the corporation is 14721 Laurel Plaza.; Omaha, NE 68116 and the registered agent at such address is Daniel Pleiss.
How to Become a Member or Renew Membership
Memberships in our Historical Society expire annually at picnic time in August. Those who attend the picnic / celebration can renew memberships at that time. Others who cannot attend should send their renewals (or new memberships), with a check for the appropriate amount to
Charol Pleiss 13346 Miami St. Omaha, Nebraska 68164 Phone: 402-431-9267 Membership categories and dues are: $1,000.00 —–>Life $50.00 —–>Patron $25.00—–>Sustaining $15.00—–>Active (family) $10.00—–>Active (individual)
Membership Benefits: All members shall receive a newsletters as published.
External Links
Below please find links to sites useful for research of descendants of German Dunkards of Blooming Grove and Nebraska Penn Colony:
- Blooming Grove, A History of the Congregation of German Dunkers who settled in Lycoming County, Pa, 1805 by the Blooming Grove Historical Society PDF copy included in the Penn State University Libraries Digital Collection
- Pennsylvania Colony Historical Society of Nebraska wikitree page
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